23 Oct 2024, Wed

Enlightenment Now: Liberation Is Your True Nature. Out of Time and Into Enlightenment. THE MOST IMPORTANT MYSTERY that we encounter on our endeavor to be free in this life is that what we seek we already possess. Liberation means freedom from the suffering of uncontrollably recurring rebirth (samsara ) and its causes, while enlightenment brings the ability to help others gain similar freedom

Enlightenment Now: Liberation Is Your True Nature. Out of Time and Into Enlightenment. THE MOST IMPORTANT MYSTERY that we encounter on our endeavor to be free in this life is that what we seek we already possess. Liberation means freedom from the suffering of uncontrollably recurring rebirth (samsara ) and its causes, while enlightenment brings the ability to help others gain similar freedom.

The main dictum of the hermetic tradition as found in the Emerald Tablet in essence states “As Above, So Below” meaning that humanity will find within itself the nature of the entire universe. 

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment

The Seat of the Soul: An Inspiring Vision of Humanity’s Spiritual Destiny

“Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.”

  • Enlightment is the only way to exit the Archon Matrix Mankind is trapped within/imprisoned within
  • “Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.”  Buddhist Quotes
  • “The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.”
  • “Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside”
  • “One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”

When it turns out not to match the limited view of our ego, disappointment is the result. Chogyam Trungpa put it simply when he said, “Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.” In other words, enlightenment is the end of the ego.

The attainment of enlightenment from ego ‘ s point of view is extreme death , the death of self , the death of me and mine , the death of the watcher . It is the ultimate and final disappointment.

When entities vanish , nothing is lost , for they had no ultimate existence in the first place , being nevertheless real because not divorced from the Void . Liberation is achieved by Enlightenment , the fruit of transcending all egodelusion.

Revolution of the Heart

More and more of us are deciding to no longer be afraid, to no longer play the game. A nem game plan is being written and it speaks of a higher consciousness, noon, enlightened way of being:Atm the players will be empoweml human beings. This is creating change on every level. On one hand, more people are awakening to the possibility of a new reality, and at the same time, we are witnessing an increase in the intensity of fear in those who cling to the old ways of being as they try to maintain the disintegrating outdated construct. Rut this change cannot in’ denied. A tsunami of consciousness is sweeping the old game hoard clean, to leave the stage open for those choosing to create a new collective reality. Change is the only constant in the verse. Yet, it is the thing humans fear mast, another sign that our current paradigm goes against the flow of life. Humans are extremely resistant to change. When a company takes over another, for example, it is not unusual to terminate all the original employees. The reason behind this “cold” approach is that it is easier to train new staff than to ask the current staff to change.

If we apply this example to the current planet’s paradigm, although one might hope that every single human being will embrace a new collective reality, this is unlikely to be the case. Transition is difficult. And one of this magnitude especially so. But this transition is occurring whether we are ready to accept it or not, since it is not based on personal preference but many factors are producing this shift in collective consciousness. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to clearly identify what causes the fear that keeps us from negotiating change.

This in itself can be pretty stressful. But the shift currently taking place on the planet is affecting everyone. As the collective level of consciousness changes, everyone and everything that is connected to it is being affected. But because many people are unaware of the types of changes sweeping the planet, a dissonant chord of fear and unease has also begun to permeate both the individual and collective consciousness. Humanity is at the end of its rope. As such, it is realizing that its suffering is not due to some random act of a periodically annoyed deity. Many are asking the hard questions, the ones that challenge the constructs of our current collective reality. We are awakening to our power, and when we do, the rules of the game have to change. It is a historic moment on this planet, capable of rewriting how life will be experienced from this moment on.

The state of enlightenment is also called self-realization or God-realization. It’s called “realization” because the great, enlightened beings have “realized” one fact — a fact that has implications on every element of life as they know it.

They’ve realized the omnipresence of divinity. They’ve realized that everything is one, and that knowledge and the knowing of that knowledge are inseparable. They realize that what you see is what you get, what you get is what you see, and what you see is who you are. In other words, it takes one to know one. We are the world, indeed.

Realization is not just about reading some words and being able to discuss or debate them; but rather to realize the essence behind spiritual insights such as “In the beginning was the word, and the word was God,” “Everything is one,” “The kingdom of Heaven lies within,” or “Thou art That.”

Once you realize the essence of spiritual teachings and make them an integral part of your reality, these teachings filter through and transform your entire world. Your sense of limited individuality fades like a mirage that had been blocking the bright sunlight of supreme truth. As this supreme light blasts through you unimpeded by mortal illusions of limitation and separation, you become enlightened. You emanate not only your own personal human light, but also a higher. more universal light.

Before becoming forever established in the highest realization, you may touch that enlightened space for a while and then return back to limited thinking. Even when you’re feeling limited, remembering the higher spaces you’ve touched helps to keep you moving forward toward your divine birthright of knowing who you are in the highest sense at all times.

