22 Oct 2024, Tue

Life Force – Power is capacity capable of change

The human brain is capable of allot more than we currently give it credit for. The mind is as complicated as any thing else existing in our known reality. Any thing capable of producing emotions and thoughts is a remarkable mechanism. Its a mysterious machine that’s powered by electricity and blood; nevertheless, consciousness is a reality that has no explanation. Its waters hide more secrets than the deepest ocean.

Upon passing away, the mind goes through chemical changes, which allows the body to experience a final calm. Sometimes it lets us die peacefully. The ancient experience has been the same since we evolved into Homo sapiens. It may be experienced by every form of life on the planet; possibly in the Universe. This is a chemical high that the mind and body produces as a defense mechanism; which some of our cultures mistakenly concluded to be the destination of, or the pathway leading to, “Heaven”.

The blood that is shed is indeed that of man, yet not the literal physical blood, but the spiritual life-force. The physical blood is the carrier of the physical life-force and is, therefore, used to symbolize the spiritual life-force —the Christ-force— or ‘the blood of the Christ’ within man.

One of the functions of a lofty, spiritual being when visiting mankind is to provide vicariously on man’s behalf that which as yet he is unable to provide for himself. This is the fully awakened Christ nature (Buddhi) which is one part of the threefold spiritual Self of every man. In humanity for this age, this vehicle and the function which it should perform are as yet normally unweakened, inactive and therefore unavailable.

In the Adept it is fully unfolded, fully active, especially in its capacity as a vehicle by means of which the highest spirit may reach the outer mortal man. Wine, especially consecrated wine, is a physical symbol for this deeply interior part of the inner nature of man and of its role as a conveying medium for highest Spirit (Atma) into lowest matter.

When offering the cup and saying “this is my blood of the new testament” Jesus presumably referred to that New Age, the future Age, at which aided by his interior ministration -At-one-ment- the evolution of man will have brought this vehicle and power into full manifestation within him. As blood is the essential fluid by which the life of the body is maintained, so the blood of Christ becomes a symbol for that which is essential for the sustenance and preservation of man’s spiritual and mortal soul. As blood flows throughout the physical body of man, so the life-force of the Logos pervades and thereby sustains the whole universe, material and spiritual.

Saviors and Redeemers themselves serve as vehicles for this inner life and hidden wisdom. They therefore prevent man from falling into deeper degradation than would otherwise occur, and awaken into life in him the hitherto sleeping Christ nature and its capacity for channeling the highest spiritual power into his daily life.

When knowledge is attained by such means, universal laws are comprehended. The limitations of past, present, and future begin to be transcended, to be seen as part of a continually flowing tide of events. The power of prophecy is one of the resultant faculties. What is past and future in the time-worlds becomes the ever-present, the absolute NOW. Thus, these three time-states are placed intimately together.

This purification of our life force frees our thinking from our physical body and spiritualizes it.

Power is capacity capable of change.

The Redeemer of man and the universe is indeed the mystical Christ-force which is shed abroad like the physical sunlight that none perish but all have eternal life ; that Force whose spiritual pressure for expression enables even the lowest trough of the sea of humanity to gain the power and momentum to rise to its highest expression. For without this Christ-force that is inherent in every Soul, nothing can be accomplished. This is the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by and through this Cosmic Christ-force.”

Therefore, the redemption of man and the upliftment of his lower forms of manifestation must come through the upliftment of his mind to a realization of and correlation with the radiance of the Christos or Christ-consciousness.” a “We are not to look back to and worship a crucified, dead and buried Jesus, but a risen and ever-present Lord of Light, Life and Love I Not a literal event, past and gone ages ago, but a living Presence, who calls us to sup with Him now in the ‘upper chamber.’ . . . The risen Lord now gives to the world a New Testament, so that all who are hungry for spiritual food, who are tired of suffering, who are sick of bloodshed, may know the glorious truth of His living Presence.

In our personality the two thieves may be likened to the past and the future. The past, through the experiences of our self-created suffering and sorrow, has stolen from us the joy that realization of the Christ within could have brought to our consciousness. The future, to which we persistently look forward with dreams of personal success, accomplishment and satisfaction or with gloomy foreboding if not fear, distracts our attention from that which the Christ should accomplish through us in the ever-present, eternal Now. Thus both these “thieves,” the past and the future, steal from the Christ His opportunity for recognition and expression, for we are forever looking back to that which is past or anticipating that which the future may bring instead of listening to the Voice that is striving to guide us into accomplishing in the now.

