23 Oct 2024, Wed

The ego fears failure. The ego does not want to give up control over the embodied soul. The master alchemist is our own heart. Listening to our heart and actively working to remember its union with Source are the only tasks we need to perfect. The process of raising consciousness beyond the limits of duality and into oneness is a lesson in alchemy. Historically, alchemy focused on the processes by which we might transform base metals into precious metals, such as lead into gold. The soul in its chaotic, unregenerate state is lead. The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness. Hermeticism could have to do with transmuting the “lead” of ordinary experience into the “gold” of consciousness

The ego fears failure. The ego does not want to give up control over the embodied soul. The master alchemist is our own heart. Listening to our heart and actively working to remember its union with Source are the only tasks we need to perfect. The process of raising consciousness beyond the limits of duality and into oneness is a lesson in alchemy. Historically, alchemy focused on the processes by which we might transform base metals into precious metals, such as lead into gold. The soul in its chaotic, unregenerate state is lead. The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness. Hermeticism could have to do with transmuting the “lead” of ordinary experience into the “gold” of consciousness.

The Ego´s own Alchemy is Fear, Ego survives solely through attachment and fear is the bounding link of attachment and control, like a virus, which cannot function independently from its host cell. The true alchemical transformation is the true gold of conscious realization of the Self, redeemed from the leaden matter of its unconscious existence – a emergent evolution, an alchemical vessel that takes our leaden thoughts and turns them into gold- a flame burning and purifying the ignoble leaden condition until it reaches the sublime golden state.  The ordinary state of the body and ego is the slumbering state of leaden consciousness, so civilization has been kept in this state of mind for eons, thousands of years, generation after generation by the controllers of this planet.

Within the individual, it is coming into true wholeness. In an interior alchemy, our leaden consciousness, fragmented self is transmuted into gold, its true nature and highest expression. Whether we then are immortal, as the alchemists predicted, is a mystery beyond knowing. The ego is the power that prevent humankind from changing, transmuting, or transform the leaden consciousness into gold consciousness, or transmute lead into gold. So the ego´s alchemical formula is to use all lower emotional energies, negativity, stress, fear, anxiety, worries, pain, phobias, mind terror. On Earth this is today´s organized gang stalking. That is the ego that keeping humankind strucked and trapped within the leaden state of consciousness.

  • The esoteric alchemist’s aim was to transmute the base metals of ignorance into the gold of awareness.
  • Turning base metal into gold is a metaphor referring to the psychological transmutation of turning the leaden aspects of our mind into the golden strands of consciousness.
  • The objective was to transmute leaden consciousness into golden consciousness. It was to transmute bondage into freedom and poverty into prosperity through a direct rapport with the Higher Self.
  • The Philosopher’s Stone – the latter was said to be the catalyst for the transmutation of lead to gold. In alchemical writings, this was often viewed as a metaphor for the transmutation of the self from the crude ego-bound person to the awakened spiritual human.
  • “This resonates with the old alchemical assertions that the lipid” is inherent within the lead; and that the processes of transmutation will “free” the gold within the lead.
  • The alchemical steps which lead to the making of gold were processes in their own bodies and built up and vitalized organs. This body of gold was to be transmuted out of the ordinary body, which is like lead. The symbols of transmutation: Both the body and the psyche can be transmuted, or refined and perfected, by means of a regenerative transformation which is psycho-spiritual alchemy.
  • For alchemy truly was a profound marriage of science and spirituality. Its actual aim was for the alchemist to transmute from a state of “leaden” earthly awareness to one of “golden” spiritual perfection.
  • The very hollowness of our physical heart reminds us to become empty as the alchemical crucible. By focusing on a spiritually oriented paradigm of the heart, we start to lose our attachment to the mundane, dualistic world. The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness.
  • The master alchemist is our own heart. Listening to our heart and actively working to remember its union with Source are the only tasks we need to perfect.
  • The process of raising consciousness beyond the limits of duality and into oneness is a lesson in alchemy. Historically, alchemy focused on the processes by which we might transform base metals into precious metals, such as lead into gold.
  • The soul in its chaotic, unregenerate state is lead.
  • The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness.
  • Hermeticism could have to do with transmuting the “lead” of ordinary experience into the “gold” of consciousness.
  • We can learn the art of transmutation, that process philosophers and alchemists dreamed of long ago by means of which we might turn the lead of ordinary consciousness into the gold of self-realization. Transmutation of the human identity into lasting awareness of the Self cannot take place unless it is preceded by a process of individuation.

The true alchemical transformation is the true gold of conscious realization of the Self, redeemed from the leaden matter of its unconscious existence – a emergent evolution, an alchemical vessel that takes our leaden thoughts and turns them into gold- a flame burning and purifying the ignoble leaden condition until it reaches the sublime golden state

The ordinary state of the body and ego is the slumbering state of leaden consciousness, so civilization has been kept in this state of mind for eons, thousands of years, generation after generation by the controllers of this planet.

