16 Oct 2024, Wed

March 2024

The human body system and chakra system has three knots. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. This blocks the configuration of the higher soul codes for ascension. When these three knots binds energy in certain state of functionality is also binds: 1) Energy, 2) Information, 3) History, it continues; energy, information, and history then controls; 4) Visions, 5) Emotions, 6) Creativity, and visons, emotions and lack of creativity then controls; 7) Perception, 8) DNA strands, 9) Spiritual progress, 10) Learning abilities, 11) Spiritual gifts, 12) Brain waves, 13.  These components then controls the matrix and the mind-prison

The human body system and chakra system has three knots. These knots are found within...

Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken. Therefore, the brain being divided into lobes (the cerebral cortex). This division has allowed a common misconception that we think with only 10 percent of the brain. First, we have not ever located where we think. And yes, the cortex accounts for only 10 percent of the brain. That does not mean that we think with 10 percent, or that if we ever learn to use more than 10 percent, we will be superhuman. Remember, the other 90 percent is formed of fibres connecting the cells of the 10 percent to each other. The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex.

Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a...

The Illuminati describe Democracy as a tool toward their diabolical end. The text continues to describe a principle of control known as “ordo ab chao” which translates into “order from chaos.” They use discord and conflicting ideology to divide and confuse. Where there is confusion there is susceptibility. Leading up to our Civil War, it is alleged that the Rothschild family had representatives stir up tensions between the North and South. When war broke out, the Rothschild Banks loaned money to both sides. From London, Grant’s troops were funded. From Paris the Grays under General Lee found their funding

The Illuminati describe Democracy as a tool toward their diabolical end. The text continues to...

THE SECRET DOCTRINE-The Illuminati knew it would have to gain control of this technology to keep the humans in line. Thus began a program of secrecy and deceit that involved feeding a lot of propaganda to the humans. The Illuminati will be able to use a war of this magnitude as an excuse to suspend many liberties and freedoms, thereby increasing Illuminati control over Earth, and out this create their One World Government

THE SECRET DOCTRINE-The Illuminati knew it would have to gain control of this technology to...

How is it possible that of the greatest innovators and scientists existing on Earth died poor and miscredited like Nikola Tesla? The most elite of the elite group belong to the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, who control all oil, and suppress alternative energy technology, especially free energy devices. J. P. Morgan, although individually wealthy and influential, was a shill for Rothschild, and he stole Nikola Tesla’s inventions and technologies

How is it possible that of the greatest innovators and scientists existing on Earth died...

Kundalini Transformation – The kundalini lies dormant at the root center at the base of the spine. It blocks the opening of the sushumna. This is the state in an ordinary person.  As Kundalini leaps into other dimensions, the person is able to tap the source of knowledge in himself and intuitively understands the Eternal Laws, which he puts into the language of his own time for the benefit of others. After transcending the fifth chakra one becomes free of worldly desires, as one’s life has served its purpose. The energy that is no longer locked up in the pursuit of worldly desires raises a person to a higher plane which is the Gateway of Liberation. At this stage the secret of eternal youth opens up, regeneration and rejuvenation begin, and the aspirant achieves perfect health and freedom from all diseases. One can look back with a great clarity, see the present, and anticipate the future

Kundalini Transformation – The kundalini lies dormant at the root center at the base of...

When the Kundalini sleeps, its static power sustains the world consciousness. But when it is awakened the yogi loses all consciousness of the world. He enters into causal world and passes into the formless universal consciousness. Yogi loses his physical body consciousness and enters into his causal body. When the Kundalini wakes up the yogi apparently sleeps for the world and loses his body consciousness. He goes to Samadhi state, which reveals the secrets of spiritual forces and God. THE CROWN CHAKRA 

When the Kundalini sleeps, its static power sustains the world consciousness. But when it is...

The raw subject is the raw material in us, and it is this — our own hidden stone — that is the matter we need to take hold of, the ‘matter in hand’. We can think of it as the unconscious that our conscious minds need to descend to, in order to feel and experience rather than think and control. Its impurities are our ‘stuff’, as we say, the trace elements of the psyche — knots, complexes, resistances, blockages — all a result of what we have lived and suffered

The raw subject is the raw material in us, and it is this — our...

