17 Jan 2025, Fri

The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest scientific research explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people, and the mind’s influence on weather patterns

The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest scientific research explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people, and the mind’s influence on weather patterns

Within DNA is a hidden energy one can activate. Crystalline DNA is like the unfolding of a flower with many petals. As it unfolds, tremendous light comes forth. One crystalline DNA brings more light into the system. DNA is your full store of energy for this dimensional reality and for other dimensions as well. It takes time to re-learn and discover what has been stored in the genes since the earliest moments of creation. Through meditation one re-learning. When one learning to meditate one learn how to lowering, stilling, quitening and emptying the beta brain waves to alpha, theta and delta waves. These other brain waves don´t just hold powerful energy, but also information of other dimensions, higher consciousness, and with this follows spiritual transformation, creativity,intuition, powers, gifts and bliss.

Another correspondence between mineral crystals and DNA is the fact that both quartz and DNA emit light under certain conditions. In the case of quartz, applying mechanical force to a crystal by pressing or twisting it causes the crystal to acquire an electrical charge and to emit electromagnetic radiation, or light. This capacity of quartz to transduce mechanical energy into electromagnetic energy is called the piezoelectric effect. The DNA molecule is known to emit biophotons of visible-spectrum light on a periodic basis, so regularly that it has been compared to an ultra-weak laser. The fact that both quartz and DNA are hexagonal crystals that can emit visible light suggests a deeper resonance between the mineral and living realms, which is verified by the myths and spiritual practices of indigenous cultures.

Your crystalline DNA is a light beacon. It is an energy beacon. It says, “Here we are, and more energy can come in.” Here’s something special about crystalline DNA that is not true about physical DNA: It is stronger than your physical DNA. It is less prone to variations due to your emotions. When you are in your heart source, you are in a place that is free of the fears and ups and downs of human emotions. You are in a place of calm, peace, and centeredness. When you are in that place, your crystalline DNA attracts higher-vibration energies. Your crystalline DNA is a higher vibration than your physical DNA. It’s unfolding makes it easier for you to move into the fifth dimension. There is also a connection between your physical DNA and crystalline DNA. When you have unfolded your crystalline DNA, when you are in your heart and activating love energy — not love emotion — the love energy that comes into the crystalline DNA resonates with the love.

Crystalline DNA is different from the physical DNA. Crystalline has its own consciousness. Crystalline DNA brings in more light, more love – as an energy, not as an emotion – where it can activate those hidden elements in the DNA. Crystalline DNA is a light attractor.

What is the language of DNA in the crystalline structures that acts much like a laser beam? The vibration of sonic waves. Frequencies. This is a multi-way communication line, in and out, so that we have input as well: words read, spoken or sung, thoughts, emotions and other ’emotional radiation, as well as telepathic messages from a distance are involved in the process.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words, and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.

The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest scientific research explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people, and the mind’s influence on weather patterns.

In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% of the information is considered to be worthless, or “junk DNA!’

Scientific researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore that 90% of “junk DNA.” Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary!

According to there findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves us as data storage and communication. Researchers found that the genetic code—especially in the apparent “useless’ 90%—follows the same rules as all our human languages.

To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that alkaline-pairs of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

Scalar waves Everything is energy and that everything vibrates at different frequencies. Bio-scalar energy is a unique form of energy. 

Scalar waves are found throughout the universe and within our physical bodies. Bioscalar wave energy exists at the microscopic level in the nucleus of an atom or a cell and creates a bioenergetic source more powerful than DNA, cellular matrixes and other physiological processes. Whilst some bioscalar waves may be viewed as harmful, beneficial bioscalar waves have been shown to energize the extracellular matrix of the body and protect against electromagnetic emanations and geopathic stress that would otherwise detrimentally affect cells and tissue. They activate the meridians and facilitate healing at the energetic interface between spirit and matter. It is probable that all healing crystals have this energy within their matrix, and that their crystalline structure actually produces bioscalar energy

When the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited [and] this catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state that is representative of its original, natural, electrical matrix form,” we can see how a crystal with its optimal energy pattern might operate on the human and planetary energy body… The “active spinning vortices composed of quantities of energy that interact with all non-physical dimensions including consciousness” can be anywhere and everywhere instantaneously and simultaneously.

Many if not all crystals generate scalar waves… A quick look at current definitions of scalar waves shows us that they are intelligent and proactive and indicates how they might function in crystal healing:

Scalar energy is not well known in the general scientific community. It’s not part of the daily language in science classes at the university. Scalar energy is reserved for the elite of the elite in theoretical quantum physics. It’s been known and described for many years. But the actual application of scalar energy has not been available to the public. And we didn’t know what to call it or how it worked, to date. I mean, we CAN apply it, we can SEE results. The effect we see is rapid healing. With certain techniques, we can see broken bones heal in as little as an hour. An expert practitioner can heal a broken bone in ten minutes.

