23 Oct 2024, Wed

The human body system and chakra system has three knots. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. This blocks the configuration of the higher soul codes for ascension. When these three knots binds energy in certain state of functionality is also binds: 1) Energy, 2) Information, 3) History, it continues; energy, information, and history then controls; 4) Visions, 5) Emotions, 6) Creativity, and visons, emotions and lack of creativity then controls; 7) Perception, 8) DNA strands, 9) Spiritual progress, 10) Learning abilities, 11) Spiritual gifts, 12) Brain waves, 13.  These components then controls the matrix and the mind-prison

The human body system and chakra system has three knots. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. This blocks the configuration of the higher soul codes for ascension. When these three knots binds energy in certain state of functionality is also binds: 1) Energy, 2) Information, 3) History, it continues; energy, information, and history then controls; 4) Visions, 5) Emotions, 6) Creativity, and visons, emotions and lack of creativity then controls; 7) Perception, 8) DNA strands, 9) Spiritual progress, 10) Learning abilities, 11) Spiritual gifts, 12) Brain waves, 13.  These components then controls the matrix and the mind-prison

The Earth we are speaking of is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. Those of you in this third dimension see your Earth from a third dimensional point of view. Those of you who are in the third dimension see the third dimension as physical solid substance. Because of the vibration of the electromagnetic energy field, you are seeing it through light refraction. That light refraction, from your point of consciousness, is as real to you as anything is on this physical planet Earth in the third dimension. Change the electromagnetic energy field, you also change the light refraction. And that light refraction changes what you experience and what you see. That is why we teach that what you are truly seeing out there is an illusion, and it is an illusion based upon light refraction.

To substitute is to accept instead. If you would but consider exactly what this entails, you would perceive at once how much at variance this is with the goal the Holy Spirit has given you, and would accomplish for you. To substitute is to choose between, renouncing one aspect of the Sonship in favor of the other. For this special purpose, one is judged more valuable and the other is replaced by him. The relationship in which the substitution occurred is thus fragmented, and its purpose split accordingly. To fragment is to exclude, and substitution is the strongest defense the ego has for separation.

The Holy Spirit never uses substitutes. Where the ego perceives one person as a replacement for another, the Holy Spirit sees them joined and indivisible. He does not judge between them, knowing they are one. Being united, they are one because they are the same. Substitution is clearly a process in which they are perceived as different. One would unite; the other separate. Nothing can come between what God has joined and what the Holy Spirit secs as one. But everything seems to come between the fragmented relationships the ego sponsors to destroy.

The one emotion in which substitution is impossible is love. Fear involves substitution by definition, for it is love’s replacement. Fear is both a fragmented and fragmenting emotion. It seems to take many forms, and each one seems to require a different form of acting out for satisfaction. While this appears to introduce quite variable behavior, a far more serious effect lies in the fragmented perception from which the behavior stems. No one is seen complete. The body is emphasized, with special emphasis on certain parts, and used as the standard for comparison of acceptance or rejection for acting out a special form of fear.

You who believe that God is fear made but one substitution. It has taken many forms, because it was the substitution of illusion for truth; of fragmentation for wholeness. It has become so splintered and subdivided and divided again, over and over, that it is now almost impossible to perceive it once was one, and still is what it was. That one error, which brought truth to illusion, infinity to time, and life to death, was all you ever made. Your whole world rests upon it. Everything you see reflects it, and every special relationship that you have ever made is part of it.

You may be surprised to hear how very different is reality from what you see. You do not realize the magnitude of that one error. It was so vast and so completely incredible that from it a world of total unreality had to emerge. What else could come of it? Its fragmented aspects are fearful enough, as you begin to look at them. But nothing you have seen begins to show you the enormity of the original error, which seemed to cast you out of Heaven, to shatter knowledge into meaningless bits of disunited perceptions, and to force you to make further substitutions.

That was the first projection of error outward. The world arose to hide it. and became the screen on which it was projected and drawn between you and the truth. For truth extends inward, where the idea of loss is meaningless and only increase is conceivable. Do you really think it strange that a world in which everything is backwards and upside down arose from this projection of error? For truth brought to this could only remain within in quiet, and take no part in all the mad projection by which this world was made. Call it not sin but madness, for such it was and so it still remains. Invest it not with guilt, for guilt implies it was accomplished in reality. And above all, be not afraid of it.

When you seem to see some twisted form of the original error rising to frighten you, say only, “God is not fear, but love,” and it will disappear. The truth will save you. It has not left you, to go out into the mad world and so depart from you. Inward is sanity; insanity is outside you. You but believe it is the other way; that truth is outside, and error and guilt within. Your little, senseless substitutions, touched with insanity and swirling lightly off on a mad course like feathers dancing insanely in the wind, have no substance. They fuse and merge and separate, in shifting and totally meaningless patterns that need not be judged at all. To judge them individually is pointless. Their tiny differences in form are no real differences at all. None of them matters. That they have in common and nothing else. Yet what else is necessary to make them all the same?