The Ego´s own Alchemy is Fear, Ego survives solely through attachment, like a virus, which cannot function independently from its host cell. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the ego has no life of its own. It is an illusion which keeps perpetuating itself through attachment to the individual and, by its various methods, tricking the individual into believing that he or she is the ego.

Then the ego is mass consciousness it tricking the individual into believing that he or she is the ego, and this prevents humankind from freeing and liberate the soul, it prevent them from ascending upwards on the ladder, it hindering humankind from knowing their inner divine being, it disconnect people from their inner spiritual powers and spiritual gifts, its keeping humankind trapped within the state of ignorance (darkness)  and prevent them to become enlighten, it blocks higher levels of consciousness, it clouds all other dimensions and keeping humankind in state of single dimension and low vibrational energy. It´s the ego that keeps humankind attach the to state of leaden consciousness within the matrix. The ego, leaden consciousness, the matrix, mass consciousness is organized gang stalking, organized bullying, organized collective gaslighting, and organized noise/sound harassment. Noise and sound prevent humankind from connecting to their inner relaxing, silent state of stilled mind of the divine source.

Medieval texts describe “spirits” as vapors or energy fields originating from the heart, not unlike how the heart center, or Anahata, of ayurvedic tradition is closely linked to the air element and to the breath. Whichever view you choose, the heart orchestrates our existence, as it is at the center of our physical and nonphysical anatomy. The very hollowness of our physical heart reminds us to become empty as the alchemical crucible. By focusing on a spiritually oriented paradigm of the heart, we start to lose our attachment to the mundane, dualistic world.

The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness. In this awakening, we cultivate a direct, continuous relationship with Creator, and through this relationship, unconditional love transforms everything that it touches in our lives.

The true alchemical transformation is the true gold of conscious realization of the Self, redeemed from the leaden matter of its unconscious existence. The ego prevent humankind from finding and transformation the leaden consciousness into the state of gold “Self” consciousness.

The Ego prevent humankind from evolving and transforming into their Christ Consciousness.

Ego survives solely through attachment, like a virus, which cannot function independently from its host cell. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the ego has no life of its own. Change is a challenge because our beliefs do not honor our divine power. We have allowed ourself to live from the beliefs of others. Our fear of assessing and changing beliefs that no longer serve us has allowed us to create a distortion in the energy upon Earth. We have been teached to believe the powers is outside him and not within. Removing the veil of ignorance is the first challenge and Consciousness is the awareness of being aware of the archon-matrix-program. Finally, Neo realizes that the dreamworld of the Matrix is an artificial place, built by the machines according to rules set to enslave humanity.

What the ego does is to mind terrorizing everyone who´s trying to transform their inner state of being from leaden consciousness to the higher gold consciousness. Organized Gang Stalking of the ego therefore acts much like a virus through attachment; stalking the awaken soul, terrorizing the mind, entangles (attachment) the soul with sound or noise harassment, and imitating the targeted individuals daily living actions (attachment and entangles), and the ego constant trying to overpowering the souls awaken energies by a process of mental/soul mechanization, and the disturbs, distracts and distorts the life of targeted individuals to creates doubts, confusions and using methods of collective gaslighting.

The ego or ego energy works through some type of direct perception, since alone it does not have the power of thought. Thoughts are a lower, more contracted energy. The mind through thought vibration becomes the very voice and expression for ego. So, the mind is a separate entity (energy), created to keep us separate from our higher power, or God, and to perform thinking, and create thought for ego to function through.

Right now most of humanity is so clogged in the emotional chakra that it’s very difficult to sense and feel energy in a true way.

The ego wallows in fear. Whenever control becomes loosened, fear surfaces. Overcoming the ego means overcoming fear. Fear is an emotion that comes directly from the ego. We all have fear to a certain extent. Learning to overcome the fear is the challenge.

Fear develops because others either have told us that we can’t do something, we are not good enough or we worry about what everyone else thinks, don’t trust that we are right or don’t have the faith we need to move forward with a decision.

Self doubts holds back all spiritual progress and prevents humans from knowing their inner divine higher being. Self doubts is a tool for the ego, in same way the ego producing fear or using fear as weapon. Another effect of self doubts is it breaks down the spirit Faith humans need to go forward int their soul journey for liberation.

Faith, not fear. When you believe in yourself—your abilities, your future, and the possibilities in your life—you build a strong brain chemistry that sustains your focus and motivation.

In a sense, the mythic battle between faith and fear is fought on the molecular level. Persistent self-statements of faith and confidence increase serotonin, regulate dopamine, and keep norepinephrine in check. Faith wins; fear loses. But when you let fear and self-doubt take over, norepinephrine dominates. Fear wins; faith loses. One need every cognitive strategy one can think of—self-talk, reframing, thought substitution—to keep one´s faith in ourself. When you do, you generate brain chemicals that help you sustain your focus.

From an collectively or evolutionary mass consciousness  standpoint fear and self-doubts holds ourselves back from moving forward and then worry ourselves to the point of panic or anxiety. This is ego-based fear.

