55 things the Ego fears and 100 more good things to know about the ego and the matrix
55 things the Ego fears and 100 more good things to know about the ego and the matrix Time and...
The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold us back from achieving wonderful things. Then the heart doesn´t fear anything this world prevents people from opening their spiritual heart. The spiritual heart also represent Christ/Buddha Consciousness. The ego is fear and has no control of heart energies, so it keep humankind trapped and imprisoned within the three lower physical chakras and its materialistic-reality of matter
The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold us back from achieving wonderful...
The journey of the kundalini energy to the crown of the head is called the journey of enlightenment. This journey takes place when this serpent wakes up and starts to split and dance around the spine, ionizing the spinal fluid and changing its molecular structure. This action causes the opening of the midbrain and the door to the subconscious mind. Once Kundalini enters into the Brahmaandra . . . the whole of the cranium is illuminated and a new pattern of consciousness is born.” The journey kundalini puts you through is the journey of unification. When the webs that separate chakra from chakra are dissipated, the realization of yourself as a spirit is accomplished.
The journey of the kundalini energy to the crown of the head is called the journey of enlightenment. This journey...
The shock doctrine is a ratchet; it turns in one direction, then locks in place. It can turn again in the same direction, but can never be reversed.When shocks strike, the elites move immediately to implement a new stage of their program. The critical task is to act quickly before the shock fades. The ratchet ensures that elite gains are not soon surrendered. The process goes into remission until the next shock
The Illuminati consists of many powerful groups. The Bilderberg Group is one of those top-secret organizations. They meet in secrecy...
The alchemical key, is the key to the key. The key is the Apocalypse or crucifixion of the state of duality and the outcome is Oneness. The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions. Current research has revealed a guide spot, a miracle mind, situated primarily in the frontal lobes of the human brain. When we consciously connect to this spot, also known as the God spot, we have access to the infinite potential, or power on hold of the universe. With the necessary understanding, skills, and tools we can tap into and utilize our universal intelligence, guidance, and wisdom
Through the connection to deeper brain regions, through new connections to unused brain parts and through connection to new dimensions...
Physiologically, when this Kundalini energy becomes active, it climbs up through the spinal cord directly to one’s head with the main purpose to cause certain changes in the brain activity. It is amazing what Kundalini does to the human body. It has been proven that when it reaches the brain it brings the bioelectrical power supply to the brain cells, which are usually out of function. It actually hits the whole area of the brain but influences mostly the cells that are connected to the psychic abilities of the mind
Physiologically, when this Kundalini energy becomes active, it climbs up through the spinal cord directly to one’s head with the...
When man’s State of Consciousness in increased on the Material Plane from the common Five Power to the very rare Seven Power, he is then raised up to a higher level of Consciousness,, and competent to SEE the Kingdom of God within, and to KNOW that he is not a form of inert clay, but a SPARK OF ETERNAL COSMIC SPIRIT (Jn. 3:3).
When man’s State of Consciousness in increased on the Material Plane from the common Five Power to the very rare...
The root of bennu and benben is probably an Egyptian word meaning ‘to rise’ — a sense that links the rising sun, the phoenix (soul) that rises again and the rising kundalini. We would note, though, that the capstone, or benbenet, of the Great Pyramid at Giza is missing from the structure.
BENNU: The Legend of The Phoenix Bird. A symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone. The Phoenix is an emblem of immortality...
Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored in the mini black hole of your pineal gland’s fractals, just as the head of the sphinx may have served in Egypt. You could consider that each chakra star gate is a mini black hole then. And when science announces this body genius, will there still be a need for religions, governments, banks, or taxes that control: energy creativity, information, your natural resources, or the spirit of your inner life?
Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored...
Many people talk of light as bringing in universal consciousness, which in turn brings the ability to receive and transmit love and knowledge. Materialism causes limitations on our view and causes us to see God as an amphomorphic being that is separate from its creations. Our mind creates the time and the distance and the differences . our mind divides everything and separates . This world of varieties exist because of our different minds
Many people talk of light as bringing in universal consciousness, which in turn brings the ability to receive and transmit...
Breaking New Ground – The illumination experienced in the state of egoless understanding is the awakening of a new consciousness. In this state, understanding brings non-discriminating differentiation, transcendent in nature
Breaking New Ground – The illumination experienced in the state of egoless understanding is the awakening of a new consciousness....
Within your mind lies the precious treasure: your subconscious mind. The real secret lies in the ability to connect and unleash the powers of your subconscious. Within the center of your heart lies another precious treasure: your soul and spiritual wisdom. When you go within and connect with your heart, you discover your truth and can unleash your power, abilities, and tap into your intuition, where you find an unlimited supply of all wisdom, knowledge, love, and truth
Within your mind lies the precious treasure: your subconscious mind. The real secret lies in the ability to connect and...
‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped, this spirit longs for freedom for it is understood to be slumbering in matter; to be asleep.” “‘Ignorance’ is:’ therefore, “the essence of mundane existence.”” It is an ignorance of one’s spirit about itself and about the transcendent God” because of this slumbering. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience.
‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped, this spirit longs for freedom...
Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became the cherished goal to awaken the Master Builder and “Rebuild Solomon’s Temple,” which is a metaphor for transmuting the human body into an immortal temple of God through the power of the Kundalini. The Ark of the Covenant is between the cherubim and the pineal gland is between the cerebrums of the brain. It is often referred to as the house of the soul
Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became...
What keeps the normal human psyche from functioning at more than three to five percent of its potential capacity? The answer can be found in one word —ego. Imagine what it would be like to live only in the kitchen of a I5-room house. The life-giving connection between heaven and earth is the cross, the world-axis on either side of which two gigantic vines spiral upwards. The work has a similar sense to that behind the Indian Kundalini and the two energy-spirals that twist around it in opposite directions.
What keeps the normal human psyche from functioning at more than three to five percent of its potential capacity? The...
Back to Eden – To move beyond Self-Ignorance and World-Ignorance, our mind has to realise its limitations and break the walls of ego-consciousness. The fifth skandha acts as a kind of watchdog, an ultimate defender of our ego, analogous to what we called in junior high school a “hall monitor,” of the first four skandhas (simular to the five first chakras)
Back to Eden – To move beyond Self-Ignorance and World-Ignorance, our mind has to realise its limitations and break the...
The philosopher’s stone, as is frequently the case, is symbolized by the phoenix, which must be consumed by fire in order to renew itself. The mystery of the phoenix is that from its death (ashes), it is reborn. Images of a hero rising from the dead, or even of a Phoenix, a Rose, or a Red Lion, symbols of the Stone and of Christ, the Light of the World. This is the story cipher for the illumination of lead to gold and the enlightenment of the alchemist
The philosopher’s stone, as is frequently the case, is symbolized by the phoenix, which must be consumed by fire in...
The dark cabal’s agenda never serves the best interest of humanity; they want you to fund the next world war. Illuminati and all other secret societies of the dark cabal knows just how close we are to a victory that is to restore all to full consciousness
The dark cabal’s agenda never serves the best interest of humanity; they want you to fund the next world war....
At the top of the body, above the head, there is the lotus with a thousand petals, shining like the light of heaven: it is the giver of liberation. Its secret name is Kailasa, the mountain where Shiva dwells. He who knows this secret place is freed from samsara
At the top of the body, above the head, there is the lotus with a thousand petals, shining like the...
The Illuminati Question! These keepers of ancient secrets, these “illuminated ones,” know the ancient spells and technologies to manipulate humanity and control the world
The Illuminati Question! These keepers of ancient secrets, these “illuminated ones,” know the ancient spells and technologies to manipulate humanity...
The Origins of the Illuminati, 1770 – the Architect of the Illuminati? “The Secret Govern-ment” and others have called it “The High Cabal,” and it is a group of people, a very elite group of non-elected, self-appointed people who guide the evolution of policy from behind the scene
The Origins of the Illuminati, 1770 – the Architect of the Illuminati? “The Secret Govern-ment” and others have called it...
Secret Order of the Illuminati – History is Made with Betrayals
Secret Order of the Illuminati – History is Made with Betrayals Although this is not publicly admitted, many leaders of...
The corrupt Old World Order of Illuminati, referred to “The Establishment:’ The Establishment Illuminati has many levels and many titles: at the highest levels the inner core refer to themselves as “The Priesthood of Amen:’ At the next level down there are those who refer to themselves as the “Lucifer Web.” Other names used are: The Black Nobility, The Moriah Conquering Wind), or The Brotherhood
The corrupt Old World Order of Illuminati, referred to “The Establishment:’ The Establishment Illuminati has many levels and many titles:...
Who are these modern day “feudal lords (Illuminati)?” In order to understand the mostly invisible monster we face, we need to understand the modus operandi of the detractors who seek to enslave the human race. As master warfare strategist Sun Tzu noted: “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles!’ The identity and origins of this elite “cabal”
Who are these modern day “feudal lords (Illuminati)?” In order to understand the mostly invisible monster we face, we need...
UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations
UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican...
The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Illuminati. Who are the grandmasters. Of the Empire. The banks would rule the schools. And money would rule the truth. Materialism would rule spirituality. And disaster would rule hope. The goal is to keep humankind tuned, trapped within the five-senses reality because the five senses mind can´t comprehend the action and methods they using to mind control the masses, and this keeps humankind trapped within a world of constant programming
The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Illuminati. Who are the grandmasters. Of the...
The number 33 is symbolic of the spine. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine. The spine in the occult was sometimes called serpent because of its shape. Initiates in ancient times were known as Nagas, a word that means serpent. When one meditates it causes the energy that Carl Jung called the Libido to rise. In Indian yoga, it’s called Kundalini. In Egypt, it’s called serpent power. We have seven main psychological energy centers called chakras in Indian yoga. Libido reaches the skull at the end of the 33 vertebrae. It is here where we begin to reach full self-awareness. The Third Eye opens, meaning one has the self-awareness that brings universal love. Superman is 33 when he comes into his full power (Christ consciousness)
The number 33 is symbolic of the spine. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine. The spine in the occult...