Let them all go, dancing in the wind, dipping and turning till they disappear from sight, far, far outside of you. And turn you to the stately calm within, where in holy stillness dwells the living God you never left, and Who never left you. The Holy Spirit takes you gently by the hand, and retraces with you your mad journey outside yourself, leading you gently back to the truth and safety within. He brings all your insane projections and the wild substitutions that you have placed outside you to the truth. Thus he reverses the course of insanity and restores you to reason.

In your relationship with your brother, where he has taken charge of everything at your request, he has set the course inward to the truth you share. In the mad world outside you nothing can be shared but only substituted, and sharing and substituting have nothing in common in reality. Within yourself you love your brother with a perfect love. Here is holy ground, in which no substitution can enter, and where only the truth in one another can abide. Here you are joined in God, as much together as you are with him. The original error has not entered here, nor ever will. Here is the radiant truth, to which the Holy Spirit has committed your relationship. Let him bring it here, where you would have it be. Give him but a little faith in your brother, to help him show you that no substitute you made for Heaven can keep you from it.

As PLANET EARTH is becoming a star, orbiting towards the photon belt (Christ energy) transforming and accelerating rapidly to make its quantum leap into the fifth dimensional shift, we are simultaneously raising our vibrational field in synchronicity. In quantum physics everything that exists in the Universe is “Energy.” And all time and space are Holy. Birth and Rebirth are the metamorphosis from Spirit (conception) to matter (birth). A body is a solid form of spirit in motion. Our bodies are holograms consisting of electricity and water. Within the portal of breathing energy as well as air (prana) in the rebirthing process, we are bridging heaven and Earth, and automatically elevating our energy field toward our ultimate goal —Ascension and Transfiguration This is how the New Renaissance in rebirthing is emerging. By downloading the information and intelligence and Light from the new frequencies into our DNA and increasing the DNA strands from two to twelve, this process will trigger the immortal cellular memory deeply encoded in our bodies. Each DNA strand and double helix that we extend, upgrades our consciousness. We must clear the negative mental and emotional core beliefs within the matrix, and align the original blueprint, to step into the fifth dimension realm of consciousness. By doing this we can access more Light Energy. The frequencies are getting higher and higher each day. Our personal Merkaba’s (energy grids) are spinning faster and faster. When our bodies absorb enough Light, our atomic cellular structure is re-aligned and re-configured with an implosion of refined magnetic electrical particles. We merge into these light particles and disappear (dematerialization). Within this new Ascension paradigm we are becoming one with the “God head.”

These new frequencies are what our souls have been searching for. They are the ultimate freedom and liberation from human bondage. The lower vibration of negative energies will no longer have any effect on our chakras. They will dissolve around us like dust. There is a new Language of Light emerging that every soul will recognize. There are mathematical codes.

The qualities of Essence are actually encoded into a higher level of our DNA. Unlike our biochemical DNA, however, our “spiritual DNA” does not function automatically. It is a potential that requires activation and development, a potential that is generally blocked or obscured by what we consider “normal” personality and ego development. In popular perception there is more often than not a huge gap between what we consider “human nature” and the spiritual nature of the Divine.

Shifting our perspective from the paradigm of duality and separation to one of unity cannot be done all at once, but must be done gradually through raising our vibrational frequency, clearing old subconscious programs and beliefs, and aligning ourselves with our divine design and the higher truths of our being. We must consciously choose a new way of thinking, a more inclusive perspective, an open heart, and the desire to know ourselves and cultivate our highest nature. Resonance Alchemy gives us the tools we need to make this shift. There are five essential elements to creating this shift in perspective.

The old paradigm of separation is woven deeply into our subconscious, and therefore into the very foundation of how we perceive reality.

Learning to utilize this capacity for inner choice is something we must practice. This capacity is like an inner spiritual muscle, which is often quite out of shape and in need of daily exercise and spiritual training is yoga and meditation.

Another small shift in perspective we can make is to see everything, including our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, as energy and vibration. We can see ourselves in this world of vibration as receivers, transmitters, and transformers of vibrational information. From this perspective we realize that, much like a radio or television, we have the capacity to “tune in” to, as well as transmit, many different “channels” of information, many different vibrational frequencies and through this experiencing higher dimensions of creation. We also see that the energy and vibration of any situation can be transformed by the way we interact with it and its through yoga and meditation one is able to re-wiring and re-connect to higher consciousness.