Fear is always based on the ego concept, and then the ego has become mass consciousness the masses and their minds progressing forward or upwards on the spiritual ladder is been controlled and conditioned through fear and low vibrational frequencies.

Then the ego is part of the animal inheritance, the hidden goal is to keep humankind trapped within their ego-desire consciousness or keep them satisfied within what the beast system is providing them. The goal is desire materialism and not desire the real divine inner being.

Ego is part of our animal inheritance, which is concerned only with itself, and its own survival. Animal level of consciousness has only one purpose, and that purpose is continuing its existence through our own, human, mind. Ego thrives and feeds on negative thoughts/emotions, which arise out of fear.

We all have it. We are all unified in our denial of its existence, We as well as our universal acceptance to paint fear as existing somewhere other than in ourselves—or our part in creating this every day in our minds and projecting it into our lives and into the lives of others. Some fears are bigger than others, and some are so big that they run the program. The magnitude of fear in our lives is not measured by how weak or how strong we are as humans, for this is a purely human measurement system. It is by how much we as humans give way to fear in every area of our lives. We allow fear into our lives in the first place when we buy into the thought that we are imperfect or simply being less than anything else. This is because we are functioning on a three-out-of-four-cylinders-firing syndrome. Our spirits are being excluded from the program, and our personalities are running amuck. Ego is tripping along nicely through its adolescence of invincibility, when it realizes that there is something bigger than it and it is outside the human form.

Mass consciousness is not the true higher divine self, and therefore creates separation and alienation from the real self.

Mass consciousness is more like a artificial concept of reality.

The ego’s prime supports are pride (ignorance), desire (to propagate its continuance), and fear (of death). Of these, the most primordial is fear, because the ego’s vulnerability is that its seeming reality is illusory and therefore subject to disillusion. The most prevalent conscious fear is that of physical survival because the body is believed to be the primary reality of life. The body is also evidence of being separate, unique, and individual; therefore, the mind becomes the instrument that primarily serves physical survival plus its accoutrements of comfort, status, and security. Therefore, the schemes and efforts to ensure survival or success take up the time and energy of most people. The ego identifies with all these elaborations, and the fears and defenses become innumerable and unending. The ego’s investments take the form of pride and identification with belief systems; therefore, these also have to be defended. This results in a hyper alertness to danger, like that of the animal in the wild. All that is valued has to be defended; therefore, danger lurks everywhere. The ego is ever watchful of every slight, slur, or encroachment on its turf.

Because of the ego’s investments, innumerable positionalities, and false identifications, its fears are endless and continuously propagate. They subside only when the identification of ‘me’ with the positionalities is withdrawn, and the fears relating to physical survival and being separate diminish as a result of total surrender of one’s life and survival to God. The endless everyday fears are subsumed under the common human conditions called worry and anxiety. This is so prevalent that it is accepted as part of being ‘normal.’ Numerous activities are motivated by the desire to escape fear, and often the majority of life’s activities become unconsciously fear motivated. Jesus Christ said that fear was the last, final negativity to be surrendered.

The general trend of fear is that of the loss of assets, which, in turn, means the loss of pleasure and satisfaction or the means of survival. Self-confidence is the normal safeguard against multiple fears, and that capacity is enhanced by the often-painful learning of life skills in the course of events. The common element of most fears is that they are based on the illusion that happiness is dependent on externals and therefore vulnerable. To overcome the illusion of vulnerability brings great relief and the correction of being run by fear so that life becomes benign and filled with satisfaction and an easy-going, confident attitude instead of constant guardedness. Cessation of fear is the result of learning that the source of happiness and joy is from within. It stems from recognizing that its source is the joy of one’s own existence, which is continuous and not dependent on externals. This results from surrendering expectations and demands on oneself, the world, and others.


We chose to begin our journey in the mind field of the ego, and became our Not Selves. Therefore, we are all somewhere in the mind field of the ego having human experiences for the single purpose of realizing that we are not who we think we are, but pure love or spirit. To know our selves as spirit, we had to forget our Source-God. When we chose to become human beings, which required us to forget our Creator, we took a detour into fear.

As we have already seen, all of our lessons on this planet have been designed by us to teach ourselves that fear is an illusion. When we forgot that God is our Creator, something occurred at that instant in our minds that would have a direct impact on what choices we would subsequently make. What occurred is a separation in our minds, where a portion of it became heavily identified with our external body Although our minds did not literally break into two pieces, the separation meant that a portion of our minds became dominated by body identification, whose landlord is our ego. As we shall see later, our ego is highly fearful, and resists any attempt made by us to purge it from our minds so that we can once again realize our oneness with God.

This cannot be achieved as long as there exists a thought of separation in our minds. The ego is evident in our minds so long as it causes us to make choices that attempt to satisfy our external bodily needs only.

The separation in our minds is held intact by the ego thought system, and its related tape loops. With them still in use, we create all of our daily experiences according to their demands. Our entire physical reality is, therefore, fear-based, which is the source of all of the pain and suffering that we have thus far created in our personal lives. By taking a careful look at the portion of our minds that is causing our problems, we can speedup our movement toward its unification, and of our remembrance of our selves as pure love and spirit.

