6 Oct 2024, Sun

This little gland actually functions as the portal for your inner vision. In order to activate the third eye and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland (situated at the base of the brain) must vibrate in unison. This means the joining of the functions of the Pituitary and Pineal, Glands in the brain. the creative impetus, flowing from the Cosmic Source, is transmitted to the chakras and their connections as Kundalini Power. When this power is aroused from its dormancy, it resurrects the sleeping God-Man, and he perceives the pan-natural truths. The Mind becomes illuminated and brilliant, and there appear wonderful visions of extraordinary mental powers

The third eye opens when the two merge in the sacred marriage. This third eye is then able to receive and transmit higher dimensional information, opening humans to multidimensional consciousness. This little gland actually functions as the portal for your inner vision. In order to activate the third eye and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland (situated at the base of the brain) must vibrate in unison.

Mystics and esoteric teachers have long known that the pineal gland, a tiny, cone-shaped gland situated in the center of the brain, is the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. The pineal gland is often called the brain within the brain, but its physiological function has been largely unknown until recently.

This little gland actually functions as the portal for your inner vision. In order to activate the third eye and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland (situated at the base of the brain) must vibrate in unison. The only way this can happen is if they are set to the right frequency. This can be achieved through meditation and relaxation techniques.

When these two glands work together, flashes of intuition and psychic “hits” will come with increasing frequency. The pineal gland pulls in light/energy through the Crown chakra, located on top of the head, and then transfers it to the pituitary gland, which in turn disseminates it throughout your entire physical body.

Because you are now being exposed to much higher frequencies, the pineal gland is able to open up quite naturally. The secrets of the sages and mystics, who opened their pineal glands through the practice of deep meditation and yoga, have now become accessible and completely natural for us.

As you might imagine, the pineal gland is quite sensitive to electromagnetic energy. Studies show that there are calcite microcrystals in the pineal gland that are piezoelectric, meaning that they can turn one type of energy into another.

These microcrystals pick up the new waves of energy coming into Earth’s atmosphere and tune in to the realms of higher consciousness where telepathy, clairvoyance, and other psychic capabilities are possible. The pineal gland is also very sensitive to fluoride. Fluoride can cause calcification in the gland. (Think of it as having sand in your third eye.) if the pineal gland is impaired, you will not be able to effectively pick up the frequencies that link to enlightenment.

Holistic medicine and energy medicine know how the frequency from a crystal can change the frequency within the body to transmute illness into a healing, and quartz crystals were often used in radios to pick up radio waves and signals. Our pineal crystals are the newest biotechnology for healing and communication.

We can now tap into the collective consciousness the way that your computer connects to the World Wide Web. Did you know that the pineal gland’s melatonin production changes in response to the Earth’s magnetic field and is closely correlated to geomagnetic latitude with respect to Earth’s magnetic poles? Both human and animal circadian rhythms are driven by the day/night cycle and are synchronized with natural geomagnetic electromagnetic fields.

The pineal gland becomes the direct line of communication to the higher dimensions.

As per quantum laws we are essentially electrical beings existing in a state of resonance with the electromagnetic field of the earth. To activate the third eye and to perceive higher dimensions, the Pineal, which represents the Soul, and the Pituitary Gland, which represents the body, must vibrate in harmony, in yin-yang unison, to create a field. This can be achieved through meditation, through mantra chanting and an old Vedic secret.

This little gland actually functions as the portal for your inner vision. In order to activate the third eye and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland (situated at the base of the brain) must vibrate in unison. The only way this can happen is if they are set to the right frequency. This can be achieved through meditation and relaxation techniques.

Allow the energy to move into the head chakra. As this energy moves up into the head, the pineal and pituitary glands begin to act like tuning forks—vibrating in unison. Remember, the pituitary is a few inches behind the eyebrows and the pineal is at the back of the brain stem. A triangle of energy results between the pineal, pituitary and the seventh chakra that is located just above the head—outside the physical body.

The apex of this triangle is pointing upward, so in a very real sense it becomes an antenna of light through which information can flow. You may experience some eye movement or other physical symptoms as the energy in this triangle becomes more intense, or you may simply experience a sense of peace and quiet. In either case, just be with it—enjoy it. Remain in this place with openness and expectancy, without striving or pushing. Ask that your perception be open to clarity, inspiration, right action, and that you be inspired to become an instrument of consciousness.