Fortunately, just as we can choose to change the television or radio channel, we have the power to choose the nature of the vibrational information we are both receiving and transmitting. Rather than getting caught up in the story of our thoughts and feelings, our personal drama, we can begin to see our inner experience as energy and vibration that can readily be transformed. As we begin to see our thoughts and feelings as vibrational information, we can see that this vibrational information we are generating creates an inner resonance, which will attract a like vibrational resonance from the outside world.

It is said in alchemy that you must have gold in order to make gold. The inner gold is in fact there within us, though it has long been buried. It is all the wonderful qualities of our inner Essence that are the human expression of our Divine Nature. The Sacred Syllables act as the catalyzing gold that is needed to activate and bring to life this inner gold, our inner spiritual resources. They create the specific higher vibrations that are needed to bring up and transform the inner roadblocks we encounter as we move toward a direct experience of inner unity.

‘If an activation at a deep level of DNA occurs, those raising their spiritual awareness to a state of super consciousness could also find themselves more able to deal with the increasingly difficult and challenging physical life.

If we want to raise our vibration, we need to prevent fear from controlling our state of being. When we find ourselves in a state of fear, we need to have a way to release fear. Learning to release fear is important because most people regularly experience fear in different forms, inducing seemingly challenging, difficult, and emotional situations that are not real but imagined. These fears keep us locked in the matrix, the morphogenetic grids of our awareness, of our active consciousness. It is also our collective consciousness that induces fears. This is how we create the vicious circle of fear in our lives.

Meditation has long been known to de-stress us and bring both inner and outer peace. It also tunes us and opens our channels for Dimensional Biofield communication. Meditation can recharge our Personal Biofield when our batteries get low, allowing us to tap into an infinite source of energy that sustains all fields and is drawn through the Dimensional Biofield.

Meditation is essential to build a bridge from the physical world, that encompasses our Personal, Social and Planetary Biofields, to the non physical world of the higher realms of the Dimensional Biofield. It is in these realms that we can gain clear access to wisdom and knowledge. It is then important for us to allow this wisdom and knowledge to manifest in our daily lives that in turn affects not just our Personal Biofield but also the Social and Planetary and the Dimensional.

Spirit Teachers, Mystics and Seers are revealing at this time that we are opening transpersonal Chakras that exist beyond the seven chakras of the physical body. Creative, evolutionary measures abound, for as we relinquish ourselves to spirit and the devotion of the soul, we move into the metaphysical domain of the non-local, and there we have five further Chakras. The Eighth Chakra is the transition point, and may be perceived as a silver orb radiating into and from the unified field of light. This opens into the unity consciousness of divine love, defining all spiritual compassion and selflessness.

The harmonic of unity consciousness moves through your energy system, into your energy grid through the eighth chakra and thence into your heart’s chamber.

Energy Transmission through the Human Relationship Matrix

Energetic umbilical cords are the equivalent of a very fast, efficient telecommunications system in our human-relationship matrix. This is how our spirit communicates with others around us and connects us to the universal energy grid. Through our energetic umbilical cords, we receive thousands of messages daily from those to whom we connect. We may receive these messages as vibrations, resonations or telepathic communications, which our spirit body senses.

The process of DNA activation involves a higher dimensional sacred geometry coming into form within your biological structures at the cellular level. Your body is primarily water and it is the communication net-work of all consciousness as it passes from cell to cell through the blood.

The scientists have been able to show you the hexagonal nature of water crystals and you have been introduced to the effect of conscious thought upon form through the successful photography of exquisite water crystals. However, with the acquisition of new codes coming through in the Language of Light, the waters of your being are becoming imprinted with hyperdimensional blueprints that will awaken and restructure the scattered light filaments lying dormant within you.

This is a higher form of order and design than the hexagonal water crystals that you see in those images—it is the sacred geometry of your evolution into light beings. It is important to understand how the cosmometry of light flowing into your beings at this time in your personal and planetary evolution carries an inscription of the higher vibration that is translated into geometric codes and transmitted through the cells of your being—into the DNA—via your cellular bio-water.

As you begin to activate the light codes of your accelerating DNA, the complex biochemical changes taking place in the biosphere of your physical bodies are being communicated, via the cellular waters, through the neural transmitters, activating the hypothalamus—the pineal gland.

The power elite continue to bombard the collective unconscious with fearful programming and fear-concepts in order to hold your wandering minds at bay.

Explore all the possibilities of consciousness and being. The more you explore the realm of consciousness, the more you transcend the illusion of duality and enter the Reality of Oneness that is your passport to Limitless Being.