“Scalar energy is a new kind of electromagnetic wave, which exists only in the vacuum of empty space, the empty space between the atoms of our bodies, as well as the empty space we see in the sky at night. These waves constitute a kind of ocean of infinite energy, and it has now been discovered that this abundant energy can be coaxed to pour into our three-dimensional world from their four-dimensional realm, to be used to do work, provide electricity, power all transport, and even heal the body of almost all disease. This is the new world of scalar electromagnetics, the zero-point energy, and the energy of the absolute nothingness which existed before the world began.”

Scalars waves appears to be identical to the life force.

A scalar wave is non-linear, not electromagnetic, and exists in multiple dimensions beyond time or space. That means they do not decay with time or distance from their source. Scalar waves can interact with all matter including electro-magnetism but since they are non-linear and hyperspatial, they… must be detected and measured indirectly… A scalar transmitter can wirelessly send power to a receiver through any obstacle…

A Scalar Wave is not a single wave but a result of the interaction (interference) of multiple waves of very high frequency which seem to modulate and encode each other in a harmonious holistic complexity, similar to a hologram. The resulting multidimensional standing wave pattern emanates out of a fixed source point (a healer) (or crystal) and can be received and decoded by a similar resonant quantum-connected receiver point (recipient)… This causes vibrational ripples in the Morphogenic Field of the Cosmic Unified Field.

When we are consciously connected to the Field everything appears much brighter, the colors more intense and everything is more deliciously real. To achieve this we have to dampen all those left-brain thoughts that take-up so much of our inner space. Their attachment to survival distracts us from the most intimate aspects of living. The moment the left-brain slides into the middle of a process, the connection between the frontal lobes and the heart, running through the right-brain into the limbic, becomes disturbed. Activity in the left-brain distorts the transmission [of the Field].

Vortices are the generators of scalar waves throughout the human body whereby the DNA can behave as a transmitting antenna as well as a resonant receiving scalar antenna. Through this work, it has been determined that the human body exhibits massive collections of DNA tesseract gateways made viable through meditation. Activating the pineal through meditation provides fully conscious access to realms obliviously passed by otherwise. Theoretical physicists determined how the DNA of living cells store and release photons.

Biophotons is what others call “higher-dimensional light” and said, “We now know, today, that man is essentially a being of light.”  DNA communicates via these biophotons, and has the capability of communicating to other bodies. The sacred interface permits access to this fractal antenna bridge that directly connects humanity to all ancestors. As a fractal antenna interacting with the vacuum/aether/zero-point field as consciousness, effecting change in DNA through bliss, results in an expanded consciousness.

What makes the electromagnetic Energy of Consciousness different than the electromagnetic energy of normal three-dimensional spacetime physics?

The Interconnected Universe: Conceptual Foundations of Transdisciplinary Unified Theory offered an intriguing possibility:

“In their interaction with the zero point field, electrically charged quanta are believed to produce secondary electromagnetic fields… This component consists not of…transverse electromagnetic waves, but…longitudinal propagating scalar (`Testa’) waves…. We envisage the zero-point field as a structured field with a scalar-mediated electromagnetic spectrum.”

An object moving in the same direction as a wavefront is said to undergo longitudinal motion; objects moving in a direction perpendicular to a moving wavefront are said to undergo transverse motion. Scalar waves move with a speed dependent upon surrounding object masses: faster motion is possible the more densely populated the space.” This is contrary to the norm: special relativity theory claims electromagnetic radiation in the form of light rays, a transverse waveform, is the measuring stick for speed in a three-dimensional universe, and moves fastest in a vacuum. Researchers further posited these scalar waves carry information that can be encoded and decoded upon interaction with normal spacetime.” The zero point vacuum field has been speculated to be a physical description of theological space. Taken in combination, these theories suggest the electromagnetic Energy of global consciousness, present in discrete form as the auric field associated with self-consciousness surrounding all living organisms, can interact with classical spatiotemporal electromagnetic energy to convey data interpretable by transformation into neurophysiological and biochemical operations in the brain of an intelligent being.

A difference in properties between longitudinal and transverse electromagnetic waveforms provides a necessity for harmonic resonance allowing communication between the two, a notion previously expressed as the means employed to overcome the activation energy barrier segregating spatiotemporal energy from the Energy of Consciousness.

If the electromagnetic field surrounding people and objects serves as the force responsible for transmission and reception of information, how does this energy align with the Energy that is theological space?

