23 Oct 2024, Wed

How to learn to switch from ego to the real Higher Self. The ego wallows in fear. Whenever control becomes loosened, fear surfaces. Learning to overcome the fear is the challenge. The first challenge is to understand and overcome ego illusions, the second challenge is to overcome fear, the last challenge is to overcome death. Death is the last enemy to overcome. Then we switch from ego perception to Divine perceptions, from the lens of the ego into lens of the Soul/Spirit, and switch perspective from being a body with a soul into a Soul with and body, and switch from believing in the physical dying nature of Being into the undying nature of Soul/Spirit, and then we understand that the powers is not outside humans but within them. This is the beginning to better understand the distortion of man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there

How to learn to switch from ego to the real Higher Self. The ego wallows in fear. Whenever control becomes loosened, fear surfaces. Learning to overcome the fear is the challenge. The first challenge is to understand and overcome ego illusions, the second challenge is to overcome fear, the last challenge is to overcome death. Death is the last enemy to overcome. Then we switch from ego perception to Divine perceptions, from the lens of the ego into lens of the Soul/Spirit, and switch perspective from being a body with a soul into a Soul with and body, and switch from believing in the physical dying nature of Being into the undying nature of Soul/Spirit, and then we understand that the powers is not outside humans but within them. This is the beginning to better understand the distortion of man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there.

The Earthly Life Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnotized existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himself to be a physical being. The maya-hypnotized ego creates the distortions of reality. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These mind-errors is the mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term for illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” of the mind is the maya-hypnotized mind.

The ego wallows in fear. Whenever control becomes loosened, fear surfaces.

Learning to overcome the fear is the challenge. The first challenge is to understand and overcome ego illusions, the second challenge is to overcome fear, the last challenge is to overcome death. Death is the last enemy to overcome. Then we switch from ego perception to Divine perceptions, from the lens of the ego into lens of the Soul/Spirit, and switch perspective from being a body with a soul into a Soul with and body, and switch from believing in the physical dying nature of Being into the undying nature of Soul/Spirit, and then we understand that the powers is not outside humans but within them. This is the beginning to better understand the distortion of man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The Earthly Life Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnotized existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himself to be a physical being. The maya-hypnotized ego creates the distortions of reality. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These mind-errors is the mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term for illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” of the mind is the maya-hypnotized mind.

Forsaking the one true God, we make science our religion. Science is nothing but a language used to study his creations, but science is neither the god nor it can lead us to god.

You made God in your image, rather than your image in the image of God.

The ego become the God of this world and then ego become mass consciounsess, people make mass consciounsess into their image

Each one of us in a personal battle between the egoself thought system and the Godself thought system; that is, between our perception of who we are and who we really are. We have made a self-concept, our egoself, which we think we are.

By directing our minds to access mostly the egoself thought system, we have convinced ourselves that we are that thought system. Since we are living within this self-concept, we have great difficulty imagining that there is another part to ourselves –the only real part of our selves.

Our self-concept is mostly subconscious, but exhibits itself in conscious behaviors and thoughts. However, it does not control our selection of thoughts unless we let it. Once we realize that our egoself is making events happen to us for the purpose of maintaining this false image of ourselves, we can consciously direct our minds away from our egoself.

We are worshiping idols, our self-concepts, which are wholly false. But within our conscious minds we have the power to reject these idols and begin to remember our Godself. When we make the conscious effort, demanding that our minds reject the egoself thoughts, the Holy Spirit is able to make the contact with us to enable us to begin to see our true selves. The Holy Spirit acts as a temporary link, an energetic bridge, which helps us find our Godself within.

We are not hopelessly lost in this image of reality that we have made. We can take over our minds from our egoself and demand that our true thinking be able to come through.

We will be amazed to find out who we really are. We did not imagine that our powers were so great that everything we see in our physical world was made by us. Our great difficulty as more people become aware of spirit presence is to figure out whether the spiritual power we are sensing is heading us toward a reunion or toward continued separation.

When we make it clear that we are seeking the highest good for all, and ask the Holy Spirit’s help in our discernment, the truth will become clear to us. We will need to have the continual desire and expectation that we have help in awakening from our illusion. Our thinking will be turned upside-down by what we begin to experience both inside and outside our bodies. We will need courage to take risks and to be open to change if we are to experience the joy of knowing who we really are.

We have made a filter around our Godself. This filter is a memory bank of experiences from lifetimes we have had in this and other illusory dimensions. This filter is part of the illusion. It appears to separate our Godself. Clusters of souls are similarly surrounded, or held together, by this filter.

When we functioned as the Light of God, our Spirits did not have this filter energy around us. This filter was made by us to give us a sense of separation. We made a manifestation of energy that we determined would separate us for the purpose of creative discovery. We had created many manifestations before, but never one in which apparent separation of our oneness was part of the manifestation.

At the instant when we, as the Light of God, began this new experiment of including ourselves in the manifestation in a segmented way, we lost our full force of creativeness and oneness that we possessed as the Light of God. The oneness is still there, since we still exchange energy between and within our subsets of energy, but our realization of it became blinded when we placed ourselves, divided, within this manifestation. At that instant, we no longer could create reality.

It is as If we made a computer simulation, placed our own consciousness inside the simulation so that we could experience it firsthand, and then forgot that we are the ones who actually made the simulation. We became lost within our own simulation.

Previous manifestations of ours were in complete harmony with the highest vibrations of the Context, and thus were as if creations of God, and thus reality. This new manifestation we are experiencing now could not maintain the level of pureness of energy necessary to be reality because we ourselves, the maker of it, were divided In force.

We suddenly went from being Creators to makers. we went from creating reality to making illusion. The Context is of the highest energy, pure and holy. It is reality. The Context is always aware of our oneness. We have not left the Context, or God, but we have made for ourselves an energy “enclave” of lesser force within the Context.

The energy has not lessened, but the Creative Force, the ability to apply that energy to a manifestation, has lessened.

