16 Oct 2024, Wed

February 2024

Jacob´s ladder and Kundalini. In the Christian folk hymn “Jacob’s Vision” the ladder represents the cross (or the work Jesus accomplished on the cross). “The Cross of Christ is the Jacobs ladder by which we Ascend into the Highest Heavens”. The rebirth = as your cerebral spinal fluid climbs your 33 vertebrae(Jacob’s Ladder) and meets your 12 cranial nerves(12 disciples) it connects you with your higher self(Christ). By defeating the lower carnal instinct of the Base of the Spine and Seat of the Soul Chakras, the purified oils cross (the pelvic or “X” cross bone) the Red Sea and climb Jacobs Ladder, the 33 vertebrae, through the chakras, for cleansing and balancing all chakras back up the spine (the river) to Golgotha

Jacob´s ladder and Kundalini. In the Christian folk hymn “Jacob’s Vision” the ladder represents the...

Governments use fear to keep us in check—or the illusion of fear. Governments were created to set in place the agenda of the global elites—to put the plans into action but without the true leaders being seen or known. They are the puppets of the system, having their strings pulled. The Global Elite, are simply a group of people who realized what the true nature of our Universe was, eliminated everyone else who knew this information, and used the information to harness the power (chi, ability to do) of the uninformed masses. The global elites know the truth about the Universe. They know that we create and the power of thought. If transhumanism and technocracy is growing humans will be treated as machines and not humans, and as consequence; computers do not have a free will. They are meant to be manipulated and programmed. Machines cannot become like humans, but humans can become like machines. They will be manipulated and programmed in same way machines and robots is been programmed; to follow the instructions. This is lost of the free will they think is their free will

Governments use fear to keep us in check—or the illusion of fear. Governments were created...

The meaning of David and Goliath is that David applied the fear not remedy and had God, right brain, on his side and so he did not need an army because he has the powerhouse on his side. A deeper meaning is that one who applies the remedy regains a sound mind and they can slay the entire cult of civilization with their words. Deeper still is the left brain only see’s right brain as bad. Right brain is okay with left brain being at 50% but that is because at 50% right brain is the brain influence. So in one respect one can have sympathy for what left brain is doing. Cain and Able are the first offspring of Adam and eve and Cain is the left brain and it is jealous of its brother

The meaning of David and Goliath is that David applied the fear not remedy and...

Christ was not afraid of anyone.  Therefore be not afraid of anyone that stands in opposition to the Authority of Christ . No wonder Jesus so often said, “Fear Not”, or “be not afraid. Whatever He had to say he said it. He was not afraid of crucifixion or of any such so-called punishment. It is only the human beings who have these false ideas about life and want to impose them on God. God is not concept at all because concept is a thought

Christ was not afraid of anyone. Therefore be not afraid of anyone that stands in...

Scientifically it has been shown that most humans make use of less than 10 % of their potential. The vast mass of humanity is very little removed from the brute. In many instances the power of control is little higher than in beasts. The three states merged, reveal to man his untapped intelligence: the other 90% or more of his true potential. Our consciousness is only a part of the three states that constitute our nature and that project it into infinity. The Kundalini heats up the lower chakras, which burn like a cooking fire under a pot of stew, releasing healing energies into the upper chakras. Kundalini is a powerful energy that bridges the body-soul connection, many spiritual aspirants attempt to activate its power

Scientifically it has been shown that most humans make use of less than 10 %...

AWAKENING THE INNER POTENTIAL – A Templar Knight becomes a Human Holy Grail Once a Templar Knight had activated his Kundalini, he would have undergone a process of purification similar to that experienced by his Johannite and Sufi mentors. The fourth Hallows of the Grail Castle is the Holy Stone of the Fisher King. Also known as the Stone of Heaven and the Philosopher’s Stone

AWAKENING THE INNER POTENTIAL – A Templar Knight becomes a Human Holy Grail Once a...

