23 Oct 2024, Wed

If you recall, both World War I and II were both attempts to establish a world government. After World War II, people were at their wits end so they welcomed the United Nations when it was founded. The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so as not to create another world war. But what we find here is a typical example of how the Illuminati work. They use a tactic that David Icke calls “problem-reaction-solution,” where first they create the “problem” by starting a war which in turn brings about a certain “reaction” from the population, who is now in need of a “solution.” So they create a solution to the problem they themselves created by founding the United Nations (UN) bringing us one step closer to their agenda and a One World Government.

If you recall, both World War I and II were both attempts to establish a world government. After World War II, people were at their wits end so they welcomed the United Nations when it was founded. The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so as not to create another world war. But what we find here is a typical example of how the Illuminati work. They use a tactic that David Icke calls “problem-reaction-solution,” where first they create the “problem” by starting a war which in turn brings about a certain “reaction” from the population, who is now in need of a “solution.” So they create a solution to the problem they themselves created by founding the United Nations (UN) bringing us one step closer to their agenda and a One World Government.

Ultimately, the Illuminati would like to eliminate any type of caste system where people are able to achieve a certain level of existence thereby creating one ruling class with everyone else as the lower class. This way, they can control economies, major industries, the media, religions and all other aspects of human existence. It is even believed by some that they are seeking to reduce the world’s population to roughly 500 million people through pestilence, and disease which is not too far fetched although this would greatly contradict their plan to make the entire population working class slaves. Nevertheless, world domination has been their aim for thousands of years and it was never meant to be accomplished in a single generation but rather it was to be the culmination of years of control and manipulation that was to be reached over several generations

The main objective of the Illuminati is a “one world government” where they can serve as the rulers and everyone else is considered to be nothing more than a slave for labor.

Ultimately, the Illuminati would like to eliminate any type of caste system where people are able to achieve a certain level of existence thereby creating one ruling class with everyone else as the lower class. This way, they can control economies, major industries, the media, religions and all other aspects of human existence. It is even believed by some that they are seeking to reduce the world’s population to roughly 500 million people through pestilence, and disease which is not too far fetched although this would greatly contradict their plan to make the entire population working class slaves. Nevertheless, world domination has been their aim for thousands of years and it was never meant to be accomplished in a single generation but rather it was to be the culmination of years of control and manipulation that was to be reached over several generations.

They have hidden behind the scenes of history for a very long time beginning with the “Brotherhood of the Snake,” a secret society dating back to ancient Sumer. According to Icke, this group is controlled by the reptilians and is the core center of today’s global secret society network. It was from this original Brotherhood that Freemasonry, the Rosicrucian’s, The Knights Templar, Ordo Templi Orientis, Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones and many more orders were established. One of their primary goals is to keep spiritual knowledge away from the masses because to them, it is to be shared only by a select few. This esoteric and powerful information is only exchanged among the initiated. This is to ensure that the selected few (which is almost always the ruling families), can reach the goals they decide for themselves and for others. This select few has since become the power elite and has ruled over mankind unsuspectingly for thousands of years.

Their first attempt at a one world government was in 1920 with the “League of Nations” (which was the precursor to the United Nations), but they were unsuccessful. But they didn’t stop there. Over the years, they have continued to pursue a one world government and they have recently moved into place by establishing the “United Nations” (UN), which is nothing more than a front organization for the Illuminati to unite the countries of the world into one government.

If you recall, both World War I and II were both attempts to establish a world government. After World War II, people were at their wits end so they welcomed the United Nations when it was founded.

The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so as not to create another world war. But what we find here is a typical example of how the Illuminati work. They use a tactic that David Icke calls “problem-reaction-solution,” where first they create the “problem” by starting a war which in turn brings about a certain “reaction” from the population, who is now in need of a “solution.” So they create a solution to the problem they themselves created by founding the United Nations (UN) bringing us one step closer to their agenda and a One World Government.

Since the very beginning of all civilizations, there has always been a ruling class that has sought to have dominion over the masses. They feel it is their birthright to rule and lord over the people. The Illuminati believe we are sheep in need of a Shepherd. This mindset has caused them to treat the masses like nothing more than gullible and ignorant “Sheeple” that will never wake up and realize that we’ve been duped into believing in false propaganda and outlandish lies.

Over 200 hundred years ago, William Pitt once said; “Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it.” This was a truism of Lord Acton’s statement which implied that “power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Many people find it hard to believe that there is a very small group of people who secretly run the world with all-powerful and unrestrained dictatorial powers. They dispute the extent of this operation believing it to be too “fantastic” or too “enormous” to be real.

They still choose to believe that our government and its coterie of chosen politicians carry out the democratic process in favor of the people. But, you will find that the Global Elite is diametrically opposed to our interests as they are motivated by nothing more than greed and the lust for power and control.

This is why they have worked in the shadows acting as the planners and instigators behind the monetary system, wars, globalization, industrialization, and the entire economy for hundreds if not thousands of years. They seek to usurp control of the planet through the avenues of major corporations, faulty politics and academics.

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