6 Oct 2024, Sun

The Book of Apocalypse explained … H. G. Wells, one of the foremost authors of modern times, wrote a book tided “Crux Anasata,” copyright 1953. When copies of this book were sent to the U.S.A., they were confiscated by Customs Officials.  But the manuscript of the work was received in a private letter, and a limited edition of the book was published by Free-thought Press Association. This work contains a chapter tided, “The Continual Shrinkage of the Roman Catholic Church,” in which Wells said:

The Book of Apocalypse explained … H. G. Wells, one of the foremost authors of modern times, wrote a book tided “Crux Anasata,” copyright 1953. When copies of this book were sent to the U.S.A., they were confiscated by Customs Officials.  But the manuscript of the work was received in a private letter, and a limited edition of the book was published by Free-thought Press Association. This work contains a chapter tided, “The Continual Shrinkage of the Roman Catholic Church,” in which Wells said:

Mastering the seven sacred Flames means to activate the chakras to the right speed. This is the meaning of the ” Seven Seals”.

Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

The book, or the kingdom is our body and we need to master the seven sacred flames, and so open seal by seal the seven chakra … becoming masters; master of ourselves, masters of the Universe

The spiritual centers within the body can only be opened through the expansion of the super conscious mind, (i.e., spiritually activated) within a person.

John is seeing the collective unconscious within the soul of humanity, the souls of individuals are purified and tested on seven levels of consciousness and tested by the seven plagues being poured out by the seven angels. This means, that when all seven levels of consciousness have been purified, only then can a person regulate the physical, mental, and spiritual forces within his/her body.

When the maximum forces of evolving humanity overcome the forces of self, the “ten horns” symbolizes the ten basic urges of the body, will in time accomplish the divine pattern. Society will be destroyed by its own hand as the Spirit/God/Energy nature in humanity becomes less realized, and through self-gratification.

This also brings about discord in the world against groups and governments. When humanity’s social institutions and concepts collapse, the end of the “seven ordeals” will come, leaving universal truth to be realized.

John has a mental awakening when he attains the spiritual level of the superconscious mind, within the throne of his own body. The four beasts are his four lower spiritual center’s animalistic desires and the twenty-four elders are the twenty-four nerves from his brain leading to his five senses.

The superconscious mind, is now in full control of John’s body. The body is symbolized as a book with seven seals which no one has the ability to open on his own” (Rev. 5:3).

Only through the development of the superconscious mind within a person, can these spiritual centers within the body be opened (i.e., spiritually activated). As each spiritual center within the body is activated, different parts of the body are purified and upheavals of the body occur mentally, physically, and spiritually. The superconscious mind spiritually activates the seventh spiritual center (the Pituitary, the master gland of the body).

As a result of this, it becomes “quiet in heaven for one half hour” (Rev. 8:1). This is symbolic of the perfect control of the mind for one half hour through meditation. While in meditation, John’s conscious mind becomes open to his subconscious mind and his superconscious mind.

The seven churches and the seven seals represent the seven spiritual centers (i.e., chakras) of the body where the physical, mental and spiritual forces all come together.

The superconscious mind within John, tells him that anyone who can regain control of these spiritual centers within their bodies can access the superconscious mind and never need to reincarnate again (Rev. 3:12). There are apocalyptic passages in the Gospels: Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21, but the Book of the Revelation is the prophecy book of the New Testament, as the Book of Daniel is for the Old Testament.

The original name of this most mysterious book of the Bible is Apokalupsis, which in Greek literally means ”to take the cover off’ or “uncover.” The Apocalypse or Revelation is the uncovering of a spiritual message from God. It may be called an uncovering, but few readily understand it.

The esoteric side of Ancient Philosophy involves Cosmic Principles and Cosmic Processes.

That secret is concealed from the masses in the Zodiac and Symbols of the Masters, and is revealed by a correct interpretation of Ancient Symbology. Books on such subjects by orthodox Christian authors are purposely prepared to mislead, in order to hide the true meaning of Ancient Symbols, and to conceal the Christian “Skeleton in the closet.”

According to the Masters, incarceration of Cosmic Spirit in the Terrestrial Cross (human body) is the process that forms and fixes as an eternal entity, the In-dividual Consciousness of each person on the Astral Plane. That is the purpose of living.