 “Gravity is substantively more significant with respect to the subjective physics for which Consciousness… plays the principal part… Within theological space, gravity is…I042 times more powerful than the electromagnetic force. The product of force strengths in normal spacetime would be equivalent to the product of force strengths in theological space.” The gravitational field of theological space influences SpaceTime and spacetime in a similar fashion as its three-dimensional counterpart does. This force, in conjunction with its weaker three-dimensional counterpart, connects “here” to “there,” and “now” to “then,” such that all information contained in spacetime is accessible to Consciousness. The equivalence in magnitude of the product of the forces in the two domains allows for synchronization of energy with Energy: the transfer of selected data from Consciousness to self-consciousness or the reverse, or between one person’s self-consciousness and another’s, is now permissible. If the data concerns issues of principal import to cosmogonic reality, the information transfer is characterizable as mystical in content. If the data concerns issues of principal import to cosmologic reality, the information transfer is characterizable as parapsychological in content.

We are at a very important point in history right now Because we have the ability to regenerate our original organic imprint for health. And we don’t need science and fancy equipment to do this. We are just required to learn how To use what we came in with—our mind-body-spirit system to direct our mind to alter the scalar waves by which our DNA is composed.


The DNA antenna in our cell’s energy production centers (called mitochondria) as-sumes the shape of what is called a “supercoir This supercoil of DNA looks like a series of mobius loops. These mobius supercoil of DNA are hypothetically able to generate scalar waves. Most cells in the body contain thousands of mobius supercoils generating scalar waves throughout the cell and throughout the body.

The term scalar was coined by Nikola Tesla at the beginning of last century.

In the early 20th century Nikola Tesla was the first to discover the scalar wave. He used induction coils to create these scalar waves. He had conducted many experiments while sending scalar waves around the Earth proving that scalar waves propagate over long distances with no loss in field strength. Unlike our current familiar electromagnetic wave that dissipates and looses its energy at a rate equal to the square of the distance from the source, Tesla’s longitudinal waves could travel any distance with practically no loss of energy.

Tesla in his time believed in the existence of the aether and that it could be harnessed for free energy that could be the salvation of humankind; ‘.. with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from stores forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with great strides, it is a mere question of time when man will succeed in attaching their machinery to the wheelwork of nature’.

Tesla and other independent researchers have come to understand both the physical and theoretical model of a scalar wave. They concluded that it is a dipole that is of two “opposites” unified as a toroidal vortex. It spirals in motion and travels in circles. It simultaneously attracts and repels. It resonates and causes to resonate. It is found throughout the natural world.

Thus, it is a galaxy, it is a hurricane, it is a tornado, it is a seashell, it is the torus, and it is also DNA. Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase, that is, they are opposite to each other, and the amplitudes subtract and cancel each other out. Vortex in, vortex out. The result is not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields, but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave.

The scalar is created when two common electromagnetic waves come together from two different converging vectors or angles. Where the energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each other, leaving a standing, or stationary, energy. The space the scalar occupies is not a vacuum, but alive with checked and balanced energies. It can be created by electromagnetic generators, or naturally, when similar frequency waves in the environment meet from two different vectors. Therefore, small random scalar energies are always present in the environment.

Scalar waves propagate through the dimension of time, but not through the dimension of space. They are observed to carry information and have a fractal-like structure.

Microbiology experts tell us that upwards of 97% of our human DNA is apparently unused, but some are seeing that more and more of the human DNA chain is “unzip-ping” for any who are capable of handling the new fourth-density energy structure. These people may not physically look any different, but internally they will develop greater depths of emotion, perception, intuition, sensitivity, and what can be termed super human abilities. As mentioned earlier, it now appears that DNA can be influ-enced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies.

All healing that takes place in alternative medicine is electromagnetic—everything that takes place, even the thought process, or the person’s intent or spiritual state, changes the electromagnetic field and changes it almost instantaneously. If it stays changed and improved, the body heals itself, and the chemistry reorganizes chemistry reorganizes.” Researchers  believed the electromagnetic patterning of the bioenergy field could be disturbed by a number of triggers:

  • genetic = the nature of the physical body matter
  • experiential = lifestyle patterns
  • emotional = created by the thought process

Any of these external stimuli create disturbance in the electromagnetism of the tissues, and this eventually alters the chemistry. Researchers predicted, quite correctly, that our DNA could be reprogrammed by the emotional organization of the energy field. Researchers also predicted, correctly, that the electromagnetic frequencies that pass through the body as waves of energy were standing energy or scalar. She termed this bioscalar.