The physical world is an illusion, but the energy that forms it is real.

The physical world is the dissipated energy of the Light of God, waiting to be re-united with the energy of the Light of God that Is within each of us. We do not experience the full creative force of the Light of God now because we are not consciously united with each other and with nature. It is not until we are united that we will fully realize who we are, what we have made here, and what we can Create, not make. We are truly one.

As we begin to consciously access our Godself and operate from the vision of love rather than the perception of separation, we will find that our conscious influence on nature is increased.

There are two realizations we need to have. One is that it is our egoself thought system that is making nature the means of separation that it is. Secondly, we are making it as we see it because we sincerely believe that we are not already pure, and that there are lessons we need to learn so that we can progress to purity. Our egoself is setting up a situation designed to develop separate but equal “Gods.”

The ego perception is separation (and limitation) to the physical world and reality. The ego has no sense that its capacity for consciousness comes from a larger mind, a limitless awareness. Then ego is duality it can´t exist in a state of larger consciousness outside the physical reality. Because the ego can´t access higher levels of consciousness Oneness it don´t know Spirit or the world outside the physical world or the three dimensional world/reality. The ego has made itself to be God of the material world or the three dimensional matrix humankind is trapped within.

Any reaction you have that’s based in fear comes from the ego-self, not the God-self. And since everything on this plane which is not love is fear, there’s one whale of a spectrum of emotions being encompassed. On and on the ego goes, keeping us deep in its fear-based image, as far away from our loving core as possible.

The ego wants total control of the Self and will project illusions that blind and defend against true consciousness. Remaining in an unconscious state of cognition pacifies the ego. Breaking out of the unconscious state through an awakening is a major threat to the ego. Becoming awakened signifies that a shift in consciousness is occurring.

Waking up from the unconscious sleep usually indicates that spiritual energy is trying to merge with God’s energy. When the two forces converge, the ego is then eliminated. When spiritual energy and God’s energy merge into one, higher consciousness is unleashed revealing all of the truth behind the illusions of the false reality belief system.

The mass of collective energy is like a giant bubble that harbors only the thoughts of the ego. The energy derived from the mass of collective energy is directly linked to the energy of the ego. Energy systems are trapped in a blind unconsciousness, within the mass of collective energy that forms unconscious thinking as the primary way of life.

The ego doesn’t like change or to feel threatened in anyway. Thinking beyond anything that has not been embedded in the stream of consciousness through rote cycling is considered to go against the ego. Thoughts, beliefs, and/or sound script integration that goes beyond what the ego knows is a serious threat. All threats are usually attacked either by verbal sound script rebuttal, or by actual physical punishment.

There have been numerous attempts throughout history where awakened energy systems that have tried to penetrate the blind control of the unconscious state of the ego. Each time the awakened spirit was persecuted and destroyed.

The ego of civilization doesn’t like to be challenged by ideas or concepts that cannot be physically proven. The ego must have physical evidence of any belief or concept that goes beyond the scope of general reason.

The ego is content knowing that everything within the false reality belief system is real, and that everything that is outside the false reality belief system is not real. This produces an effect known as, paradoxical delusional unconsciousness. Paradoxical delusional unconsciousness is when the false reality becomes the true reality, and the true reality of God’s energy becomes the false reality.

Energy systems that are guided only by the ego are more likely to be engulfed into the influential power of the mass of collective energy. Ego based energy systems often perceive the world as being a terrible, negative place to live. Their perceptions create hostility and hate within them. They project their negativity into the world, feeding the negativity within the mass of collective energy. This negativity is what positive, awakened energy systems are constantly fighting against. Positive awakened energy systems are higher conscious beings that can see past the smokescreens of the ego to get to the truth. Since the mass of collective energy is predominantly derived from the unconscious ego, awakened energy systems are considered outcasts and have to lead a life of repressed identity. Revealing their true self causes ridicule, persecution, and never ending insults of projections of being labeled as delusional or heretics against the false reality belief system within the mass of collective energy.

The voice of the separated ego promotes fear and attempts to convince you that you are at the mercy of external conditions and your success in life depends on being clever, in control, aggressive and competitive. Being cut off from the most potent and dynamic aspect of your being, the separated ego is very convincing. It will attempt to persuade you with the belief that you are alone in a threatening world and that fear, loss and death lurk around every corner. The ego and mass consciousness has become the organized gang stalking in today´s society.

We must understand and learn to control the Ego before we can restore true spiritual awareness, for our Egos act as barriers to us learning about our personal spiritual nature.

Spiritual enhancement comes from within , emanating from the light of the awakened soul .

Unlike awareness, concentration need not lend you an objective view. Only in awareness do you stand outside your psyche and regard it “from above.” Only by watching the ego from outside of it can you know its operations; and that clear seeing is what transforms. Awareness practice gives you the complete picture of the ego’s workings, as concentration cannot, for the will to concentrate is of the ego. A subtle ego persists as the concentrator who deliberately excludes material from focus, while awareness embraces the whole field. Concentration can enable awareness, but is not the same thing—thus, it can be an indirect path to self-knowledge. The direct path is awareness itself.

Death came into our world through the ignorant use of life, and death can be put out only by a wise use of life. Death is the result of a wrong concept of life and its use. In the beginning of man’s experiments with the powers of Being, he had no concept of death. His consciousness was intact and his unfoldment in wisdom was gradual and orderly. But his desire to experiment predominated. Sensation was sweet and enticing; it absorbed so much of his attention that he forgot wisdom–he “hid” from his Lord–and the result is separation from his Eden, the divine harmony of the law.

When there is disorder in the working parts of a machine, it breaks down or flies to pieces. That is just what occurred in man’s body. When intelligence was no longer present in its full complement in his consciousness, there was lack of harmony, and this resulted in such disorder that the parts flew asunder–soul and body separated, and man named the dissolution death. Then in its train the fear caused by this dissolution was imaged in man’s mind, and he made it a secondary cause. So we find the mere belief in death in the world today slaying its thousands.