“In one aspect this is the thirst of the despairing personality for the old life of the world, and its seeming satisfaction, its happiness and security.” Our physical senses (symbolized by the Roman soldiers) which formerly had given us so much pleasure, do their best to satisfy this thirst, but are unable to do so. We may resort to the old habits of life, try to join old friends in the old pleasures, but they no longer satisfy, in fact they are but “vinegar mingled with gall.” “But in another and higher sense it is the cry of the awakened man who thirsts for more wisdom; how best to do the works of his Father; how best to lift up the Christ-light that all men shall be drawn into the radiance of that Light. He realizes the mighty power of the Christhood within him and thirsts for the ability to manifest it with-out crucifying it. But he finds the task too great and lays down the burden crying: ‘It is finished. . . . Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.’

“Only when the awakened personality realizes that it cannot achieve, through its own intellectual powers, the destiny that has been glimpsed, and places all the ardor and enthusiasm of his desire to accomplish, into the hands –symbol of the power to accomplish— of the Father, the Real Self, and ceases to struggle, is the crucifixion over. . . – He must be willing to be crucified, not rejoicing in the crucifixion as a sign of his superiority over others, but recognizing that it is only a crucifixion of the lower man that the glory of the Christ within might *shine forth is a voluntary cosmic sacrifice to which man’s disobedience has added cruelty and suffering.

Remember that the Christ in us is nailed to the cross of matter, is crucified and suffers, by our every failure to recognize and follow His guidance. The mils symbolize the ridicule, mockery and derision with which the world strikes at those who are striving to live The Pattern Life.

This often results so as to paralyze our power of accomplishment (hands) and hampers our understanding, symbolized by the feet. And because the Christ is crucified within us we must continue to suffer until resurrected and our consciousness ascends to be one with the Father. There need be no crucifixion, yet we crucify ourselves as long as our personal will mosses the Divine Will. The Will of God, manifest-ing as the Christ-force, descends into the material world in a perpendicular line. As long as our desires and aspirations ascend to heaven over that spiritual line there can be no cross formed.

But as long as our personal will crosses that of the Divine we crucify the Christ within and bring the suffering upon ourselves. For we suffer as we oppose the harmonious working of the Law. The crucifixion continues until the animal nature is completely controlled by the Christ within, and the willful personality has also submitted and declared : “It is finished … Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” (St. Luke)

Christhood is a state of conscious-ness which is attained through a process of crucifixion of many things we formerly thought necessary. Hence, any-one who tries to live the Christ-life is likely to know what it means to be “despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” (Isaiah). And the suffering is very real and lasting, until we learn —through recognition of His presence and mission within us— to lift up the cross of materialism on which we have crucified Him and hail Him as the Son of God, henceforth seated forevermore as Ruler upon our throne of life.

There He guides us through the outshining of Divine Love and Wisdom into the path of peace and blessedness. We will then no longer suffer and perish hopelessly, but will live forevermore in Him as He in us, thus fulfilling both in ourselves and in humanity the many promises given us by the Father. We must look then within ourselves and realize that our Lord Christ is still living on earth in us; still teaching, healing, resurrecting and seeking to draw us and all our faculties to a higher and fuller understanding of God’s Truth.

We must also realize that as we turn away from Him we join the rabble who cry, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him I” “Therefore as we learn to know ourselves and our creations in all our worlds we will end the crucifixion by saying of our personal reliance on outer conditions and forces, ‘It is finished. . . . Into the hands of my Divine Self I commit my Spirit.’ Then we will begin to open our consciousness to the angelic forces of the spiritual world and we will know ourselves as Sons of God in the process of unfoldment and manifestation.

Then we will learn to manifest the Real Self as wholeheartedly and completely as we have hitherto manifested the lower self or personality.”

The whole earth is running to and fro and staggering hie a drunken man, seeking for some principle which shall bring a lasting peace and stability into their lives and into the lives of nations. They are seeking to prevent a return of pre-war conditions and establish new and more just conditions for all mankind.

Therefore this is the day when to all who love their Lord Christ, all who have the welfare of humanity at heart, all who will listen and learn and follow, there comes the call to exemplify and spread the doctrine of humanity’s essential unity, and with sanity and wisdom inculcate the necessity of peace, brotherhood, co-operation and harmony, both among individuals and nations. For only so can the crucifixion of humanity be ended.

As we have already pointed out: “It is only the Christ-consciousness, manifesting through the heart and crucified by the rational mind and nailed to the cross of materiality, that can descend into the lower regions (the sub-conscious) and preach to the souls (complexes) imprisoned there, or subjugate and control the forces of the lower mind, and through the consciousness thus illumined, make man, in very truth, the Lord of Creation and the image of God the Father.”