THE “SPIRITUS UNIVERSALIS” – THE SECRET FIRE. In the  book ” The Voice of the Silence,” the secret fire of the Achemists is described as “Kundalini” the ” serpentine,” or annular working power in the body of the ascetic. ” It is an electric fiery occult or Fohatic power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter ” ; and in another place the author says

THE “SPIRITUS UNIVERSALIS” – THE SECRET FIRE. In the book ” The Voice of the...

Frontal lobes and Evolution. The human brain has evolved in four progressive stages, with the earliest stage comprising the inner core of the brain and attached directly to the brainstem. The fourth stage is comprised of the pre-frontal lobes, which grow out of the front part of the neo-cortex, and provide us with the ability to plan and predict. The frontal lobes has access to finer and subtle energies. The frontal lobes has acccess to all parts of the brains structures. The frontal lobes has access to information instantly through intuition. Beneath this pre-frontal area, or attached to it, is the pineal gland, which might be a fifth stage in the brain’s evolution.

Frontal lobes and Evolution. The human brain has evolved in four progressive stages, with the...

When man functions from the external energy of the ego, he does not relate to the consciousnesses within the inner self and the higher self. This man, in effect, does not know who he is. Therefore, man will search for his identity within the external energy forces of life. He is functioning within the external ego world so it is logical for him to create support for that ego self from that external world. External identity consciousness creates an external support system for man and his ego

When man functions from the external energy of the ego, he does not relate to...

For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. In other terms it must disconnect the vertical scale and the authentic Self that resides in the present state and vertical state. Gaining consciousness on the vertical pole expands a person’s awareness into the third or soul. With consciousness in soul, the individual is able to apprehend the ego below and the divine above. The ego fears the loss of conscious existence, and its final surrender means facing ‘the great unknown’. The last step, therefore, requires great courage, faith, and the conviction of the truth of the great teachers. The core of the ego is then relinquished by Divine Grace, and the revelation that it ensures erases the last vestige of fear because its source has been removed

For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the...

The journey continues, the eternal journey from darkness to light. This journey of the soul takes us Home, where it finally reveals that the light within us is the One Light. There is only one light—the light of the heavens and the earth is the light within our own heart. We are the light of God in the world. The light within our heart is His light. This simple truth of the unio mystica finally takes the wayfarer from the prison of the ego into the ever-expanding dimension of our divine nature and its true purpose; and into a direct experience of the oneness of life. This alchemical transformation from one conscious state to another consists of steps—concentration–contemplation—meditation. These specific layers allows the individual to move from the microcosm to the macrocosm—it moves the individual from the fragmented self to the complete self—it moves the individual from a one dimensional view point to a multidimensional view point—it moves the individual from the conscious mind to the super conscious mind

The journey continues, the eternal journey from darkness to light. This journey of the soul...

The ego fears failure. The ego does not want to give up control over the embodied soul. The master alchemist is our own heart. Listening to our heart and actively working to remember its union with Source are the only tasks we need to perfect. The process of raising consciousness beyond the limits of duality and into oneness is a lesson in alchemy. Historically, alchemy focused on the processes by which we might transform base metals into precious metals, such as lead into gold. The soul in its chaotic, unregenerate state is lead. The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness. Hermeticism could have to do with transmuting the “lead” of ordinary experience into the “gold” of consciousness

The ego fears failure. The ego does not want to give up control over the...

Then ego is the state of duality and God is Oneness, the ego can´t access higher levels of consciousness. The ego will be dissolved at higher vibrations. To experience God or the Higher Divine Self one must lose one’s ego and ego perception, and travel deep into the divine conscious within. The process of dissolving ego is the process of mental alchemy (transformation). Through meditation one change the inner vibrations and an alchemical transformation process starts.  Fear prevents mental alchemy because it keeps the ego in the state of low vibrations

Then ego is the state of duality and God is Oneness, the ego can´t access...

