23 Oct 2024, Wed

Each chakra represents a higher level of human evolution of awareness. The aim of chakra awareness and meditation is initially to bring the lower chakras into balance with the upper or higher chakras, so that our lives are not conditioned and governed in a mundane existence by lower chakra consciousness. Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result of involvement in the world of illusions and limitations. Their consciousness is imprisoned in the lower chakras. The higher consciousness in the so-called normal person is practically asleep. Some might even say it is non-existent. Only a rare few souls take the initiative to develop beyond conditioned living in ego-consciousness, and seek to regain their freedom by awakening and raising their consciousness to a higher level

Each chakra represents a higher level of human evolution of awareness. The aim of chakra awareness and meditation is initially to bring the lower chakras into balance with the upper or higher chakras, so that our lives are not conditioned and governed in a mundane existence by lower chakra consciousness. Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result of involvement in the world of illusions and limitations. Their consciousness is imprisoned in the lower chakras. The higher consciousness in the so-called normal person is practically asleep. Some might even say it is non-existent. Only a rare few souls take the initiative to develop beyond conditioned living in ego-consciousness, and seek to regain their freedom by awakening and raising their consciousness to a higher level.

Divinity’s Descent Yoga comes in with a brilliant system. It suggests that the polarized consciousness descends in a spiraling movement of energy, and as it descends, as it ramifies. as it stretches out, it becomes matter. Consciousness moving becomes energy, and when the movement is slowed down it becomes matter. This is pure physics.

As consciousness condenses into matter it forms the various elements, and the difference between one element and another is a difference in the frequency and wavelength of their vibrations. As consciousness descends there is space (ether) -everything is in space. And when something starts moving in that space. it becomes air. When air moves there is friction and therefore fire, and when the gases Collide and fire is generated, water is also generated, and then water condenses into solid substances. One is not totally different from the other – the difference is merely one of vibratory frequency.

We have this whole system of elemental stages of creation and the chakras. These subtle elements (earth, water. fire, air. ether) represent the various stages of manifestation outward from Spirit to matter, the descent of the soul-consciousness into matter; and when reversed the ascent from matter to Spirit. The theory starts at the base of the spine. at the moladhara chakra, where the final point of descent has been reached. Energy apparently moving away from the centre has become solid, earth. The earth is considered the muladhara chakra.

How do you contemplate this? How do you visualize this? How can you focus your attention on this? For that purpose the yogi sages suggest a physical or physiological counterpart as a focal point of attention. The earth centre is that pan of your anatomy which comes into contact with the earth, it is as simple as that!

A little way above there is the water element, the next subtle element, located where water collects in the body. This centre (svadhis chakra) represents both water in its simple form, and also the nectar of immortality. Just a little higher from there is the manipura chakra (solar plexus). the free element region – we even call it the gastric fire. It is quite simple. Higher still is the heart region (anahata chakra) which represents air, which is obvious – the lungs and oxygenation. The throat region (visuddha chakra) is a lithe space (ether) in the throat. Then we go on to the mind —the ajna chakra In the forehead.

Divine Consciousness via the soul has descended from the causal sphere to the gross sphere through seven levels of consciousness, from subtle to gross. As the soul descends stage by stage through the seven levels of consciousness into the physical body, it becomes more and more identified with the body and mind. until it seems to have forgotten its original nature.

On its descent down through the chakras, the soul first feels itself distinct or separate from God at the ajna chakra, located at the junction between the eyebrows. It is interesting that the lotus symbol of this chakra has only two petals, and in that state there is already a sense of duality.

At the Ajna chakra the soul is still ever aware of God; it has not forgotten God. Although there is a distinction, there is no bondage at this stage. But as the soul descends farther down through the other chakras, it begins to lose its conscious fellowship with God. His presence is not very dear, it is partly obscured. When the soul reaches the heart centre, the awareness of God is still there, but the longing for God is beginning to diminish.

As the soul continues to descend to the lowest three chakras, below the heart level, it becomes more and more entangled in bondage. The soul forgets the existence of God or Spirit, and its direction goes toward matter. The soul in this state is fully enclosed in the consciousness of its own gross physical form.

In this form the soul is identified with the body and mind, and is primarily concerned with the three lowest chakras — muladhara (coccyx centre at the base of the spine), svadhis chakra (second chakra or sacral oentre), and manipura (third chakra or lumbar centre, opposite the navel). Vrttis subtle vortices of energy created by samskaras (the conditioned patterns of response that drive our behaviour). karmic actions, and waves of like and dislike that create our mental tendencies, desires and habits, enter the subconscious mind and spine. and then get submerged in these lower chakras.

Each chakra represents a higher level of human evolution of awareness. The aim of chakra awareness and meditation is initially to bring the lower chakras into balance with the upper or higher chakras, so that our lives are not conditioned and governed in a mundane existence by lower chakra consciousness.

Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result of involvement in the world of illusions and limitations. Their consciousness is imprisoned in the lower chakras.

The higher consciousness in the so-called normal person is practically asleep. Some might even say it is non-existent. Only a rare few souls take the initiative to develop beyond conditioned living in ego-consciousness, and seek to regain their freedom by awakening and raising their consciousness to a higher level.