In raising the dead there are, then, two factors to deal with. The idea of the reality of death and the fear of death have both become destructive beliefs in the race consciousness, and they must be taken up and dissolved. The total unreality of death must be portrayed to the deluded consciousness. The omnipresence and the omnipotence of life are beyond dispute, and there can be no question that death is a condition set up in human consciousness alone. God is not dead; He does not recognize or countenance death; neither does man, when freed from its delusion.

The Fear of Death

In dealing with the issue of death, there is a great paradox: To be able to live fully, we must somehow come to terms with death, especially our fear of it.

Our most primary fear of death is rooted in the body’s survival instinct. As far as a protective mechanism to increase our chances of dying later rather than sooner, it’s a definite asset to respond appropriately to loud noises and have other physiologically based protective instincts intact.

However, from the perspective of our eventual awakening to aspects of our-selves that transcend our biological inheritance, the fear of death, when analyzed, is not only built into our nervous system’s fight-or-flight programming—to a large degree, our fear of death is acquired through parental and societal “learned” programming.

This acquired fear is composed of a constellation of internalized core beliefs that—more often than not—do not support the free expression of life or help us accept the inevitability of our physical mortality.

Our beliefs about death—conscious or unconscious—are part of our “inner script” that profoundly influences the way we subjectively experience our lives as well as our thoughts. words, and deeds throughout our time on Earth. Until our issues on death are thoroughly examined and worked out, they’ll surely still be with us when death comes knocking at our own door! What do people fear most about death?

The most common fears include concern about not being able to bear the accompanying physical pain; fear of the “unknown”; fear of ceasing to exist after death; fear associated with being separated from loved ones; and a fear of hell, usually of the eternal fire-and-brimstone variety, instilled in many of us by early religious training.

The magnitude of our discomfort surrounding death exists in direct pro-portion to how much we’ve been affected by at least three main factors:

1) the extent to which we’ve been exposed and imprinted by modern society’s negative views on death;

2) misinformation on the physiological, psycho-logical, and spiritual processes that occur during the dying process; and

3) ignorance of the scientific evidence and inspiring testimony that supports a redefinition of death as a transition to another reality—and not the end of life.

Where is the way out from this literal “dead end” that the tear of death locks us into?

Some would answer that the “way out” is the “way in”—that we can literally “discover” something within us whose existence is independent of the physical brain, body, and limited personality. This “something” is the direct experience of our souls. Wisdom-teachings from time immemorial counsel us to “go within” to discover the riches of the soul—what Socrates refers to in the dictum, “Know thyself.” As long as we identify ourselves as being our bodies—and not having bodies—our “fate is sealed” in the sense that this very fear of death will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  

If birth is our doorway into the physical world then death is the doorway to the “heavenly world.” Our consciousness is the connection between the two worlds. And, consciousness survives death.

Consciousness survives death, so how come humans identifying themselves with the dying nature of the body and the dying nature of ego, and not the undying Soul/Spirit and Consciousness which survives death?

Free will is not truly free will if your ego is involved. How is the ego different from free will? The ego will operate on fear. The ego in all of us decided not to accept God’s Will, since the ego relies on a separate will made by itself. Freedom is obtained through wholeness. What is free is not fearful. If your will springs from a feeling of lack or fear, it is simply a will of your ego that is necessary to maintain your separateness, where ego-based wishes begin their drive. This surely is not independence. 

If the ego isn´t the real higher self, who’s will is the ego´s will?  How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s, which must be done?  When the ego is created on the base of fear and then becomes mass consciousness, so who’s will is the mass consciousness if the base of fear-ego isn´t the real higher divine self within humans?

Fear dictates the (free) will and fear of death disconnects spiritual consciousness.

Whenever there is fear there is a false interpretation and truth is never found within interpretations. The voice of fear is not who you are, it is a liar that convinces you it is you, and that it’s fearful message is true. The pull to believe in fear can seem strong, but it is not true, it is not you. When you fight your fear you make it seem real in your mind, yet it has no strength or power because it is not true. How can fear be true and God also? In God there is no fear, God and fear cannot coexist, therefore you must choose which is real, God or fear. Fear tells you this moment is wrong and threatening . . . that there is a power that can oppose you and God. God tells you this moment is bliss and nothing can ever oppose your or His all loving, all good will. Fear tells you to react in some way to survive, defend, attack, and protect yourself God tells you to be defenseless love . . . the non-reactive Presence because the truth is you are eternally safe right now . . . nothing outside your thoughts opposes your highest good. Accept and find peace in this moment exactly as it is. If God is real, there is nothing to fear.

The separate mind is always experiencing fear to some degree, because it mistakenly believes that it is separate, therefore vulnerable.

The mind that listens to the voice of the ego (separation) is always preaching that there is something wrong in this moment. When everything appears separate and apart from you, everything is interpreted as a potential threat.

This threatening world that we ourselves have made up with our own projected thoughts needs to be survived, and thus the ego is born.

The function of the ego is to survive the fear of separation. The more separation appears as real to the mind, the more it reinforces its defense … the ego

The fear we made up and projected onto the world is what fuels the ego … the ego is attacking our own attack thoughts. The voice of the ego is always telling us that we are vulnerable, insignificant, guilty, threatened, and abandoned … therefore we must protect, defend, withhold, attack, resist, withdraw, and guard ourselves. The fearful ego will use any ego device including control, attack, defense, manipulation, avoidance, attachment, being right, etc., in order to create a false sense of safety within the delusion of being threatened. Because we believe life is dangerous, we believe we need our ego to protect us. When the world is perceived correctly with no fear there is no need for the ego and it simply disappears.

Fear is the inevitable background noise of duality, whether we are consciously aware of the fear or not. Fear is inevitable anytime the mind chooses the belief system of separation.

