22 Oct 2024, Tue

Types of Intelligence – IQ, EQ, SQ, PQ, SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three.  SQ is our compass ‘at the edge’. SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ is “thinking with your soul. SQ (SI) is used to grow our human brains. The spiritual intelligence helps an individual to become transformed for a better life. Spiritual intelligence is used when one need to be flexible, visionary or creatively spontaneous

Types of Intelligence – IQ, EQ, SQ , PQ, SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three.  SQ is our compass ‘at the edge’. SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ is “thinking with your soul. SQ (SI) is used to grow our human brains. The spiritual intelligence helps an individual to become transformed for a better life. Spiritual intelligence is used when one need to be flexible, visionary or creatively spontaneous.

USING SQ In evolutionary terms, Deacon’s neurobiological work on language and symbolic representation shows that we have used SQ literally to grow our human brains. SQ has ‘wired’ us to become the people we are and gives us the potential for further ‘rewiring’ — for growth and transformation, for further evolution of our human potential.

We use SQ to be creative. We call upon it when we need to be flexible, visionary or creatively spontaneous. We use SQ to deal with existential problems — problems where we feel personally stuck, trapped by our own past habits or neuroses or problems with illness and grief. SQ makes us aware that we have existential problems, and it enables us to solve them — or at least to find peace about them. It gives us a ‘deep’ sense of what life’s struggles are about.

SQ is our compass ‘at the edge’. Life’s most challenging existential problems exist outside the expected and the familiar, outside the given rules, beyond past experience, beyond what we know how to handle. In chaos theory, ‘the edge’ is the border between order and chaos, between knowing comfortably what we are about and being totally lost. It is the place where we can be at our most creative.

SQ, our deep, intuitive sense of meaning and value, is our guide at the edge. SQ is our USING SQ In evolutionary terms, Deacon’s neurobiological work on language and symbolic representation shows that we have used SQ literally to grow our human brains.

SQ has ‘wired’ us to become the people we are and gives us the potential for further ‘rewiring’ — for growth and transformations, for further evolution of our human potential. We use SQ to be creative. We call upon it when we need to be flexible, visionary, or creatively spontaneous. We use SQ to deal with existential problems — problems where we feel personally stuck, trapped by our own past habits or neuroses or problems with illness and grief.

SQ makes us aware that we have existential problems, and it enables us to solve them — or at least to find peace about them. It gives us a ‘deep’ sense of what life’s struggles are about. SQ is our compass ‘at the edge’. Life’s most challenging existential problems exist outside the expected and the familiar, outside the given rules, beyond past experience, beyond what we know how to handle. In chaos theory, ‘the edge’ is the border between order and chaos, between knowing comfortably what we are about and being totally lost. It is the place where we can be at our most creative.

SQ, our deep, intuitive sense of meaning and value, is our guide at the edge. SQ is our Through a more cultivated use of our spiritual intelligence, and through the personal honesty and courage that such cultivation requires, we can reconnect with the deeper sources and deeper meanings within ourselves, and we can use that reconnection to serve causes and processes much larger than ourselves. In such service we may find our salvation. Our deepest salvation may lie in serving our own deep imagination.

Whatever our specific sense of the spiritual, without it our vision is clouded, our lives feel flat and our purposes dreadfully finite. As the poet William Blake wrote, ‘If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to us as it is, infinite.’ As Viktor Frankl says, our search for meaning is the primary motivation in our lives. It is this search that makes us the spiritual creatures that we are. And it is when this deep need for meaning goes unmet that our lives come to feel shallow or empty. For a great many of us today this need is not met, and the fundamental crisis of our times is a spiritual one.

Critical Thinking as Spiritual Intelligence

According to Stephen Covey (2004), the four magnificent parts of our nature consist of the body, mind, heart, and the spirit that have corresponding four capacities or intelligences: physical or body intelligence (PQ), mental intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), and spiritual intelligence (SQ).

Mental intelligence or IQ is our ability to analyze reason, think abstractly, use language, visualize, conceptualize, and comprehend.