It is probable that this period will be of short duration, for we read that it was “very early in the morning .. . when it was yet dark” that the angel rolled away the stone from the tomb. The Angel that rolls away the stone from the tomb is the ray of spiritual light which you invoke as the result of your consecration, devotion and aspiration. Pray then that it be in the dawning of your third day that the Angel of inspiration shall roll away the stone of materialism from the tomb of mental darkness and permit the resurrection of the Christ-consciousness within. For you have kept Him there wrapped in the bands of your mental limitations and the grave clothes of literal conceptions. Then when the three women, or the three feminine aspects of the Christ-consciousness —Mary, the Mother of Jesus (love), Mary Magdalene (compassion) and Salome (sympathy)— come “very early in the morning” they will find nothing but the grave clothes of old limitations left behind. And the Angel will proclaim: “He is not here: for He is risen!”

If you will lift your eyes to heaven, instead of fixing them on yourself, you will see your Guardian Angel and hear Him say : “He is risen! . . . why seek ye the living among the dead?” You will then realize that the resurrection of the Christ-consciousness within you has really taken place and is not a mere dream or an astral experience. For when that takes place all things are made new, and the Sun of Righteousness will illumine even the empty tomb where the limiting grave clothes have been left behind. As we have said elsewhere: “It is the force generated by the mystical North Wind that shall roll away the stone from the sepulcher of our lives.

But it must be you who draws closer to Them. The clouds which hide Them from you are all of your own creating. They will dissolve and disappear in the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness as it arises and floods your life with its radiance and the resurrection is an accomplished fact in your heart and life. These three periods can be three moments, three years or three incarnations according to your own spiritualization and advancement, as you enter into your divine birth-right. So let the stone of personality and materialism be rolled away. Let the grave clothes of old, restricting ideas and misconceptions fall away. Awake! Watch for the dawning of the third day! Arise from the tomb and come forth into the light of a new day.

Happy is he who has arisen from the Tomb.

Thus you may consciously bring forth the Christ which has been buried under the mass of mental debris while you have been sleeping through the long nights of your Winter-time, with your vibrations slowed down to the rhythm of the mere physical. All this should. teach you that the same force can, and will, fill you with the new pulsating life-force and that you will be able to hear the command of the Christ: “Arise! Come forth from the tomb.” Be determined to obey the Voice.

Believe that the stone of misconception and ignorance has been rolled away by the Angel of Truth, and that this same stone, which has for so long been a stone of stumbling, has now, by the power of the risen Christ, become the head-stone of the corner, the head of the great Universal Church of Christ, which is built upon the everlasting Rock of Truth, through the Resurrection of the Christ within. Look around you in Nature and realize that the time has come for you also to put up new shoots of life, new expressions of your resurrected consciousness, new realizations, new ideas, new joys, new into selfishness, and love for the unfolding beauties you now see in your companions and all mankind, as well as in Nature.

Breathe in the aroma of the good earth and the scents of the unfolding flowers and trees, and realize that a higher aspect of the same Christ-force which is manifesting in nature to fill the air with perfume, is also pouting its creative force through you that you may spread abroad the perfume of happiness, the “odor of sanctity,” the beauty of holiness, if you will but stop resisting and permit its expression. “If the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” (Ronsans, viii, 11).

Since the Power of the Resurrection manifests through all Nature, so can it mani-fest through you ! Meditate upon the above quotation and repeat it again and again until its inner significance is revealed unto you in a glorious realization. Thus will you tune-in to the Power of the Resurrection and allow it to bring about the Resurrection in your life. Strive to live consciously in the Power of the Resurrection. Whenever confronted by a serious problem, sit quietly by yourself, take a few slow deep breaths and relax. Say to yourself again and again until you feel it:

“The Power of the Resurrection is now working freely in my body, my mind and in my affairs! And I rejoice and give thanks that it is sot And I will wait patiently for its manifestation in due season.”

Thus will you receive a Resurrection of health in your body, enlightenment in your mind, and peace and love in your heart! Breathe in, absorb, respond to and express that up-rushing Christ-force from within as unresistingly and as gladly as do the trees and flowers, without stopping to argue the why and wherefore or the details of its manifestation, and without mental reservation or fear of im-perfection. The trees and flowers do not have to under-stand the process or be taught any special technique in order to grow. When the time for their Resurrection, their springtime, comes and the Christ-force in Nature is uprushing and seeking expression through all forms of life, they respond at once and do nothing to impede it. They simply correlate with it and absorb it and allow it to express through them and bring forth to perfection their inner pattern.