The instant a mind chooses oneness, fear spontaneously disappears and only love is present. When you live within the context of separation you literally become stuck on survive, surviving a fearful world through defending and protecting your false ego identity. The ego is completely inauthentic and disempowering,

Fear can only exist in separation. Only in a fragmented illusion can we imagine that we are threatened. You are perfect love and invisible, indivisible, eternal, and perfect love cannot be destroyed, harmed, lost, or threatened in any way. When there is limited information to interpret the world, it can be misperceived and appear frightening.

The limited information our mind perceives due to the filters of our thoughts, beliefs, and judgments has us interpret a threatening world. Ego mind sees the world as a world of chaos and danger. The ego’s way of life is about surviving, struggling, competing, and striving to keep safe in an unsafe world. When all along it is only our own judgments, thoughts, and beliefs that can ever truly frighten or threaten us, and we always have the power to change our judgments, thoughts, and beliefs.

The greatest fear for the ego is death … not physical death, but death of the ego identity, because ego convinces us that we are nothing more than our ego identity. Therefore, if a mind dwells in separation the death of their ego feels like the death of their very being.

Therefore returning to perfect love where all individual identities disappear is frightening to an ego that wants to survive. Returning to perfect love and oneness is death to the individual ego self we believe we are, therefore returning to love is the greatest fear for anyone deeply attached to their separate identity.

There is no fear of death in oneness, because death and a separate identity are not possible in Reality, Oneness, and Truth. Because we know the eternal nature of who we are in oneness, we do not associate ourselves with a limited identity based on a temporary body and personality … we know that we are eternal, invisible divine love, and absolutely nothing can threaten our existence, ever!

In separation there is an end and a limit to everything, including that we believe we are as a body and identity … eternal life and infinity do not exist in separation. The ego identity was created as a device that will allow you to survive in a dangerous, threatening environment of being separate from your Source and all that is … yet in Truth you never left the perfect safety of God.

However, when we believe we are separate, the ego believes it is our only hope for survival. When we identify who we are with the ego/body self and if the ego/body feels threatened, the ego can fight as viciously to defend this false identity.

The ego is completely motivated by fear and surviving that fear. There is no way to escape fear when you are dwelling in an unconsciousness rooted in duality . . . its very context is fear. The only way to overcome fear and ego is to step into a whole new reality, the context of oneness and love.

You can live in the physical world and live in either the belief system of oneness and love or the belief system of separation and fear. It is inevitable that you will live in some degree of fear (anything less than deep peace) when you live within the belief system of the illusion of separation.

Living in that belief system your only agenda and entire way of being is motivated by surviving the fear. You walk about your life as if the world is chaotic and you are a powerless victim trying to survive uncontrollable, often ruthless circumstances.

Your entire life becomes grasping, controlling, protecting, attacking, defending, and avoiding in order to survive the illusionary unsafe, harsh, and threatening circumstances of separation that you believe exist and are real.

This is the underlying core of how a human ego in separation relates to their world. We say yes to someone when our heart says no in order to survive the fear of rejection. We lie and say and do all kinds of inauthentic things to protect our false ego identities, so we can survive the threat of fear.

All fear is rooted in the past and future . . . there can be no fear when our mind is deeply rooted in the present. There is no safety in the past and future because they are not real. Fear of the future manifests as anxiety, and worry about and fearing the past manifests as guilt, regret, remorse, and blame.

Living in the past or the future will always generate anxiety and fear and will always lack peace, support, and safety. When we are not fully present, fear is present, regardless of how subtle or obvious the outward appearances. Only in presence can you have total faith. Without total and complete faith and trust in the perfect divine synchronicity of each now moment of your life, you are living in some degree of fear.

The manifest consciousness has all of the attributes of love and creativity of the Greater Spirit, but also has an ego. The ego’s only function is to keep itself in charge. Without the ego we are able to see beyond the veil of time-space.

The thinking with your negative ego mind is what closes the Third Eye and causes blocks and imbalances in it.

In other words, the false self, (ego) actually is preventing the essential good qualities from surfacing and living at all times. The artificial self (ego) prevents the uncovering of the innate qualities.

The ego uses fear, desire, opinion, and other human traits to keep itself in charge. So simple is the ego that it believes that it can outlive its host.

The ego must be broken. However, ego cannot be broken by human efforts. Only God can do it. Your ego and your Soul will never be co-creators, but your Soul and YOUR Creator will ALWAYS be.

The Beginning of Physical Existence In the beginning of course, it was not how it is now. In the beginning, your physical was very pliable. Your consciousness was able to take a physical form at will. When you tired of that form, you could leave it. Your consciousness simply left, not as death is, but simply left. In so doing, you also transformed all of the physical energy that had been equated to that particular state of consciousness.

It was a creation and existence based in reality not illusion. It was a very beautiful, physical existence. As you began to feel, however, that you were separate, you felt threatened by other physical existences. You felt if that physical existence could harm your physical existence, you no longer would exist. It took eons for you to reach that belief.

Once you believed you could be destroyed you began to create your ego system that said we must have defense measures that say when we are safe. The first one of those humanity created was our emotions. Your emotions are your first defense system that says I am safe. Emotions are the most powerful ego control that you have over your third-dimension existence. If you are in emotions, it will control your physical, your mental and it will control your spiritual awareness.

The ego felt it must find a safe space to exist. You therefore devised all kinds of belief systems. Your belief in heaven, your belief in hell, your belief in death, your belief in what you had to do to maintain your own physical existence became the prime directive of the ego system. What did you have to do to maintain your eternal existence if you could be destroyed physically?

You made God in your image, rather than your image in the image of God. And God began to be something that served you as you understood what your need was for safety. If God could provide a way to your safety, then you would exist. That is only a belief system based upon total and complete illusion. You are now controlled by the fear that you can be destroyed because physical has become your total self-contained image of who you are.

The ego has become the God of this world, because the we made God in our image, rather than our image in the image of God. This creates the ego concept of perception and fear of death. We experiencing reality from a limited and fragmeted distorted perception and not the through the lens of the Soul/Spirit. The ego is keeping itself and this ego-surface-body-identity-perception alive through the veil of ignorance. negative fear programming (through culture and media), and the ultimate fear of death. We have been teach and programmed to believe in the physical dying nature of Being, and not the undying nature of the Soul/Spirit. We havee been teach to be afraid for the undying nature of being.