The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds of the world and his return to his native realm of light. “What liberates is the knowledge of who we were, what we became; where we were, whereinto we have been thrown; whereto we speed, wherefrom we are redeemed; what birth is, and what rebirth. Man must finish the work which Nature has left incomplete,” said the Alchemists; which means that we have to live our life in such a way as to blend (the “sacred marriage” of Alchemy) the consciousness of our outer self with the consciousness of our inner self and create a consciousness of one harmonious self. Many people are already engaged in this work as we work to heal the wounds in our lives and in our society. The alchemists found that the Philosopher’s Stone, the divine essence within each person, was born of the chaos of the prima materia

The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds...

The Transcendent”, The non-personal eternal and unbounded Field of Limitless Consciousness, God can also be experienced as “The Beloved”, A Supreme Presence in which one can have a personal relationship with, And God can be experienced as “The Creation”, The vast Intelligence abiding within the elegant expressions Of the natural world and the Universe

The Transcendent”, The non-personal eternal and unbounded Field of Limitless Consciousness, God can also be...

Types of Intelligence – IQ, EQ, SQ, PQ, SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three.  SQ is our compass ‘at the edge’. SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ is “thinking with your soul. SQ (SI) is used to grow our human brains. The spiritual intelligence helps an individual to become transformed for a better life. Spiritual intelligence is used when one need to be flexible, visionary or creatively spontaneous

Types of Intelligence – IQ, EQ, SQ , PQ, SQ is the central and the...

Science has proved that everything is being constantly recharged by cosmic energy. The human body is surrounded by a halo of conscious cosmic energy. medulla oblongata is the antenna of the bodily receiving station that receives the radiographed cosmic energy from Cosmic Consciousness through the bodily radio operator — will. Just as nut can use the invisible vibratory waves of radio to control fur distant ships on the sea, so God, through vibrations of Ills intelligent cosmic energy, supplies our bodies with life force without any visible connection.

A slow awakening is taking place, in all humans, when their consciousness is getting clear...

The final goal of the yogi is to dissolve the universe and abide in that state of pure consciousness. When the kundalini is ready to begin its gradual ascent through the chakras, and the process of inner alchemy begins. Alchemy ‘ s true purpose is not the chemical manipulation of gross matter, as is commonly thought, but rather the transmutation of unrefined elements of the human psyche

The final goal of the yogi is to dissolve the universe and abide in that...

Ego’ means the loss of one’s original consciousness of being eternal and individual, which is an illusion because in reality we are always parts of the Whole. Ego don´t see itself as part of a larger consciousness, but creates separation to survive. Ego is duality, duality is mass consciousness, and mass consciousness is The Matrix of the MInd. When you observe in present-time, the veil of the matrix is neutralized, allowing observation from the Higher Mind. It’s here where this partition or veil is dismantled and reconstructed into its originally intended function: to open your awareness of the multidimensional consciousness from where you have come.

Ego’ means the loss of one’s original consciousness of being eternal and individual, which is...

The dark ruler of this world is ego , the self – centered egotism which sets itself up as controller. Ego, like a beast, produces fear, so the earth shakes under its feet. Our Ego, our mind, can sometimes believe it is the master of our being and try to take control, which is precisely what should not happen. The ego has become the God of this world. Fear, stress and negativity is its alchemical formula. In transcending negative ego in its fullest extent, one has learned to transcend the world of duality. The ego that was established to serve the dualist mind. When you begin to expand your consciousness beyond duality, your energy vibrations rise to a level where those who remain governed by duality beliefs are simply not a part of your world anymore. The ego using negative alchemy to create bondage to duality, and real alchemy unite opposite energies into Oneness. Expanded in consciousness to the point they leave the belief system of the Mass Consciousness behind. When you move beyond the belief in duality you literally break free from the polarized pull of the negative/positive energy of the mass that holds this belief intact

The dark ruler of this world is ego , the self – centered egotism which...

The descent of Consciousness from the energy center at the top of the sushumna, the sahasrara, to the energy center at the base, called the muladhara, marks the process of Consciousness going from the highest transcendent Unity Consciousness to the limitations of embodied consciousness that you and I normally experience as we live out our existence on earth. The result of the fall of man or fall of consciousness was; the world splits into two, or it creates two worlds out of one. This other world is the Matrix, and this is the “dreamworld”. This other world is the matrix and to keep humankind captivated in this matrix it is full of manipulations and illusions for the mind

The descent of Consciousness from the energy center at the top of the sushumna, the...