The Masters taught that, as a rule, Seven such incarcerations are required to accomplish that definite state of Eternal, Individual Consciousness. Seven is the number given in the Apocalypse, together with the Seven Sense Powers and the Seven Great Nerve Centers of the body, making Revelation the Book with Seven Seals, which no orthodox clergyman has ever been able to open (Rev. 5).


Paul could have shown the multitude another mys-tery, explained in our work, “Awaken The World With. in.” According to the Masters, man has Seven Sense Powers instead of only Five. Some occultists teach that man has twelve, five being active, and the other seven being dormant. Only Seven are mentioned in the Apocalypse.

According to the Apocalypse, when the Seven Seals are opened it actually means that the Seven Great Nerve Centers of the body have been properly activated and coordinated in function.

Then there appears the Master with the Sevenfold Sense Powers, being a state of Super-consciousness in which the Master becomes omniscient, as the Clairvoyant, for whom “there are no secrets,” writes Carrell (Man The Unknown, p. 265).

To such persons, solid objects become transparent and arc seen inside and out, as with the x-ray. The imaginary clement of Space-Time disappears, past-future merge into the present, where there is time no longer, as in dreams, and all things become known (Rev. 10:5) (Awaken The World Within, Lesson 56). The Bible says:

In the case of the Seven Sense Power Man “there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid, that shall not be known” (Mat. 10:26).

The Subconscious Department of Mind knows nothing of the Time-abstraction that physical consciousness has devised. In dreams there is no Time element. We see past, present and future with equal facility. A DREAM THAT ENCOMPASSES DAYS, MONTHS, AND EVEN YEARS, MAY TAKE ONLY A FEW MIN-UTES OR EVEN SECONDS OF TIME.

One of the women who passed into Spiritual Consciousness said, “I was just an essence, a vital spark, equipped with thoughts, feelings and senses.” That profound mystery of Man was the top secret disclosed to the neophyte in the Sacred Ancient Mysteries; and Paul, as an Initiate, was forbidden to reveal it in public, or to the “profane.” He termed that mystery “unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter” (2 Cor. 12:4).


As we control the Mind, we enslave the Man. As the Catholic Church completely controls the Mind of its members, that completely are they enslaved. The church tells them what books they may read. Protestants have little more freedom, as their Mind is not so completely controlled by the church.

The freest are the Freethinkers; yet they are less free than they think. For the mind of many is bound by the ignorance of material science regarding Man, Life and God. Material science knows not what Man and Life are, and admits it. The great Carrell wrote, “In fact, our ignorance (of Man and Life) is profound” (Man The Unknown). Material science absolutely denies the existence of that

Supreme Power which dwells in every living thing from mustard seed to man. The mystery why man is a living being is revealed by an understanding of the Ancient Trinity. This is the One In Three and the Three in One. Man, Life and God are three aspects of the Great Eternal.

When we realize that the Supreme Power is Man, Life and God, then can we understand why we are alive. He has not that complete realization who regards himself as distinct, separate and apart from The Supreme Power. Your Soul is the Real You; and your Soul is Individualized Cosmic Spirit, while your body is the Temple produced by the Supreme Power, and in which that Power dwells on the material plane (1 Cor. 3:16). AN ELECTRIC LIGHT GLOBE ON THE POWER LINE WITH A THOUSAND MORE, IF IT COULD THINK, IT WOULD THINK OF IT-SELF AS AN INDEPENDENT ENTITY, AS MAN THINKS OF HIMSELF AS AN INDEPENDENT BEING. CUT OFF THE POWER, AND THE LIGHT IS GONE. CUT OFF THE SUPREME POWER IN THE CASE OF MAN, AND HE IS ALSO GONE. HE HAS RETURNED TO THE INVISIBLE WORLD.


By the ruthless course it followed, the church grew great in size and in the power it holds over the lives of the unthinking masses. The church gained so much momentum during the that Supreme Power which dwells in every living thing from mustard seed to man.

The mystery why man is a living being is revealed by an understanding of the Ancient Trinity. This is the One In Three and the Three in One. Man, Life and God are three aspects of the Great Eternal. When we realize that the Supreme Power is Man, Life and God, then can we understand why we are alive. He has not that complete realization who regards himself as distinct, separate and apart from The Supreme Power.


