17 Jan 2025, Fri

Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken. Therefore, the brain being divided into lobes (the cerebral cortex). This division has allowed a common misconception that we think with only 10 percent of the brain. First, we have not ever located where we think. And yes, the cortex accounts for only 10 percent of the brain. That does not mean that we think with 10 percent, or that if we ever learn to use more than 10 percent, we will be superhuman. Remember, the other 90 percent is formed of fibres connecting the cells of the 10 percent to each other. The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex.

Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken. Therefore, the brain being divided into lobes (the cerebral cortex). This division has allowed a common misconception that we think with only 10 percent of the brain. First, we have not ever located where we think. And yes, the cortex accounts for only 10 percent of the brain. That does not mean that we think with 10 percent, or that if we ever learn to use more than 10 percent, we will be superhuman. Remember, the other 90 percent is formed of fibres connecting the cells of the 10 percent to each other. The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex.

How do we change our station from the beta frequency and tune into the Alpha/Theta consciousness?

Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there.

  • The rational brain can´t access the soul
  • The ego can´t access higher dimensions
  • The state of duality and ego can´t access state of Oneness
  • The five senses can´t either access the higher consciousness

When these parts of mind blocking the energies in the tree of life or the caduceus that channels light through the central column of the spine to the crown chakra – chakras becomes blocked by slow moving energy, and this slows down their ability to spin and to absorption of light. The energy then gets compounded in the lower three chakras and does not rise to the level of the forehead, where it activates the spiritual eye or the third eye. The forehead is the newest part of the brain in the frontal lobes.

Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken. There are also indications from recent research into meditation and higher states of consciousness that under the right circumstances the frontal cortex can function at a much higher energy level, generating very fast brainwave frequencies called gamma waves.

That differentiation of the cortex is the aggregate of neurons or brain cells, while the medulla is an aggregate of nerve fibres connecting different parts of the cortex to each other and to the rest of the body.

Therefore, the brain being divided into lobes (the cerebral cortex). This division has allowed a common misconception that we think with only 10 percent of the brain. First, we have not ever located where we think. And yes, the cortex accounts for only 10 percent of the brain. That does not mean that we think with 10 percent, or that if we ever learn to use more than 10 percent, we will be superhuman. Remember, the other 90 percent is formed of fibres connecting the cells of the 10 percent to each other.

The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex.

This led researchers to suggest that the frontal lobes act as the controller to the rest of the brain as much as the rest of the brain is the controller of the body. While other waves predominantly affect areas of the brain, Gamma influeces the entire brain. During meditation, the grand central stationlike cable of nerves connecting your two brain hemispheres, the Corpus Callosum — becomes deeply stimulated.

The rational brain (left brain hemisphere blocks out the right side of our brains — the intuitive, mystical, spontaneous, holistic part of ourselves, and may become a great stumbling block and hindrance in the progress of the soul.

Some authors think the “Annunaki” brought a frequency to Earth and this has developed in the brain as a rational function that took over and blocked one from hearing and listening to the inner intuition. This is why human species cannot hear the intuitive voice or divine communication. The rational brain controls through the rational brain beta brain frequency, and this frequency controls through fear. The rational way of thinking is very close in vibration to the frequency of fear. As soon as you are in fear, you cannot hear your intuitive voice anymore. And this creates a planet with mental structures that transmit frequencies across the planet that hold the human brain in limited perspectives.

The rational mind does not have any room for spirit, God or any other creative thought process. Anyone who knows anything about geometry will recognize that these mental structures all over the planet, to be used as transmitting beacons. The whole planet is humming with this frequency. This frequency prevents astral travelers from going out further than the astral realms that cloud the planet. The rational brain and beta brain frequency and energy holds the  soul and mind in a limited zone of experience.

This enslaves humans as a race of beings. The rational way of thinking does not allow for intuition, inspiration from nowhere, magic and miracles. The rational mind taken to its extreme does not allow for a concept of a god, or soul, or love, or life itself.

