23 Oct 2024, Wed

This is where the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra is found in the etheric body. This chakra is the union and presence of the Father as the “t” Cross of Saint George) and as the Mother as the “X” (the Cross of Saint Andrew), united as One. See the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra. This is the significance of the crucifixion. The crucifixion is the raising of the androgynous energies by the Son who has redeemed and overcome the lower world, the animal instinct, raising the Mother energies, the Matter energies, up through the river (the crystal cord) to unite with the Soul in Spirit, the Alpha energies at the inner doorway of the Mind of God

Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. We have four brains. The cerebrum is the God brain. The cerebellum is the “man” brain which is connected to the lower mind. The third brain is the medulla oblangata, which is responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing. The fourth brain is the solar plexus which has to do with the lower mind, greed, animalistic behavior, etc.

The true Mason is a builder a; his task it is to build up his body, soul, and spirit, a holy temple, acceptable to God. Hence he cannot afford to be idle, his bounden duty it is to work. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, saith the grand Master, do it with thy might, with all thy might, for if it is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well.

Within these lodges it became the cherished goal to awaken the Master Builder and “Rebuild Solomon’s Temple,” which is a metaphor for transmuting the human body into an immortal temple of God through the power of the Kundalini.

You have energy shooting down through your spinal column into your crown chakra, enlightening you at certain places, at certain times, or during your deep meditations, but you were not able to maintain this. Ascended masters are able to maintain. So that is the difference between a master and a person who is on the path.

With Kundalini , our feminine snake , raised within us and our inner being cleansed , we are ready to receive our true essence.

While in the average man only thirty-one vertebrae are active, in the spiritually awakened the two dormant vertebrae at the base of the spine are vitalized by the Kundalini fire. As a matter of fact, so-called esoteric exercises given for spiritual enfoldment are of practically no use unless given in connection with certain other exercises which are im-parted from mouth to ear for the purpose of awakening the caudal-equina. The awakening of the thirty-three pairs of spinal nerves marks the true Thirty-third degree Mason, and the true Yogi.

Occultists, knowing that within the Delphic cave of each man’s heart is that imperishable tablet on which is engraved the experiences of the innumerable transformations which have taken place since the dawn of the First Day of Brahma, adjure their students to “look within” for knowledge, for on this tablet or Book of the Recording Angels, as it is called in the Bible, is engraved all the wisdom of the ages.

We have four brains. The cerebrum is the God brain. The cerebellum is the “man” brain which is connected to the lower mind. The third brain is the medulla oblangata, which is responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing. The fourth brain is the solar plexus which has to do with the lower mind, greed, animalistic behavior, etc.

When the oil returns back up the body, the frequency rises and the vibration increases. By the time it reaches the 33rd vertebrae it is crucified as the pneumo-gastric nerve “crosses” over and connects to the pineal and pituitary glands. That oil of the Christ lights up the optic thalamus gland which is otherwise known as “the light of the world,” at the point of “crucifixion.” Then it stays in limbo (dead so to speak) for 3 days like how Jesus died at the age of 33. This takes place at the 33rd vertebrae.

The sacred oil is now transmuted into this new substance of the Christ within and then arrives at the very top, the crown and touches the optic thalamus, which is esoterically known as the third eye. It is here where it is exploded into a thousand lights, and pure consciousness, enlightenment is reached. The ancient Egyptians called this the light of the world, as they understood its power. It feels like one is glowing and radiant. Everything in the body that was asleep is now totally awake. It’s an incredible experience that is truly indescribable.

The sacred oil is now transmuted into this new substance of the Christ within and then arrives at the very top, the crown and touches the optic thalamus, which is esoterically known as the third eye. It is here where it is exploded into a thousand lights, and pure consciousness, enlightenment is reached. The ancient Egyptians called this the light of the world, as they understood its power. It feels like one is glowing and radiant. Everything in the body that was asleep is now totally awake. It’s an incredible experience that is truly indescribable.

The Ark of the Covenant is between the cherubim and the pineal gland is between the cerebrums of the brain. It is often referred to as the house of the soul.

The pineal gland and pituitary body secrete, the positive and negative substance along nerves that cross in the medulla, and the seed is crucified between them, and the oil set free ascends to the pineal gland which is made to say: “Lord, remember me when thou cometh into thy kingdom.” Now, as the fluids of the two glands had united and were ascending up the one on the “Right hand of the Father,” the central eye, it would naturally say, “This day (now) shalt thou be with me in paradise.” He who spoke and he who replied were one and the same.


To cross or bind. Oxen were yoked about the neck. The nerves from the pituitary and pineal gland unite, and are thus bound together or yoked in the medulla oblongata – Golgotha, – (“Place of the Skull”).