Fear blocks one´s visions. Visions is linked to the third eye of intuition and this world don´t want anyone to opening their third eye. Negativity, stress, fear and anxiety can control the whole brain which blocks the divine energy and blocks divine theta brain waves. An anxious concern or worry is unbelief, is a fear which stops—blocks the free love-light flow of the divine energy Source from within.  Fear blocks communication with God. Fear blocks bliss and theta brain waves. According to researchers about the human “junk” dna strands, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves us as data storage and communication. Fear blocks the super highway for hyper-communication. The third eye of intuition is this super highway where information can be accessible instantly through intuition. Fear blocks creativity.

Fear blocks ones visions, it blocks new ideas, it blocks new concepts, fear blocks the third eye of intuition, and this blocks and prevents hyper-communication, and blocks new dna strands from be activated. Fear, stress, worry, or hyperactive intellect prevents successful hyper-communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless. In nature, hyper-communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. Fear is the autopilot thinking pattern and the autopilot of the mind is the controlled mind and is the opposite to intuition (third eye).

The definition of intimidation: Intimidation is the art of deterring someone through fear. Dark forces wants to deter you from new ideas, new visions and new territories. That is why he is alarming you, frightening you and warding you off.

When fear blocks the ability of visions, it prevents us from seeing reality as it is. and make true learning, or real change.

When fear blocks visions, it blocks us from seeing reality as it is, and this blocks new input of information, and when this input of new information is blocked, this then blocks the process of learning, and when the learning process is blocked, then the ability to change is blocked, and when the ability of changed is blocked humankind is imprisoned in the looping matrix of old concepts of duality. Freedom is the ability evolving and freedom is the ability to be able to change. And this controls the 2 dna strands from progressing.

The intellect and ego is the enemy to intuition (theta/delta divine powers), and therefore suppresses these levels of consciousness by inducing fear through subliminal programming of the brain. Beta waves suppresses alpha, theta and delta waves from expanding in consciousness through the power of intuition. Intuition opens a wide window for the light of superconsciousness to shine through our subconscious into our conscious mind. The unconscious mind receives information as intuition, then passes it to the conscious mind. Fear is what keeps the third eye of intuition closed, and fear keeps the “alpha bridge” to the intuitive mind (theta state) down, and fear keeps the real present “now” closed through illusions.

As we meditate and do our activations and other inner growth exercises, we unwind this hidden core in our unconscious, releasing all our past programming and pain which allows our DNA to spiral back into a new and expanded state of presence. The core of our unconscious is alive in every particle of our DNA; remember all our seemingly separate parts are actually segmented parts of one whole, a whole that we are reuniting. As each of our chakras and Light Codes are rebalanced and healed we reweave the very fabric of our essence, opening the sacred doorway of supreme conscious awareness and soul reconnection. It is an alchemical reaction, like we finally find the correct code to “open sesame” the inner safe of our essence. It organically just opens like a flower in the sun, no effort or trying. In this way we are protected from opening too fast. As the unconscious unwinds, it allows an oxygenation and a space for more light to enter the cells, all systems working as one, no longer separated by the inner programs of separation and past emotional programming.

DNA are not mindless. Rather, they are capable of consciousness and respond primarily to the Divine Plan of what can be called the Mind of God. The so-called junk DNA is, in fact, inactive DNA, time-coded to be activated when exposed to increased vibrations of enhanced Light fields. The DNA codes are sensitive to ultraviolet frequencies. As the solar resonance is magnified by increasingly powerful solar flares, the ultraviolet light spectrum on the planet is being altered. The increased megahertz of the planetary field activates a metamorphosis of the genetic structure, which will result in rapid evolution of the species. The new spectrum carries light frequencies that stimulate dormant codes within the DNA of all life forms, preparing the planet for a quantum leap in evolution.

Within the Inner spiritual form-life of the being of Man there is the evolving Code of Creation, the Mystical Etheric Vibrations of the Cosmic Consciousness. By perseverant Yoga practice and study of the Metaphysical-Alchemical Sciences of the Universe, the Seekers of Truth will attain the Code of Creation. The Alchemical Tablets and Esoteric Transcendental Art Images coming from Shamballah of Agartha contain the within-basic form of the Code of Creation. It is an unconscious phenomenon that opens the Individuated Mind to receive the higher Vibrations of the Cosmic Consciousness. Thereafter, the DNA genes known to the geneticists as the “DNA junk” will begin to activate and form spiraling active DNA.

Since the Fall of Consciousness, all but five to seven per cent of our DNA has been dormant. It became dormant in order to produce the denseness necessary to experience separation consciousness. This prevented you from knowing who you are as a powerful creator. Scientists call this dormant DNA “junk DNA”.