The Veil Of Separation in Our Minds: Source of All Our Personal Conflicts

Believing we are cut off from God, we have engaged in the creation of many identities for our selves. Therefore, the separation in our minds is nothing more than our ego, whose lift-span is directly dependent upon the time it takes us to complete this journey, moving from our not selves back to Who We Really Are-spirit.

Any personal identity that we assume that is egocentered is alien to our spirit. No communication exists between our ego and our spirit, which is our true self. Actually, our ego is like the eye lids that cover our eyes; we are not capable of seeing with them; however, our eyelids can keep us from seeing with our eyes, if they are dosed. Similarly, our ego forms a shadow or veil over our spirit, and prevents us from seeing with our spirit.

Thus, when there is a separation in our minds, as is the case for many of us now, we attempt to see with perception, and as a result, our ego uses perceptual stimuli to make choices for us, which usually brings us additional conflict and pain.

Our goal here is to “wake up” out of the dream-like state of the movie of life, and before the dissolution of the physical body, enter a state which is absolutely real, in the here and now, the present moment, the only moment there ever is or could be, This is a state of complete awareness, sometimes called bliss, or benediction, as well as many other terms.

Our thoughts, ego, personality, mind, are all formed out of our individual conditioning. All that these synergies seek to create is not the absolute truth of who we are. The illusion that this is so is largely responsible for the sad state of the human condition, with all of the suffering and pain existing within our current society. The talents of the greatest movie director, producer or actors, or even the state-of-the art theater, all pale in comparison to the egoic sense of self. Awakening is to lose and forget one’s sense of self in the form of that “movie” playing over and over in our heads. One must keep an open mind now, for only by keeping the mind open, can it be transcended. It is only in the transcendence of the mind that true clarity of vision may ensue.

Consciousness, without the conditioned mind, is pure and devoid of subjectivity. This is our original, pristine state of Being. A state of deep peace and joy, which is the birthright of all, and to which we need to return. Absolute reality, compared to that of the relative, is eternal, and a common thread linking all in the manifested universe. This is the bliss for which we came into Being. To do so, the mind has to be bypassed, and absolute truth discovered by “going within.” Then, and only then, can the wisdom of our higher consciousness be combined with all our acquired knowledge, leading to true liberation. The main obstacle blocking the attainment of this state of peace and bliss is that which we can define as ego.

There is only one thing that the circle world of the ego fears and that is the individual, the activated human spirit inside the fit and healthy human body, the person with the personal power to choose their own lives, the soul that brings down heaven on earth. The whole essence of the circle world is to keep us disconnected from source energy and healing spirit, to keep us thinking and reacting to the many troubles and tribulations that it faith-fully supplies every day.

Freeing the Soul from Fear

The human ego is full of fear.

By nature, the ego is fearful.

The ego’s prime supports are pride (ignorance), desire (to propagate its continuance), and fear (of death).

Fear finds its roots in the ego’s self-protection. The ego fears both life and death, because both are threatening to its survival. Ego- survives on its constructs, on its concepts of threat, of enemy. We live in the illusion of our separateness, which is always under threat, always in danger of crumbling if we don’t maintain it, defend it, and—if we have the strength—expand it.

The ego fears the loss of conscious existence, and its final surrender means facing ‘the great unknown’. The last step, therefore, requires great courage, faith, and the conviction of the truth of the great teachers. The core of the ego is then relinquished by Divine Grace, and the revelation that it ensures erases the last vestige of fear because its source has been removed.

Our ego fears the opening of this tremendous abyss, or void, where “I will not be anybody.” That is the irony. Here you are fearing being nobody when this way of being nobody is your identity: the space, the pause.

The mechanism of these encounters with fear is direct and real. It goes something like this: When fear gets hold of us we’ve succumbed to its power. We think fear is stronger than we are, stronger than our courage and determination. By remaining present when we feel the fear—at whatever level of intensity—by not averting our gaze and falling back into habitual patterns, the fear may collapse, dissolve, and transmute into freed energy as we “hold our seat,” breathe, and soften.

Fear and ego are almost interchangeable terms. Like ego, there’s no ultimate reality to fear. It lives in the discursive mind, in our thoughts. We know how difficult it is to come to terms with that in daily, real-world experience. We tend to believe that the way we see a situation is the way it is. We believe the stories fear feeds us. The arguments of the controlling ego in our heads can be exceedingly ingenious and convincing. And of course the sheer physical power of fear—the way it grabs hold of our bodies and rattles us—can also be extremely difficult to pacify

We also learned how we are bound by the thoughts we choose and how our choice for the thought of fear over the thought of love has alienated us from God and from our true selves. The Course teaches that the world has yet to collectively awaken from its choice for the thought of fear. It tells us that as long as fear is collectively projected by everyone, its false effects will continue to be collectively experienced. Yet, the Course also says that the power to extend love rather than project fear is still within us. We can take back our projections and reverse the upside-down thinking of fear’s perception. God has given us the means to do this.