Tomb of Lazarus – The Kundalini – A Rising Dormant Energy is written with the intention of giving Christians an understanding that the Lazarus Rising, dormant energy at the base of the spine. Lazarus means ” Assistance of God . ” No force can open that Pineal Gland or Tomb of Lazarus except Jesus . That is the ” White Stone ” and in the stone a new name written. Inside the skull is the Pineal Gland , the Third Eye · hard – white – atrophied . This is the home of Lazarus . The name Marie means ” pure sea

Tomb of Lazarus – The Kundalini – A Rising Dormant Energy is written with the...

The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault. In Gnosticism, we call the spinal vertebrae canyons or pyramids. Each canyon is related with certain esoteric powers. There are 33 spinal canyons. When the Kundalini fire has already risen through the 33 canyons, then within the Astral Plane, the Staff of the Patriarchs is delivered to the Gnostic. High Initiation is received when the Staff of the Patriarchs has been received. High Initiation is the fusion of the Spiritual Soul with the Innermost. When the Kundalini reaches the pineal gland it opens the church of Laodicea. This chakra has 1,000 splendid, sparkling petals. This is the crown that shines like an aura of light upon the head of the Saints. The atom of the Holy Spirit exists in the pineal gland.

The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault....

The Key to the Great Secret about the Freemasonry letter G actually mean something else. Another secret the Freemasonry and Illuminati keeping for themselves is: The Holy Grail is not a royal or holy bloodline. The Holy Grail is indeed a receptacle, and a receptacle for containing royal or holy blood, but the Holy Grail is not a physical object and the royal holy blood is not real blood. Royal holy blood is available to all of us; this is a royal holy blood that can flow through everyone’s spiritual veins. Royal holy blood is the same substance produced by stage three of the meditation technique.

The Key to the Great Secret about the Freemasonry letter G actually mean something else....

Kundalini Beyond the brain. Kundalini’s job is to lead us beyond the brain/mind, in its physically oriented adolescent form, but Kundalini must use the brain/mind as developed in order to get beyond it. Kundalini is a sacred power that we must approach with humility and respect, not like electricity, a power that is inanimate and can be controlled from the outside. Beyond these six Chakras at the upper termination of the spinal cord, is the thousand petalled lotus

Kundalini Beyond the brain. Kundalini’s job is to lead us beyond the brain/mind, in its...

The key to the kundalini raising is said to bring the kundalini energy up to the pineal gland. The upper brain is the Word and it furnishes all that man contains, or is. Jesus was not a Savior until he was Christed of John in the Jordan. Then he became the “Beloved Son.” Why was the baptism necessary? Because there are two fish, one was Jesus the Carpenter, the man. The other, the Christed Jesus, the Son of God. The Christ substance gave the electric or magnetic power to the seed to cross the nerves at Golgotha without disintegrating or dying.

The key to the kundalini raising is said to bring the kundalini energy up to...

Each chakra represents a higher level of human evolution of awareness. The aim of chakra awareness and meditation is initially to bring the lower chakras into balance with the upper or higher chakras, so that our lives are not conditioned and governed in a mundane existence by lower chakra consciousness. Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result of involvement in the world of illusions and limitations. Their consciousness is imprisoned in the lower chakras. The higher consciousness in the so-called normal person is practically asleep. Some might even say it is non-existent. Only a rare few souls take the initiative to develop beyond conditioned living in ego-consciousness, and seek to regain their freedom by awakening and raising their consciousness to a higher level

Each chakra represents a higher level of human evolution of awareness. The aim of chakra...

Story of David and Goliat. In Biblical terms, Goliath represents “the flesh” and self-aggrandizement. David represents submitting to and serving God ahead of self. God defines right regardless of human strength. David represents faith in the living God and not in his own powers. It was the Spirit of God that empowered David.  Goliath can be beaten with the Kundalini Fire

Story of David and Goliat. In Biblical terms, Goliath represents “the flesh” and self-aggrandizement. David...