Then the rational brain does have any room for spiritual growth, divine communication it holds back life in bondage and limitations and the rational brain prevent the soul from ascending. The rational brain and concept of duality do not believe in this possibility. The rational brain know something is going on with the universe and process of life, but the rational brain do not understand the paradox. Rational minds cannot understand paradox.

Beta brain wave frequencies is associated with the rational mind and states of worry, fear, etc. Fear is used to control the human mind and humankind. Beta is related to fear and beta is the field of mass consciousness (fear+ mass consciousness=Matrix of contol) is the method that control humankind and the “Matrix”. If beta waves in one of the end of the four spectrum of the brain waves, so is delta waves the Gateway to “Satori” or “Nirvana”, and the way out of the matrix.

In Yoga teaching they teaching how to still the mind, emptying on brain waves, cooling off the brain wave activity, and this means the beta state of brain waves. In Mind Control, the “brain wave” frequencies one is specifically taught to minimize are the fast so-called beta rhythms normally associated with active thought. Then beta is the field of mass consciousness it can be used to control the masses, and the mass consciousness can be collectively manipulated through fear based programs and false belief systems. Then the ego and intellect is the rational mind it become the king and the source of what is gained in life.

Mind control (mass consciousness hypnosis). Mass consciousness primarily lives in the Lower Mind, using logic and emotion as primary modes of information/decision.  Film and television are undoubtedly the most powerful techniques in the mass technology of mind control.

One of the forces that can stifle your force of will is the illusion of a communal or shared material-plane reality. This illusion is a highly deceptive one, suggesting a perceptual harmony in which large numbers of people believe that they see the same or very similar realities. Perceptual harmony allows a large group consciousness matrix to overtake or overlay your own individual consciousness matrix. While this sounds sublime, lovely and convenient as well, perceptual harmony can have its dark side. Once your own consciousness matrix is fully sucked into a mass consciousness matrix, it loses its ability to effectively determine from outside the mass perception the actual nature of the mass matrix and can no longer decide for itself how the energy of your consciousness gets used. Although this can be a positive development, only clear discernment can detect the right use of one’s will in this engagement with a mass consciousness matrix.

Your mind is so steady in the light that you have reprogrammed your subconscious mind and balanced your four bodies and three minds! When this fundamental transcendence of negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking and feeling has occurred, life is no longer a struggle. But in truth, it never was a struggle — you just thought it was. It was your negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking that made it a struggle. Your consciousness was battling life instead of working with life and learning from life. The only true struggle is not really with life; it is with mastering self. When self is mastered, life is no longer a struggle. This is a most wonderful state of consciousness. There may be occasional slight slips or unconscious mistakes. However, they are quickly attitudinally adjusted, and there is a fundamental steadiness, even-mindedness, inner peace, unceasing joy and, of course, unconditional love in which one continually resides.

The process of spiritual evolution to become a spiritual master requires us to reverse this by undoing all the mass-consciousness programming. We must get complete control of the subconscious mind and not let it run us; we must totally become the computer programmer of the subconscious mind, or one can let the psychology of the mass consciousness enslave the mind and once the own consciousness matrix is fully sucked into a mass consciousness matrix, it loses its ability to effectively determine from outside the mass perception the actual nature of the mass matrix and can no longer decide for itself how the energy of your consciousness gets used.

The right brain may be generating alpha waves while the left brain is in a beta state

We consider these brainwave frequency patterns as indices of levels of consciousness. Delta is first line (the signature frequency of the brainsteam); Theta is characteristic of the feeling or second-line limbic level; and Alpha is third-line cortical level.

The amplitude or height of the wave indicates the total number of neurons at work, coalescing on a problem or feeling at any given time. The frequency of the wave is the dominant frequency or pulsing of the brain in each of the areas studied, it tells us basically, “How fast the engine is running?”

When the brain is excessively busy, thinking and scheming, obsessing or preoccupied with delusions, then there may be Beta-1 and Beta-2 activity. Beta-2 betrays a racing mind, the kind that occurs at night when we worry and can’t fall asleep.