Perception and Projection Here’s how it happens: In the realm of the power of thought works opposite to the way it used to work in the realm of knowledge. Knowledge knows the thought of God’s all-encompassing Love and extends that Love. Perception no longer knows Love. Perception no longer knows anything. That’s because it has chosen to believe in separation and in Love’s opposite, namely fear. Fear cannot be extended because fear doesn’t exist. Fear is an illusion. But fear can be projected. In the realm of perception, fear is, therefore, projected out of the mind and onto something outside itself in order to protect the mind that chose it. Perception uses projection to recoil from what it fears.

Upside-Down Thinking Here’s how we do it: In the world of dreams and beliefs, perception is the only means of awareness. What does perception do to gain awareness? Perception employs the senses to gather information. Since the senses can only recognize concrete things or things that have dimension, they cannot transcend the concrete, three-dimensional realm. Perception’s  scope of awareness is, therefore, limited to what the eyes and ears can verify and to the choices the mind has already made. Being rooted in the belief in separation, perception can now only see parts of the whole. So it perceives separate bodies that seemingly experience separate thoughts and separate wills that are in constant competition with one another.

This is how perception keeps afloat the upside-down thinking that I’m not powerful. The world has power over me.

The ego is the jailer of your soul, guarding it from truth until the holy instant when the captive soul is released to freedom. The will of ego then becomes one with the will of your soul, which is one with mine. Your will, which you may have considered to be isolated and small, you now know to be in union with mine. This knowledge gives you the confidence to go forth in grace toward any goal you made in spirit. You are aware of your soul’s purpose and move confidently in the direction that you must go to achieve this.

The alignment of ego and soul results in harmony of spirit. This harmony is reflected back down through the etheric layers of your body and results in a feeling of well-being or all being well within your soul.

You are powerful; you are strong in your true being, This inherent power within you is your own nature. Your own true being has no fear. It is bold in its identity.

Fear lies at the very heart of much of ego’s driving force. As much as it may disguise, delude and deceive itself, fear is what drives the ego toward narcissism (control), arrogance (compensation) and defense.

In several ways, ego acts like a psychological virus: Ego requires a human host, which it “infects. Self-doubt then acts like a virus. Ego survives solely through attachment, like a virus, which cannot function independently from its host cell. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the ego has no life of its own. It is an illusion which keeps perpetuating itself through attachment to the individual and, by its various methods, tricking the individual into believing that he or she is the ego.

Fear of the unknown causes doubt and control to come into existence. Self-doubt acts like a virus.

The ego fears failure

The ego does not want to give up control over the embodied soul. Even during the transition into bodily death, the ego-mind usually, in one form or another, accompanies the soul out of the body and continues with it on its journey. The physical death does not insure the death of the ego-mind. It is only through the process of awareness with acceptance that attachment to the ego is atrophied.

The ego is very aware of its tentative position and lives in constant fear. This fear is manifested in the diaphragm and solar plexus and, with practiced attention, can be directly experienced and known by the individual. This fear energy of the ego-mind is what interferes with the natural course of breathing.

The ego’s fear of extinction becomes encoded in the body, altering breathing patterns and creating greater physical ten-sion and distress. In this way, the ego continues to maintain control over the embodied soul’s consciousness.

The ego knows that if the individual becomes aware of his or her physical tension and distress, the consciousness is likely to become preoccupied with its level of physical health and comfort and to react in various ways to this concern. The consciousness has now become even more attached to ego-mind through fear of loss of well being and an urgency to fix the body.

Ego survives solely through attachment, like a virus, which cannot function independently from its host cell. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the ego has no life of its own. It is an illusion which keeps perpetuating itself through attachment to the individual and, by its various methods, tricking the individual into believing that he or she is the ego. When attached to the ego, the individual doesn’t “see” the ego. The ego has become invisible because the individual believes the ego is what he or she is and therefore, there is no experience of consciousness as separate from ego-mind. The attachment is complete. When attention is turned inward, the process has begun which will eventually result in the individual “seeing” the ego and finding its true Self.

The offset of loss to the spiritual devotee is the realization that loss represents an opportunity for greater freedom. An attachment is a tie and a fetter of the ego. Although the relinquishment initially feels like an emotional stress, there awakens the realization that the bondage would have to have been surrendered to God in due time in the process of letting go of the illusion that the source of happiness is external.

The true source of happiness and joy is the Self and not the identifications of the ego/self. Through close examination, it will be found that the fulfillment of desires quells the ego’s painful sense of lack, and in the quiet that ensues, it is really the happiness of the Self that was then experienced and not the ego’s acquisition. The source of the pleasure was not from the thing, action, or event itself but from the fact that in quieting the ego’s feeling of distress, the presence of the Self could be sensed.

This is the mechanism behind all ego gains. The painful wantingness or clamor of the desirous ego is silenced, and thus the inner Self is pleasantly experienced. The mind’s error is that it ascribes the source of the feeling of happiness to ‘out there’ instead of ‘in here’. The pain of loss is therefore not due to the loss of the person or object but is from the attachment itself. Attachment is an investment of emotional energy. In due time, it reinvests itself either to a substitute object or, more hopefully, in devotion to God.

