22 Oct 2024, Tue

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic supremacists. When will we wake up and start to see through the veil of deception — the woven matrix of our own creation? The chance for true change away from the ‘dark ages’ of the low, third dimensional consciousness is now, albeit the change to higher consciousness is depending on each and every one of us. In Hindu Philosophy the earth cycle, which we are in the process of leaving, is known as ‘Kali Yuga’. This is the cycle in which Humanity is experiencing life on Earth through a darkened consciousness

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic supremacists. When will we wake up and start to see through the veil of deception — the woven matrix of our own creation? The chance for true change away from the ‘dark ages’ of the low, third dimensional consciousness is now, albeit the change to higher consciousness is depending on each and every one of us. In Hindu Philosophy the earth cycle, which we are in the process of leaving, is known as ‘Kali Yuga’. This is the cycle in which Humanity is experiencing life on Earth through a darkened consciousness.

“The New World Order should more accurately be called the Deep State”.

Humanity seems to end up time and again with leaders who appear out of the blue in fake suits — or no suits — speaking in fake tongues… We are being bombarded with propaganda from main-stream media to back the candidate that has been chosen and financed by the Elite, the one percent who pulls all the strings controlling global affairs, the financial institutions and the big time media conglomerates.

Through the mass media machine we are literally being bombarded with propaganda to back the candidate chosen and financed by the superrich and influential one percent. Behind the scenes this minority pulls all the strings; it is in control of all global affairs, and it owns the world of finance, as well as the mainstream media. In the USA this elite is known as the ‘Deep State’, the `Swamp’ and the ‘Cabal’.

The names refer to the shadow government — government within the government — that is hiding behind a vast number of organisations, multinational corporations and think tanks, of which some of the most powerful are the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum and the highly secretive Bilderberg Group.

(The American writer and historian Christopher Lasch has dealt extensively with these `Billionaires’ Clubs’ in his book ‘The Revolt of the Elites: And the Betrayal of Democracy’).

World politics are dictated by the one percent belonging to these groups; but behind this one percent is the real power — the so-called ‘Black Pope’ often referred to as ‘the Invisible Hand’. The Black Pope is the head, or `Superiour General’, of the powerful Jesuit Order (the Society of Jesus), which — as is the case with many other organisations — is divided into two seemingly opposing factions.

The visible and transparent faction is the giving and selfless one that since its foundation in 1534 has been admired for its remarkable educational and cultural contributions to the societies where they operate and, not least, for its dedicated engagement for the poor and the oppressed around the world.

The other faction, however, is the invisible one, which is seen as the secret political branch and military arm of the Catholic Church. The Jesuit Order has been called the ‘State within the State of the Vatican’ — making its influence felt through leading persons placed in political associations, such as for instance the European Union, global financial institutions, interest groups, NGOs, as well as military and intelligence alliances.

The common goal of all these entities is the dissolution of sovereign nation states, which — if the globalists have their way — will be phased out with the introduction of a New World Order (NWO) led by a One World Government.

In conjunction with extraterrestrial, nefarious entities these groups are controlling global affairs by using their willing minions —the One Percent.

Elected parlamentarians that refuse to bow to the dictates from the shadow government will soon be sidetracked and removed in one way or another.

During this time of transition we are witnessing the last, desperate convulsions of the forces of Antichrist manifesting as draconian measures to render Humanity checkmate.

Now, in the eye of the storm that is raging across Planet Earth, it is more important than ever to stand tall in our Light, let it shine, and keep our frequency high.

When will we wake up and start to see through the veil of deception — the woven matrix of our own creation? The chance for true change away from the ‘dark ages’ of the low, third dimensional consciousness is now, albeit the change to higher consciousness is depending on each and every one of us. In Hindu Philosophy the earth cycle, which we are in the process of leaving, is known as ‘Kali Yuga’. This is the cycle in which Humanity is experiencing life on Earth through a darkened consciousness.

The famous Irish dramatic George Bernard Shaw said about change: ‘Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.’ And: ‘Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself ‘

You could add: Creating our life’s circumstances using our chosen intentions and visualising them all happening in the present tense, in the NOW moment; that is real power!

Are you ready to take the step out on a limb and create the life you want for yourself? Or are you depending on the promises of the politicians and the authorities to make you happy, safe and secure? Maybe you have a gut feeling but you choose to ignore it, so you can close your eyes and ears and continue as always with your old habitual ways?

Then it may take a lot for you to wake up; and when you finally do, it may be too late, because the Universe has a way of intervening when we fail to heed the messages from our Higher Self and our intuitive innate sense. Then why not start right now?

By admin

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