You have been teach and programmed and frightened for your physical survival, the physical survival of your planet, as well as the physical survival of other species and life forms on your planet. You fear the survival of cultures and indeed, of your very own self. Because of those fears you have created social structures in the attempt to retain a degree of safety. More and more you have separated yourself from your own spiritual power and your own spiritual awareness. You have become dependent upon the illusion to provide you with what you already are, and it cannot. You believe that somehow your social structures, your defense mechanisms, all the things you believe will keep you safe will protect you and they cannot. They have no power. All they can do is keep you imprisoned within the illusion.

The ego has imprisoned humankind within illusions and fear.

The survival self thrives on being busy. Our brief tour of the brain’s evolution helps explain our animal heritage and our drive for busyness and continual activity. The ego thrives on a sense control.

To reinforce this primitive drive, our social programming has linked our sense of significance to how busy we are. The ego gets its sense of worth not from the results it manifests or the contri-butions it makes, but by how busy it continues to be.

The ego’s drive to be busy and to always be doing is conditioned into the collective field. You didn’t create this drive—it is simply an attribute in the field of consciousness, reinforced over millennia via our animal inheritance. With awareness of the ego’s mechanisms like the need for continual activity, we are able to shift gears and align with the observer. Now, we become the audience in the theatre instead of the actor performing on stage, which limits the ego’s ability to direct the show.

Creativity is a nonlinear occurrence—an innate quality of consciousness that arises when the proper conditions are present. We learned how the ego blocks this quality of consciousness through mechanisms like fragmented, dualistic thinking, energized lower emotions, or the drive for constant movement (and negative fear programming through culture and media).The consciously evolved, “whole” human being tran-scends enough of these ego proclivities to allow his innate creative-ness to manifest. Breakthrough discoveries are not the result of a linear progression of ideas.

“Letting go” or “surrendering to the moment” are abilities few possess in our Western, get-it-done culture.

This act of getting out of our own way illustrates what’s needed for the creative impulse to manifest. To get out of your own way, embrace an allowing state of mind in the present moment, as opposed to a doing state. The mind bounces from the past to the future. In the present moment of NOW, what the Eastern teachings often call “No Mind,” we remove the influence of the ego, leaving behind commentary, judgments, and opinions. In the No-Mind state, silence and peace prevail.

Instead of searching for a technique to increase our creativity, it is more useful to adopt a sole—a way of being in the world—that loosens the ego’s drive for control and allows our innate creativeness to manifest. Through a deeper understanding of the nature of thought and creativity, combined with a contemplative way of being in the world, a creative lifestyle develops that permeates more than just one’s vocation—it affects who one becomes at a deep, spiritual level.

If we think and act in ways that feed our ego, then our ego will overpower our starving spirit, but if we feed our spirit divine qualities of love and mercy, then our spirit will overcome our ego.

Freedom is the ability to remove all those obstacles, especially one’s ego, that prevent one from doing the will of Divine.

What must eventually take place within each and every one of us is a complete integration of the four-body system with that of the higher bodies. In this process, none of the divine attributes that comprise ourselves on any level of our beings can be overlooked. The lower-self qualities, or negative-ego qualities, must be brought under the control of the conscious mind and replaced with the higher, christed or spiritual qualities of the oversoul and monad. We must therefore work with that blessed attribute of love. In this process we clear away all hindrances to love’s true and full expression by working through the blocks that exist in our subconscious minds. We likewise work with learning how to invoke the quality of divine love, which will descend upon us when called forth sincerely, as a down-pouring from the very heart of God itself.

As the negative ego tries to deceive you into falsely believing that you are operating out of a place of love or keeps you in a tape-loop of defensiveness against any real heart connections within yourself and with the world.

Our world still operates on the basis of comparison and competition, and this means that we need to rally all the forces within us to go against the common tide. This is the concept of the ego-duality of the opposites. Ego is the opposite to divine consciouness. The ego is the vei of ignorance and stands between Man and God. Before merging with God, the veil of ignorance needs to be removed.The ego stands in the way. When the veil of ignorance is removed, the ever perfect nature of the soul stands revealed.

One of the most important tools and keys to the psychology of ascension is owning your own personal power. The ego is teaching and programming humankind believing the powers is outside him and not within. This is to give away its own power to outer and external forces. This then becomes the ego of mass consciounsess and this becomes the matrix and the matrix becomes the mind prison.

Your ego wants to be the master of everything in your life. It knows that your wiser higher power has answers for you that are permanent and will provide you free passage to your sacred quest. This need to be in charge of everything is a control center for the ego. If ego did not have control, it would fear that you might discover the truth of your authentic self.

The ego knows that once you are reunited with the love (divine being)  inside you, then there is no need for your ego.

Fear of death is our most primal fear, but if we know that even death holds no terror for us, what have we to fear? When we know that we ultimately have nothing to fear, then a most profound and lasting change for the better will be brought to this world. All those systems of thought and plays for control over the masses of people will meet their deserved dissolution.

The veil between this material world and the noumenal worlds stands poised to be seen for what it is—an illusion, nothing more. Science says this already, although it has no practical meaning for people. For instance, once we know with certainty that we persist after death, that we determine our future even after this body has been cast away, that we will return and that we will have learned from our experiences in those past lives, that our past lives do indeed form a backdrop for our present experience, then we will see that there is indeed a part of us that is eternal, and that our thoughts and decisions in the present moment have consequences that will reach far into future lives. Then, and only then, will esoteric astrology take its place as a valued and revered system in the mainstream.

Carl Jung describes that “states” (as a collective) and “religions” (another form of collective) engender and promote a mass consciousness that circumvents individuality as well as physically and psychically enslaves man through the psychic attack of fear and hate. In the opinion of Dr. Jung, both state and religion foists itself as God-like or the saving grace of man. The psyche knows better but unless man becomes aware of his own lack of awareness, he fails to become free; he submits to the veil and those who would ensure its place is solidly maintained as a barrier.