With enlightenment, you may continue playing your role, but with the awareness that you’re the one who’s playing your role!

Enlightenment Now: Liberation Is Your True Nature

Out of Time and Into Enlightenment

THE MOST IMPORTANT MYSTERY that we encounter on our endeavor to be free in this life is that what we seek we already possess.

This statement not only goes beyond the psychological parameters of what we believe freedom to be in this life, but it also destroys the concept of how we commonly associate freedom with social success and financial security.

Yet it is a statement that cannot be uprooted, because success and security, in the socially accepted sense, are arbitrary terms, implying that you do not belong in this world and that somehow to belong you need to be accepted by standing on the shoulders of others who you falsely believe threaten your security.

The accepted notion of success is to assume that our very existence is wrong and that somehow we need to make it right. If your psychological center of gravity were corrected so you understood that ‘you existing in this world is itself a miracle, and thus already successful beyond words. then the magic and beauty of our world would unfold purely because the success we were seeking we already intrinsically owned. This clarified reality of success comes only to those who are already completely free in this life. But this raises the question, what does it mean to be completely free in this life?

The mystery that we encounter in our endeavor toward freedom in this life has nothing fundamentally to do with success and security, as these are intrinsic attributes arising out of the knowledge that one already possesses what one once searched for. But instead, that which is within our original nature is enlightenment. the completely free state. 

This perception of enlightenment within the field of time poses many difficult ideas of what it means to be liberated, and these ideas themselves are obstacles to true liberation. The main difficulty to overcome is that those who strive for enlightenment unknowingly assign it the quality of a temporary state rather than everlasting.

Striving for enlightenment does ascribe to it the temporal order of the universe, because anything in the field of time is an illusionary concept of past or future, which ultimately distracts our attention from the reality of the present moment. This is known as samsara in Sanskrit, referring to the wheel of time, which is thought to be an illusion. In revealing our time-bound concept of enlightenment, it is extremely hard for most of us to swallow, for the sheer fact that enlightenment is the eternal aspect deep within our consciousness that is a reflection of the eternal universe.

We tend to try and grasp such axiomatic truths with our intellect, which is itself a time-bound instrument of discernment, and in most cases the result of time. This is not to insult the intellect, but rather it is the recognition that if our intuitive faculties have not opened up, then the intellect has little to no chance of peering into the esoteric heart of the universe that lies beyond the temporal scope.

Jesus the Christ, Gautama the Buddha, Bhagavan Krishna, and many others are examples of spiritually liberated beings. They are our way showers. Each of them provides a unique map leading to the same destination, whether it’s defined as selfrealization, enlightenment, satori, nirvana, perfect sanity, samadhi, or ecstasy. We, like them, are candidates for awakening. In fact, we have a mandate to wake up to our true nature and the nature of Reality.

This is a state of spiritual enlightenment. Spiritual liberation Release from the karmic cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Once enlightenment meant to bring the light of insight that liberates the self from suffering and death through the experience of anatta or no-self.

Liberation means freedom from the suffering of uncontrollably recurring rebirth (samsara ) and its causes, while enlightenment brings the ability to help others gain similar freedom.

The sign of progress in the meditations is that the aspiration to freedom begins to exert a steady influence upon the mind, day and night. This yearning for spiritual liberation now becomes an important propelling force.

We see that the deepest power behind cyclic life is the “ I ” – grasping ignorance , the inborn habit of identifying ourselves with something that has no basis in reality ; and we also see how this gives rise to the endless flow of mental distortion.

The ultimate goal of the living spirit is to attain liberation and join with the eternal soul. Every godly personality understands this ultimate goal. In spiritual terms, it means individual living spirits must reach or go even beyond the seventh sphere (swarloka) to establish a contact with the eternal soul. To reach even the sixth sphere, the living spirit has to be free from all external influences generated by the powers of living force.

Transcendental Phase

During the initiation phase, living beings establish contact with the eternal soul, and it starts to gain freedom from external illumination that is received through the cosmic universal system. At this stage, the living spirit becomes free of the limitations imposed by the powers of prokriti or Mother Nature.

Neutral Phase

By attaining such freedom, the living spirit attains neutrality and is no longer subject to living forces responsible for creating electromagnetic fields. The powers of causation, attraction, and repulsion—responsible for the creation of duality—diminish. The living being is able to access the eternal truth, Sot, and unveil the mystery of causation. This process of inner illumination is expressed in spiritual terms as enlightenment or nirvana.

With inner illumination, the individual is able to go beyond the sattwic guna and transcend beyond the fifth sphere.

The ability to visualize divine splendors only comes with the sixth sense.

Spiritual liberation or transcendence is only a part of our spiritual journey . … system provides the opportunity for both embodiment – feeling the spirit move in the body – and enlightenment – freeing the life of the body.

Mankind living or is caught within their frequency band and is feeding and programming this channel with information to our  brains and limit our perception to the sense reality

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