If you recall, both World War I and II were both attempts to establish a world government. After World War II, people were at their wits end so they welcomed the United Nations when it was founded. The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so as not to create another world war. But what we find here is a typical example of how the Illuminati work. They use a tactic that David Icke calls “problem-reaction-solution,” where first they create the “problem” by starting a war which in turn brings about a certain “reaction” from the population, who is now in need of a “solution.” So they create a solution to the problem they themselves created by founding the United Nations (UN) bringing us one step closer to their agenda and a One World Government.

If you recall, both World War I and II were both attempts to establish a...

Illuminati, loves war, or they love money and power and don´t care if is through wars, and therefore often initiated by them. It cannot live without war. Debt is its only value. Debt turns the illuminati into billionaires. Their tactics are diabolical. All of our most recent horrors have covertly been initiated through them. Through their propaganda and deceit, they have become so powerful so they even can by hate.

“The secret German society may have been none other than the mysterious and infamous Illuminati,”...

Vesica Piscis Known to the Egyptians as the ru, or ‘gateway’, the vesica piscis symbol is the almond-shaped figure created by the superimposition of two circles representing the two opposites. Jesus, the ‘anointed’ and christed one’ symbolized by the fish, is sometimes shown inside the ru symbol, the portal between this world and the next, revealing that the shaman is ‘the Way’ and therefore the door or gateway: `… for Ru meant “doorway” or “secret entrance” — and Christ is also “The Way”. Christ, like the Ru, is the entrance to the Spiritual world, the guide of the modern initiate.’

Vesica Piscis Known to the Egyptians as the ru, or ‘gateway’, the vesica piscis symbol...

Man IS being INTENTIONALLY kept ignorant! . There are dimensions that transcend our time and space continuum. Our consciousness can move into other areas of awareness, outside of the physical body, throughout the universe. Most people are not aware of this as they are stuck in the everyday focus of what they can see from the vantage point of their five senses. And make no mistake, the global elite that currently runs our world has a vested interest in keeping humans enslaved through fear. Shadow Fire — Maintaining the Illusion The allegory of Plato’s Cave is now a famous one, and to which the above subtitle makes reference; it is also a highly telling metaphor of our situation in which an illusionary sense of reality is maintained.

Man IS being INTENTIONALLY kept ignorant! . There are dimensions that transcend our time and...

The Soul doesn’t come and go. It is there everywhere like air in the atmosphere. We inhale and exhale air and it seems that the air comes inside us and goes outside. But air is everywhere. So is the Soul! Due to our ignorance, we don’t realize we are the Soul. This makes us live and suffer as the body. It makes us suffer as MIME – Mind, Intellect, Memory, Ego that is reborn again and again. The moment we overcome our ignorance and realize the truth that we are the Divine Soul, we are liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth, and we are united with the Divine

The Soul doesn’t come and go. It is there everywhere like air in the atmosphere....

“Become what you believe! What are you believing? Are you believing to go higher in life, to rise above your obstacles, to live in health, abundance, healing, and victory? You will become what you believe. The truth is, I am what I am today because of what I believed about myself yesterday. And I will be tomorrow what I believe about myself right now”. All things are difficult before they are easy”

“Become what you believe! What are you believing? Are you believing to go higher in...

Around the Outsider – One man, the writer Colin Wilson (1931-2013), certainly thought so, devoting an entire chapter of his entertaining 1971 bestseller The Occult to the subject of what he called `The Poet as Occultist’. Wilson’s basic premise was that there was some kind of hidden power lying latent within the human mind called ‘Faculty X’, which artistic-types possessed in more abundance than the rest of us

Around the Outsider – One man, the writer Colin Wilson (1931-2013), certainly thought so, devoting...

In 2004, physicist Brian Swimme, produced his stunning DVD, “The Ten Powers of the Universe.’ In it, Swimme explains that within the universe itself, ten essential powers or tasks reside within every life form, and he explores how these powers move within humans, how we can align with these powers, how we can recognize the powers of the universe in the world and within each other, and how to develop a deeper intimacy with the Earth. The Ten Powers are essentially: Seamlessness, centration, allurement, emergence, homeostasis, cataclysm, synergy, transformation, inter-relatedness, radiance, transmutation.

