17 Jan 2025, Fri

May 2024

Metamorphosis is happening with some people today, but it happens when we choose to quiet our mind, so we do not have to make a cocoon. This process occurs in a living life form but instead of the old body destroying such as happens in physical death. A new brain and nervous system is built in the existing body, breaking down the old structure and using this released energy as fuel to make the new body based on the new genetic instructions activated when the process triggered. After this completes the person is a new species and from reproduction can produce offspring of the new species. This phenomenon happens widely to many individuals in the same species simultaneously, as all are affected by outside changing conditions in similar ways and have been evolving a similar amount of time. When the vibration level is high enough, latent DNA switches activate and a jump is made to the next species in the evolutionary track

Kundalini – The Butterfly Experience: How to Transform Your Life from the Inside Out The...

Anyway, the Kundalini Yoga is primarily for the strongest that are determined to find the purpose of their own existence. If the nature loves you, it will provide you the way to reach what you are after. You cannot “open the third eye” without the rising of the Kundalini. “Strive to enter by the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13.24) “Enter by the narrow gate

A person, who is awakened to the Self, holds the realm of the Self in...

This little gland actually functions as the portal for your inner vision. In order to activate the third eye and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland (situated at the base of the brain) must vibrate in unison. This means the joining of the functions of the Pituitary and Pineal, Glands in the brain. the creative impetus, flowing from the Cosmic Source, is transmitted to the chakras and their connections as Kundalini Power. When this power is aroused from its dormancy, it resurrects the sleeping God-Man, and he perceives the pan-natural truths. The Mind becomes illuminated and brilliant, and there appear wonderful visions of extraordinary mental powers

The third eye opens when the two merge in the sacred marriage. This third eye...

Permanent kundalini is like an electrical current that never stops. The individuals who experience it know it never stops. Kundalini Shakti always leads to goodness. There are three types of kundalini, however, which contrasts to most sources of data. In a nutshell, these three kundalinis are red/serpent, gold, and spiritual. The red kundalini primarily activates on the elemental pathway, the golden kundalini on the power, and the spiritual kundalini on the divine. However, each of these three types allows for access to each of the pathways, even the imaginal. The imaginal requires serious amounts of strength so we can shift between the many worlds

If you are serious about mastering yourself and the many hundreds of Spiritual Chakras that...

Kundalini is awaiting you to carry you to your true spiritual home. The serpentine fire (kundalini) coiled along man’s spinal cord symbolically represents the trunk of the tree, thus the kundalini is associated with the serpent. To awaken the serpentine fire and raise it through the spinal column (tree) means liberation from the sensorial world to a higher level of consciousness; this is confirmed by the fact that the Bible states that once theat of the Tree their eyes will open. Precisely the ultimate purpose of some mystical schools as well as of Indian Yoga (meaning union) is to seek the raising of the Kundalini which is located at the base of the spinal column to the Pineal Chakra, situated on the forehead and connected with the mystical Third. Eye, to obtain enlightenment.

Kundalini is awaiting you to carry you to your true spiritual home. Kundalini is wholly...

The word “tantra” is derived from “tonati” (expansion) and “trayati” (liberation). Tantra is thus an esoteric system of spiritual practice which aims at expanding the conscious-ness and liberating the mind. It is said to have originated from the secret body of knowledge. Awakening kundalini energy can be experienced as the awakening of the treasure within. It is your most creative potential waiting to be discovered by your heart. It is the source of your truth and energy, and the universal consciousness within you. The awakening of kundalini energy is the process of your own awakening and liberation

The word “tantra” is derived from “tonati” (expansion) and “trayati” (liberation). Tantra is thus an...