The ego is shallow and fear-based, and its primary focus is all about “me”. With this ego-based focus, you are bound to fail, making your worst fears come true. Ego-based fears can be extremely powerful and control our minds. If our self-image is threatened, the ego diligently goes to work by partnering with fear to create a pattern of fearful thoughts, perceptions, and ideas.

Understand the power of divine love is the highest vibration that is able to connect with all other creations in existence and transform the vibrational rhythm pattern of these creations. The greater your connection to divine love, the more powerful your ability to transform your perceptions of pain, fear, and limitation. The key is to connect to the purest source of divine love possible.

The most powerful source of divine love that exists that can be used to transform your perceptions is located in the now moment. The now moment is a state of existence beyond time and the limitation of space where the illusion of the ego, of emotions, of limiting perceptions cannot exist, simply because the purity of divine love transforms these lower vibrational rhythm pattern creations back to the innate perfection within these creations. How you reach the now moment is by living each one of the combat transformation principles, each of which are designed to transform your creations that separate you from your divine perfection, and to focus your unlimited freewill to connect to the power of divine love that exists in the now moment.

You have to transform your perceptions of time and space. You meditate to expand your consciousness into the now moment. Most importantly you have to understand how the mass consciousness affects your ability to connect to the purity of divine love in the now moment.

If you stood in the middle of a vast stadium of pure white light that represented the transforming power of divine love, your freewill could set an intent to heal a limiting perception stored in your chakra. The vibrational rhythm pattern of divine love would connect to and raise the lower vibrations of the limiting perception. In this example there is a clear playing field between your creations and the purity of divine love.

Now add billions of creations of fear to this vast stadium of pure white light. This transforms the pure white light where you could see, touch and connect to pure divine love everywhere into a jungle of limiting perceptions that hide and distort your connection to the pure white light of divine love. To fix this problem of billions of creations of limitation blocking your access to pure divine love, humanity’s requests and prayers for help to higher awarenesses in the universe were answered with the solution of seven energy pathways being anchored by them on the planet as a gift. I

t’s as if you had engineers who went through the jungles and built a road, so that you could now go through the jungle on your transportation much easier then cutting your way through and fighting all of the tree limbs, all of the plants, and all of the things that were in the way. The seven energy pathways anchored to your planet simply have cut a path for you through the vast amounts of limiting vibrational rhythm patterns of the mass consciousness. These pathways are maintained the same as the road may be maintained. You need do nothing to maintain these pathways.

Love knows no fear, therefore is fearless, and ego is just on the opposite— fear is one of ego’s major energy suppliers.

The ego wants no part of the truth and what will bring us freedom.  Fear keeps you in the imaginary reality and out of touch with the Truth. Another corruption of the negative ego fear based thought system that distorts reality, mind, perception and the divine nature of being.

The ego and mass consciousness is therefore ruled by ignorance or the veil of ignorance, and through the veil of separation the ego prevents humans from discovering their divine being.

The ego or ego energy works through some type of direct perception, since alone it does not have the power of thought. Thoughts are a lower, more contracted energy. The mind through thought vibration becomes the very voice and expression for ego. So, the mind is a separate entity (energy), created to keep us separate from our higher power, or God, and to perform thinking, and create thought for ego to function through.

This ego has become the god of this world and separate humankind from their higher divine self.

The ego, on the other hand, is worried only about its immediate, finite survival. It is a living element of fear. The ego is created through our survival belief systems that focus upon fear and anger. We accept the ego as a necessary part of our mind. But our ego is wrapped in its cocoon of fear and cannot survive in its present state in the energy of love, faith, and trust. These loving energies dissolve our shell of fear and the ego becomes humble in the love and wisdom of our soul and spirit. Our perception of life is then expanded beyond our linear view. When the ego is merged with the divine nature it becomes humility.

When we experience the energy of fear, we must understand that it is our ego fearing for its survival and not allow our ego to convince us that no other path is possible. Understand that as eternal spirit created by God we cannot be destroyed, and that all things not created by God will not survive. It is our fear of death that attaches us to the fear of change. We fear what we can’t see and we can’t see beyond the veil of beliefs that surrounds our intellect. Change is symbolic of the death of our old beliefs and behaviors.

Change expands the very essence of who we are. Each and every change that we experience in our conscious awareness allows us to have a new perception of ourself and other people. Each change that we experience will naturally replace our old belief system with new beliefs and behaviors. It is this sense of eminent change happening within our minds that allows our intel-lect and ego to withdraw in total fear.

Fear can capture our physical body in the same manner that it captures our intellect and ego. Fear is one way to create physical disease. Our ego fear will create physical symptoms within the body because fear constricts the heart and blood vessels, which has an effect upon every cell within our physical body. Our heart is the point of power for our spirit. Anytime that the ego succeeds in constricting the heart, it is winning the tug-of-war with the spirit.