Today, humans – collectively speaking – have advanced to the stage of egoic consciousness associated with the power chakra. This is the mass consciousness located at the third chakra and the Pergamos church, and the abdominal brain is also called the Solar Plexus brain, and Solar Plexus represents “ego” and the collective part is represented through the animal soul.

The solar plexus brain, which is the stronghold of the Animal Soul. When the lower nature has no power, you, the higher self, “then have perfect self- mastery. The Animal Soul has its seat in the liver and a point of contact in the sex (chakra) centers, while it rules the body through the brain of subconscious mind, the Solar Plexus Brain. It gets powers from all sensations, desires, and experiences and devotions of the Earthly. The Animal Soul, is the synthesis of the lower principles overshadowed by the rational mind. But when it attracts to itself and holds captive the Rational Brain through animal desires, it becomes the personal tempter. This is the great fight in man.

The famous Matrix humankind is trapped in may actually be this BETA brain wave state.

The Solar Plexus brain holds the rational brain captivated trough its desires when its attracts to itself, and ego symbolize this captivated state of mind.

Is it the captivated state by the Solar Plexus brain that make the left brain or rational brain to produce “beta” brain waves. Of the four brain waves beta, alpha, theta and delta, the only one that is fully awake is the beta consciousness, and the other states is trance, dream and sleep states. And the these three state is the only brain waves that represents calmness, relaxation, dream, sleep, and beta state is the only brain wave that represents stress, rush and busy actions, and it seems this awaken beta state is the one that holds less knowledge and information.

Our usual perception of the world in waking consciousness is, in fact, a state of waking ignorance. And ignorance is a form of slumbering state of mind.

ALPHA – The Creator

Alpha waves 8 – 13 cps – cycles per second Deeply relaxed, passive but aware, composed, state of waking and just before sleep. Perfect programming time Early meditative state, entry pattern in higher consciousness. Integrated hemispheric brain function. Subconscious mind/brain function.

THETA – Divine communication

Theta waves 4 – 7 cps Deeper meditation. Drowsy, waking dream state. Associated with feeling states. Gateway to learning & memory. Increased state of math its & intuition. Subliminal conscious states – ESP, channeling. insight, profound understanding.

DELTA – Gateway to “Satori” or “Nirvana”

Delta waves: 0.5 to 3 cps Slow wave pattern & signature frequency of the brainstem. Deep sleep state. Ultimate reality – ‘beyond mind’ meditation. Delta range frequencies trigger healing & rejuvenation. Gateway to ‘satori’ or enlightenment & quantum consciousness.

Epsilon Waves (sub-epsilon 0.0 to 0.2 and  epsilon 0.5 HZ)

Extraordinary states of consciousness, high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-level inspiration states, telepathic abilities, spiritual insight, out-of-body experiences, Yogic states of suspended animation.

The mind is seat of perception that works through the five senses.

The conscious mind is always busy in actions. The actions of the conscious state of Mind are based on ego and intellect. Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. Or, then the ego and intellect is the “beta” brain wave state, man living within the beta wave mind prison of the concept of duality, and the ego is what´s binds life to the three dimensional reality.

The dualistic beta state

Duality cannot, and does not exist in the higher dimensional states of consciousness; therefore, it is impossible for the Ego to survive within the higher realities. As we reach the higher platforms, a broad band of frequencies penetrate the auric fields and our maturing light-body begins to exude more and more light from the heart and crown centers. Its pulsing brilliance will eventually over-light the shadowiness of the Ego when our spaceship engages the hyper-drive that propels us out of the Duality realms. Keep in mind that shadows cannot exist in beams of radiating light. Seven locks were created within the human construct as part of anchoring the system in the field of Duality and each is wired to all layers of the body. These seven locks causes separation, abandonment and rejection within the Root Chakra, which is imprinted upon each human at birth.

The current to supply the transformation of the sacred geometric vessel has to be channeled via the chakra panel and directed from the Heart core through the biology of the brain. The bioelectric fluctuations coursing through the brain synapses and the nervous system operate from a dualistic template. There are many junction points in the brain that have been kept dormant until the human vessel is ready to remodel this template.