Awaken the World Within – The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. The world in which man lives depends on the state of his Consciousness. He changes his world as his state of Consciousness is changed; and his state of Consciousness is changed when the Serpentine Fire is raised up to the brain and illuminates the Mind by awakening millions of dormant brain cells. As the Mind was thus illuminated, it revealed to the Masters the amazing fact that the Kingdom of God is neither here nor Awaken the World Within – The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. The world in which man lives depends on the state of his Consciousness. He changes his world as his state of Consciousness is changed; and his state of Consciousness is changed when the Serpentine Fire is raised up to the brain and illuminates the Mind by awakening millions of dormant brain cells. As the Mind was thus illuminated, it revealed to the Masters the amazing fact that the Kingdom of God is neither here nor there, but within man (Lu. 17:21)

he flow of soul energy to the brain awakens new brain cells and stimulates our...

In other words the marriage of pineal and pituitary , the male and female forces , result in the birth of ‘ Christ consciousness ‘ The six water pots symbolize the six ventricles of the brain. The servants represent different faculties within us, which the heart or emotional nature (represented by Jesus’ mother) commands to obey the Christ Within. The governor of the feast symbolizes the mind. The water used is the water of life”, which is transformed from the lower use to the higher use as the “wine of life”.. This change is from the “water” of generation to the “wine” of regeneration. Wine is a mingled product and it is the mingling of the vibrations of the pineal gland and pituitary body which produces this spiritual “wine”. Therefore this wedding feast signifies the “marriage” of the mind and the heart or the alchemical “wedding” within, in which clairvoyance or spiritual sight is produced

In other words the marriage of pineal and pituitary , the male and female forces...

The Kundalini Light – The sixth sense is the kundalini light in a feeling of radiating warmth; the seventh is the sense of synthesis. Kundalini is the physical representative of the soul The soul is zero like the sky but full of consciousness as opposed to it, although by being in worldliness, it has to bear its ill effects of illusion. This causes its conscious light to disappear. When man tries to return to his primitive soul with advaita spirit, then Kundalini appears there. The moment we become able to use the kundalini light to illumine the soul, it becomes as visible as an object illumined by sunlight. Thus the whole inner body is gradually illumined for the yoga pupil. All ancient knowledge of anatomy was perceived through this inner illumination.

The Kundalini Light – The sixth sense is the kundalini light in a feeling of...

The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions.  Current research has revealed a guide spot, a miracle mind, situated primarily in the frontal lobes of the human brain. When we consciously connect to this spot, also known as the God spot, we have access to the infinite potential, or power on hold of the universe. With the necessary understanding, skills, and tools we can tap into and utilise our universal intelligence, guidance, and wisdom

The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions. ...

Crown chakra – The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.” The true battle between good and evil—between our lower and higher natures—happens within. When our higher centers are fully awakened, the energies of divine love will flow through us from the spiritual kingdom to the subhuman worlds. When the spiritual and physical worlds are united, the “new heaven and a new earth,” mentioned in Revelation, will be revealed.

Crown chakra – The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word...

The Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix world is based upon a paradigm of ever increasing enslavement and exploitation. We have been taught that the artificial reality of the Matrix is all there is; we have been taught that we have no power to change it. But the truth is that you do have power, in fact, you have the power to create worlds or be a co-creator of your own life. The Matrix uses one´s innate power to sustain a world that doesn´t benefit higher consciousness or spiritual growth. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate humankind to enslavement of the mind, humans becomes its subjects as long they remain ignorant of their own power. Once human through practice or “yoga” are fully conscious beings The Matrix has no longer any control. A new, amazing future is arriving . Humans are all facing a decision; they can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it for a life of freedom

The Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix...

Mass Consciousness is the desire consciousness of the ego and is formed through the five senses of passions (mass consciousness is desires of the ego and the five senses of passions). Mass society, mass media, mass production, mass distribution, mass consumption, mass-produced and mass-consumed, mass entertainment, mass communication, mass education, mass consciousness, mass psychology, mass hysteria, mass illusion and finally all these parts is the Matrix. Waking up from the Matrix, breaking the bondage (of) false consciousness (the dreamworld) and wakening up from the illusionary reality, is done when people are shown the true workings of the Matrix-system.

Mass Consciousness is the desire consciousness of the ego and is formed through the five...

Magic of kundalini – SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three.  SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ has ‘wired’ us to become the people we are and gives us the potential for further ‘rewiring’ — for growth and transformation, for further evolution of our human potential

Magic of kundalini – SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four...