In 2004, physicist Brian Swimme, produced his stunning DVD, “The Ten Powers of the Universe.’...

New Consciousness for a New World. The awakening of Kundalini is the greatest enterprise and the most wonderful achievement in front of man. The Creator is creating cocreators. Spirit is creating “conspirator’s.” Our spiritual growth awakens our social potential, pressing us deeper inward to pick up that design and outward to express our creativity in the world through our unique vocation. We work from within ourselves toward higher consciousness, greater freedom

New Consciousness for a New World. The awakening of Kundalini is the greatest enterprise and...

You have to do your own part. He has given you freedom, you must utilize that freedom and develop your longing for God, and then He will grant His grace to you. When a person develops longing for God and seeks His vision and prays to Him with deep concentration of the mind, God removes from within all veils, and He becomes revealed. There is a passage in the Bhagavadlita that explains the realization of God through His grace. Sri Krishna, the Divine Being incarnate in human form, says: “I am the origin of all. From Me everything evolves

You have to do your own part. He has given you freedom, you must utilize...

Man also has a profound desire to transcend the triviality of everydayness. He spends most of his life bogged down in the present, attending to inconsequential concerns. ‘Faculty X’ allows man to transcend boredom – to overcome what Wilson calls the ‘robot’. The ‘robot’ comprises all those functions which we learn to perform unconsciously and automatically. It has a habit of taking over ‘our lives’ – causing ‘life failure’

Man also has a profound desire to transcend the triviality of everydayness. He spends most...

The Masonic Secret Society along with other World Power Elites with their goals for Global One World Order is no longer a secret. THE CARRIER OF THE LUCIFERIAN DOCTRINE IN GRADUATED RANK INTO THE ILLUMIANATI. The ILLUMINATI, the master of trickery and deceit, THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS, now has complete mind control over religion, and governmental control over the people in ways that don’t even know they are mentally controlled, or why they think the way they think. We have their minds, and now we have their souls, and control the way they think, even the religion they believe in

The Masonic Secret Society along with other World Power Elites with their goals for Global...

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. The method the Illuminati use to control people is to put one side against the other, a theory devised by Hegel which says, “Thesis verses antithesis equals synthesis.” They create forces, knowing that EVERY FORCE HAS AN OPPOSITE COUNTERFORCE, and with unconscious humans, conflict between the two creates the synthesis, which is the new situation. The illuminati make themselves the synthesis. They create problems to be used for their own purposes. Everything is d The Illuminati practice is to say one thing and do another, because they know the public will accept the lies through laziness. The powers that be say to each other in secret meetings, “Keep them busy, busy, busy, back on the farm with other animals?’ The system of the world keeps you too busy to see what’s really going on in the world.

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. The method the Illuminati use...

Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World. The cult that hijacked the world is the tiny nucleus of Cabalistic bankers and Masons based in London and directed by the House of Rothschild. They govern through their subtle control of large corporations (cartels – especially finance, oil, defense, pharmaceuticals, media); government, mass media, secret societies, intelligence agencies, the military, law, churches, foundations, think tanks, NGO’s and education. Chatham House in London (The Royal Institute of Internal Affairs) and Pratt House in New York (Council on Foreign Relations) are two main control mechanisms. Illuminati power is omnipresent yet the masses don’t even know it exists.

Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World. The cult that hijacked the world is the...

The Illuminati have already set in motion plans for a world war. How the world will end is known, but when the world ends is another question. Political freedom and social freedom is always an illusion. The only real freedom is in the one true God. All of the world’s governments, no matter how honest and sincere their intentions may be, work on the bases of the Antichrist system to promote chaos and anarchy and social degeneration

The Illuminati have already set in motion plans for a world war. How the world...

The word “currency.” It is derived from the word, “current.” In the study of physics, a “current” is “a flow of electrical charge carriers” . Illuminati has created a world economy system were the most of the money goes just in one direction, in same way Edison´s direct current does, and they will never change this. How did the Illuminati change the people minds and thus were allowed to create their Central Bank in 1913? The Illuminati did it through a technique called, the “Hegelian Dialectic.”

The word “currency.” It is derived from the word, “current.” In the study of physics,...

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