23 Oct 2024, Wed

What is beyond the Seven Chakras? Beyond the seventh chakra, the crown, lies the eighth. Eight is the immortal. For to transcend the seven realms of the physical world and to achieve the eight, the immortal, and to receive permanent inscription into the book of life . . . this is the eighth mystery

What is beyond the Seven Chakras?

Beyond the seventh chakra, the crown, lies the eighth. Eight is the immortal. For to transcend the seven realms of the physical world and to achieve the eight, the immortal, and to receive permanent inscription into the book of life . . . this is the eighth mystery.

On a nonphysical level, each chakra also corresponds to light and sound. Light and sound are both vibratory frequencies. This is easier to see with sound because we can actually see the vibratory effects of sound. Light, on the other hand, vibrates at an extremely high rate. As we move up the chakra system from the base to the crown, the vibration increases. The sounds and colors associated with each chakra increase in vibration as well.

Throughout our body, we have energy centres (chakras) that are linked to major organs. Seven chakras positioned in a direct line from your forehead to the base of your spine form the seven major chakra points. The chakra itself is a wheel-like spinning vortex that forms a vacuum at its centre as it spins, drawing anything on its vibratory level into its centre.´

Chakras pull in information from our surroundings, information that exists beyond the veil we perceive with our five senses. It makes sense that as a divine being that inhabits a physical body, you would be equipped to decipher and decode the world beyond the veil in some manner. The chakras are the hardware to decipher the world using invisible energies—the software —so you can manifest and expand reality for the benefit of all creation.

Have you ever wondered why the moods of other people affect you or why a place can sometimes feel just not right? Have you ever had the experience of being with a loved one, sitting separately yet feeling totally connected? Your chakras are interpreting the coded information flowing through the energy that permeates everywhere. This information then comes in most often as a feeling. Or perhaps more appropriately, the information is decoded as intuition, that inner sense that something is just right or not right. Your chakras are another internal system that allows you to perceive the veil of perception.

Reality is not real. Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Things are not as you perceive them to be. There is more to life than what you see, hear, feel, and touch. What kind of questions come to mind if we accept the concept that life is an illusion and is much more than what we perceive? Is it possible that beyond the veil of our understanding, beyond the frequencies of this veil, resides some kind of consciousness, some kind of intelligence, a knowing? Could we trust this intelligence that seems to exist beyond our perceptions? And if this intelligence is aware of us, what does that say about who we are?

You live behind a veil of your senses and perceptions, but also a veil of your own acceptance. You have structured a veil to protect yourself, a veil you name you. To pierce this veil you must understand that it exists on three levels.

Your DNA is a filament; a scientist would describe it as a connective filament. Scientists, doing the best they can up to this point, have found certain codings within certain portions of the DNA. They have also found superfluous portions of the DNA. In other words, there are portions that they cannot translate or figure out, so they think these portions of the DNA are just there for the ride, and they call them “junk DNA.” They are off track. We have talked about how all of you were built by the creator gods. You were built like houses that were going to be expanded or added on to in the future. You are now at that juncture when those who designed you are adding on to who you are.

What the scientists call “junk DNA” has been dormant in your body for a long time, and it is now becoming activated. In our teachings, we always emphasize the importance of oxygenation, because oxygen feeds the coding and awakens the junk DNA in your body (which certainly isn’t junk at all). What scientists are calling “junk” houses the perceptions deep inside of your body that will allow you to become an entire perceiver, a fourth-dimensional being.

This awakening DNA will allow you to change your eyesight. change your hearing, increase your life span, and so on. This dormant part of the DNA that has baffled the scientists is now coming to life. You are mutating so quickly now that certain scientists call the process a disease. Some are very concerned about it. They have persuaded the government to invest billions of dollars to research DNA.

That is occurring in your body is certainly not a disease: you are being naturally mutated and rearranged. This mutation occurs most often while you are sleeping, so you may be waking up in the mornings noticing that something feels a little different in your body. You can expect that the changes will begin to show themselves and that you will develop new abilities. You will automatically know many things.

The original designers of the human body were benevolent beings. These original creator gods were very generous in endowing you biogenetically with a tremendous vitality of spirit and a tremendous zest of capability. Much of this information is stored within your body in the light-encoded filaments that are scattered and are coming back into alignment. Your bones and skeletal form correspond with that information.

When your skeletal form is in alignment, the energy from sacred power sites is released, the cosmic rays are pulled into your body, and the light-encoded filaments inside your cells begin to reorder themselves. you will find that you are in the change. The change will be mirrored to you everywhere you look. The present evolutionary system designed by the creator gods to step you up a number of dimensions or frequencies is based upon the evolution of the twelve helixes that correspond to the twelve chakra centers—seven within your body and five outside your body. This is simply the way the system plugs in. With respect to the evolution of the helixes within the human body. a common denominator frequency must be attained that even those in the lowest possible stations can reach. There are also those humans who could go beyond the twelve helixes.