“And so may the angels of inspiration and divine guidance, spiritual understanding and illumination descend upon us here and now and roll away the stone of ignorance, of misunderstanding and misconception, the stone of materialism, from our hearts and minds wherein we have kept the divine Christ-consciousness entombed these many years, that He may come forth and take His way with us in our lives. Thus shall we be resurrected from the old life of entombing personality and ascend into the consciousness of that larger life of the Spirit which is our heritage and our real home?”

Happy is he who has experienced the Resurrection.

“Those who have given serious attention to the results of scientific psychic research know that there are ample physical proofs of the biblical teaching that the human personality survives the loss of its physical body in the change called death. In its new and higher state the surviving personality lives in a world of finer, etheric matter which is several octaves of vibration higher than that of the physical plane. In that higher world the person is clothed in an astral or etheric body which is withdrawn from the meshes of the physical body at death. The etheric body is therefore the exact duplicate of the physical body, but of a finer and more nearly perfect appearance.

The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. . . . Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural: and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord of heaven,” when the process of spiritualization is finished. “So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed upin victory.” (I Corinthians, vv, 39-54).

It is well known in psychology that every thought and emotion generates a definite current of force in the mental world.’ These currents are either constructive, destructive or neutral according to the character of the thought held. Thoughts of discouragement and failure react on the body to depress all its vital functions, while fear can absolutely paralyze them. Thoughts and emotions of anger, lust, jealousy and revenge are actually degenerative and destructive to the bodily tissues. On the other hand, thoughts and emotions of joy, peace, love and goodwill are stimulating, purifying and constructive. If the destructive thoughts predominate the body becomes inharmonious, irritable, toxic, acid and even diseased.

But if the constructive thoughts and emotions predominate, the body will be harmonious, pure and full of vitality and radiant health, because it is constantly subjected to currents of high and constructive mental and emotional forces. In addition to constructive mental and emotional forces, when meditation, aspiration and prayer are consciously used to contact the forces of the higher mental and spiritual realms, then still higher octaves of force are involved, namely, spiritual forces.

These forces have been measured with a scientific radionic instrument and proved to nearly double the body’s vitality.

These spiritual forces not only increase the body’s vitality, but they hasten its purification and thus gradually transmute and spiritualize it atom by atom. As we have explained elsewhere: “The true or Spiritual Self —the Ego, a spark from the Infinite— incarnates again and again in the human-animal body for the purpose of gaining experience in matter, and, through its informing the physical atoms of an earthly body, helps to redeem and spiritualize matter. . . . It gains more experience and needs a better body from time to time until, finally, it masters the matter which makes up its physical garments and immortalizes it so that the personality is swallowed up in the Individuality: the mortal puts on immortality and becomes one with the Father-in-heaven”‘ or makes the Ascension.

“This process of transmutation begins from within and works outward from the heart center. From there it sends out radiations or lines of force which gradually set up new sub-centers of radiation in various parts.

This process of transmutation and purifying goes on through every incarnation. In each life some cells are spiritualized, and these are never lost, but are added to life after life. Every cell which the Christ-force has spiritualized becomes immortal, and at the next earth life is built into the new body around the sacred centers, so that little by little we inhabit a more and more nearly perfect body, until in some life we find it possible to complete the purification and spiritualization of all our interblending bodies, mental, etheric and physical.”

“Thus we can renew our life-forces, revivify and recreate our bodies periodically little by little and not be obliged to re-create an entire new body at a later incarnation. This is the great truth back of the doctrine of Re-generation and Immortality in the flesh.”

“To obtain the regenerating, redeeming and illuminating effects of our Christ within, we must have certain definite periods daily when we deliberately expose our-selves to or bathe in the inner mystical Christ-light. . . . We should visualize our Spiritual Self not as a finite mortal, but as a great and glorious immortal spiritual Being, overshadowing us and endeavoring to find ever greater and greater expression through us, according to our recognition of and response to His divine guidance. . . . We often lose the memory of our heavenly home and who we really are so that we manifest so little of our Spiritual Self that we seem to be but mortals instead of immortals.”‘

“Immortality in the flesh is therefore a physical possibility, but its attainment does not mean that the one who has attained it will have to live on earth forever. But it does mean that such an one can live on earth in such a body as long as his work requires a vehicle on the earth plane. When this is no longer necessary, the vibratory key-note of such a body can be raised at will until it disappears from physical sight and manifests on any higher plane desired.

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