PQ is something that happens within our body controlling the respiratory, circulatory, metabolic, nervous, and other vital systems. PQ constantly scans our environment, adjusts to it, destroys diseased cells, and fights for survival. PQ controls and coordinates the function of roughly seven trillion cells of our body with a mind-boggling level of biochemical and biophysical coordination that controls our reflexes, instincts, drives, passions, habits, manual skills, and body routines. PQ manages the entire system, much of it unconscious.

EQ is one’s self-knowledge, self-awareness, social sensitivity, empathy, and ability to communicate successfully with others. It is a sense of timing and social appropriateness and having the courage to acknowledge weaknesses and express and respect differences. Abilities such as leadership, successful communications, and relationships are primarily a function of EQ than IQ (Covey 2004: 50-51).

Spiritual intelligence is today becoming more mainstream in scientific inquiry and philosophical and psychological discussions.

SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three.

SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ is “thinking with your soul” (Wolman 2001: 26) and represents the ancient and abiding human quest for connectedness with something larger and trust-worthier than our world and us. Unlike IQ that computers have, and EQ that higher mammals possess,

SQ is uniquely human and most fundamental. It stands for our quest for our longing for meaning, vision, and value; it allows us to dream and to strive; it underlies the things we believe in and hope for; it makes us human. Spiritual intelligence relates to the whole reality and dimension that is bigger, more creative, more loving, more powerful, more visionary, wiser, and more mysterious—than the materialistic daily human existence. While IQ relates to becoming more knowledgeable, PQ to becoming more healthy and strong, EQ relates to becoming more relational and sensitive, SQ relates to becoming a person (Rogers 1961).

High IQ is not enough: brilliance is not necessarily humanizing. High PQ is not enough: athletes, boxers, and heavy weight fighters have it and it does not necessarily humanize them. High EQ is good but not sufficient: it provides passion but not humanity.

The following are some of the major concepts of SI/SQ as reflected in the work of Zohar and MarshaII:

SQ (SI) is used to grow our human brains. The spiritual intelligence helps an individual to become transformed for a better life.

• Spiritual intelligence is used when one need to be flexible, visionary or creatively spontaneous.

• Spiritual intelligence helps in the integration of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences. So spiritually intelligent individual will be good in management of his own things as well as that of others.

• Spiritual intelligence helps in dealing with existential problems. It gives an insight of what life’s struggles are about. SQ is our conscience.

• SQ helps in understanding the meaning and essential motive behind all great religions individual to go beyond his immediate ego/ self to live a life at a deeper level of meaning.

• It is through spiritual intelligence that one can fight with the problems of good & bad, and life & death.

Spiritual Intelligence is the intelligence required to solve problems of meaning and values and to assess one’s life path. The main theories related to spiritual intelligence show that spiritual intelligence of people can be measured (at least to some extent) and enhanced with respect to the major dimensions. As well as the Emotional intelligence and spiritual Intelligence are important in uplifting the personality of an individual, various competencies also keep important place in the same manner. The individual has to perform several jobs in his routine social, professional and other sort of life. Everywhere he has to adjust compromise and compete with several situations. Teaching is also a profession in which a teacher has to face several situations which affects his/her professional competencies/ personality.

A kundalini experience can be life-changing; it can be revolutionary to experience shaktipat from a realized presence. To experience lava flowing from the volcano through the system, purifying it, allowing for greater consciousness, however temporary the flow is, is life changing. Such experiences are incredibly important. At best, we can understand them as a vital expression of creation energy emerging through the system, creating a temporary destabilization so a new ground of greater stability and consciousness can be experienced.

Unfortunately we tend to pathologize such states; in any case we lack the resources in our society to tend to this destabilization process and reintegrate properly, especially if the individual experiencing such an awakening is struggling to remain functional. A kundalini experience can lead to the permanent evolutionary process that a full kundalini awakening offers.

It primes the system, allows us to understand what bliss or ecstatic states are through direct experience, and creates a purifying fire moving through the system. In certain cases, the kundalini experience is exactly what is needed in this lifetime, whereas a permanent evolutionary process is not appropriate.