In general, however, the state of consciousness of humanity cannot achieve that kind of acceleration. It is enough of a leap for people to go from a double-helix system to a twelve-helix system. Some people will be functioning with the twelve helixes within a short period of time, while others around the planet will not receive this shift until later in the decade. This is simply because each individual is coded to be given the frequency when they are capable of integrating it.

Many are already having a difficult time integrating the changes at this early stage of the plan. A large majority of the humans on Earth have convinced themselves that there is only one reality and there can be no other. This could be the downfall of the human race. As the helixes come into full force in a person, there is an awakening of the person’s inner knowledge, knowledge that goes beyond what the person has been taught. This inner knowledge is knowledge of self, knowledge that says there is much more than this physical world. Believe it. Know it. Understand it.

The physical world is a clue to the spiritual world. The world of spirit and self-evolution is on the verge of an information explosion: cheap energy, free energy—everything will be given to you. All of this is related to the evolving light-encoded filaments, which are millions and billions of tiny little fibers. As we related the story to you, the raiding creator gods who came in and took over needed to have you operate in a certain way in order to control you. They needed to unplug your intelligence, and so they did, by scattering and disconnecting the light-encoded filaments that form the helixes in your DNA.

These filaments are now beginning to reconnect into helixes. The helixes will evolve in sets of three until there are twelve strands, or helixes. When these twelve helixes or strands of many light-encoded filaments begin to vibrate within the body, each of the strands will correspond to a chakra center.

The eighth chakra is within your realm of-activity. It hovers twelve inches or more above your head. Most people keep the eighth chakra center close to their physical body. The ninth chakra is close as well, within a few feet of the body. Once nine helixes are formed, this chakra will move out into the atmosphere of Earth to become more of an Earth chakra, connecting into the grid work. It is a link. The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth chakras are much further out. The tenth chakra, once it is in line and plugged in, will be in your solar system. The eleventh chakra will move out into your galactic system, and the twelfth will be located and anchored some place in this universe. You will receive information from these personal centers, for they are collective centers as well, just as your other personal chakra centers are collective centers. As you learn to translate the chakra experiences, you will discover that life is not the same anymore. Not all people on the planet are going through these changes right now, because you are not all coded to respond at this particular time.

Each of you came in with a certain order—a map of when and where and how you best operate. Many of you are learning how to follow this plan of the self that will lead you to discover your exalted self.

 Once you learn how to do this, life will become quite effortless because you will become a vehicle for light and you will be moved just by your intention to commit. Different humans will be exposed to these changes at different times because it would not do to have them occur all at once. This would create chaos, where a certain order is needed. As an individual goes through the changes and translates the experience, they can turn to someone to assist them who has already gone through the changes.

For those of you who are the beginning people, the process can be very difficult. You are the way showers. Once you are able to go through the changes, you can make the path and show others. There are road maps that indicate certain events that can occur if you wish to plug into those gridworks of time. The greater commitment you have in every moment to your own evolution, the sooner the changes will occur for the last person.

DNA carries the coding, for this genetic material and its helixes are made up of light-encoded filaments—tiny gossamer threads that carry information the way fiber optics systems do. The pillar of light that you use to activate yourself and to bring information into your body is also composed of light-encoded filaments. These light-encoded filaments carry a vast amount of data and information, and your body is filled with them. When bundled together and placed in a certain alignment, the light-encoded filaments work together and release information that makes sense of the history they carry. The light-encoded filaments inside your body are similar to a grand library—a library that is so gigantic it carries the history of your universe. During the course of the Earth’s history, there have been many different species who have lived here. You have convinced yourself that humanity is native to this planet. Human beings were put here. People are in for a shock because they are going to discover very shortly the skeletal forms of very different creatures.

Unlocking the History

DNA carries the coding, for this genetic material and its helixes are made up of light-encoded filaments—tiny gossamer threads that carry information the way fiber optics systems do. The pillar of light that you use to activate yourself and to bring information into your body is also composed of light-encoded filaments. These light-encoded filaments carry a vast amount of data and information, and your body is filled with them. When bundled together and placed in a certain alignment, the light-encoded filaments work together and release information that makes sense of the history they carry. The light-encoded filaments inside your body are similar to a grand library—a library that is so gigantic it carries the history of your universe. During the course of the Earth’s history, there have been many different species who have lived here. You have convinced yourself that humanity is native to this planet. Human beings were put here. People are in for a shock because they are going to discover very shortly the skeletal forms of very different creatures. Some of these have already been discovered. particularly in South America. though they have been either written up in your tabloid newspapers and passed off as a hoax or fearfully kept in secret.

When the consciousness of humanity is raised to the frequency of receptivity, and the nervous system of the mass psyche is balanced to the point that you can have a paradigm shift. Earth itself will reveal its secrets through a variety of means such as weather patterns. Earth changes. psychic discoveries, and so on. You will unearth a whole new history.

The task you have before you is to consciously command, intend. and will the evolvement of your DNA. Commanding and willing and asking for this is not easy, for you must move through many identities. From the historical perspective of your multidimensional existence or essence or soul, you have been all kinds of characters, and some of these experiences have been painful. They have been challenging and difficult.