The upgraded DNA and RNA will affect the levels of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and ADP (adenosine diphosphate) within your cells. ATP and ADP are molecules in cells that carry energy where and when it is needed. These two molecules exist in a very delicate ratio in a healthy cell. Certain conditions of the third dimension affect this ratio, such as oxidation, illness, sloppy breathing, neglect, acidosis and emotional, mental or physical stress. The longer a cell lives in these typical third-dimensional conditions, the more the ratio of ATP to ADP changes in ADP’s favour. This is called aging. As you now begin to engage and connect the axial spin points to the spin points within the cells, the RNA and DNA begin to function in an upgraded way. ATP is increased to a significantly higher level so it does not fall back into the third-dimensional ADP-dominant ratio. As this ATP becomes the dominant energy-carrier of the body, the process of illness, decay and death no longer has a strong platform to live upon.

As you merge with the Living Light Body, the physical body has the potential to return to greater balance and wellbeing. The second-layer activations upgrade the physical body’s chemical composition and the way in which cells receive nutrition. Cells begin to recognize Light as food, as sustenance. The first two strands of your DNA relate to the physical body, its genetic lineage, the actual way the body is constructed and its ability to maintain a state of health and wellbeing. The new relationship between you, the Soul Spirit, the Higher Self and the Over Soul now begins to awaken two additional strands of DNA.

Fear is at the bottom of all the control devices – shutting down the Heart and putting us all into a constant state of fear. The darkside lives on fear for fear is the strongest emotional energy next to Love, and the darkside cannot digest Love. Collusion, the simple process of doing nothing but allowing things to happen is a major way in which all of this has come about, and in supporting its continuance. People trapped in this state are simply living in Fear of doing something.

The methods of control are many, with all having that same basis of fear. Here are the 7 primary areas by which we are controlled:

a) Health
b) Identity
c) The Falsification of History
d) Time
e) Focus on survival
f) Media-induced fear and control
g) End of the world scenarios/Alien invasion

The qualities of Essence are actually encoded into a higher level of our DNA. Unlike our biochemical DNA, however, our “spiritual DNA” does not function automatically. It is a potential that requires activation and development, a potential that is generally blocked or obscured by what we consider “normal” personality and ego development. In popular perception there is more often than not a huge gap between what we consider “human nature” and the spiritual nature of the Divine.

Shifting our perspective from the paradigm of duality and separation to one of unity cannot be done all at once but must be done gradually through raising our vibrational frequency, clearing old subconscious programs and beliefs, and aligning ourselves with our divine design and the higher truths of our being. We must consciously choose a new way of thinking, a more inclusive perspective, an open heart, and the desire to know ourselves and cultivate our highest nature. Resonance Alchemy gives us the tools we need to make this shift. There are five essential elements to creating this shift in perspective.

1. Clearing and healing the Soul. This includes clearing trauma, trapped emotions and limiting beliefs from the subconscious—any learned behaviors and reactions based on fear and separation.

2. Freeing our power of choice and learning to make conscious choices, which will consistently raise our vibrational frequency and support a reality of unity and love.

3. Uncovering and activating our inner essence and awakening our spiritual DNA.

4. Creating an energetic and vibrational coherence and unity within our energy fields on a consistent basis.

5. Cultivating a direct and unitive knowing based on the openness and intelligence of the heart.

The old paradigm of separation is woven deeply into our subconscious, and therefore into the very foundation of how we perceive reality.

But while we may not be able to change our automatic thoughts, emotions or deeper subconscious programming in any given moment, or the circumstances themselves, we can always choose our conscious response, our attitude, toward whatever we are experiencing. In this we always have freedom of choice, and herein lies the key to shifting our perception and transforming our reality.

Learning to utilize this capacity for inner choice is something we must practice. This capacity is like an inner spiritual muscle, which is often quite out of shape and in need of daily exercise and spiritual training is yoga and meditation.

Another small shift in perspective we can make is to see everything, including our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, as energy and vibration. We can see ourselves in this world of vibration as receivers, transmitters and transformers of vibrational information. From this perspective we realize that, much like a radio or television, we have the capacity to “tune in” to, as well as transmit, many different “channels” of information, many different vibrational frequencies and through this experiencing higher dimensions of creation. We also see that the energy and vibration of any situation can be transformed by the way we interact with it and its through yoga and meditation one is able to re-wiring and re-connect to higher consciousness.

Fortunately, just as we can choose to change the television or radio channel, we have the power to choose the nature of the vibrational information we are both receiving and transmitting. Rather than getting caught up in the story of our thoughts and feelings, our personal drama, we can begin to see our inner experience as energy and vibration that can readily be transformed. As we begin to see our thoughts and feelings as vibrational information, we can see that this vibrational information we are generating creates an inner resonance, which will attract a like vibrational resonance from the outside world.

It is said in alchemy that you must have gold in order to make gold. The inner gold is in fact there within us, though it has long been buried. It is all the wonderful qualities of our inner Essence that are the human expression of our Divine Nature. The Sacred Syllables act as the catalyzing gold that is needed to activate and bring to life this inner gold, our inner spiritual resources. They create the specific higher vibrations that are needed to bring up and transform the inner roadblocks we encounter as we move toward a direct experience of inner unity.

