The only way to escape or exit the Matrix and the Earthly and Archon created Mind Prison is by Enlightment
The only way to escape or exit the Matrix and the Earthly and Archon created Mind Prison is by Enlightment
The only way to escape the archons is through gnostic
The only way out of such confinement was to attain, through gnosis, an escape of the soul from the body, which could then ascend out beyond the whirling spheres governed by the Archons to the cosmic Plenum that lay beyond them.
The general Gnostic emphasis on knowledge , received through an inspiration from God , as the only key to the divine naturally … The way to escape from slavery , to frustrate the scheme of the Archons and attain salvation , was to break all the …
The Gnostic signal must penetrate the thick interference of the world, a world that is not only flawed but ruled by a conspiracy of ignorance—of intentional noise. When the prince disguises himself, he takes on the flesh and its hungers.
The general Gnostic emphasis on knowledge , received through an inspiration from God , as the only key to the divine naturally led to a contempt for conventional morality , because a man did not reach heaven by leading a good life but through possession of the gnosis. The way to escape from slavery, to frustrate the scheme of the Archons and attain salvation, was to break all the conventional rules .
In the Gnostic system of belief, history was conceived of as a permanent conflict between the Gnostics and the forces of evil. The latter, ruled by the demiurge and his acolytes, the archons, all of whom keep the rest of mankind under their sway, unceasingly sought either to destroy the Gnostics,
In Gnosticism , to begin with, the soul has to escape from the Archons who at every stage try to block its way upward.
The third Christ is Jesus, born of Mary by the virtue of the Holy Spirit ; it is he that dissipates the darkness of the lower region where we live ; those who depend on the third essence are attracted to him, and begin here below to unite themselves with the absolute, in which they will sometime bo made perfect ; all that belongs to the second essence will fall back into its first ignorance; even the two archons.
The gates of the eternal light, opening only for the third essence, close immediately when it is introduced into the absolute. In dying, Christ has restored to the different regions of the world the elements which were in it ; to the inferior region, his body, which remained in the tomb; to the sublimer region, the psychical element; to that of the great archon, the element which he had taken ; to the Holy Spirit, the divine truth which animated it; finally, what he had of the third essence, has ascended the firmament to consummate itself in the absolute. Jesus is the typo of the true Gnostic ; ho enlightens men in order to lead them to salvation. Faith is born of a sudden illumination. The gospel is the knowledge (gnosis) of what is above our world.
Christ had received from the Supreme God a virtue which enabled him to escape from the creators of the world, to rise freely toward the ethereal regions ; and that it was the same with every soul that resembled his.
The principles of Valentinus do not, in general, differ from those of the other Egyptian gnostics. But, endowed with a more subtle intellect, and more prolific imagination, he made his system more logical, and exercises greater seductions over minds. This system is divided into three parts ; the first refers to the Pleroma, or the fulness of divine things ; the second to things intermediate between the Pleroma and our world ; the third, to the visible world in which we live.
The Pleroma is composed of thirty ‘Eons, of which fifteen are masculine, fifteen feminine. At their head is the Eternal God, increate, incomprehensible ; the Valentinians call him Proon (pre-existent), and more commonly Bythos (the abyss), he has for wife Ennoia (thought), which they designated also Sigh (Silence), or Cheri* (Grace). From Bythos and Ennoia proceeds Nous (Intelligence), the only son, father and principle of all that exists ; and Alethia (Truth).
This first quartenary produced all the rest. A second tetrade or quartenary flows from it, which comprises Logos (the Word), and Zo6 (Life), Anthropos (Man), and Ecclesia (the Church); of these two last couples, the first is engendered by Nous, and in his turn, gives birth to the second.