ASCENSION Connecting With the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light. You Are the Source of Wisdom Deep within your soul is a wise sage, the source of all wisdom. This in-house counselor” is hidden deep in the recesses of your heart. Like a treasure buried at the bottom of the sea, it can only be used when brought to the surface. You have the capacity to dive deep within, re-cover this treasure, and open it. Only it takes faith in yourself and trust in a higher power

ASCENSION Connecting With the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light. You Are the Source of...

As the evolution of human consciousness gains greater and greater momentum, we are being challenged. on a planetary level. to let go of our present way of life and create a new one. In a sense. our “old world” is dying. and a new world is coming into being. The foundation for life in the new world is built on the understanding that there is a higher intelligence, a fundamental creative power or energy in the universe that is the source and substance of all existence

As the evolution of human consciousness gains greater and greater momentum, we are being challenged....

AN IMPORTANT VITAL ENERGY, Kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine. Kundalin means “coiled,” thus, Kundalini waits like a sleeping snake until awakened, when it appears like a twisting flame. Kundalini begins at the base of the kanda, meaning “bulb,” which represents the lower three chakras.  The Kundalini heats up the lower chakras, which burn like a cooking fire under a pot of stew, releasing healing energies into the upper chakras. It may be awakened through spiritual practice, and because Kundalini is a powerful energy that bridges the body-soul connection, many spiritual aspirants attempt to activate its power

AN IMPORTANT VITAL ENERGY, Kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine. Kundalin means...

There were two Adams—the First Adam created on the first day (emanation) and the Second Adam created on the sixth day. Healing comes through the Second Adam. The six important chakras are positioned horizontally within the astral spine (sushumna nadi). They are transformers for the main dynamo of energy, the seventh and highest chakra, the sahasrara chakra (1,000-petalled lotus), located in the upper brain and beyond

There were two Adams—the First Adam created on the first day (emanation) and the Second...

Enlightenment Now: Liberation Is Your True Nature. Out of Time and Into Enlightenment. THE MOST IMPORTANT MYSTERY that we encounter on our endeavor to be free in this life is that what we seek we already possess. Liberation means freedom from the suffering of uncontrollably recurring rebirth (samsara ) and its causes, while enlightenment brings the ability to help others gain similar freedom

Enlightenment Now: Liberation Is Your True Nature. Out of Time and Into Enlightenment. THE MOST...

To crucify, means to add to or increase a thousand fold. When electric wires are crossed, they set on fire all inflammable substances near them. When the Christed seed crossed the nerve at Golgotha, the veil of the temple was rent and there was an earthquake, and the dead came forth, i. e. the generative cells of the body were quickened or regenerated. The crucifixion or crossing of the life seed gives power to vibrate the pineal gland at a rate that causes the Optic Thalmus to fill the “whole body with light,” and send its vibration out along the optic nerve to the physical eye, and thus heal the blind

To crucify, means to add to or increase a thousand fold. When electric wires are...

With a Kundalini awakening the energy is always with us and is always doing something. It is a permanent spiritual process that has been started and will never stop. A Kundalini awakening is like a full volcanic eruption. Strictly speaking, the awakening of kundalini signifies a sudden or gradual change in the whole function of the brain. This involves the activation of a normally dormant area to add another channel of perception to the already existing senses with which our brain maintains contact with the outer world. The opening of this new supersensory channel, in turn, involves a transformation in the activity of the whole cerebrospinal system, culminating in a change in the very pattern of consciousness

With a Kundalini awakening the energy is always with us and is always doing something....

The Origins and History of Consciousness. John, the evangelist, at the beginning of his gospel, speaks of the word being present at the beginning, and calls a human being conscious of this word a light shining in the darkness, a light that darkness cannot overpower. The infinite can never be overcome by the finite. In the first creation story of Genesis this light of understanding is divided from the darkness

The Origins and History of Consciousness. John, the evangelist, at the beginning of his gospel,...

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