It is only when the spiritual nature of a person becomes sufficiently unfolded that the divine power hidden within the person’s heart begins to awaken. Then we transcend the illusions and limitations that have imprisoned us, and regain full awareness of our real Self. Yoga and meditation techniques assist us in raising our consciousness by influencing life-force (prana) and energy in the spine.

When energy is liberated from a chakra, it can then be channeled and integrated into our whole being.

Stimulating and activating each chakra gradually awakens consciousness at that level. In the upward return journey through the seven levels of consciousness the soul becomes more and more disidentified with the mental—physical form, and becomes more and more aware of God.

As a result the soul rises from the gross to the subtle state of consciousness. In this higher state of consciousness we regain the memory of our true identity: that our true essential nature is the Self, separate from body and mind, and not separate from one another as we had thought.

As we transcend further, we go beyond even the subtle state and come to the causal state, where we feel we are Godlike in nature; we feel one with God — there is no separation. But even this is not the highest. The highest is still beyond this causal state.

Unless you become transformed from your present limited state to a state where you can directly perceive God, how will you perceive Him?

The fact is that higher Consciousness is here and now, but because we are unaware and not paying attention to it, we are not cognizant of it; it is hidden from us. It has to be brought forward so that we can become aware of it. And since our state of consciousness is also our state of being, we not only have to become aware of it, we have to become identified with it, and function with it. That is the purpose of all spiritual effort.

Meditation is simply reminding yourself again and again that you are not the limited physical body, but the Infinite Spirit. Meditation is arousing the memory of your real Self and forgetting what you imagine you are (Divine Being)

Don’t wait until tomorrow, make meditation a top priority in your life now and practice it regularly. Connect your life with conscious awareness in the stillness of God. Persist in your practice of meditation, do not give up, then you will begin to experience the joy of being fully present, here and now. Meditation will give you the inner strength to deal with all of life’s problems. Make meditation a fundamental part of your life, and live in the divine consciousness of your Self, then all forms of creativity, and success will find expression in your life. Realizing the divine image of God Self within you is the ultimate success. Meditation will introduce you to your real Self, and will reveal your purpose here on earth. Ultimately, meditation will liberate you from all suffering, and separation, and take you into the love, peace, and eternal bliss of oneness with the Divine, the source of lasting happiness and security.

Jesus said: ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.’

FIRE IS THE SUBTLEST OF THE ELEMENTS in the elemental mandala and the most difficult to understand from the point of view of physical properties. It is the least physical of the elements, yet it is present in all transformations at all levels. When earth transforms into water, it is the warmth of fire that causes the transformation. Earth becomes molten in fire. An alchemist would say that the molten rock had undergone an elemental change from earth to water. In today’s language, we would say a phase shift had taken place. In transforming water into air, the element of fire is again present as the catalyst for the phase shift. We could say that fire is the very spirit of transformation.

The struggle to lift the instinctual sense-driven life into higher capacities is centered in the relationship between the spleen chakra and the heart chakra.

 The second chakra, called Svadishhtana, meaning “one’s own place,” is the water center. The third chakra is the fire center, and is called Manipura, which means “the jeweled city.”

In bhuta shuddhi (purification of the elements), earth dissolves in water, water evaporates in fire, fire merges into air, and air disperses into akasha (the void). All of the principles associated with the earth element present in the first chakra are absorbed into the water element. Then the water element (and all the principles associated with it) are absorbed into the fire element, and so on. The elements (tattvas or bhutas) are not pure like the tanmatras; they are mixtures. The element earth is a combination of all five bhutas: akasha, air, fire, water, and earth. Water is a mixture of akasha, air, fire, and water; fire is a mixture of akasha, air, and fire; air is a mixture of akasha and air. Akasha is in essence having all yet being nothing (void). That is why akasha is the purest and lightest. Air is heavier than akasha, fire is heavier than air, water is heavier than fire, and earth is the heaviest and densest of all.

Towards the Ajna Chakra where the I-consciousness is absorbed into super-consciousness

As we move upwards on our journey through the chakras, we now reach the third chakra. We have moved from the centre symbolizing elemental earth to the centre symbolizing elemental water. We now encounter elemental fire. We have moved from the functions of survival and reproduction to the centre representing the sense of self and place in the world. We have moved from the relative simplicity of the fourfold lotus to the growing complexity of the sixfold lotus. Now we reach the tenfold lotus. This chakra is depicted with ten petals coloured a smoky purple. We have arrived at the third chakra. According to the Western system, this chakra is attributed to the colour yellow. We naturally relate positively to this bright, strong colour. It is of course the colour of the sun which is at the centre of our solar system. The solar plexus chakra is often likened to the personal sun. It is the personal furnace, the storehouse of life energies. The element of fire is attributed to this chakra. Its animal symbol is the red ram which is sacred to the fire god Agni. Its yantra is the embellished downward-pointing triangle which symbolizes dynamic spiritual activity. This centre is called Manipura, which can be translated as ‘filled with jewels’ or `city of jewels’. The mantra Om Mane Padme Hum, translates as ‘Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus’. Gemstones were often forged from the fires of the inner earth. This centre is related to the process of transformation symbolized by the action of fire.

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