Dark Ages that it holds its members in bondage. It does not give them the liberty it presents to give them. The church teaches that every one of its members, from preacher to janitor, is held in the bondage of sin, and that no life on earth is free from sin. All that its members can expect is that the blood of the gospel Jesus will cleanse them of sin as fast as the sins are committed. Some declare that once you have taken and accepted the gospel Jesus as your Savior, it is then impossible “to lose your life” regardless of what sin or how many sins you may commit.

Of course it is expected that, upon joining church, people will turn over a new leaf and make some effort to curtail and curb the old sinful conduct. Whether or not that is done, they are saved by their belief that the gospel Jesus was the Son of God.

Most certainly such teaching is false. But it was adopted by the church to gain power over the lives of men, and the course has been exceedingly successful with the unthinking masses. As the Dark Ages receded because of the discoveries of the diligent Researchers, the power of the church began to weaken, and the church is worried.

According to a report of Dr. H. K. Carroll, Secretary of the Continuation Committee of Interchurch Conference, published in the Washington Post of July 30, 1927, “An alarming falling off in church membership of Prot-estant communions” was given “at the rate of 500,000 a year.”

 H. G. Wells, one of the foremost authors of modern times, wrote a book tided “Crux Anasata,” copyright 1953. When copies of this book were sent to the U.S.A., they were confiscated by Customs Officials.

But the manuscript of the work was received in a private letter, and a limited edition of the book was published by Free-thought Press Association. This work contains a chapter tided, “The Continual Shrinkage of the Roman Catholic Church,” in which Wells said:

“In comparison with Fascism and the Nazi adventure, Roman Catholicism is a broken and utterly desperate institution, capable only of malignant mischief in our awakening world. “The Pope is now the head of only about fifty millions of semi-literates, scattered about the earth, trailing after them a blind, entirely ignorant multitude of ‘Faithful’; a following of ignorant men, women and children that does not exceed at the outside 120 millions all told” (p. 105).

In his “Secular View of the Bible,” Grethenbach wrote:

“The empty grave of Jesus is the Cradle of Christianity. Christianity was born in a sepulchre, not in a manger.

 From that sepulchre have radiated the Star of Beth-Lechem and the Cross of Constantine; while it has also yielded to the world the most unscientific dogma of any great religion, viz., that the physical part of man does not perish at death, but revives to everlasting bliss or everlasting woe, as in ease of recreant Jews in the time when Maccabeus stood up (Dan. 12:1-2).”—p. 273.

The seventh seal is the Sahasrara chakra.

This chakra, the Pineal gland, is the third eye of the Seer–that, and much more. It is the focal point of all the forces of the nerve system and of the aura. Here they come to an equilibrium and here reigns the mystic Silence.

During the meditation, as each chakra is activated, the neophyte is able to see its corresponding psychic color; and at this seventh center, the colors blend as in an opal, with an incessant glittering of white light playing as on the facets of a diamond.

The psychic senses of smell and hearing begin to be awakened, so that odors, as of incense, become perceptible, and mysterious sounds are heard. Then with a shock, which Apollonius here compares to an earthquake, the Kundalini Force starts upon the circuit of the seven brain-centers, each of which, when the current reaches it, produces a vibrant sound in the aura, allegorized as a “trumpet call.” So there are seven trumpets to match the seven brain-centers.

Seventh, Sahasrara. This is the thousand-petaled lotus, the highest of the sacred seven. Its tattvic power is purely spiritual. It is probably related to the Church of Laodicea and corresponds either with the pineal gland or an unknown center directly above it.

When Kundalini reaches this point, divine consciousness is attained. The passage of Kundalini upward towards Sahasrara is marked by a gentle warmth. As it rises the lower part of the body becomes cold, until only the head remains warm.

The condition is also accompanied by other phenomena. Woe to the unhappy mortal who raises Kundalini prematurely to the brain! The sting of the fiery serpent is most deadly, as those well know who have seen the results of her premature raising. She will burn her way to the brain and destroy the reasoning qualities of the mind.

Such, in brief, is the story of the chakras and that science called Yoga—the art of developing and controlling them. The story of these centers is clearly set forth in the Book of Revelation, where the seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven vials, and the seven voices all refer to the spinal centers and the various mysteries concerning them.

Such, in brief, is the story of the chakras and that science called Yoga—the art of developing and controlling them. The story of these centers is clearly set forth in the Book of Revelation, where the seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven vials, and the seven voices all refer to the spinal centers and the various mysteries concerning them.

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