Researchers believed this energy to be the essential electromagnetic phenomenon responsible for all healing procedures and discovered that each of us can be a generator for this. Research has shown that we can become conductors for this energy by using our bodies as semiconductors, bringing the electromagnetic transverse waves of a particular color frequency from the cosmic field into the center of the body. creating the standing wave.

Scalar energy is created when two common electromagnetic waves of the same frequency traveling from different vectors collide, canceling each other out, creating the standing scalar energy. This energy then radiates out as a field to the parts of the body that require that particular frequency. We have found that all medical conditions are improved or eliminated by bio-scalar activation, the direction is always positive as the body establishes new energy field patterns.

Based on over two decades of research at the HeartMath HeartMath Institute science can now evidence that the heart is a sensory organ and is a highly sophisticated communication and information processing center, emitting sound, heat, pressure waves, light, and magnetic, electrical, and electromagnetic waves, and all cells of the body are receiving information from the heart at different times through the circulatory and nervous systems. The heart is the key to everything in our biological system and is now recognized by these scientists as a highly complex system with its own functional “brain.”

As well as the extensive neural network that links the heart to the brain and body, the heart is also communicating information to the brain and body via its electromagnetic field. All energy waves are information carriers, and the electrical component of the heart’s energy field is sixty times greater in amplitude than that of the brain. HMI researchers have demonstrated not only the synchronization of the brain to the heart’s rhythmic pattern but also psychophysiological coherence obtained by deep breathing and sustained feelings of love and appreciation can and do affect blood pressure, respiration, and other body functions. Positive feelings create a completely different heart pattern than negative feelings. Negative feelings create an incoherent or discordant rhythm.

The research shows that information concerning a person’s emotional state is communicated throughout the body via the heart’s electromagnetic field. As we experience different emotions, the rhythmic beating pattern changes, becoming erratic, disordered, and incoherent when negative emotions such as anger and rage or frustration are expressed. Positive emotions of love, gratitude, and appreciation produce a smooth, ordered, and coherent pattern in the rhythm. These changes in the heart’s rhythm in turn create corresponding changes in the electromagnetic field,

DNA Recoding is a process that enables a human being who has two strands of DNA to acquire twelve strands of DNA energy. The reconnection of this complete circuitry enables us to have access to twelve levels of spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental awareness and information instead of the two levels afforded by two strands of DNA.

When you regain twelve strands of DNA, those twelve strands are initially attained energetically through the astral body since the physical body is too dense to accept the higher energy vibration created by more strands. You would not care to reside in your body if it housed twelve strands of DNA because it would be uncomfortable. It would give you more voltage than you could handle. Integrating the twelve strands into the astral body is the first step toward increasing consciousness because it establishes a higher vibration in your energy. The second step involves plugging the twelve strands of DNA into the endocrine system. The third step is comprised of attaining balance and acceptance amidst the mass consciousness of polarity (e.g., good/bad, right/wrong, left/right) by renegotiating your current polarity contracts for unification contracts. The fourth step prioritizes your heart over your mind so you lead with your feelings rather than tricking your instincts through mental gymnastics. The fifth step ensures you are working with the optimal spiritual committee to support your expanded consciousness, and it opens your awareness to the One level, that of the Divine Creator. The sixth step starts to utilize your “junk” DNA.

The human body-computer and dna strands can be upgraded, and tuned into higher dimensions and higher consciousness. In addition to the physical DNA, there are ten etheric – spiritual strands of DNA that have been dormant since the beginning of recorded history, approximately one hundred thousand years ago. Throughout history, many changes in the human DNA have occurred through genetic engineering, emotional imbalances, and changes in the environment. Human DNA is like a computer chip; different sections can be either in the on or off position. A torsion wave pattern from the soul actually programs the DNA, much like the operating system and software tells the chip in your computer to run.

The human brain is a multi-leveled organ, operating in many com-plex capacities, the secrets of its inner workings continue to mystify medical science. Still, the power of the human brain is, in the fact, that the number of neurons is approximately 2,000 times greater than the Pentium Ills number of transistors, and four hundred times greater than the number of transistors in a Pentium IV. The brain uses as many as sixty different chemicals in order to transmit signals between neurons. The desktop computer uses only one medium, the presence or absent of an electric charge in a transistor, and the flow of electrons to transmit data. The desktop microprocessor, in some cases, uses the same bus to bring information into the CPU and to move information our of the chip. The brain has dedicated pathways for information arriving into the brain and for sending command information out of the brain to musde and organ tissues. The brain can be transmitting and executing commands while it is in the process of accepting new data. There are many features of the human brain’s processing power that offer us dues as to how to improve desktop computer technology in exciting new ways.