Throughout our Duality-based life-times, we have accumulated numerous heavy thought-patterns in the brain. This has influenced our decision-making and polluted our mental and emotional bodies. This heavy debris has knotted the links, causing a type of sluggishness within the Chakra board which prevents a clear flow of energy throughout the system of the human construct. All connecting lines must be cleared before the final switch can be activated.

The platform of non-duality brain waves exists outside of the dualistic matrix of the nervous system. and communication with the higher vibrational realities can now proceed.

The Wisdom teachings tell us that there are three aspects to the mind—the lower, rational mind; the soul, our individual fragment of the divine mind; and the higher, or intuitive, mind. The lower mind, linked to our five physical senses, is the reasoning principle. We use this aspect of the mind to function in the physical world. The higher mind is the custodian of abstract ideas and universal concepts. When we tap this level of mind, we have access to the universal, or divine, mind—the great storehouse of all wisdom and knowledge. It is the soul that connects the two minds. The rational brain mind cannot make direct contact with the subtle planes. It is only through the soul that we can access to divine ideas and concepts. Its like the ego and duality cannot exist in higher dimensions of “Oneness”, or air to exist in a vaccum field.

Above the ordinary mind are certain higher levels consciousness—Higher Mind, Illumined Mind, Intuitive Mind, and the Overmind. The Supermind is above all these levels.

The development of this faculty or “Heart Awareness” is not of the lower mind or conditioned mind but of an acutely awakened mind or super mind, which is in sync with the lotus chakra of the heart and the sixth chakra or the third eye. The lower mind cannot observe itself beyond the limits of its own accumulated conditioning; but can observe the process through “self-introspection;’ from the stillness of the heart, which awakens this faculty. This faculty of “self-introspection;’ is already embedded in our DNA or the evolutionary urges of our lower mind. This faculty slowly “awakens” the higher mind and like divine alchemy turns the “intellect” into “intelligence”. This is the alchemy of mind, brain and consciousness.

Our consciousness, however, being non-material, is not limited to matter. Just as light exists independently of shadows and darkness, consciousness is independent of matter. The consciousness of each human being has the potential of going beyond the limitations of material sense perception, even beyond the limitations of the body. The awakening process is a shift of consciousness and perceptions; from to be a body with a soul to soul with a body, and it is a shift from a body/ego perception to Universal Spiritual Perception of the real Divine.

The brain is the instrument through which reality reveals itself. Perceiving reality only through our body/ego-identification requires the use of a very limited part of our brain. 

When we move away from our limited self-identification, we open a wider window to our brain, and activate larger parts of it. This process of expanding the use of our brain may lead us to experience phenomena that are perceived as unusual, like knowing about events and actions before they unfold, commonly known as intuition.

Through the practice of meditation we exploit a larger portion of the unused brain. The end of this development process is when the mind realizes itself. If we utilize the full potential of our brains, we can expand our perception to its maximum. This is when we start to see reality as it is, beyond time and space. This state gives us the power to know, even before we process any empirical information. This is intuition! We tap into a spontaneous flow of events beyond logical reasoning.

The intuitive mind has access to information that lies beyond the reach of rational and logical abilities. Our intuition, or sixth sense, frees us from our thinking mind which is designed to conceptualize, analyse and interpret our experience. Learning to dowse is one way to develop intuition and connect more deeply with the gift of inner knowing.

Developing an intuition of what lies beyond opposites is the beginning of a deeper understanding. This is the shift from ego-reality to meta-reality, its a shift from the ego-lens to begin to see through a multiversal lens. Yet we do not perceive the world as through a giant magnifying lens, but through the limited ego-lens of the three dimensional world. Human consciousness is limited due to dense material of physical body. Consciousness, however, being non-material, is not limited to matter. Consciousness is independent of matter.

Following the guidance of the non-rational, intuitive wisdom of the instinct is the royal road into the realm of soul. Then the third eye intuition is non-rational and non-local it is not limited to the three dimensional world – space time reality and discover other dimension the physical realm, where the body-ego is limited through the rational brain and is limited in the local three dimensional world. So ego experience reality both rational and local, and third eye experiencing reality non-rational and non-local.