The ego and the veil serve the same purpose. That purpose would be to prevent those descending into Earth consciousness from ascending to the beyond worldly existence via the ego/veil until such time as each soul is intended to pass beyond the veil.

The “Dynamics” of the Ego

No one can escape from illusions unless he looks at them, for not looking is the way they are protected. There is no need to shrink from illusions, for they cannot be dangerous.

What is healing but the removal of all that stands in the way of knowledge? And how else can one dispel illusions except bylooking at them directly, without protecting them? Be not afraid. therefore, for what you will be looking at is the source of fear, and you are beginning to learn that fear is not real.

When we look at the ego, then, we are not considering dynamics but delusions. You can surely regard a delusional system without fear, for it cannot have any effects if its source is not real. Fear becomes more obviously inappropriate if you recognize the ego’s goal, which is so clearly senseless that any effort on its behalf is necessarily expended on nothing. The ego’s goal is quite explicitly ego autonomy. From the beginning, then, its purpose is to be separate, sufficient unto itself and independent of any power except its own. This is why it is the symbol of separation.

He has included you in his autonomy. Can you believe that autonomy is meaningful apart from him? The belief in autonomy is costing you the knowledge of your dependence on God, in which your freedom lies.

The ego sees all dependency as threatening, and has twisted even your longing for God into a means of establishing itself. But do not be deceived by its interpretation of your conflict. The ego always attacks on behalf of separation. Believing it has the power to do this it does nothing else, because its goal of autonomy is nothing else. The ego is totally confused about reality, but it does not lose sight of its goal.

You must recognize that the last thing the ego wishes you to realize is that you are afraid of it. For if the ego could give rise to fear, it would diminish your independence and weaken your power. Yet its one claim to your allegiance is that it can give power to you. Without this belief you would not listen to it at all. How, then, can its existence continue if you realize that, by accepting it, you are belittling yourself and depriving yourself of power?

The ego can and does allow you to regard yourself as supercilious, unbelieving, “lighthearted,” distant, emotionally shallow, callous, uninvolved and even desperate, but not really afraid. Minimizing fear, but not its undoing, is the ego’s constant effort, and is indeed a skill at which it is very ingenious. How can it preach separation without upholding it through fear, and would you listen to it if you recognized this is what it is doing?

Your recognition that whatever seems to separate you from God is only fear, regardless of the form it takes and quite apart from how the ego wants you to experience it, is therefore the basic ego threat. Its dream of autonomy is shaken to its foundation by this awareness.

The ego believes that it can, and that it can offer you its own “will” as a gift.

The human ego is only a tool employed by the mind to interface with physical reality. When the mind erroneously over identifies with this tool, it results in the selective perception that magnifies the disordering entropy principle of the phys-ical world. When this destructive principle dominates, it limits what the mind can perceive, and the consequence is the experience of fear. A fear-based mind becomes locked into limited, habitual, reactive, unconscious behaviors. When fear overwhelms the mind, conscious choice, or free will fades into the back-ground. Essentially, a mind dominated by fear can only react unconsciously; it has no real choices.

When the ego alone is in charge of our mind, it blocks access to the wisdom and power available from Universal Consciousness. Part of the process of becoming whole involves getting the ego out of the way when necessary so that we may co-create our reality with access to the intelligence and power of Universal Consciousness.

When the ego has become the God of this world and ego become mass consciounsess, then it blocks access to higher levels of consciounsess.

Perception of the infinite range of possibilities in the potentiality field requires a perspective that the ego mind is incapable of. The ego can only effectively perceive what has already been actualized, since it only deals with 3rd dimensional and physical reality. From an ego-perspective, any perception of the infinite realm of possibilities will be distorted by the noise of the disordering principle. In other words, the fear-based ego cannot see infinite potential, but the conscious mind aligned with the Universal mind can. Even if it could perceive infinite potential, the fear-tainted ego is not aligned with the power of the intentionality field so it cannot effectively choose to manifest the highest choice.

After we find the courage to kick our ego out of our mind space, we will have the freedom to be and do things in ways that are right for us. In a sense, we will be reborn and free of fear.

Fear is ego based, and the ego need fear to keep the veil of separation in place (the veil of ignorance). Ego creates separation from the real divine nature of Being. The ego programmes the mind to be afraid for the real divine self. The ego triggering fear for the unknown. The unknown has become unknown because it has been separated for such long time and humankind has been disconnected from their higher level of consciounsess. So in one way humans have been teach and programmed for its own power, and have been teach and programmed to believe the source of power is outside him and not within. This is to give away one´s own power to a outer and external force. This external is the ego and the matrix. The ego´s veil of ignorance keeping humankind trapped within a state of negative fear programming. When humans overcome negativity and fear then the veil of ignorance is neutralized or the veil of ignorance is lifted.

The Divine Mind knows only love. It has no identity of fear. Fear exists only as a tool of your illusion and has no reality. You fear your own power. Why do you fear your own power? Because you know on some level that if you created the limitation that you are in right now you must be capable of all creation. If you acknowledge that power, you feel you have no control of your own power, but that is the ego talking. It is based upon fear. That is not the reality of your consciousness.

If you are completely dependent on television programming for forming your views, then surely you must realize that they are not your views at all but simply what you have been programmed to believe. Television is the most powerful programming tool by those who create their fortunes by manipulating opinions. Their agenda is to control what you think but who you are. The alternative is to point your compass to your spiritual source. In awareness we can realize most of television programming or any other programming is sourced from other egos. In awareness we can be released from the bondage that ego or collective egos capture us in.