The blueprint information stored in the chromosomal DNA may lead to a specific way the neurons are created in the brain, not only in a gross sense as what has already been explored in the boundaries of this book, but also in how decision trees are physically created amongst the neuro-nerwork.

A computer chip is created by a team of designers. The computer chip is manufactured in an automated manner. The parameters of the chip’s design are fed into manufacturing computers that construct the chip on an assembly line. A specific design leads to a computer chip with thousands or millions of transistors arranged in specific spatial relations inside the final chip, which correspond to decision trees or data storage.

In the human brain, a similar concept may apply. The chromosomal DNA may lead to the specific spatial design of decision trees and data storage in the human brain. Generation after generation pass along similar capacities to think, create, and problem solve due to a similar decision tree structure that occupies the human brain. How the com-ponents of the brain are hardwired may also confer different means of processing. In addition, generation after generation of humans might carry pre-existing data files in their brains, filled with facts regarding a whole variety of subject matters, that come to general knowledge as either a need arises, or timing and environmental factors trigger the opening of a data file stored in an untapped section of the brain.

When talking about deoxyribonucleic acid — DNA, the molecule that carries the genetic information of life — scientists often make comparisons to computer systems, with DNA being an enormous “program” to be run by the brain’s hardware. But significant differences exist between the genetic code of DNA and the binary code used by computers, and each system has its advantages and limitations.

For eons, philosophers, scientists, theologians, psychologists, as well as countless planetary citizens have all wondered, hypothesized, and speculated on the topic of the human mind.

What is it? Where is it? How does it work? Why do identical twins have different minds and personalities? Where does the mind go when we die? What is a premonition? Can the mind be trained? What is intelligence? What is conscience? How fast can the mind travel? What is a thought?

As we begin the dawn of the 21st century, scientists are now beginning to confirm what the mystics stated long ago: The mind is a reservoir of conscious energy that surrounds and permeates the human body. From a holistic perspective, the mind and the brain are not the same thing. The mind, the quint-essential seat of consciousness, merely uses the brain as its primary organ of choice. With new revelations from organ transplant recipients (some of whom exhibit changes in personality), apparently the mind uses other organs as well. In fact, new research suggests that every cell has consciousness, giving rise to a new term, cell memory.

The study of the mind (and the brain) has led to a deeper understanding of human consciousness, yet it’s fair to say that through this vast exploration of dreams, cognitive inventories, hypnosis, meditation, DNA, EEGs, and MRIs, our knowledge, at best, is still embryonic. Current research in the field of conscious-ness reveals interesting insights about a phenomenon that only grows more fascinating with further study. For example, distant healing, remote viewing, pre-monitions, synchronicities, near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, spontaneous healings, and much more only begin to substantiate that mind, as consciousness, is certainly not a simple consequence of brain chemistry, though there are many who still believe this. In recent years a great deal of research has focused on the brain in an effort to understand the workings of the mind. Through hundreds of studies using func-tional magnetic resonance imaging, neuroscientists have made some remarkable discoveries about various thought processes and where they take place in the brain, from the amygdala to the executive func-tion of the prefrontal cortex.

This much we do know: Much like a laptop computer, mental well-being is the ability to gather, process, recall, and communicate information. We also know that stress compromises the mind’s ability to do all of these functions. Information is constantly gathered and processed through the portals of the five senses for a variety of reasons (from threats to simple curiosity). Yet it’s no secret that information comes into the conscious mind in other ways, including intuition, meditation, and what can only be explained as “extrasensory perception” Just as we know that the mind can generate stress without any outside stimulus, the power of the mind to heal the body is also well documented. Although no one book can begin to elaborate on the psychology of stress or the secrets to mental well-being, the following offers some keen insights into the psychology of stress, as observed by renowned leaders in the field who have shared the greatest wisdom to date on the mysteries of the mind.

“And yet the mind seems to act independently of the brain in the same sense that the programmer acts independently of the computer” . The earthly lifestyle has make humans believe that the real power is outside him, and this belief system disconnects from the powers within as the creator and programmer of a divine destinty and journey.

We see the master in all and purely wish to be of service. We leave the `saving and rescuing’ mode behind in favor of the desire to serve Divine Will. The pineal and pituitary glands change shape. If headaches persist, ask the beings who are working with you to simply ‘tone it down’ for they don’t feel pain, or ask them to release endorphins — the brain’s natural opiate. The brain is being activated — particularly the cerebrum. Cranial expansion is common. Triangular ‘seed crystals’ in the brow and recorder crystals in the right side of the brain are activated along with the eighth, ninth and tenth chakras. We begin to be hooked into the languages of light. The pituitary and pineal glands are opened fully and work together to create the ‘Arc of the Covenant’, a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head to the third eye and is a decoding mechanism for higher dimensional language.

