17 Jan 2025, Fri

BOOK WITH SEVEN SEALS – Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals. The book represents man’s body, and the Seven Seals represent the seven major nerve centers of the body. It involves taking a cosmic wire that sits at the base of your spine (called the Kundalini) and running that wire through each aligned chakra, pushing the wire through your crown chakra, and grounding the energy that flows down into you into the earth below you

BOOK WITH SEVEN SEALS – Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals. The book represents man’s body, and the Seven Seals represent the seven major nerve centers of the body. It involves taking a cosmic wire that sits at the base of your spine (called the Kundalini) and running that wire through each aligned chakra, pushing the wire through your crown chakra, and grounding the energy that flows down into you into the earth below you.

In the spirit body, the transformation from vertical to horizontal energy takes place at the root of each chakra, also known as the seal. According to Edgar Cayce, “The opening of the seven seals in Revelation 5:1 was a metaphor for the expanding energy that causes an awakening of the seven human chakras.”

Each seal represents a different dynamic energy spectrum where ideally there is vibrant give and harmonic resonance’ between the chakra and the hara line.

There is a cycle of energy at each seal, pulsating at a specific frequency at the hara line where kundalini energy flows. It is through the transmutation of energy in each chakras that we mediate the vertical and horizontal energy flow of the universe, which allows us to have authentic dominion in the physical plane.

Yogis traditionally talk of the dormant kundalini energy that rises up the spine when one reaches a certain level of spiritual maturity. This experience of transcendence is a reflection of the unity between the mind and body. Likewise, Divine Principle explains that the top of the growth stage is the level of spiritual maturity at which time many spiritually gifted masters often receive the revelation, “You are the Lord:”

Revelation, last book of the Bible, deals with the psychic phase of Cosmic Intelligence, which is a manifestation beyond the power of the common five senses, and raises man to the fourth dimensional plane of being.

Pre-existence of Man

Super-consciousness, a rare state found in the cases of true clairvoyance, is a union of the power of the conscious and the subconscious phases of Mind.

Due to the thorough manner in which the scheming church fathers destroyed all ancient literature in order to hide their fraudulent work, it has taken many ages to discover that the original Scroll of the last book of the Bible came from India.

Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals. The book represents man’s body, and the Seven Seals represent the seven major nerve centers of the body.

The Lamb, standing in the midst of the throne and looking like it had been sacrificed (Rev. 5:6), does not represent the gospel Jesus as the stupid clergy think, but the Candidate who has been tried, tested, and accepted for initiation in the Ancient Mysteries, where he will be taught how to open the Seals of his body and activate the sixth and seventh sense powers of his brain, as so well explained by Klsmonti in his remarkable work titled “Awaken the World Within.”

Correctly translated from the Greek, this passage reads: “For the evidence of resurrection is the power of seershio.”

In the Bible, it reads: “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Rev.19:10).

That passage refers to the resurrection of the dormant glands of the sixth and seventh sense powers of man, and the evidence of their resurrection or activation is the power of seership, that strange power of the senses which raises man from the common five to the rare seven sense plane of consciousness.

The Apocalypse treats quite fully of the spiritual and psychic forces in man, but nowhere gives even a clue to the process by which these forces can be resurrected or activated. That was the top secret of the Masters and was never committed to writing.

The most remarkable feature of the Bible is the skillful manner in which the scheming church fathers wove facts and falsehoods together.

We defy any one to read one chapter or one paragraph in the Bible and find in it either truth or falsehood separatedly stated. Each falsehood is so inseparably connected with an undeniable truth, and the true and the false are so intricately and delicately interwove, that it is absolutely impossible for the unprepared mind to separate the one from the other.

The Bible has gone out to the world and has chained in darkness and ignorance more people than any other secular book has ever done, exactly as it was planned by the cunning church fathers.

Man can never rise above his present low level and emerge from the fog of illusion until he is made to realize that he is the Lord of the whole earth and the God of the Universe (Zech. 4:14).

The head is a world surrounded by the brilliant light of the zodiacal belt. The crown chakra is the “thousand petalled lotus,” the diamond eye. The crown chakra is the eye of Brahma, the eye of Dangma. With this chakra, we shall be able to study the Akashic Records of Nature and elevate ourselves to ecstasy or Samadhi in order to penetrate the world of the Gods.

This chakra is awakened by practicing Sexual Magic intensely with the spouse. Everyone who develops the pineal gland becomes a magnificent and powerful magician. Whosoever opens the diamond eye can do marvels and prodigies like those performed by the divine Rabbi of Galilee on his path upon the earth.

This chakra has one thousand petals. The man who causes the Kundalini to rise up to the head awakens the crown chakra. This chakra is the seventh seal of the Apocalypse.

The man who causes the Kundalini to rise up to his head unites with his Innermost and becomes a magnificent and powerful God.

When the Soul unites with the Innermost, man becomes an angel. The twenty-four elders threw down their crowns at the feet of the Lamb. The chakras are all connected to the spinal column.

Seven centers exist on the spinal column. Each of these centers is related with its corresponding chakra; those are the seven churches of which the Apocalypse speaks.

Those are the seven seals that the Lamb opens with his flaming sword. . Those are the seven seals that the Kundalini opens to convert us into Gods.