We are shifting in sync with the Earth’s magnetic grid and are moving into a stronger magnetic configuration. The higher conscious mind demands a more powerful line of communication. Compare it to more sophisticated fiber optic cables that increase the carrying capacity for data and information to be communicated all over the world. We have that technology now within our computer and phone systems. These advanced systems require better grounding fields; and thus, as they change, so do we.

We are shifting in sync with the Earth’s magnetic grid and are moving into a...

KUNDALINI COURSE OF ACTION – This powerful formula was based on the Tantric Pranaya-ma (yogic breathing), aiming for spontaneous awakening of Kundalini, which symbolizes the Serpent Power without the lengthy meditation and the years of spiritual training. The serpent is normally asleep while man is awake to the outside world, and is coiled up around the axis of the body. According to the Tantric texts, Kundalini is a mysterious psycho-spiritual force, a conceptual and practical mainstay of Tantra, which originally served as a road map to awaken the Kundalini power. If it is uncoiled and raised to the thousand-petalled lotus at the crown of the head known as the seventh chakra, which represents spiritual unfolding, it obliterates the sense of individuation and floods the body with divine nectar, the Kula-amrita, thus allowing you to have inexplicable beatific state of experience. When Kundalini begins to ascend through the chakras, it brings increasing powers into play, until it reaches the highest point of total awareness and realization. To awaken and uncoil it is to break the ontological plane and attain the sacred center or enlightenment.

KUNDALINI COURSE OF ACTION – This powerful formula was based on the Tantric Pranaya-ma (yogic...

Rothschild’s control most of the Uranium world-wide. The revolutionary war of 1776, and the war of 1812, and the civil war were money war’s started by the international bankers of Europe, in an effort to gain control of America money systems. There is a powerful force today. They are an unseen government behind the scenes, who dictate and control our governments today. These men stay behind the scenes, and they use their financial influence in political life. These men are the international bankers. These men now control the governments of the world. The reason for their secrecy becomes clear when you consider their major goals, which is to establish a one world government, consisting of a world economy, and a world religion. You can see the beast, and the religious whore rising up to rule this world system today

Rothschild’s control most of the Uranium world-wide. The revolutionary war of 1776, and the war...

Why was numbers 369 so important for Tesla? These elite men were all members of the Masonic Order. They wanted to get rich off of new inventions and not give anything to the public that was free. Because of their selfishness, they were instrumental in breaking Tesla, both publicly and financially. He died a poor man. What Tesla was undoubtedly unaware of was that these same elite men took his technology underground and began using it for their clandestine projects. With free energy sources in the palm of their hands, these men, whose plan was to control the world, could go about their secret business without governmental or public awareness. The elite Brotherhood knew Tesla’s technology possessed the capability their Order needed to exercise power over the masses. Tesla had already proven to them the energy’s capacity to be used as a mind control tactic. He had shown these men that the powers of electricity directly affected the electromagnetic fields and, in turn, produced altered states of consciousness within humans.

Why was numbers 369 so important for Tesla? These elite men were all members of...

When the Kundalini power is awakened various supernatural faculties may be acquired, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, knowledge of past and future, ability to read other people’s thoughts, as well as many occult powers, depending upon the Chakra one is meditating on. The aspirant, however, does not stop at this, for although he posses all these occult powers, he brushes them aside, aspiring to the highest degree of knowledge : the realisation of the supreme -self, the ultimate truth. Once the aspirant has achieved the ability to direct the Kundalini by the power of concentration to the seventh Chakra, the Sahasrara (the seat of pure consciousness), and has united himself be it, he has attained the true goal of meditation; the state of superconsciousness or Samadhi. It is the stage of confluence of the supreme Lord Shiva and his source of energy : Shakti.Sahasrara means “thousandfold.” The thousand-petaled lotus above your head, it is the center of divine union, integration, and spiritual enlightenment

When the Kundalini power is awakened various supernatural faculties may be acquired, such as clairvoyance,...

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