17 Jan 2025, Fri

UN as Cover for War Profiteers. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations. UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization. The CIA, from its inception, has been set up to serve, first and foremost, this cartel, not the American people. The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. It was said that in more recent decades SMOM acted as a funding conduit, a money laundry for the CIA, and the Vatican’s intelligence agency

UN as Cover for War Profiteers. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations. UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization. The CIA, from its inception, has been set up to serve, first and foremost, this cartel, not the American people. The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. It was said that in more recent decades SMOM acted as a funding conduit, a money laundry for the CIA, and the Vatican’s intelligence agency.

The CIA and MI6 are interminable lovers. At least this is the opinion of CIA operative ‘Stealth’, among many others, who says, “it was the CIA and MI6 who … took Kennedy out. The Mafia may have pulled the trigger, but it was the CIA who loaded the gun. It was MI6 who showed them how to do it.”

The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) financed the first Bilderberg conference- in 1954.

The Bilderberg group. founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. held its first meeting in 1954. The prince, a former officer in the SS. had worked in IG Farben’s notorious NW7 group, which served as spies for the Third Reich. Bernhard belonged to the Dutch branch of the Knights Templar.

The first conference of the Bilderberg Group was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954. From 1954 until 1975, the chairman of the Bilderberg Group’s steering committee was Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, later Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (after he married Princess Juliana, the future Queen of the Netherlands), who was a member of the “Reiter-SS” of the Nazi party, and of the National Socialist Motor Corps.

The 1001 Club – the ‘1’ was WWF President Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, while the other 1,000 were wealthy individuals who could be persuaded to invest $10,000 for life membership. Assistance came from the first environmentalists, the oligarchical ones: the Club of Rome, the 1001 Club, and the World Wildlife Fund, the latter founded by Prince Philip of Britain and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

The last five Secretary-generals of N.A.T.O. have all been Bilderberg members. The United Nations and NATO are Illuminati fronts dedicated to world domination.


John J. McCloy (former Chairman of the CFR, and Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank) used his position as coordinator of information for the US government to build the framework of what was to become the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), created in 1941-1942 era, headed by Bill Donovan. During 1947, the OSS was rolled into a new group called the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by the 1947 National Security Act, which made the activities of the CIA immune from all civil, and criminal laws. In 1950 General Walter Bedel Smith became Director of the CIA. The CIA helped organize, and sponsored the formation, and operation of the Bilderberg Conferences. There is little doubt that the CIA sponsored the formation of the Bilderbergs, and continue to do so, to this day.

Early in its history, Bilderbergers decided “to create an Aristocracy of purpose’ between Europe and the United States [to reach consensus to rule the world on matters of] policy, economics, and [overall] strategy.” NATO was essential for their plans—to ensure “perpetual war [and] nuclear blackmail” to be used as necessary. Then proceed to loot the planet, achieve fabulous wealth and power, and crush all challengers to keep it. Along with military dominance, controlling the world’s money is crucial, for with it comes absolute control, as the powerful nineteenth-century Rothschild family understood. As the patriarch Amschel Rothschild once said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” Bilderbergers comprise the world’s most exclusive club. No one buys their way in. Only the group’s Steering Committee decides whom to invite, and in all cases, participants are adherents to One World Order governance run by top-power elites.

For instance, within the context of the Bilderberg Group—which is NATO’s elitist private exclusive membership club—the elite of the liberal variant of collectivism cooperates with the elite of the fascist variant of collectivism in an effective way in order to establish a shared vision of world order. In fact, the Bilderberg Group has had Nazi connections from the very beginning.

The Bilderberg group. founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. held its first meeting in 1954. The prince, a former officer in the SS. had worked in IG Farben’s notorious NW7 group, which served as spies for the Third Reich. Bernhard belonged to the Dutch branch of the Knights Templar.

The first conference of the Bilderberg Group was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954. From 1954 until 1975, the chairman of the Bilderberg Group’s steering committee was Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, later Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (after he married Princess Juliana, the future Queen of the Netherlands), who was a member of the “Reiter-SS” of the Nazi party, and of the National Socialist Motor Corps.

Bilderberg Objectives The group’s grand design is for a one-world government (world company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one world (central) bank, using one global currency. Their “wish list” includes the following:

• One international identity observing one set of universal values

• Centralized control of world populations by “mind control”—in other words, controlling world public opinion

• A New World Order with no middle class, only rulers and servants (serfs), and of course, no democracy

• A zero-growth society, without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers

• Manufactured crises and perpetual wars

• Absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles

• Centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies—one size fits all globally

• Using the UN as a de facto world government, imposing a UN tax on world citizens

• Expanding NAFTA and WTO globally

• Making NATO a world military

• Imposing a universal legal system

• A global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination”

The United Nations is involved with the illuminati, the cabal, and the Vatican in forming the one world government and religion.

UN as Cover for War Profiteers. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations.

UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization

The CIA, from its inception, has been set up to serve, first and foremost, this cartel, not the American people. The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. It was said that in more recent decades SMOM acted as a funding conduit, a money laundry for the CIA, and the Vatican’s intelligence agency.

“Malta knighthoods were awarded to many leading individuals who were part of the military alliance.  The CIA, from its inception, has been set up to serve, first and foremost, this cartel, not the American people.

So the Mafia and the CIA were working together in the drug trade as well as in the assassination of JFK. JFK was betrayed at the ‘Bay of Pigs’ invasion by the CIA and he signs a memo to take all the power away from the CIA and gives it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The CIA and MI6 are interminable lovers. At least this is the opinion of CIA operative ‘Stealth’, among many others, who told us that “it was the CIA and MI6 who … took Kennedy out. The Mafia may have pulled the trigger, but it was the CIA who loaded the gun. It was MI6 who showed them how to do it.” Both M15 and

M16  was formed, 4 July 1909;

 MI5 and MI6 are the world’s oldest secret intelligence agencies.

The last five Secretary-generals of N.A.T.O. have all been Bilderberg members. The United Nations and NATO are Illuminati fronts dedicated to world domination. The genesis of these covert networks was the idea of Allen Dulles, who has played such a large role in this narrative. Dulles’ original plan was to create a secret, anti-communist force across Europe during the war. Dulles was aided in this scheme by Sir Stewart Menzies, “C,” the head of British intelligence during the war, and by Paul Henri Spaak, the Premier of Belgium. Their original meeting took place sometime between 1949 and 1952, under the sponsorship of a body called the Clandestine Coordinating Committee, which had major input from the American Joint Chiefs of Staff. The original funding and staffing came from the CIA. Later, many of the day-today operations of the groups were taken over by NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

N.A.T.O. is also a creation of the Brotherhood and by design is transforming into a world army by merging more and more countries together and by creating ‘problems’ so opportunities are made to expand its power.

The last five Secretary-generals of N.A.T.O. (Joseph Luns, Lord Carrington, Manfred Woener,WiIly Claes, and JavierSolana) have all been Bilderberg members. James Wolfensohn, head of the World Bank, is also a Bilderberger, and so too are the heads of the World Trade Organization (the first two heads were Peter D. Sutherland of Ireland and Renato Ruggeno, an Italian). Many of the heads of the Bank of England and the United States Federal Reserve have been Bilderberg members as well. Alan Greenspan (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg) used to be the head of the Federal Reserve.

This organization resulted from World War I and World War II (both instigated by the Illuminati) as a means of peace keeping between countries. Of course, this organization has always been about consolidating power, first into the hands of the richest nations, and then sucking the freedoms from the people in general. Whenever any Brotherhood-backed organization talks about being a front for ‘democracy’ and ‘peace,’ it is really a front for fascism and global dictatorship.

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