Achievement of Kundalini is an amazing and extremely profound ability and experience. When we finally come together as a global community and balance our atmosphere, we will break through the seventh seal and then Kundalini will take on a whole new meaning.

The 3½ years again is the symbolic of the kundalini serpent that coils 3½ times in the lower body. In the lower body are 3 energy centers. In the higher body there are 3. The heart that is in the center links both the upper and lower natures of our body. The 1/2 could be the half heart that shares both higher and lower. When the initiate dwells in the lower due to his addictions the actions of the lower mind intensifies. The more one dwells in these lower regions, the more they lose themselves. They lose respect for themselves as their undoing lowers their morals. One in this state constantly struggles with its influence. To give in, is utter darkness.

The blasphemy against God and his tabernacle and all who dwell in heaven is the toxic thinking that keeps us feeling empty. Making war with the saints, to overcome them with power over all nations, tongues and nations is referring to the masses all over the world that is controlled by their ego. It’s a global epidemic of major proportions. The book of life is written within you on the back where it is sealed within the seven seals. It is kundalini, it is part of all ancient traditions, though the dominant three Abrahamic religion know nothing of it. In revelations 5:1 says: And I saw in the right hand of hint that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

The right hand is the right hemisphere of the brain which is associated with intuition. The throne is the brain and the seven seals are psychological centers known in the east as chakras. The backside is where the seven seals are located which is the spine. The spine has 33 vertebrae which happened to be the age that Jesus resurrected in the story.

The 3 Y2 years again is the symbolic of the kundalini serpent that coils 3 1/4 times in the lower body. In the lower body are 3 energy centers. In the higher body there are 3. The heart that is in the center links both the upper and lower natures of our body. The 1/2 could be the half heart that shares both higher and lower. When the initiate dwells in the lower due to his addictions the actions of the lower mind intensifies. The more one dwells in these lower regions, the more they lose themselves. They lose respect for themselves as their undoing lowers their morals. One in this state constantly struggles with its influence. To give in, is utter darkness.

The blasphemy against God and his tabernacle and all who dwell in heaven is the toxic thinking that keeps us feeling empty. Making war with the saints, to overcome them with power over all nations, tongues and nations is referring to the masses all over the world that is controlled by their ego. It’s a global epidemic of major proportions. The book of life is written within you on the back where it is sealed within the seven seals. It is kundalini, it is part of all ancient traditions, though the dominant three Abrahamic religion know nothing of it. In revelations 5:1 says: And I saw in the right hand of hint that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

The right hand is the right hemisphere of the brain which is associated with intuition. The throne is the brain and the seven seals are psychological centers known in the east as chakras. The backside is where the seven seals are located which is the spine. The spine has 33 vertebrae which happened to be the age that Jesus resurrected in the story.

Kundalini, “starting at the base [lower end] of the spinal cord, proceeds along the spinal marrow [central canal], its passage through each section thereof corresponding to a sympathetic ganglion being accompanied by a violent shock, or rushing sensation.”

When “it reaches the conarium [pineal gland],” it “passes outward through the brahmarandhra, the three currents thus forming a cross in the brain.”

Once your karma is cleared and your chakras activated the real fun begins. At the point when all your chakras are bright and spinning, and they have all been aligned properly, it becomes possible to complete your connection to the universal creative pool. Once you are connected, it becomes possible to draw massive amounts of creative energy into this physical dimension. Really, there is nothing in your mundane materialistic 3D world that prepares you for this glorious experience.

Well, that is not quite true. You only have to look to the life of Christ or other ascended masters to know what is possible here. Completing your connection is very much like completing an electrical circuit.

It involves taking a cosmic wire that sits at the base of your spine (called the Kundalini) and running that wire through each aligned chakra, pushing the wire through your crown chakra, and grounding the energy that flows down into you into the earth below you.

When connected in this fashion, you can think of your body as one giant electrical circuit with your chakras acting as cosmic light bulbs. When everything is in working order, the juice flows and you light up like a roman candle.

This process has been variously described as the awakening of the Kundalini, the opening of the seven seals, or the descent of the Holy Spirit.

It is an event of major personal and collective significance because each individual that completes this process becomes a very powerful conduit for divine intent on this planet. Graphically, the Kundalini connection process is represented by the medical symbol the caduceus.

In the book of Revelations 5:1 the Holy Spirit is called the book of life. The verse says :And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.” The right hand symbolizes right hemisphere of the brain which activates the kundalini within. Notice keywords, it says book written WITHIN and on the BACKSIDE which is the spine, and the seven seals are the seven major chakras. Therefore the Holy Spirit is the breath of life, the force that moves through you to awaken the seven centers. This is why one cannot receive gnosis (Christ, Buddha, Krishna consciousness) except through the Holy Spirit (kundalini).

In the book of Revelations 5:1 the Holy Spirit is called the book of life. The verse says :And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.” The right hand symbolizes right hemisphere of the brain which activates the kundalini within. Notice keywords, it says book written WITHIN and on the BACKSIDE which is the spine, and the seven seals are the seven major chakras. Therefore the Holy Spirit is the breath of life, the force that moves through you to awaken the seven centers. This is why one cannot receive gnosis (Christ, Buddha, Krishna consciousness) except through the Holy Spirit (kundalini).

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