It is time for you to move through the challenges and unlock the history that is inside of your body by allowing the lighten coded filaments to rebundle, forming new helixes, and by allowing yourself to be receptive to what this new information in the DNA is going to plug in to you. It will not always make sense to your logical mind. You will learn that your logical mind has a place, a function, and a purpose, but that it is not your identity.

‘The logical mind is overused by many people. It is overtaxed and abused. and when you overuse and abuse the logical mind, you create stress upon your body. You do not always need to understand logically what you are experiencing. Watch yourself, maintain humor at all times, and maintain the idea that you are evolving. You will be going through many things because you are climbing a ladder of identity made up of your chakra system. The chakras are energy information centers that are keyed into lifetimes in which you activated or expressed yourself in one area or another. It is imperative for you to discover your identity in these next few years. The light-encoded filaments area tool of light, a part of light, and an expression of light. These light-encoded filaments exist as millions of fine, threadlike fibers inside your cells, while counterpart light-encoded filaments exist outside of your body.

The light-encoded filaments carry the Language of Light geometry, which carries the stories of who you are. These lighten-coded filaments were not previously able to come onto the planet because there was a pollution created by the dark team that kept them out. The light-encoded filaments are like rays of light that hold a geometric form of language. They come to you from a cosmic database and hold information. Many of you are at the point where you don’t need to have a healing done on your body. You need to have a spontaneous education, or implant. put into your body to teach you. This is what will be coming during the next number of years. Some of the people on this planet. particularly those working with crystals, will learn to fill and activate other bodies with these filaments.

Individuals seeking this experience will have the filaments activated in their bodies to give them instant information and instant knowing. This is what education is evolving into. There will be beings who will assist you with all of this. You are going to have to be able to recognize these beings and to recognize other realities as they exist around you. When the information in the light-encoded filaments was scattered, there was no burning of the libraries—it was simply that all of the books were torn off the shelves and left in the center of the room. Imagine if you walked into a room the size of a gigantic stadium and all of the books or information it had been filled with was pulled off the shelves and left in the middle of the floor. How could you find anything except by chance?

Since humans don’t believe in the order of chance, they have never followed the order that is within them. The information in the filaments was left inside of you, yet there was no logical way to make sense of it. So, in the present time, how do you find the information? The information is going to reveal itself to you. That is the process. You don’t have to go looking for it because this revelation is your heritage and who you are.

As the DNA begins to form new strands, these new strands will travel along a nervous system in the body that is being developed at this time, and memories will come flooding into your consciousness. You must work to develop this nervous system, to pull light into your body, to oxygenate your system, to learn how to move through energy accelerations, and to call more ideas and experiences into your body. As this process begins to grow and nurture itself in your body, simply observe it, for you will want to know how to access it. Getting stuck in your dramas is like reading one of your books over and over again and not letting all of the information in other books come together.

Death (of Ego)  is a transition from one reality to another. Our lives in the energy field of Earth Mother. Finally a time comes when we have to release and seek independence in another dimensional experience and so some prefer to call death a transition – of energy, spirit, soul and consciousness. We’re born through the Base Chakra and transit out through the Crown. At that point all bio-energy and body functions are released and we are declared ‘dead’. Metaphysically the soul rests awhile in the Soul Star Chakra before moving on. This is why a tunnel and intense light are described by those who have had a near-death experience – they are seeing the light of the Crown and the three chakras aligned vertically above it, beckoning them into this other dimension.

Knowing this, we can assist in the transition of those we love, or in our own transition. At the appropriate time, consciously move energy up through the chakras and, finally, fully open the thousand-petalled lotus at the Crown. Infinite peace will result, which releases the soul into a great flow, like an enormous river, that carries it toward the Divine Light.

The Alta Major is located at the back of the neck, on the base of the skull. It is one of our `oldest’ chakras because it holds distant memories and links to the rudimentary part of the brain. Yet it is of vital importance when we come to balancing a triad of chakras that comprise a sacred pyramid in the skull, because through the Alta Major we have inherited our ancestral survival patterns, our race memories and past lives. On the one hand, the energy here can be strong, heavy and dense, if our life-path has not enabled us to deal with these inherited traits. On the other hand, if we have cleared negative imprints here and filled the chakra with light, it takes its place in the pyramid, ready to transmute the alchemical gold at the centre.

There are those who subscribe to the school of thought that there are thirteen chakras, or even hundreds. Many chakra teachers know of them, yet very few use them, as their presence is hidden to all but those who have transcended the seven and ascended to the higher elevations of skill and training.

The Kundalini system does not end with these seven chakras; they comprise the trunk of the Tree of Life. This trunk has many branches and there are many smaller chakra centers throughout the body. There are chakras behind each joint, in the palms, soles of feet, and of course in the hands. The hand chakras become highly developed in healers as sensing devices and transmitters of energy.

One of the most enlightening concepts that comes from this awareness is that you have all of that ancient teaching already in you.

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