The crystalline circuitry herein described actually contributes to the physiological basis for the kundalini process. Additionally, this circuit permits the step-down transduction of information from the Higher Self to various levels of awareness experienced by the physical personality. It is most interesting that the right cerebral hemisphere, working in concert with the pineal, acts as a primary relay point for information moving from the Higher Self to the waking personality. It is well known that the symbolic imagery of the right hemisphere is the landscape of dreams. Many have felt that the right brain seems to express certain functions which reflect our more intuitive side. It has been said that we live in a left-brain culture of logic, science, and language. The symbolic language of dreams represents the mode of communication of the right-brain-dominant state of sleep which occupies nearly a third of our lives. In other words, we are only left-brain dominant when we are awake; when we sleep, we switch over into our right-brain mode of information processing. We need right-brain skills to function in the metaphorical landscape of dreams. The right/left-brain interplay of dream consciousness versus waking consciousness represents an attempt by the soul to maintain a balanced and integrated expression of interplay between the Higher Self and the physical personality. We have already established that psychic communication (via our subtle energetic anatomy) continually occurs at unconscious levels of information processing. Subtle perceptual systems such as the chakras have direct input into the right brain through pathways of the crystalline circuitry. This unique biocrystalline network allows information from the Higher Self to reach the left-brain consciousness of the personality.

We can use the intuition we are born with. Intuition can be activated by vibrating energy to certain strands of DNA, which lie dormant within us. The eight dormant strands are located within the cellular DNA of the pineal gland and can be accessed through thought. We were born to communicate intuitively, but technology such as computers, mobile phones, and thoughts of the collective groups of people, may interfere with our ability to do so. Worries, stress, fear and negative thoughts block the receptors in our cells and prevent us from receiving the divine love energy and manifesting that which we desire. By being positive and accountable with your thoughts and actions, then you can activate the potential within your dormant DNA strands and receive wise messages that can come through the endocrine system, glands and body.

Theta needs Alpha to carry the codes, carry the healing waves throughout the body, but particularly to the conscious mind to achieve calm, balance and perspective. Theta is natural, for you go through the four brain speeds while sleeping. But it’s while you’re awake that the brain needs to become familiar with its full range of speed possibilities, and with regular, properly practiced mantra meditation such becomes your everyday state.

The current to supply the transformation of the sacred geometric vessel has to be channeled via the chakra panel and directed from the Heart core through the biology of the brain. The bioelectric fluctuations coursing through the brain synapses and the nervous system operate from a dualistic template. There are many junction points in the brain that have been kept dormant until the human vessel is ready to remodel this template.

It is through meditation that we create the threads and cables that connect the three aspects of the mind. In the same way that our homes are wired for phone and internet reception, these threads function as communication lines that allow us to receive information from the higher planes. Over time, as we project our attention upward, these threads and cables fuse and widen as a symbolic bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds is built. This bridge is built in two pieces. The lower span links the lower mind and the soul. When we build this bridge, we create a direct channel for the downpouring of information from the soul to the brain, where it is interpreted and used. This experience has produced many of our greatest achievements in religion, the arts, and business. At a later stage in our spiritual development, the higher span—the one between the soul and the higher mind—is built. It is where neural connections are activated to the extent of creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them, breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy.

The delta state is the doorway into higher consciousness and therefore our connection with the Infinite Source.

Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher god-source power and bring enormous transformation, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy of self that you can only know it in this relaxed theta state. A great benefit of thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect from the limiting and fearful thoughts.

Its through meditation one opens up the heart chakra, third eye, and pineal gland, and by lowering the brain waves from beta to theta brain wave one also access the collective subconscious mind that holds all of the experience and human programming in the grid of the Matrix.

The theta brain wave is sought after most with meditators and mystics, mainly because, with the right conditions, it’s said to open up the pineal gland – and the theta brain wave state is also the collective subconscious mind that holds all of the experience and human programming in the grid of the Matrix. Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher god-source power and bring enormous transformation, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy of self that you can only know it in this relaxed theta state. A great benefit of thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect from the limiting and fearful thoughts.

Just as our DNA is evolving, our chakras are changing too. It has been theorized that additional chakras are now beginning to activate in the human body. It has been suggested that we will soon develop a new chakra system with a total of 12 chakras. As these new chakras activate, they will allow for increased levels of conscious awareness, improved communications, interdimensional relationships with the self and others, and a direct divine connection to All That Is. New chakras in and above the human head (chakra numbers 8-12) will additionally combine to form a new scalar wave antenna capable of enhanced multidimensional, telepathic communication.’                     


