23 Oct 2024, Wed

There is now what is identified as a global domination agenda, which is a plan by a powerful private banker elite to take over our primary systems. These are the biggest systems in the world, including money, energy, food, medicine, education, media, and influence over government officials who regulate these industries

There is now what is identified as a global domination agenda, which is a plan by a powerful private banker elite to take over our primary systems. These are the biggest systems in the world, including money, energy, food, medicine, education, media, and influence over government officials who regulate these industries

The religious background of the Illuminati varies according to their world views and how history is seen, from which perspective is compiled, and although we may tend to simplify complexities within our mind, by placing collected information in the same box, it isn’t the easiest way to reach conclusions, and much less the truth. Today, the ones claiming to be part of a specific group self-entitled Illuminati can be traced back in history to the Knights Templar, the Pythagorean Brotherhood, the Gnostics, the Luciferian and Pagan traditions, and many, many more.

The body of knowledge encompasses a huge amount of scientific truths kept hidden for thousands of years, and found in its entire body in the Vedic scriptures, the Egyptian schools of mysteries and even in the ancient Atlantic beliefs, which for many remain very alive today. Now, although for those in the darkness, the non-illuminated ones, the ignorant masses, it would be easier to divide the world in two parts, and place the illuminated ones in one category alone, 

We have to remember that, even though the nazis were, to a great extent, members of a secret society, the Thule Society, which most beliefs were incorporated in what we know today as Nazism, they did persecute many other societies that we still place in the same lineage of concepts known as being related to the Illuminati, namely, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism and more. And they did this with full support of the Vatican, which, supposedly, should be following an opposite religious direction.

We’re still very far from realizing that we’re not truly fighting a real battle, but merely opposing one another, fearing our own shadows and delaying our progress as human beings. The truth is that many of the founders and most well-known figures of these societies have tried to create a parallelism between all, and instead of placing themselves at the top of a hierarchy.

It is the deceptive few inside these groups that confuse the fundaments and shift the paradigms towards a war scenario between good and evil. In reality, the real illuminated ones, live and always lived beyond this duality, with their eyes in a future that unites us under the same God, the same rules and the same order, not to favor a few but everyone.

The New World Order is not, and was never supposed to be, an order of men, but an order of truth, in which humanity is guided towards its own enlightenment. This New Order is supposed to be a Golden Era as the Renascence once was. And, most interestingly, we’re heading there, with or without these groups, as God is supreme to the freewill of men. In this sense, it is wiser to be just an observer. Such is the attitude that this book promotes, by teaching how to observe current events at the light of a higher truth, and by inspiring critical thinking regarding a variety of issues related to the secret government controlling them.

As human beings, we tend to assume that the enemy is outside, but he often hides inside, our own heart, our own fears, and our own preconceptions of society. The ones you love the most, in their fear for your transformations, stop you the most from moving forward in life, and in their fears, stop themselves too from learning something useful in books written thousands of years ago.

We’ve been duped into a system that is designed to consolidate wealth and power rather than provide a real opportunity for all people to thrive. By exposing this agenda, strategically challenging deceptive systems such as central banks and fiat currency and coming up with new ways to organize and cooperate, we can render obsolete this destructive agenda and liberate our planet, plus unleash our true human potential.

Everything of importance has been covered up under the model of the big lie.

For example, we are not learning the truth about pharmaceutical products, both the toxicity of vaccinations and the long-term harmful effects of various medications. The pharmaceutical industrialists (better named the Military Medical Petrochemical Pharmaceutical Cartel) have almost total control over the mass media, and thus control over the mass mind.

As a result of the power they wield, people are not given factual information to make informed decisions; they are given propaganda. Consequently, the health choices people make are mired in ignorance, make them weaker, and toxify them to the point that they tend to die earlier. This is a fundamental reason for countering the big lie. You can live longer and be much healthier.

There is now what is identified as a global domination agenda, which is a plan by a powerful private banker elite to take over our primary systems. These are the biggest systems in the world, including money, energy, food, medicine, education, media, and influence over government officials who regulate these industries.

The elite seek to establish a sole authority over all these global issues, with themselves in charge. They use the media, central banks, multinational corporations, governments, major foundations, and international agencies such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to implement their strategies.

This agreement would tremendously benefit this shadow alliance of elitists, most of whom were zionists, and who owned and still own the pharmaceutical, food and military top industries of the world, further enriching themselves and their families even more.

By admin

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