‘If an activation at a deep level of DNA occurs, those raising their spiritual awareness to a state of superconsciousness could also find themselves more able to deal with the increasingly difficult and challenging physical life.

Fear has numerous faces and has been engrained into our systems in countless ways. Fear is reflected in our beliefs, emotions, and the collective consciousness grids. It is locked in our energy bodies, organs, and cells, and it is an inherent part of our minds. This means that stepping out of fear is a process that requires time, diligence, perseverance, willingness, and a clear intent to never give up, even though the process might at times be incredibly frustrating. We will never step into a new consciousness if we are not willing to undertake this path. And we will never make a real connection with the Sidhe. The process of stepping out of fear has three major steps: connecting with your heart (divine essence), connecting with the frontal lobes of your brain, and the stimulation of the frontal part of your amygdala.

If we want to raise our vibration, we need to prevent fear from controlling our state of being. When we find ourselves in a state of fear, we need to have a way to release fear. Learning to release fear is important because most people regularly experience fear in different forms, inducing seemingly challenging, difficult, and emotional situations that are not real but imagined. These fears keep us locked in the matrix, the morphogenetic grids of our awareness, of our active consciousness. It is also our collective consciousness that induces fears. This is how we create the vicious circle of fear in our lives.


FIRST GOOD KIND: Good stress is completing goals.
SECOND GOOD KIND: Good stress is making progress on completing goals.

FIRST BAD KIND: Bad stress is the inability to complete goals.
SECOND BAD KIND: Bad stress is the inability to make progress on completing goals.

Good stress = progress.
Bad stress = no progress.

Good stress = effort productive.
Bad stress = effort wasted.

Good stress = positive results.
Bad stress = no results.

Good stress = forward movement.
Bad stress = no movement.

Good stress = achieving, beginning to come to life, coming along, completing, continuing, developing, marked progress, noticeable progress, producing, progressing, starting, taking shape, working.

Bad stress = backed against the wall, bound, cornered, falling behind, fixated, going nowhere fast, hurry up and wait, imprisoned, looping, spinning your wheels, stuck, trapped, up against the wall.

Fear creates stress that then over stimulates the sympathetic system (flight or fight); increases levels of norepinephrine (stress hormone).

Fear and anxiety are distinguished in that fear is a response to the presence of a real threat and involves our automatic fight or flight mechanism, while anxiety is usually a general feeling of apprehension without a specific or known threat. What happens when fear takes over is that the energy that was running your internal immune system now switches your autonomic nervous system over to a sympathetic nervous system response.

In humans, hyper-communication is most often encountered when one suddenly gains access to information that is outside one’s knowledge base. Such hyper-communication is then experienced as inspiration or intuition (also in trance channeling).

When hyper-communication occurs, one can observe in the DNA, as well as in the human, supernatural phenomena.

Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness—namely one in which we attain access to all information via our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now know that just as we use the Internet, our DNA can feed proper data into the network, can retrieve data from the network, and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy, or “remote sensing” about the state of another can thus be explained. Some animals know from afar when their owners plan to return home. This can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hyper-communication.

Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality; otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated. Hyper-communication in the new millennium means something quite different.

Anxiety is the most powerful and pervasive of all emotions. Since it is a subtle power, anxiety can easily dominate all brain processes, distort all the materials of experience, and sharply interfere with the relation of brain hologram and the holonomic movement, or the mind/brain. Certain ideas arise out of our anxiety and pass from generation to generation.

These ideas form anew in each of us as concepts or brain patterns of organization, right along with our general world view. These concepts then influence the accuracy of the actual holonomic order we should perceive and which consciousness powers through us. The actual order powered to us through consciousness is channeled through, and then warped by, the power of concepts formed in anxiety.

Since concepts from anxiety arise from the more powerful subtle realm, our surface awareness and thought is shaped by them. We are not consciously aware of these shaping influences. since they are warps in the very power of consciousness giving us our world to view. Yogic theory calls these warping concepts samskaras. A samskara is any impression, feeling, or thought which arises spontaneously in our minds.

The brain doesn’t generate these randomly, as often assumed: samskaras are the cause of random eruptions of thought. Consciousness. the power behind all brain action, moves from the causal realm. through our subtle body. into our physical life. as brain action. Samskaras are fixed pre-dispositions carried in our subtle body that warp this otherwise neutral flow of energy and deliver pseudo-information to the brain. which. by its nature. dutifully processes it.