Humans are changing on a base cellular level too. Human cells can now recognize light as an energy source. The new light energy coming into the body is measured by the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the cells. Each cell has light focused directly onto it through the axial system. As light is received by the cells, the symmetrical head of the ATP molecule acts like a prism, reducing the light into color spectrums, which are then used by dormant junk DNA in a process of activation. The axiotonal lines of light lie along the physical acupuncture meridians and connect up to your physical body through “spin points.”

Contemporary cell research based on the principles of quantum physics shows the world as being created out of energy. Researchers have now demonstrated that our cells’ membranes contain special proteins called Integral Membrane Proteins (IMPs) that respond to energy signals from the external and internal environment. These arc important findings because they acknowledge that biological behavior can be controlled by “invisible” energy forces, which include thought.

Practically speaking, when we shut off our internal mind-talk and concentrate our attention through things like intention, meditation, prayer, or contemplation, we tune ourselves into this subtle, spiritual, quantum-level energy matrix. When this energy is allowed to transfer to our DNA (without interruption from negative attitudes or limiting beliefs), it affects the molecular and cellular levels that drive all our physical metabolic processes. This is why we have the ability to heal ourselves through prayer, meditation or conscious intention.’

Chakras are the ultimate funnels that allow us to move in between our various ways of being, from the physical to the spiritual and back again. Not only do chakras transfer information between the physical and subtle realms, but they can also transform one into the other. On a concrete basis, a transformer is an electrical device that changes the electricity of one voltage or measurement into another. Through this process they can also alter one type of energy so that it becomes a different type of energy.

This means that chakras move energies from higher to lower states (and vice versa), as well as inside the body to outside the body. They also pass energy between various planes of existence (which will be described in the next chapter) and between one’s own body, mind, and soul and those of others. As if they weren’t busy enough with these tasks, they are also turning physical energy into subtle (and vice versa). In other words, they act like transformers.

You’ve learned that your chakras are subtle energy bodies. Though there are many chakra systems, the one briefly introduced here is the popular classical Hindu system, which proposes seven chakras anchored in the physical body that appear as rotating vortices of energy. Each of the chakras enables specific physical (body), psychological (mind), and spiritual (soul) benefits because the spinning “wheel” links it to many different realms of reality. A chakra’s magic lies in its ability to transform energy from one state to another. Everything is made of energy, which is information that moves, but there are two main types of energy: physical (measurable) and subtle (immeasurable). Chakras can translate these energies and even turn physical into subtle (and vice versa) because they exist upon and also emanate distinct bands of vibrating frequencies. The existence of these horizontal bands enables a chakra to be described in many ways, such as by color.

A chakra’s magic lies in its ability to transform energy from one state to another and its through prayers, yoga and meditation one transform the beta brain waves to the alpha, theta and delta brain waves – by lowering stilling, quitening and emptying the beta brain waves of activity. Beta brain waves is connected to the 2 dna strand, an the alpha brain waves is the “alpha bridge” that carries the codes that is needed to activate more and higher dna strands, and the divine theta state and delta brain waves. Its through yoga and meditation one raising the vibrational frequencies.

Science explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. In brief the bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray that influenced DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself.

The individual person must work on the inner processes and development in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. But the higher developed an individual’s consciousness is, the less need is there for any type of mechanical interface device: one can achieve these results by oneself. Science will finally have to stop laughing at such ideas and will confirm and explain the results. And it doesn’t end there.

These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them onto our consciousness. This process of hyper-communication (telepathy, channeling) is most effective in a state of relaxation.

Stress, worry, or hyperactive intellect prevents successful hyper-communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless. In nature, hyper-communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of life in insects proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as “intuition?’ But we, too, can regain full use of it.

In humans, hyper-communication is most often encountered when one suddenly gains access to information that is outside one’s knowledge base. Such hyper-communication is then experienced as inspiration or intuition (also in trance channeling).

When hyper-communication occurs, one can observe in the DNA, as well as in the human, supernatural phenomena.

Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can createa new form of group consciousness—namely one in which we attain accessto all information via our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now know that just as we use the Internet, our DNA can feed proper data into the network, can retrieve data from the network, and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy, or “remote sensing” about the state of another can thus be explained. Some animals know from afar when their owners plan to return home. This can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hyper-communication.

Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality; otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated. Hyper-communication in the new millennium means something quite different.

When one heart to brain connection is open, one generate an enormoues coherent energy field around oneself. Both generate powerful scalar waves that create portals for multi-dimensional hyper-communication. One´s DNA serves as a powerful light reciever and transmitter.