Love, through alchemy, shares with us how to transform base or negative situations into a beautiful and golden environment. Alchemy is the royal art of turning base metals into pure gold, which is an allegory of raising the kundalini from the base of the spine, up the thirty-two cervical discs of the spine, via Ida and Pingala, through the medulla oblongata at the top of the spine, and enters into Golgotha, the golden crown chakra, home of the pineal gland (john 3:14; John 19:17). This is an allegory of converting our carnal thoughts into spiritual thoughts. Romans 8:6-9 says this is an allegory of changing invisible thoughts back into visible creation, as “Let there be light and there was light” (Genesis 1:3, Colossians 1:15-17). At this point, you should be able to answer the questions in Proverbs 30:4, and you will know who you are.

Adam means earth or sand. At the source of the spinal cord there is a body called medulla oblongata. Medulla means marrow or thick oil or ointment. This oblong body (oblongata in Latin) is a bed of mineral salts of the body and marrow. This precious oil (Christ) is received there by secretions from the cerebrum, the upper brain the ” Most High.”

This oil flows down the spinal cord to the Caudia Equina, and this is a symbol of the Jordan and Dead Sea of Palestine.

Jordan means the “Descender” or oil flowing down. Witness : Dove or dive to descend. Dove, i. e., a diver ” The Spirit of God descended like a dove, and a voice said, ‘This is my Son,’ ” etc.

This occurred after the baptism of Jesus, the seed, in Jordan, the oil or Christ and the seed was then Christ-ened. The children of Israel (seeds born in solar plexus) are carried up the strait (“Narrow way that leads to life eternal,”) known in modern physiology as vagus, or pneumo-gastric nerve. So, then, the poetical writer of this sublime epic could truthfully say that the twelve tribes (twelve mineral salts of the blood) “Set up stones” where they crossed Jordan, for the great nerve or “strait” crosses the medulla at the head or source of the spinal cord.

The animals taken up to Ararat, the pineal gland or “Pinnacle of the temple,” simply means the transmutation of animal desires and propensities by saving the ark (seed) and crucifying it at Golgotha where it Crosses Jordan in medulla, the “Place of the Skull.”

It is here upon New Earth that Jesus walked upon the water, as the energy of his emotional body were calmed and raised to the plane of the Throat, and the words spoken through the Throat Chakra, represent the peace and the purity of the Savior, the redeemed Son, Jesus. By defeating the lower carnal instinct of the Base of the Spine and Seat of the Soul Chakras, the purified oils cross (the pelvic or “X” cross bone) the Red Sea and climb Jacobs Ladder, the 33 vertebrae, through the chakras, for cleansing and balancing all chakras back up the spine (the river) to Golgotha.

This refined / redeemed oil clears all energy centers, allowing the Waters of the Ascension energy to raise up in the central canal, the Sushumna Nadi, where it flows freely up to the Crown Chakra. This clearing allows the milk and honey that is energy of the Resurrection Flame, the Flame of the Solar Plexus, to rise up within the lamp to the Pituitary Gland in the Cerebellum, and freeing the water in the Sushumna Nadi awakens Spiritual consciousness. It is interesting to note here that Ascended Lady Master Nada (Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi and Sushumna Nadi) is the Master of the Solar Plexus Chakra, and the guide of the Golden Thread to the inner path of Love and return on the Path of the Ruby Ray, the ray that unites all parts of the Self into the ethers as one wholly healed Being. Within the human body, Golgotha is the place at which the top of the spine and the base of the brain cross each other, which is called the medulla oblongata.

This is where the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra is found in the etheric body. This chakra is the union and presence of the Father as the “t” Cross of Saint George) and as the Mother as the “X” (the Cross of Saint Andrew), united as One. See the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra. This is the significance of the crucifixion. The crucifixion is the raising of the androgynous energies by the Son who has redeemed and overcome the lower world, the animal instinct, raising the Mother energies, the Matter energies, up through the river (the crystal cord) to unite with the Soul in Spirit, the Alpha energies at the inner doorway of the Mind of God.

It is here at the medulla oblongata that the Alpha and Omega energies are fused, or married together as One Androgynous Consciousness of ether, as a new Son and Spiritual Resurrection Flame (Flame is Spirit). It is then carried by the Waters of the Mother to the pituitary gland, where it is stored for 3 days, or one moon cycle.

There it is electrically charged and raised in vibration 1000-fold (1000 lotus petals opens) or one great gross in the duodecimal system of the divine standard.

The Crown Chakra of the Father has 1000 petals, and so the vibration of the seed (Spiritual energy of the soul) in the pituitary, or in the vision illustrated, sits upon the altar, the foundation stone, for 3 days.

It is then raised to the pineal gland as the Fires of Spirit, the Fires of the Christ Self called the Spiritual Resurrection Flame, where it is anchored in the pineal gland, which is the Third Eye. It is the vibration of the Son, the seed, the Christos (oil) that raises itself to glorify the LORD Father in the pineal gland.