The result is a warp in the form consciousness takes in our brain. We can’t be aware of this because it constitutes our awareness. Samskaras are part of our subtle body’s learned nature, the basis of our outer personality, and not available to our control. Whether of fearful illusion or fond attachment, they disturb the neutral processing of information the brain is designed to provide us. and are always negative in effect. They prevent us from seeing reality as it is. and make true learning, or real change. difficult if not impossible. Samskaras are the cause of repetitive, automatic (and obstinate) behavior.

Then the immune system within is turned off because the energy and the blood flow have been shifted to the external fight or flight response. When one system is on, the other one is off; they cannot work at the same time. Therefore, when we are in an external threat mode, the internal immune system shuts down and we are more susceptible to disease.

When we deal with the perceived threat, it switches back, allowing the immune system to work again and the fight and flight response to shut off. This seesaw response is natural and necessary and allows us to either escape or confront whatever threat is before us in the moment. Normally, this works very well and once the threat is past we return to optimum functioning of our bodies, including the immune system. However, when the threat or perceived threat perseveres, fear generalizes into anxiety and, because the fight or flight mechanism never turns off completely, our immune system and other autonomic system processes are compromised. In our highly stressful society today, this is often the case when people fear a negative response from a boss or customer, hazardous traffic conditions or intimidating social situations. Persistent and pervasive fear such as this can greatly affect our functioning and our health.

The second and sixth chakras work together. Creative energy enters the second chakra and flows straight up to the sixth chakra, the third eye, for expression. The third and fifth chakras work together. The third chakra is the seat of the emotions. As they build up there is a need to express them, so the energy moves to the fifth chakra, the throat, to be released through verbal expression. The fourth chakra is the master, the director of all energy in the system. It is the only chakra that works by itself. It radiates energy up and down the body for a deeper connection with the earth or the Divine. The fourth chakra has two chambers: the upper chamber, which connects us with divine love; and the lower chamber, which connects us with human love.

That the cerebrum is the exclusive seat of consciousness, or rather, that consciousness is directly associated with its action alone, has become very plain. Yet in one sense it is the most dependent of the nervous ganglia, since the other centres minister to it, furnish its data, and its connections are indirect through them. The great mass of action, the automatic action of the body, is sustained by lower centres, while conscious and voluntary influences alone pass out from the cerebrum. The will-impulse, striking down into this unconscious region, is blind as to the method of its fulfillment, pushing its way tentatively through automatic connections.

Fear Is Related to a Number of Emotional States

Stress is defined as physical. mental, or emotional strain on one’s mind. Fear on the other hand is a state of being afeard. That state puts pressure or emotional strain on the mind, resulting in various signs and symptoms deemed stress. Serious fear is a response to some formidable impending peril, while trifling fear arises from confrontation with inconsequential danger. Fear can be described by different terms in accordance with its relative degrees. Personal fear varies extremely in degree from mild caution to extreme phobia and paranoia. Fear is related to a number of emotional states, including worry. anxiety, terror, fright, paranoia, horror, panic (social and personal). persecution complex, and dread. This type of fear creates stress on the body. Stress is our experience of demands and uncertainty placed upon us that we think we cannot control. This leads to physical and emotional disease.

Fear and intimidation controls mass consciousness, and producing a “corporate thought pattern”, that keep people in bondage and separation, and subconsciously this creates a fear of exclusion. This state of fear and intimidation is been affected through the “tribal consciousness” that is part of the lower matrix (ultra ego) and this mind-prison.

The ego want´t to control and dominate and using fear. Fear is linked to control, and control is linked to autopilot thinking pattern. Autopilot is a response to fear. When humans are scared they switch to automatic.

The autopilot state of the mind is what prevents the third eye of intuition from be activated. The ego and intellect is the opposite to intuition, and may even be the enemy within because it prevents anything from be changed and evolved. The ego, intellect and autopilot prevents the third eye of intuition from opening. From a brain wave perspective the beta waves (left brain hemisphere) suppresses theta waves (right brain hemisphere) and beta waves is been govern by the ego, intellect and autopilot and prevents divine/bliss theta waves from awakening and influencing with its healing powers.

Beta brain waves is the autopilot of thinking that prevents divine theta waves from be activated and beta brain waves (autopilot) is what prevents the third eye of intuition from opening. Fear closing the third eye and autopilot is the response of this fear, and the autopilot is the default setting where the ego controls, operates and dominates the lower matrix. When one learn to shut of the beta brain waves one also shut of the default setting of the autopilot.

When you are able to get your conscious mind in control and shut off the autopilot of your ego, you start to be able to make your life to a magical adventure. We have to figure out how to put the ego in the background and keep it out of the driver seat. The ego is the default operating system and its basic purpose is survival. By turning off the autopilot one turn off the default routine functions, and through this one is able to re-program the mind in new directions, and can tap into the unlimited creative power of the real Self.