The human body has crystalline structures in every cell wall that are capable of holding a charge. The shape of scalar waves is reminiscent of the multiple helical structure of DNA as it folds in on itself. Quantum mechanical models describe subatomic particles that can store and carry biological information along helical macromolecules like DNA. This indicates that scalar energy is capable of imprinting itself in the DNA.

As part of health implications of scalar waves, it is a known scientific fact that everything is energy and that everything vibrates at different frequencies. Scalar energy is a unique form of energy that can be harnessed and directed into solid objects or bodies placed in its field.

You can use scalar energy to raise the vibratory frequency of supplements, food, water, and other liquids. When used on living cells, the cells become more vibrant, naturally energized, and more capable of absorbing nutrients and eliminating wastes and toxins. When embedded in nutritional supplements, food, and beverages, scalar waves will make these substances more absorbable and bioavailable, thus further raising the energy levels in your cells.

The higher the level of energy in your cells, the greater your cells’ ability to absorb nutrients, eliminate toxins and wastes, and build healthy tissues, bones, organ, glands, and nerves. High cellular energy greatly enhances the performance and effectiveness of your immune system and your body’s ability to heal itself. Everything is vibrations and all life is energy.

The energy level of your cells is measured in millivolts (mV). The healthiest cells have a charge of 70-90 mV. Degenerative diseases begin developing when overall cellular my are significantly reduced. Cancer cells measure 15-20 mV. Whole foods and fresh foods measure higher my; cooked, processed, and refined foods measure low my; and canned food has zero my. Scalar waves are cumulative and tend to build up your body. By frequently exposing yourself to the scalar wave energy, you build stronger healthier cells, enhance your immune system. and support your body’s ability to neutralize the man-made waves, or EMFs that surround you. Increased exposure to scalar waves means a greater accumulation of them in your cells, which helps raise their vibratory rate to the ideal 70-90 mV level.

Scalar waves are nonlinear and support the neutralization of all man-made 50-60 cycle waves in your body from cell phones, cordless phones, computers. micro-waves. Wi-Fi routers, and numerous other sources. Scalar wave fields have always existed, and now we have the knowledge and the technology to increase them in our body and our lives. They are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics.

“A scalar wave field is known as a fifth-dimensional nonlinear field”

A scalar wave field is known as a fifth-dimensional nonlinear field; thus, the scalar wave is not bound by third-dimensional laws. Scalar wave fields function in a self-referral and self-generating manner. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter. According to research done over several decades, the key benefits of scalar wave technology am as follows:

• Eliminates and nullifies the effects of man-made frequencies (50-60 cycles) in the human body.

• Increases overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions of cells.

• Cleanses the blood improving chylomicron levels (protein/fat particles floating in the blood) and triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns.

• Increases the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90 mV range.

• Improves immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory studies.

• Increases the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by spectrographs. This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds are what hold your DNA together.

• Improves mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies.

• Improves cell wall permeability, thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell.

• Balances out the two hemispheres of the brain as measured by EEG tests.

• Decreases the surface tension of substances such as food, water, and supplements. thus enhancing the body’s ability to assimilate and hydrate.

• Inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline by PC12 nerve cells to support better mood. Catalyzes heightened states of awareness and creativity while advancing the process of manifestation in regard to health, wealth, and happiness.

As we have stated. scalar energy is non-Hertzian and nonlinear and possesses magnitude only and not direction. Additionally. scalar energy never degrades nor experiences entropy; hence, the information of scalar energy remains unchanged regardless of the environment. Then scalar waves don´t degrades nor experiences entropy and remains unchanged regardless of the environment could be the central key to understanding of aging and immortality.

Scalar energy is capable of propagating across time and space without having its information impinged upon by the background radiation in the vastness of space. In consideration of the aforementioned, the scalar energy is eternal and thus serves as the archival, information system of the universe.

All events, past, present, and future, are recorded and archived by scalar energy which is the quintessential informational system of all prayer, thought, word, and action in the universe.

Scalar energy programs all DNA. Furthermore, scalar energy transcends space and thus is not subject to time and space. The carrier wave for time is scalar energy and thus it is responsible for time. That is. scalar energy is present in all time frames as it transmits information without transmitting energy.

As an information system. scalar energy programs all deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of each species of life. Human DNA. animal DNA. and plant DNA are encoded exclusively by scalar energy. Thus, scalar energy is the informational input that is responsible for the genetic code of each species of life. Scalar energy assumes the shape of a double-helix spiral and this shape is subsequently imparted upon all DNA. Correspondingly, the DNA of each species of life likewise has a double-helix spiral structure.

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