In turn the Father ignites the Spiritual Resurrection Flame, glorifying the Son, the WORD made Manifest, showering him in the Golden Oil of Ophir (the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven).

This action unites the milk which is the Inner Light of the seed (the Mother) with the honey, that is the outer Light of the seed (the Father) marrying the Father Alpha to the Mother Omega, and illuminating the Resurrection Flame in the pineal gland, activating the Third Eye inner vision, and illuminating the whole of the temple, opening the Crown to receiving the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Through the ascension process the diamond is made whole, and the Eternal Christos returns to be reunited with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lower Pyramid, inverts and returns into the Temple of God, becoming the Holy Mountain of God. That mountain is the fountain of eternity, the mountain of treasure of the good oil, the Waters of the Mother filled with the treasure of Being, the good oil of all chakras (seeds), that have all become sun seeds of Light.

This mountain is filled with the treasures of Light, that were made WORD, or God incarnate, and now are returned to glorify the Lord, the Father, and in doing so are raised up as the “Spires of Christ Wholeness”.

The Mother is the Fountain of Light that raises the Spires of Christ Wholeness filling the Temple with Light, and is the sustaining manna of All Life returned to the inner Heart of God. The Mother raised the Son, the Solar Plexus the seed up to the Father by the buoyant

Waters of the Ascension Flame. The Mother clothed with the Son, the lamb (the lamp) washed clean of all Blood lost through wandering away. Now returned as One in the Temple of the Most High. The Son, who has filled his inner temple with the Light of the Tender Mother (the Pia Mater of the central river, Sushumna Nadi) is now raised up by the powerful Ascension Flame, that is the oil of the lamp.

The Base of the Spine Chakra (the Ascension Flame and the Mother energies, the Immaculate Blueprint of the soul, and the base of the Pyramid of Light), raised up through the Seat of the Soul, purified through the last clearing of the Violet flame, now a pure seed of the desire body, is raised up to the Solar Plexus as a wholly healed Son.

The good oil of the Son now sits upon the Waters of the Mother, the oil now floats and walks upon the waves and the currents of time and space, that is no more, and is resting in the Heart of Peace.

If it’s easier for a camel to get in through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven ; in no way can a camel get in through the eye of a needle ; so no rich man can be saved.

That other quote, “It’s easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get to heaven;’ is an-other common bastardization. The real quote is “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for some-one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God!” If you were to continue reading in the Book of Luke where this quote originates, you would see that what Jesus was trying to explain was that no one can buy their way into heaven. It is only through grace that someone enters. This goes for both the rich man and the poor man.

The ego is a barrier to divine grace. When a fiber sticks out from a thread, it cannot go through the eye of a needle. The purpose of spiritual discipline is to remove or purify the ego. Spiritual people work for progress in their spiritual life. Everything depends on the degree of purification. When the ego is transcended or purified, one feels the grace of God. Just as water cannot stand on a high mound, it is difficult for God’s grace to remain with an egoistic person. The ego is like a stick that divides reality between God and the world. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” That is, the meek but not the coward. Those who are endowed with self-control are divine.

The path into the woods is the eye of the needle through which ego cannot pass.

Who is the rich man who, like the camel, cannot pass through the eye of the needle? He is not only the millionaire, the expense-account Johnnie, the take-over charlie: he is anybody who has too many mental encumbrances, too many wants.

We know from the Proverbs that without wisdom, there is no happiness. Thus, money can buy an abundance of things, but it cannot buy life. There is nothing as rewarding and satisfying as living in harmony with truth. Money cannot buy truth. Money cannot buy heaven. Money cannot buy peace, love, joy and happiness … deep inside the soul of us, what everyone wants. What everyone wants is free for the asking. However, we must be willing to overcome the world of the ego and surrender to truth. Jesus said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24).

Note that Jesus said, “It is easier.” Thus, it is possible for rich people to be humble, and consequently, enjoy heaven. “By their fruits,” we know them. Clearly, many of the rich and famous are on the broad path that leads to destruction … this is also true for a vast majority of people. To a great extent, we are more prone to try to get the things we want — things desired by the ego — than to change our faulty beliefs.

Typically, we are much more prone to change our circumstances and the conditions of our lives than we are in changing ourselves … in changing the way we believe and think in our heart. If we change the way we believe and think in our heart, our circumstances and conditions change naturally. Our false ego-self is ingenious in having us think that we are giving something up in order to have peace, joy and happiness. In its clever, deceiving way, our false ego-self has us thinking that we are missing something by being truthful, honest and humble. The ego is ingenious in having us think that we are missing out on life when we are embarking on the narrow path to life that few find. The fact is we gain everything that really matters by living in harmony with truth; we have love, joy, peace and contentment … the abundant life that Jesus wanted us to enjoy. What we give up is mental turmoil, confusion, discontent, hate, anger and anxiety … hell.

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