This is certainly a gift and ability of a certain spiritual maturity, refinement. The power of Third Eye can shift the vibration of one´s energy field in ways that enchance one´s ability to act powerfully from a place of gentleness.

The third dimension forms an original element of all our space-sensations. In the eye it is subdivided by various discriminations. The more distant subdivisions are often shut out altogether, and, in being suppressed, have the effect of diminishing the absolute space-value of the total field of view.

Spiritual empowerment is the personal awakening to its power. We have all the opportunity to awaken to the reality that we are spiritual beings in a biological body. Humans is a soul with a body, not a body with a soul. The body likes to be in control (through five senses) and the spirit has to be awakened to its power. That is the process of becoming aware that we are more than humans with bodies. Once we become aware, we start a process of transformation that requires us to set up our sights on the intention of heightened awareness.

The fifth dimension has a higher vibration. It is two octaves higher than where we are in now When humanity reaches the fifth dimension, will be on the first level of this dimension and will be preparing to start on this level. Consequently, in order to live in this higher dimension, we must also vibrate at a higher level of being. This means our physical bodies need to lose their third dimensional denseness, and become much lighter than they are at present. Some spiritual teachers say, “Although we still live in the third dimension, we can start to prepare for the fifth dimension now.” This means, because we are beings from another dimension, living in a third dimensional reality, we must relearn to become light beings again, by striving to live our lives from a higher octave.

Picture the third eye as the window through which we can look as far away as we want, at worlds beyond this world; or as near as we are able, at the universe we call ourselves, and the third eye is a window of inner visions and insights.

When we move away from our limited self-identification, we open a wider window to our brain, and activate larger parts of it. This process of expanding the use of our brain may lead us to experience phenomena that are perceived as unusual, like knowing about events and actions before they unfold, commonly known as intuition.

The Beta state of Mind is determined by two major factors: ego and intellect. The ego in the Beta state of Mind always causes negative reactions, and in the Alpha state of Mind, it always causes positive reactions in life.

Knowledge seems to increasing through lowering the brain frequency, and being in beta is like listening to a radio station that has little power and little information.

  • Beta: Conscious state of mind
  • Alpha: Subconscious state of mind
  • Theta: Intuitive state of mind
  • Delta: Super-conscious state of mind

There is no satisfaction and pleasant in the domain of “Beta”, in same way there is no peace of life in the “Beta” state

When we are only in the beta state, we do not have access to other states of awareness, we have not access to other dimensions, we have not access to other realities.

In summary, we can say that the delta state is the state of deep dreamless sleep while beta is the state of normal daily activities. It has been shown that transcendental meditation brings you into both alpha and theta states —so does Zen meditation, although with Zen there is more beta activity. When falling asleep, you are in alpha, then in theta (dreaming sleep), and finally you move into delta (dreamless sleep).

While dowsing, a dowser (a person using a dowsing rod to find Earth energies) is able to have all four states active at the same time. This is true both for dowsing with tools and for virtual dowsing. Each day we need time for our minds to be in each of the brain states to be healthy functioning people. Most of us are in the beta state during all our waking hours. It is a very important state that helps us to function in this world. However, we need the wisdom to access the other states whenever it is appropriate or important. When we are only in the beta state, we do not have access to other states of awareness. This is the case for most people, many of whom have forgotten how to relax.

For many people, relaxing is watching TV. This is not true relaxation. They are still in a beta state, unless they fall asleep in front of the television. Becoming a conscious healthy being requires the ability to choose which state of brain activity we want to be in. From looking at the given definitions, it may become clear that some brain states help us to connect with information that cannot be perceived with our five senses. Both the theta and the delta states help us to do this. In order to get there, we need to learn to relax in the alpha state. Once we master the different states, we are able to access information other than through the active logical mind—the beta state, which is connected with our five senses.