The left brain cleaved the right brain”s integrated sense of wholeness into a duality that resulted in humans creating a distinction between me-in-here and world- out-there. The ego requires duality to gain perspective. The ego cut ourselves off from our “whole self” and are therefore unable to perceive the entire picture. We have created cultures that support the rational, logical mind and inadvertently neglect the whole brain.  Free will is not truly free will if your ego is involved. How is the ego different from free will? The ego will operate on fear. The ego in all of us decided not to accept God’s Will, since the ego relies on a separate will made by itself. Freedom is obtained through wholeness. What is free is not fearful. If your will springs from a feeling of lack or fear, it is simply a will of your ego that is necessary to maintain your separateness, where ego-based wishes begin their drive. This surely is not independence.  If the ego isn´t the real higher self, who’s will is the ego´s will?  How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s, which must be done?  When the ego is created on the base of fear and then becomes mass consciousness, so who’s will is the mass consciousness if the base of fear-ego isn´t the real higher divine self within humans? Through intuition, we can access the full range of our inner knowledge, especially that of our essence, our “higher self. The rational mind, doubt, busyness, fear, and the ego disconnect you from your intuitive nature and inner compass. Here on planet Earth, we live within a framework of linear time-past, present, and future. There is another dimension of time.

Intuition is the voice of non- physical reality. The soul is non-physical reality. In the same way intuition is a non-physical reality, it is the essence of your being.

Through intuition, we can access the full range of our inner knowledge, especially that of our essence, our “higher self.

The false illusion of intuition that comes from your ego will be dominating, controlling, and associated with the wants and needs of the material life. The intuition of your soul will give you more wisdom and information about your life than your ego-mind or intellect can imagine. It will take practice to not confuse the intuition of your soul with the wants and needs of your ego. Trust what is within your soul and realize the role of your ego. Following the intuition of your soul will silence your ego and create change in your life.

Learning to follow your intuition is a process that will not take place overnight. It is a process that will take practice and patience. The fears of your ego will surface from time to time creating doubt, no matter how connected you think you are. Dealing with doubt and insecurities created by your ego is part of the learning process. Do not let this concern or stop you, since our lives are a continuous work in progress. Move at your own pace with desire, commitment, and determination, relying on your inner guidance. When you arrive at a fork in the road of life, listen to your intuition and follow the path your soul wants to take. Learning to follow your intuition when you start to connect with your soul will take you out of the comfort zone of your ego.

The rational mind, doubt, busyness, fear, and the ego disconnect you from your intuitive nature and inner compass. You are not your ego. You are a soul with a divine consciousness having a human experience.

The ego likes to think like the great majority. It is its glory. When it thinks like the others, it feels it is more intelligent. It reads the same news-papers, listens to the same radio stations, watches the same TV programs. Yet the ego fears the individuality that it nevertheless claims to be. It demands freedom but prohibits itself from thinking, talking, and reacting differently, as does the great majority, denying its desire for individual freedom in the process. This is ego´s creation of mass consciousness. The separated ego-consciousness and mass consciousness is disconnected from the divine state of consciousness.

Intuition is like an inner gaze that is not bound by linear time. When we adopt an inner gaze, we step into our vast free nature. We relax into eternal time and are able to access knowledge that comes from the heart and is echoed in the stomach. Our hearts have their own way of seeing things.

We begin by looking at the concepts of time and space, which become vastly different when entering the Spirit realm. Here on planet Earth, we live within a framework of linear time-past, present, and future. There is another dimension of time.

When relating the three time concepts, the sequence is referred to as past, present, future, this again is related to linear time as we know it and in the first instance relates past to present, then from present to future.

Life is perpetuated through the relationship to past, present so many repeating patterns appear by identification with the There is a way of reversing this situation by transposing the three concepts into present and past; the logical mind does not understand how future can come before present and past is referred to as after present. But the higher mind and its intuitive faculty which lies far above the physical reasoning sees that future is evolution, it is the creative essence of life, it is immortality which is not governed by time as we understand it, it goes beyond time, so when future is placed future first within the thought processes we link into the vast sca of life that is transcendent of time and has no beginning or end.

The left brain cleaved the right brain”s integrated sense of wholeness into a duality that resulted in humans creating a distinction between me-in-here and world- out-there. The ego requires duality to gain perspective.

The ego is based less on repression/projection theory than on the belief, outlined above, of a duality between rationality and intuition. The ego is commonly associated with “left-brained”, narrow-minded rationality, and opposed to the “right-brained” intuitive and holistic faculties of the unconscious.

The more they can keep you coming from the left side of the brain, the more easily you can be controlled, manipulated and programmed like a robotic being, and the easier it is to distract you from finding out who you truly are and what you are truly doing here. The leaft brain is also the core that is using fear to stay in control and power, and fear is also the component that opens up the channels for mental negative programming of the mind. The ego has become the god behind these actions.

The powers that be are using computers to dumb down the masses and the next generation. Computers eliminate all right-side brain activity. The right side is the side that produces creativity, innovation, intuition, imagination, and insight, and these aspects go hand in hand with consciousness, creating, and the essence of your soul.

The ego cut ourselves off from our “whole self” and are therefore unable to perceive the entire picture. We have created cultures that support the rational, logical mind and inadvertently neglect the whole brain.

Overrationalizing and overintellectualizing minimize creativity, risk-taking, empathy, imagination, inspiration, ingenuity, teamwork, happiness, self-worth, efficient and effective decision-making, and perception, as well as profits and growth. Making practical decisions can even be thwarted as common sense and street smarts are overridden by overwhelming amounts of data, facts, and figures.

Fear often pervades as these environments tend to be more critical, judgmental, opinionated, and risk-averse. The heart of the organization is minimized, and the egoic mind is in charge. The critical intelligence of empathy is undervalued. Stress impedes kindness. So, what’s wrong with this picture? Neurologically, these environments dumb people down, and optimal performance is unattainable.

Your intuition is the gateway to your spirit, and the ego is the part that´s disconnects the Spiritual Higher Divine Self through the veil of ignorance and the veil of fear/the abyss and fear of death.