Page after page addresses controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his key Illuminati organizations, including the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, the Round Table, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the United Lions Organisation (UNO). At their apex stands the Rothschild family
Page after page addresses controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his...
Read about the Hidden Blueprint of Freemasonry and Illuminati and the coming New World Order
Read about the Hidden Blueprint of Freemasonry and Illuminati and the coming New World Order. In the book of Revelation,...
What is beyond the Seven Chakras? Beyond the seventh chakra, the crown, lies the eighth. Eight is the immortal. For to transcend the seven realms of the physical world and to achieve the eight, the immortal, and to receive permanent inscription into the book of life . . . this is the eighth mystery
What is beyond the Seven Chakras? Beyond the seventh chakra, the crown, lies the eighth. Eight is the immortal. For...
Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives
Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing...
The Key to the Great Secret – The sword in the stone is a direct reference to the secret spiritual process, you must pull the sword from your own stone to start the process
The Key to the Great Secret – The sword in the stone is a direct reference to the secret spiritual...
How to expand your Consciousness, and Awakening your Transcendental Intelligence. Western countries thinking they should have the monopoly on power and industry, and this include the power of your own consciousness. Therefore the human ego-mind is tuned into a low vibrational frequency world, and mankind is cut off from be able to shifting their mass consciousness into a higher frequency
How to expand your Consciousness, and Awakening your Transcendental Intelligence. Western countries thinking they should have the monopoly on power...
The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis (the opposite of the thesis) is then set up, and then out of the conflict of the two comes the synthesis. Hegelian philosophy is really a fancy term for what the Illuminati were doing before the term was invented. To bring this all down to street terms, the Illuminati’s Mafia would send businessmen a letter demanding money and signed with the imprint of a black hand. (This was the thesis). If the demand wasn’t met then the business would be burned or the businessman hurt. Then the Mafia would introduce themselves as potential protectors for the businessman from the black hand extortioners (themselves). (This is the antithesis). And when the businessman begins paying the Mafia for protection that is the synthesis. The Illuminati are doing this tactic all over the world, and it certainly has almost everyone fooled
The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis (the opposite of the thesis)...
Re-Awaken: To Expanded Consciousness. Our whole social set-up, our entire system is anti-God. And that is why the thirst for God is so difficult to arise. And even when it arises, the person concerned appears to us to be crazy; he is immediately thought to be a mental case. It is so because he is now so different from the rest of us
Re-Awaken: To Expanded Consciousness. Our whole social set-up, our entire system is anti-God. And that is why the thirst for...
The Illuminati want to keep us stuck in low vibrational Energy. The goals of the Global Elite are to create a new world order and a one world order where they’ll rule the world into fascism and slavery. These goals are not planned in the public’s eyes, but in secrecy within Secret Societies. The Illuminati own and control all Secret Societies and use all things to influence and manipulate the masses. They’ve set up the World’s System where anyone who goes against it will be ridiculed. Suppressed information keeps people from knowing the cause of current problems
The Illuminati want to keep us stuck in low vibrational Energy. The goals of the Global Elite are to create...
Who Or What Is Behind The Suppression of Knowledge? The Illuminati, One World Order, with its secret governments, secret science, and black budget operations has been totally aware of Cosmic Science since at least 1926, if not sooner. If you believe them, it will lower your vibration
Who Or What Is Behind The Suppression of Knowledge? The Illuminati, One World Order, with its secret governments, secret science,...
BOOK WITH SEVEN SEALS – Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals. The book represents man’s body, and the Seven Seals represent the seven major nerve centers of the body. It involves taking a cosmic wire that sits at the base of your spine (called the Kundalini) and running that wire through each aligned chakra, pushing the wire through your crown chakra, and grounding the energy that flows down into you into the earth below you
BOOK WITH SEVEN SEALS – Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals. The book represents man’s body,...
The Book of Apocalypse explained … H. G. Wells, one of the foremost authors of modern times, wrote a book tided “Crux Anasata,” copyright 1953. When copies of this book were sent to the U.S.A., they were confiscated by Customs Officials. But the manuscript of the work was received in a private letter, and a limited edition of the book was published by Free-thought Press Association. This work contains a chapter tided, “The Continual Shrinkage of the Roman Catholic Church,” in which Wells said:
The Book of Apocalypse explained … H. G. Wells, one of the foremost authors of modern times, wrote a book...
Hidden knowledge about Freemasons and Illuminati and their plans, and why woman can´t become Freemasons. The founder of Illuminati Adam Weishaupt was expert on witchcraft.
Hidden knowledge about Freemasons and Illuminati and their plans, and why woman can´t become Freemasons. The founder of Illuminati Adam...
The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Lucis Trust itself is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The dark cabal from this point in ancient history to this very moment in time has spent all of its waking hours and energy to harness ours. These societies practice and covet the Art of Alchemy protected by an oath of death to anyone that reveals its secrets
The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Lucis Trust itself is a member of...