The rational brain can´t access the soul
The ego can´t access higher dimensions
The state of duality and ego can´t access state of Oneness
The five senses can´t either access the higher consciousness

Connecting begins with the realization that there is more to this world than we can perceive through our five senses. In order to access insight from our Higher Power, we need to switch our mind’s attention from the rational to the intuitive. The rational mind uses our five senses to gather information. It is through the elusive sixth sense that we gain entry into the intuitive mind, bringing us the inner guidance we desire.

The brain wave frequency of Alpha is the open channel to our subconscious, our imagination and creativity and to our sixth sense.

When we are only in the beta state, we do not have access to other states of awareness, we have not access to other dimensions, we have not access to other realities.

When we are in an “alpha state” of brain activity, our mind becomes receptive to esoteric wisdom by facilitating perception by the sixth sense.

When the five senses are thus drastically subdued, the psychic receptors can function without interference.

When you are in the Beta Consciousness State of mind that uses a faster frequency, you are unable to transmit on the necessary brain wave frequency for directing your subconscious to make changes. It is analogous to radio reception. First you must be on the correct radio station channel frequency to get clear reception. Then you can call and reach that channel to offer your comments and someone is there to answer the phone and respond.

When you are in your normal Beta Consciousness State, it is like being unable to tune in to the correct radio station for effective subconscious communications.

When a person becomes more spiritually aware, they are more in tune with the connection of mind, body, and spirit. There is a greater sense of universal awareness. The person understands concepts and ideas beyond the scope of earthly intelligence.

When our brain waves slow to between 8-13 cycles per second, we enter the alpha state of mind. This opens the door between the conscious and subconscious and it becomes easier to access our memory banks and/or store new information.

When you are resting peacefully with closed eyes, the visual areas in your brain generate alpha waves.

The beta waves and left hemisphere are associated with the ability to control physical ideas and concepts of duality in the three dimensional world

The right hemisphere and theta waves supports a holistic sense of self where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Beta brain waves is turned outward.
Theta brain waves is turned inwards.

Alpha brain waves is considered a “bridge between the external world” (beta) and “the internal world” (theta)

Alpha is the state in which you begin to deepen your meditative practice.

The theta state of heightened creativity is the pathway to the divine, and bridge to other dimensions is the future.

This state allows access to the subconscious mind and opens a direct conduit to communication with the divine.

Theta is the state of the deeper resources approaching the subconscious.

Your brain has nerve cells that fire electrical signals and oscillate in distinctive arrangements called brainwave patterns. The alpha state is where meditation and relaxation begins. Alpha brainwaves bring an effortless sense of comfort, peace, and harmony. The theta state produces flashes of creative visualization through vivid imagery. The delta state is associated with “no thinking” during deep, dreamless sleep. The delta state is the unconscious/super-conscious part of our mind. The key state where our brains release the most growth hormone, “Delta” is a key brainwave frequency found during both meditation and the deepest stage of sleep. Melatonin is known to prevent cancer, strengthen the immune system, slow down aging, and has been linked to helping prevent over one hundred different diseases. During meditation, the grand central station-like cable of nerves connecting your two brain hemispheres, the Corpus Callosum — becomes deeply stimulated. By integrating both hemispheres of your brain and allowing them to work in sync.

There are always two different consciousnesses in the human being, one outward in which he ordinarily lives, the other inward and concealed of which he knows nothing.

When one does sadhana, the inner consciousness begins to open and one is able to go inside and have all kinds of experiences there. As the sadhana progresses, one begins to live more and more in this inner being and the outer becomes more and more superficial. At first the inner consciousness seems to be the dream and the outer the waking reality. Afterwards the inner consciousness becomes the reality and the outer is felt by many as a dream or delusion, or else as something superficial and external. The inner consciousness begins to be a place of deep peace, light, happiness, love, closeness to the Divine or the presence of the Divine. One is then aware of two consciousnesses, the inner one and the outer which has to be changed into its counterpart and instrument.

The world beyond the rational mind is the sixth sense.

 Paradoxically, it is our awareness of the limitations of our capacities that provokes our awareness of what lies beyond them. Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there.

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