As you raise your energy and raise your inner vibrations, you raise your intuition. Likewise, as your intuition heightens, you will have an increase in energy. The goal of the ego is therefore to keep humankind in the band of the low vibrational frequencies. Fear of death is the ego ultimate concepts to feeding its own existence, constant negative fear programming through culture and media is another method the ego is using.

As your vibrations begin to raise, a glimmer of hope enters into your heart as you rise above the denser levels and know within that you do not have to remain a part of that which you had always considered to be your reality,. There is a brighter passage way that opens up to your soul, if you will see it, follow it, and do not deviate or scatter your energies. Higher vibrations will bring you to the truth, and as your understanding of the truth grows, there is nothing that can be hidden from you as you will become the light.

No one will be able to sway you or pull you from your chosen path, as all the illusion , confusion, fear, and doubt that has been surrounding you for eons of time will fall away so that you can see dearly. You will feel on overwhelming sense of peace, and being blessed to have finally found your way. You will be amazed at the simplicity of the truth that had been previously shrouded in complexities of illusion, misinformation, rituals, psychological thinking, religious beliefs, tradition, false prophets, programming, and etc.

You will be able to see how your ego has fooled you into scattering yourself in all directions. You have been looking outside of yourself for the truth, when the truth was within you all the time, waiting to be discovered, waiting for you to come to the awareness of your soul, and going within to complete yourself rather than looking without into a world of falseness. Not until you come to this place will you truly be in the light.

The ultimate goal is to evolve to the place where you are again a whole consciousness. This is indeed difficult to put into words, because you have such a limited concept of the real you, it is hard for you to comprehend that consciousness is an open spiritual system, a powerhouse. But getting back to other forms, there is an inner communication between you and your other forms, again we will say even though they are in different parts of the universe you are all one consciousness, we are not using the term all one consciousness in the same text that we usually do, because we are explaining pm to you.

If you looked for all eternity within your body you could not put your finger on your own consciousness, this is to say, if you could travel within your own body you could not find where your true self resides, if you cannot be found even by yourself within your body, then where is the real you?

This is why we have told you throughout these classes to expand what you are conscious of, you have such a narrow way at looking at the real you, you cannot conceive if your consciousness is able to create the body that you know as you, it can create other bodies as well.

Remember, consciousness is not limited, you are only limited to the self that you know because of the way you think, if you do not realize that the self that you know is not your entire identity, then you will indeed be limited. You do tune in to these other parts of you from time to time, because you are all a part of the same consciousness therefore connected, but as long as you believe the form that you see is the only you, then you will indeed be limited.

The ego’s only playground is in the physical realm. Once we return to spirit, there is only oneness; the separated parts of mind merge. The more unattached to the physical realm a person is the larger the ego must be to hold onto the field coupling tether. The ego relaxes when it does not have to fight to keep a person in the “earthly” time based world and time reality.

Developing your intuitive muscle takes practice. You cannot “tune in” when you are “tuned out.” You cannot listen to your inner voice if it is quieted by the ego’s incessant mind chatter or drowned by the constant noise of your environment. Turn off your TV, computer, and phone for a while.

To optimize intuition requires a belief in its power and the courage to trust it. It requires self-awareness, an inner calm, and an open-hearted approach to life. It requires that you take care of yourself, heighten your energy, and develop a regular mindfulness practice. In sum, to access your highest level of intelligence—your intuitive intelligence—the key is bliss! Who knew? Your intuition.

Free will is not truly free will if your ego is involved.

How is the ego different from free will? The ego will operate on fear.

The ego in all of us decided not to accept God’s Will, since the ego relies on a separate will made by itself.

To live life only in the confines of the ego blinds an energy system from the truth and limits their full capacity of experiencing the splendors of Earth as directed by the energy of Creation. Once the mistrust of God’s energy occurred the ego took control. Mistrust is an illusion that the ego has used as a defense against itself.

The ego has become the “God” of the collective awareness among energy systems within the mass of collective energy. The dividing factor of separation from spiritual energy and God’s energy was when the ego entered and took over the unconsciousness of the energy system. As long as the ego remains in control of the energy system, the truth of knowing God is inhibited. Spiritual energy and God’s energy must converge to allow total connection to the higher levels of consciousness. The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecting the energy system from believing in anything greater than itself.

Freedom is obtained through wholeness.

What is free is not fearful. If your will springs from a feeling of lack or fear, it is simply a will of your ego that is necessary to maintain your separateness, where ego-based wishes begin their drive. This surely is not independence.

If the ego isn´t the real higher self, whos will is the ego´s will?  How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s, which must be done?

When the ego is created on the base of fear and then becomes mass consciounsess, so whos will is the mass consciounsess if the base of fear-ego isn´t the real higher divien self within humans?

The Matrix, enslavement

The subconscious will spare no tactic to protect one from any discomfort, and it will invoke some amazingly creative ways and go to extreme lengths to keep one in your comfort zone.

It is important to understand that the comfort zone is like a magnet … a gravitational force that doesn’t allow one to stray far away from one´s comfort zone without conscious and powerful effort. Like the rocket that needs a sustained powerful force to blast through the earth’s gravitational pull, a person must forcefully push against his or her usual thoughts and behavior and sustain that effort to break through his or her personal gravitational pull. But … AND HERE IS THE KEY … every person must do his or her own “pushing” to sustain achievements. This is exactly why it is so critical that every key person (actually every person in the organization if fiscally feasible) have their own personal customized strategic plan. The customized personal strategic plan is the blueprint for exactly how, given their personal strengths and weaknesses, a specific individual can break through their personal gravitational pull and make needed changes while achieving critical objectives that support the organization’s master strategic plan. The bottom line is that conscious and unconscious efforts to resist change will undermine and sabotage the greatest of plans if proper attention is not given to supporting the change process from the very start.

In the universal order pain is not generally experienced by the creation. It is generally only experienced in reality systems that are controlled by the archons, in order to control, manipulate and render powerless those whose energies they feed off because they have lost their connection to the universal exchange energy system.

By admin

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