23 Oct 2024, Wed

You must subscribe to the Puppet Master of the Deep State to be a good citizen. Additionally, there are the Illuminati tools and puppets, such as the politicians, Hollywood, the CIA, FBI, MI6, and the CEOs of the military-industrial complex.

You must subscribe to the Puppet Master of the Deep State to be a good citizen. Additionally, there are the Illuminati tools and puppets, such as the politicians, Hollywood, the CIA, FBI, MI6, and the CEOs of the military-industrial complex.

The phrase ‘Deep State’” is a deliberately vague expression, which reveals nothing.

Psychopathy, Sociopathy, Greed, Power and Control Make Strange Bedfellows

So, the question still remains. Who is in this New Brotherhood or New Illuminati, of stolen, hidden and perverted secrets of antiquity, and the Culture of Control?

They are probarly made up of Nazis, both the Old Nazis, who wanted to be free of the Western control of resources with the new plasma technology and that went to Antarctica and South America; the New Nazis that went to the US in space technology and the CIA; the New illuminati that consists of all the secret societies that were penetrated by Weishaupt, i.e., the 33rd degree Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Black Nobility, the Mafia, the Zionists and Sabbatean Frankists, the Vatican, and, of course, the criminal families of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.

Additionally, there are the Illuminati tools and puppets, such as the politicians, Hollywood, the CIA, FBI, MI6, and the CEOs of the military-industrial complex. While I believe that all these entities may all believe in a one world government, I do not believe that goal looks the same to each entity, particularly to two, i.e., the Zionist Rothschilds who view it in a messianic way, and the old Nazis, who see themselves as leaders of the Fourth Reich. These two entities are still, very much still at odds.

There are indeed in the United States, as in most democracies, hidden centers of power, totally immune from democratic accountability, capable of steering the country’s foreign and military policy by various means such as corruption, propaganda, blackmail, and other more criminal means. The perpetuation of official lies for more than 50 years shows that those who assassinated Kennedy wield great occult power. But what is important is to specify the identity of the men who hold it. The phrase ‘Deep State” is a deliberately vague expression, which reveals nothing. It is actually deceptive because it evokes some kind of national level of commandment. But the “deep power” that killed Kennedy, or that orchestrated the 9/11 false flag attacks, and the Covid-19 psyop is not “national” power, it is a foreign power.

There is no doubt in my mind that after writing and researching six books, that the occult nature of Rothschild Zionism is responsible for the murder of all the Kennedys, including JFK, (57) President Kennedy’s greatest project was nuclear disarmament. He was determined to stop Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Rothchild created Israel, and is their outpost in the Middle East.

The Rothschilds, along with other western bankers and industrialists, financed the rise of Hitler as a bulwark against the Soviets.

Hitler was not some runaway lunatic set on fulfilling his own agenda because he was a Rothschild. According to Chuck Morse, The Nazi Connection is:

Nazi Is Short for Ashkenazi (for Ashke-nazi). The Ashkenazi (Khazar) Jewish Rothschild family was not taken and held captive by Hitler but let go. Notice the word Ashkenazi ends in the four letters NAZI. The Rothschild family were sent out from Germany by Hitler to establish Israel as a dwelling place for all Khazar Jews. Remember, Jew is an all-encompassing title that does not mean a birth lineage of both parents being directly from the pure twelve tribes of Jacob. Instead, Jew means anyone having just one Jewish parent or even a person who converts to Judaism. This explains why so many German Jews who were not killed were Ashkenazi Jews, just like Hitler. Ashkenazi Jews follow the Babylonian Talmud and ancient Kabbalah rituals, which were the very foundation stones for Judaism.

They never had a homeland, as so have zero claims to Ashkenazi “Jew” Rothschilds created Israel. They are, as John the Apostle said. Jews who “say they are Jews and are not…”

It was Assyrian Khazars, Ashkenazi, who removed Russia’s czar, established Nazi rule over Germany, formed the state of Israel, and now control a pope in the Vatican. The Ashkenazi royalty behind all of this, are the same German royals who changed their name to Windsor.

Mixed Jews and their ancestors, which included Hitler and Rothschild’s ancestors, were a group called Chatti who settled Germany. Their descendants were Hessians from the land of Hatti located in the Assyrian Empire’s western part. These mixed/counterfeit Jews are who Jesus called vipers and antichrists to their face.

Gog and Magog from the Old British Empire

It was the purest of viper lineage of Khazar who settled in Britain. In fact, London considers Gog and Magog their guardians. The two famous giants are prominently featured at Lord Mayors of the City of London. According to folklore, Britain was home to these giants and their remnant who lived in rocks and caves of that area. They were widely recorded to have terrified Europe with their human sacrifices and blood drinking.

Ironically, this has been essentially the crude Marxist critique of American politics for decades: rich, powerful capitalists and large corporations are the hidden (and not so hidden) puppet-masters of politics. Politics is an epiphenomenon of economic power.

Must Be Rescued from the West, Their Puppets

The Puppet Master ignores this. It begins with the notion of far-reaching power and works backwards. This is why my criticism of the myth does not represent a brake on radicalism. Refusing to subscribe to a Puppet Master analysis is about trying to grasp why society is as it is. It is not about wanting any less to change things.

It achieves nothing to assume, automatically, that all roads lead back to a plot by the establishment. All it does is embolden those who promote easy answers. To illustrate this, let’s take economic inequality. If we believe in the Puppet Master, we might blame rising inequality since the 1970s on efforts by a ‘neoliberal’ elite to bypass the democratic will.

We might see globalisation as the result of an overarching Bilderberg world order, involving collusion between the political, media and business classes. We might say that they have made small strategic concessions to social liberalism in return for full control of the levers of global power.

We might say that they have subsequently, with the help of ‘friends in the media’, promulgated divide-and-rule narratives on immigration and welfare to distract the public. The best route to economic equality, we might conclude, is to take down this ‘elite’.

If we do not subscribe to the Puppet Master, the view is different.

We might believe that, as the electorate became more affluent in Western nations, the organised working class was replaced by more upwardly mobile voters.

We might note that this new group became more socially liberal, self-confident and cosmopolitan, but less reliant on state provision, less likely to unionise and less willing to vote for higher taxes.

We might also note the globalisation process, which has made it hard for governments to unilaterally deal with high pay, thanks to the fluidity of capital. For the same reasons, bringing corporations to heel is trickier, especially when there is a countervailing pressure to encourage investment.

We might notice jobs moving abroad or being automated – leaving governments with the task, which they have often failed at, of breathing life into communities left behind.

You might, of course, agree that this was exacerbated by politicians.

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