This change takes place within our energy fields, which triggers our emotions, and which then triggers our physical body response. Identical responses occur in our liver as a point of power for our soul. If we refuse to acknowledge our life lessons we can choose to create disease. Our lungs are the point of power for our physical life. If we are feeling suppressed or controlled physically, by ourself or someone else, we will develop breathing problems. Each of these three important organs are connected to our spirit consciousness, soul mind, and intellect and ego, and they will reflect the control that we are creating from our mind restrictions. This is not a conscious action of our aware mind but it occurs at a subconscious, soul level and an unconscious, spirit level.

Change is a challenge because our beliefs do not honor our power. We have allowed ourself to live from the beliefs of others.

Our fear of assessing and changing beliefs that no longer serve us has allowed us to create a distortion in the energy upon Earth. Many believe in change, seek inner and higher changes of self, and want to explore methods of protecting Earth and the Universe. Others continue to fanatically protect the old beliefs that come from the primitive levels of our soul growth. This protection is the symbol that represents the ego and spirit tug-of-war in the mesocosmic level of society.

Our physical house can easily be destroyed. But the tree from which our house was built has been created by God and it will regrow. We can destroy our physical body, but we will live again. An understanding of the eternal life within us should give us the energy of hope, faith, and trust, because what God has created will live eternally. We are part of the Creator, we have been created by the intention of the Creator, and we are eternal. We bring the destruction of ourself, our society, and the world upon ourselves to serve as our lessons of change and growth.

Öur ego has withstood a constant bombardment of electromagnetic energy as our spirit tries to inspire our intellect into change and openness.

Our ego has created the cosmic shell around our intellect to give the illusion of the trinity of ourself as the intellect, the ego, and the physical body. As our ego lifestyle of separateness becomes apparent to our intellect, we will begin to open our mind to change and inspiration.

The lifestyle of our dependent intellect is dosed, limited, and complacent as it is controlled by the ego in its cosmic shell. Our intellect lives like a ship in a bottle. No matter how magnificent and beautiful the intellect is it can never sail to far away places because even its imagination is limited by its cosmic shell.

Our ego is the last bastion that separates our intellect and keeps it from discovering the truth about itself and becoming one with our soul and spirit. As we live the major lessons of our soul without changing our conscious awareness, our soul goes deeper and deeper into the abyss of the shadow side of our soul and brings forth our primitive reflections to remind us that change is essential to our health and happiness.

The possibility of fear enters the world. The possibility of separation enters the world. Hiding from God and separation from God represents the ego, instead of being connected with the large Self which knows no fear, and knows no differences, now they identify with the small self, the small ego, the one that perceives differences and they become afraid. It is the ego that experiences fear. in the ego is a fear-based reality because the ego is always subject to harm. Living from the world of the Transcendent is a bliss-filled reality because the Transcendent knows no change.

Fear, as we know it, is the main supporting column of the Ego, and it feeds heavily on the energies of Chaos. Fear imprisons the mind and requires drastic, attention-getting measures to break free from the bars of this mental prison cell.

Consciousness recognizes that the more you learn about your Self, the more you come to understand yourself. For us individuated humans, this crucially means the more you understand about the structure of the entirety of your Self, the more you come to understand your ego-self—and how it operates. Moreover, the wonderful thing about understanding something is that any fear around it dissolves. In the case of your Self, because your ego-self generates fear, understanding how it operates and what causes the fear will give you a better chance of living a life free from it.

The author of fear is the ego, and ego is the mass consciousness, and to control the masses the ego of mass consciousness using massmedia, television and masstechnologies to stay in power and control of the human mind or the matrix.

The mass media provides us with our on-the-surface view of reality. This superficial view reflects the beliefs we currently hold to be true of reality. The news media’s reports tend to focus on events that stimulate our fears—which are generated by our collective core beliefs. As you may have gathered from the media, the prevailing worldview suggests we live in an unsafe universe—echoing a primal fear within our collective psyche, that we are separated from Source. The beliefs of both science and religion predominantly support this view.

Constant fear programming creates an subconsciously desire to belong to the group of mass consciousness and fear is also the component that opens up the mind-channel for negative mind programming

We have been intoxicated with these media news and dramas of life as social media. These bind us to collective consciousness. These collective consciousness polluted by our collective energy release and affecting the psyche of every one of us. When we are into these fearful thoughts, vibrating negativity, we are forced to feel the collective energy response, whether we like it or not. We feel everything, but may feel difficult to express. But when we free ourselves by detoxifying ourselves, remaining media free, news free, ads free, etc you will free yourself from this matrix.

Then once the authorities were tuned in, they manipulated the mind into controlling the mass through fear and false belief systems. Even today, the authorities control us with fear, obligation, and punishment.

Once the authorities of those days gained mind control over the mass population of the land, the more we, as a human group, separated ourselves from our own spirit, soul, universal divine mind, and body. And today, those in power, even our motivational speakers, now look at the rational mind as the king and the source of what is gained in life. Because of the hypnosis of rile mind, using fear, belief systems, motivational workshops, and intelligence as the foundation, we now

Its all about controlling the ego-perception.