It is not necessary to experience forms, inspirational messages or visions, for we are simply learning to create that bridge between the heart and the head centers. Some of you may experience various manifestations during the exercise. If this happens, simply observe, make a mental note and return to the visualization of the triangle of light between the pituitary, pineal, and the seventh center above the head. Continue to be aware that this vibrating triangle of light is an antenna capable of receiving information from outside the brain-mind system. Take all the time you want.

Our goal is to make as many people as possible aware of how useful Kundalini can be when it is accepted and welcomed into their lives. So effectively what we were asking was, “What can we do everyday of our lives that will safely awaken the Kundalini energy and make its very special properties available to us?”

Feel, see, sense, imagine or visualize (whatever works for you) this sparkly Kundalini fluid flowing from the base of the spine, up the spine, into and around the pituitary and pineal glands in the head (the head chakra), there energizing these glands and creating that triangle of light that is capable of making contact with the Thousand-Petaled Lotus above the head. “Kundalini can play very rough, when, in cooperation with the soul, it begins to remind the truant personality that it is time to start waking up to the God Within, and remembering who and what it really is. So take the initiative and make the first move toward an awareness of the God Within. If you don’t, Miss Kundalini may decide to nudge a little.”

Kundalini is the primary engine of spiritual transformation. Tantric practitioners know it as the Goddess energy, but the more scientifically inclined believe it may be electromagnetic or perhaps a type of bioenergy.36 Whichever it may be, kundalini is powerful, capable of producing dramatic transformation in the body. Before she is awakened, kundalini sleeps at the base of the spine, near the root chakra, at the beginning of the sushumna. This sleep is a state of sheer potential and possibility. Swami Goswami describes the kundalini:

who is subtle like the lotus filament and splendorous like the luster of young lightening, and, like the spiral of the conch-shell makes three and a half coils round Shiwa like a serpent and keeps the sweet mouth of Brahmadwara covered by her own mouth; she is asleep in latent form.”

With meditation and breath control, kundalini is awakened and moves upward into the sushumna “like a thread through a needle.” 58 As she passes, kundalini is said to wipe clean karmic seed stored in the subconscious. In this way, each chakra is cleaned, balanced and energized. Ultimately, kundalini dissolves the chakras by gathering the vibratory energies latent within each site. When it pierces the center of the midbrain (ajna-chakra) and unites with the Lord Shiva (the male energy), liberation or enlightenment occurs. This is accompanied with great bliss and nondual realization (of God as the undifferentiated One), which permeates the entire body.” In early attempts, kundalini will return to the base of the spine. The goal is to have the kundalini remain permanently united with her Divine Spouse.

The pineal gland is also known as the third eye and is the feminine earth energy. The pituitary gland (behind the physical eyes) on the other hand, is the masculine earth energy. The third eye opens when the two merge in the sacred marriage. This third eye is then able to receive and transmit higher dimensional information, opening humans to multidimensional consciousness.

n order to stimulate the pineal gland , or the seat of the soul , the tenth gate or Crown Chakra at the top of the head … When both the pituitary and pineal are aroused and unite in their mystic marriage union in the third ventricle …

Spinal Cord; the “Bowl” on the top of it being the Brain, seat of the emotions and reservoir of Vital Force. The Seven Lamps symbolize the Chums, L function of which is to amplify the voltage of the Spiritual Force. These disks of nerve plexi revolve at tremendous speed, and this produces internal Illumination. The Seven Pipes are the principal nerves that connect the plexi, and through them the Serpentine Fire rises into each nerve plexus, to be increased and amplified as the process continues, until the force reaches the “Bowl,” where the internal Illumination occurs, allegorically termed the “marriage of the Lamb” (Rev. 19:7).

This means the joining of the functions of the Pituitary and Pineal, Glands in the brain. the creative impetus, flowing from the Cosmic Source, is transmitted to the chakras and their connections as Kundalini Power. When this power is aroused from its dormancy, it resurrects the sleeping God-Man, and he perceives the pan-natural truths. The Mind becomes illuminated and brilliant, and there appear wonderful visions of extraordinary mental powers, which cause man to realize that he is Spiritual and united with the Absolute.

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