The ego want´t to control and dominate and using fear. Fear is linked to control, and control is linked to autopilot thinking pattern. Autopilot is a response to fear. When humans are scared they switch to automatic.

Fear lies at the very heart of much of ego’s driving force. As much as it may disguise, delude and deceive itself, fear is what drives the ego toward narcissism (control), arrogance (compensation) and defense.

When uou are able to get your conscious mind in control and shut off the auopilot of your ego, you start to be able to make your life to a magical adventure. We have to figure out how to put the ego in the background and keep it out of the driver seat. The ego is the default operating system and its basic purpose is survival. By turning off the autopilot one turn off the default routine functions, and through this one is able to re-program the mind in new directions, and can tap into the unlimited creative power of the real Self.

Breaking the ‘bondage” means to awaken from the veil of ignorance. The veil of ignorance is also the veil of fear, illusions and darkness. Bondage is the kind of understanding that limit, binds, captivates, imprison, while liberation is the understanding that frees. The matrix or mind prison is undetectable by the physical senses, and liberation is beyond the five senses and to get out of the control of the five senses one´s need open the third eye. To open the third of higher intuition one have to overcome fear and negativity.

The rational brain (left brain) holds mental programs based on fear for the unknown. The rational brain controls life. The rational mind is a huge ego. The rational mind does acknowledge the body as its servant but has limited ability to accept concepts that conflict with its basic existing programs, and therefore can´t access to divine ideas and concepts in the right brain hemisphere.

“The brain is divided into three parts- the “CORE” or the sub-conscious mind, the “left hemisphere” and the “right hemisphere”. The left hemisphere controls logic and reasoning and is filled with fear”. The left brain also provides the “programming” for the “core” which does what needs to be done.

Conclusion; Then the left brain is the dominant hemisphere, and is filled with fear and also is the programmer of the “Core” of the sub-consciousness mind, it will program the subconsciousness mind with fear-based programs to stay in domination and power. This knowledge is related to the “Corpus Callosum” and the called “Rainbow bridge” between the left and brain hemisphere. Fear is the component that make the “Alpha Bridge” to disappears, and instead increasing the powers of illusions of reality and this is the veil. When fear programs is in place the “alpha bridge” is down, and the alpha is also the state that represents the present “now”.

When we’re in a state of fear, our alpha bridge disappears (the bridge between left and right brain hemisphere). We may still have theta and delta, but we’re cut off from the resources of our subconscious mind and its connection with the universal whole. Beta waves flood the fearful brain. It’s in survival mode. When we’re in a state of bliss, our brains show the Awakened Mind pattern. A step beyond, they can also move to a symmetrical pattern Cade called the Evolved Mind. As our consciousness is filled with love, our brains function very differently, with large amounts of theta and delta, plus an alpha bridge to connect our conscious with our subconscious mind. Emotions create brain states.

Stress, worry, or hyperactive intellect prevents successful hyper-communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless. In nature, hyper-communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of life in insects proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as “intuition?’ But we, too, can regain full use of it.

The Earth we are speaking of is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. Those of you in this third dimension see your Earth from a third dimensional point of view. Those of you who are in the third dimension see the third dimension as physical solid substance. Because of the vibration of the electromagnetic energy field, you are seeing it through light refraction. That light refraction, from your point of consciousness, is as real to you as anything is on this physical planet Earth in the third dimension. Change the electromagnetic energy field, you also change the light refraction. And that light refraction changes what you experience and what you see. That is why we teach that what you are truly seeing out there is an illusion, and it is an illusion based upon light refraction.

Humans are historical beings, trapped in history. When humans can´t access the depths of the mind or the state of oneness  because the state of duality creates the separation into the three dimensional world.

Energy is information, and information is history. It’s like the key and lock together. Ancient text then reveals there is three knots of ignorance and these blocks the natural flow of energy in the human body-system, and then energy is information, and information is the “history” humankind is trapped in and living in the state of ignorance or the slumbering state.

The human body system and chakra system has three knots. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. This blocks the configuration of the higher soul codes for ascension.

When these three knots binds energy in certain state of functionality is also binds:

1) Energy
2) Information
3) History

it continues; energy, information, and history then controls;

4) Visions
5) Emotions
6) Creativity

and visons, emotions and lack of creativity then controls;

7) Perception
8) DNA strands
9) Spiritual progress
10) Learning abilities
11) Spiritual gifts
12) Brain waves

13.  These components then  controls the matrix and the mind-prison

Lifting the Veil of Duality makes a simple, effective method to bring any hidden fears or resistance to the forefront of your awareness. It has the codes of natural law imbued in the written words and the space between them.

The veil of duality or veil of ignorance is pre-programmed in a opposite way to “Oneness” and prevents new information to get into the system that is need for higher configuration to higher state of consciousness.

By admin

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