Such control, was never considered as belonging to the Soul. Bodies and feelings, with their intermediate images, were thought of as the Self and were held by thought forms, which crystallized all of life in a rigid way and manifested behaviors that separated the human instruments from each other time and time again. People never learned that the crystallization in which they were held was the controlling form of one thought — the mass consciousness of humankind, from which there was no escape.

Mass consciousness is ruled by the concepts of mass;

Mass society reflects industrial mass production in which people consume the same industrialized products and culture.

Mass society, mass media, mass production, mass distribution, mass consumption, mass-produced and mass-consumed, mass entertainment, mass communication, mass education, mass consciousness, mass psychology, mass hysteria, mass illusion and finally all these parts is the Matrix.

Waking up from the Matrix, breaking the bondage (of) false consciousness (the dreamworld) and wakening up from the illusionary reality, is done when people are shown the true workings of the Matrix-system.

“False consciousness is the result of culturally and economically dominant groups indoctrinate the masses.

The Matrix – is a artificial dreamworld controlled through the art of mass psychology to create mass consciousness, and then the Matrix is a “mind prison” the mass consciousness prevents humans from awakening up from this dreamworld to be able to see through the veil of ignorance and illusions.

The Matrix is a dream world made to cover our eyes with illusions and ignorance.

The meek has inherited the world, because they are born into bondage, living an illusion, asleep and unconscious.

Consciousness is the awareness of being aware of the program.

Both subconscious and conscious ‘five-sense’ mind were subject to the manipulation of this now self-aware ‘entity’ that the Matrix had become. The reason why the Matrix projection needs the energy of fear to empower itself is because it is fear, self-aware fear. These fears keep us locked in the matrix, the morphogenetic grids of our awareness, of our active consciousness. It is also our collective consciousness that induces fears into others.

Morpheus, whose name is taken from the Greek god of dreams, reveals to Neo that the Matrix is “a computer-generated dream-world” , the product of an elaborate computer program.

The solution is that Neo needs to wake up from the dream, just as Gnostics learn that sensory perception in the material realm is not reality.

A neural simulated dream world, the Matrix is a complex engineered reality designed to keep humanity under control. Our engineered world is a psychological construct created by humanity.

The film explores the relationship between two different, but related, worlds. The first is a dream world, where people’s perceived realities are actually projections and illusions. The people in this dream world are unaware that their perceived realities are actually produced by an inhumane system of oppression. The second is the real world; in this world, the state of wanton oppression is revealed, and a group of liberated human rebels, who have rejected illusory human existence, fight the inhumane power hierarchy.

MORPHEUS, “What is the Matrix? – Control! The Matrix is a computer-generated Dream world built to keep us under control, in order to change a human being into a battery of energy. We are the energy source easily renewable and completely recyclable. All they needed to control this mind was something to occupy our mind. And they built a prison out of our past; wired it to our brain and turned us all into slaves.” “The Matrix is everywhere; it’s all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out of your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church, or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.””That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage. . . kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, or touch; A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.

Finally, Neo realizes that the dreamworld of the Matrix is an artificial place, built by the machines according to rules set to enslave humanity. Neo would lead people out of the illusions of Plato’s cave, the veil of Maya, or the darkness of the world into a higher consciousness. His goal is to “free” the mind from the dreamworld as the false consciousness.

This is evolution of consciousness rising up from the depths of ignorance, superstition and dogma to become conscious of the fact we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

How to Transcend Mass Consciousness and Become One With the Universe and break free from this sheep-mentality of the majority, that will just and always be representing themselves as they are – self destructive section of humanity. Mass consciousness is created through concept of fear. The collective mass consciousness represents oppression.

What came to mass consciousness first as a symbol of collective apocalyptic fear.

Then fear become the illusionary power for fear of death.

It then continues to include fear of exclusion from the group or mass consciousness

Then it come to include to be accepted by mass consciousness

It then continues to include to have others approval to make – or change the mass consciousness programming of the human mind

Human then begin to fear to not fit in

Then they start fear to no be something

Fear is low vibrational frequency and it keeps humankind trapped within a one dimension reality that easily can be social engineered, manipulated, conditioned, programmed. This world hiding and conceals its mind control methods within the daily living environment, use of technologies, cell towers, radio, television, news media, music, movies, food products, or in the airs through chemtrails and nanotechnology.

The author for all these concepts and belief systems  of fears is the ego and mass consciousness. This is how humans from their beginning giving away their inner power to other or to the outer-external forces of the ego. The human ego, mass consciousness, the matrix, the ego-body-identity is not the real identity of humans. It´s hiding the real divine higher self in concepts created by the ego, mass consciousness, the matrix to keep everyone in line and follow what their are programmed to do.

The Earthly Life Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnotized existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himself to be a physical being. The maya-hypnotized ego creates the distortions of reality or distortions of the powers within. The first distortion-error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, the second distortion-error is made through believing in the dying nature of man, and not the undying nature of the real Self/Soul. The third error-distortion of man´s  mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These mind-errors is the mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term for illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” of the mind is the maya-hypnotized mind.

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