Such priming can be furthered decades later, or even in the next lifetime. Kundalini permanently arising in the system is incredibly difficult to achieve, although it is often desired for good reason. We awaken to the degree that we are ready to, and those who are ready enough to experience kundalini awakenings, however temporary, have tasted something that few others do. People who have experienced any degree of awakening bring that awareness into the world, and can be of tremendous benefit to the world.

As your mind totally disappear so your whole being will awaken, your Kundalini will awaken, you will awaken, you will completely detach of Maya Illusion, once this will happen so you would be able to do anything, you can create a new universe, whatever you want to do you can do, you will know that you are God, there is no other God, you are sleeping God, the God is unconscious yet, who does not know about himself. Kundalini awakening’s rule is not to leave and not to hold, balance between holdings and leaving, it all happens in your mind, when one makes this great balance between and holding and leaving, so his Kundalini awakens.

When your spiritual intelligence overcomes this myriad of delusion at that time you will become indifferent towards all that has been heard and all that is to be heard.

When your spiritual intelligence, unaffected and uninfluenced by karmic interpretations of the Vedas remains steady; at that time, you will achieve the pure spiritual state of the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness.

One whose mind is undisturbed by distress, without desires for happiness, free from attachment, fear and anger; that sage is known as steadfast in consciousness. One who without attachment in every respect, neither rejoices nor curses obtaining correspondingly good or evil; he is established in perfect knowledge. When one completely withdraws the sense similarly as the tortoise withdraws its limbs, from the object of the sense he is established in perfect knowledge.

When you being equipoise your Kundalini awakens and when Kundalini awakens your total potential awaken, you totally awake. When you being equipoise your Kundalini awakens and when Kundalini awakens your total potential awaken, you totally awake.-

Revelation of Fear

It is fear of man, which does not allow a man to awaken, he is still unconscious, he is in a deep sleep because this is fear of man, which keeps the man in its grip. Until a man does not face his fear, he would not be able to liberate of his deep sleep, of unconsciousness.

The soul, the inner core of the man is suffering. The man has the fear of (Maya) illusion, he does not want to hear about the truth, about the Illusion, Maya. The attraction of the Maya, the illusion is so strong man does not want to leave this,

Because man has made lots of dreams so how can he break these dream and renounce them, this is very hard to believe that whatever he dreams about, he lives for it, for Maya, he is getting mad without any reason. He is so busy with his life, in his dreams, these dreams have caught man for thousands of years, it has totally entered in his veins, in his blood, in his gene (DNA).

It will take some time to get free from this, this is difficult but with right education man will get free from his fear. The man is living his life in the middle and this middle thing is keeping man incomplete, keeping man unconscious Keeping man unawakened.

The man has ignored to spirituality, man lives as materialistic, he has a great fear to accept the truth. Fear of man is the massive problem, but it does not mean that he should fight with this, he does not need to fight with it, fighting with fear is not the answer, the fight makes the problem unsolved.

Forgiveness liberates the soul, it removes fear. That’s why it’s such a powerful weapon.

Two thousand years ago a great master said, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Well, now you know that the truth is what you are. The next step is to see the truth, to see what you are. Only then are you free. Free of what? Free of all the distortions in your knowledge, free of all the emotional drama that is the consequence of believing in lies. When the truth sets you free, the symbols you learned are no longer ruling your world. It’s not about being right or wrong, or good or bad. It’s not about being a winner or a loser. It’s not about being young or old, beautiful or ugly. All that is over. It was nothing but symbols. You’ll know that you are totally free when you no longer have to be the you that you pretend to be. This freedom is profound. It’s the freedom to be the real you, and it’s the greatest gift that you can give yourself.

An influencer needs a higher kind of intelligence to manage other bits of intelligence. Spiritual Intelligence is that intelligence that will oversee Artificial Intelligence or Business intelligence or Social Intelligence, or Emotional intelligence or Influence intelligence.

Spiritual intelligence decides our foundations so that every other intelligence has to be built upon it. Spiritually intelligent influencers reign with righteousness and justice. They become like a shelter for those weary.

Spiritual intelligence is not an achievement of merit but a heavenly download of eternal things.

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