31 Jan 2025, Fri

Then ego is the state of duality and God is Oneness, the ego can´t access higher levels of consciousness. The ego will be dissolved at higher vibrations. To experience God or the Higher Divine Self one must lose one’s ego and ego perception, and travel deep into the divine conscious within. The process of dissolving ego is the process of mental alchemy (transformation). Through meditation one change the inner vibrations and an alchemical transformation process starts.  Fear prevents mental alchemy because it keeps the ego in the state of low vibrations

Then ego is the state of duality and God is Oneness, the ego can´t access higher levels of consciousness. The ego will be dissolved at higher vibrations. To experience God or the Higher Divine Self one must lose one’s ego and ego perception, and travel deep into the divine conscious within. The process of dissolving ego is the process of mental alchemy (transformation). Through meditation one change the inner vibrations and an alchemical transformation process starts.  Fear prevents mental alchemy because it keeps the ego in the state of low vibrations.

The old world paradigms of separation, egotistical power and control through fear. The heavy density of these lowest vibrations has had a stronghold in our world for centuries. Fear vibrates at a low density frequency. Third density understanding keeps humans in a low vibration and cages them into the physical world. The ensuing ‘chaos’ ensures humanity is kept in a space of limitation, suffering, and illusion (veil of ignorance).

Fear is the lowest energetic vibration we can experience in either reality. Fear is paralyzing. Fear prevents us from moving forward with our dreams, goals and desires. Fear blocks the heart from expanding, loving fully and feeling pure joy. Fear brings discomfort into the cellular structure of our bodies and minds. Fear control lower vibrations, fear prevents dna activation of higher dna strands, fear blocks new information, fear blocks visions, fear blocks learning, fear blocks mental alchemical transoformation, fear controls the aging process, Anxiety is poison to consciousness. Anxiety is a combination of many illusions including fear, insecurity, mistrust, and doubt. When all of these illusions take over, inner turmoil disrupts the stream of consciousness, inner turmoil results. The ego feeds off the chaos, promoting a heightened awareness of the false reality belief system. Fear disconnects humankind from the divine source of light through the veil of ignorance, and the ego is this veil and all fears comes from the ego. Through knowledge one can overcome this fear when one understand how they using fear to control the masses thorugh the ego-mass consciousness

Fear is also an enemy of God and also of our divine destination. Fear distracts your focus and hinders spiritual growth. Fear scuttles your spiritual potential and powers.

Fear is paralyzing. Fear prevents us from moving forward with our dreams, goals and desires. Fear blocks the heart from expanding, loving fully and feeling pure joy. Fear brings discomfort into the cellular structure of our bodies and minds. Fear rips apart the cohesive structures and fabric of our souls and has even destroyed entire families and societies. Fear blocks. Fear stifles. Fear keeps us in judgment of others. Fear darkens the soul and snuffs out “the light.”

We are all naturally born with a higher vibrating energy and light. We are all connected by this energy and light. It is from within this energy and light that we operate our course of life from “naturally.” This energy and light vibration that I am referring to is love. When we operate from a place of fear or any of the other descriptive words used to illustrate the lower vibrating energies we are not operating at our finest. The natural current of our higher vibrating energy and light does not instinctively or intuitively mirror that of the lower vibrating energy of fear, nor the other lower vibrating energies. Therefore, our energetic vibration that connects us to each other and to all that is goes off course. On a global scale, we are completely energetically imbalanced. We therefore do not get to experience the synchronicity of life. When we are living in our highest vibration of love, the synchronicity of life will be in balance.

Human beings ruling their life from the darkness of ego cause the majority of misery experienced. If every single soul on the planet were in tune and connected with the Divine full time, while using their God given born traits of love, then Earth would be as blissful as Heaven.

It is an energetic process, a funnel of initiation that transports us from one state of consciousness to another. Our fear of death keeps us from really embracing life because we encumber ourselves with the illusion and burden of caution.

When you develop seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching beyond the normal ranges, a whole new world opens up. It takes quite a bit of getting used to, but if you give yourself plenty of time, you can integrate this new world into your life. Of course your life will change, but it always does anyway.

When Higher Sense Perception opens, a person can see energy fields surrounding and interpenetrating everything, including the human body. These energy fields are intimately associated with all life functions and change constantly in accordance with life function, including physical, mental, and spiritual life functions. The human energy field, or aura, is composed of seven energy levels, as we have seen. Each level has constantly changing patterns of energy that pulse with the life-force. Each level is composed of higher vibrations or pulsations than the one it surrounds and interpene-trates:these patterns change with health, sickness, and the dying process.

When we learn about the human energy field and observe it for a while, a new idea dawns. The human energy field isn’t just an energy field. It is the person. In fact, it is more the person than the physical body is. The levels of the human energy field arc really energy bodies. They are you. You are energy. You are not in your physical body—your physical body is in you.

Expressions of the Infinite had entered the Matrix and especially its densest level, the Time Loop, to anchor the energy that would break up the fear vibration that held it together.

Many experts in the field of metaphysics would like for you to believe their way is the only correct way, their insights are grander, and their channels are more real. This is metaphysical dogma. At some point you will be expected to see, feel and think for yourself, for confidence, creating a firm basis of your own understanding, connection to source and disconnection from being a “sheeple” (sheep + people). Creating a solid foundation is beneficial for grounding.

Everything in the universe is energy in varying degrees of speed or frequency. For instance, we know that an ice cube is solid because the atoms that create it move very slowly and are packed tightly together. When heat causes the atoms to move faster, friction between the atoms is created, and the atoms separate due to dissonance or disharmony. It becomes too uncomfortable for the atoms to stay together. This distancing of the atoms reflects in the consistency of the material which becomes water. If the heat continua, the atoms move further apart, and this separateness is reflected as steam.

Our bioenergetic field works the same way. Coming into the physical is the process of first separating an infinitesimal speck of source energy, then slowing down the vibrational signature of that energy in degrees so that it becomes our personal signature, until we finally develop the solid material of our body. The body is actually the smallest, slowest, densest piece of our bioenergetic makeup. There are many layers of varying degrees of frequency that constitutes who we are. We are kept from entrancing or merging into everyone else by personal fields. The field is our aura, our energy bubble that holds our pieces together while we live in earth world. Like an egg shell keeps in its contents.

Grounding is field coupling to the earth, the process of merging with the earth’s vibrational resonance which aids us by slowing our energetic signature sufficiently to form a physical body. Earth energy attracts us like gravity, it is the magnet that holds our energetic vibration in physical form. Insufficient grounding causes us to lose cohesiveness in our fields, creating disharmony within our atoms, and literally disassembling us from the lowest level first. This dissonance creates disease and issues which are designed to remind us to get back into our bodies! Because it is here, in the physical, that we accomplish our goal of reconnection to source by removing karma, being grounded is vitally important.

We are spirit slowed down to material, but when a person fears being in the physical, the energy cannot completely dedicate to being here. Energy flows where focus goes. Smaller amounts of higher vibrational energy that is slowed sufficiently to form the body equals less energy the body has for vital health. It is the same with the ice cube being only partially frozen. The consistency is not there to form a fully functional entity. The earth is the refrigerator for our ice cube body. The physical, with only partial connection to earth, loses its functional ability to perform; it loses integrity, and begins to separate in the energetic structures.

The ego’s only playground is in the physical realm. Once we return to spirit, there is only oneness; the separated parts of mind merge. The more unattached to the physical realm a person is the larger the ego must be to hold onto the field coupling tether. The ego relaxes when it does not have to fight to keep a person in earth world. Doing grounding techniques will ease ego angst and allow for greater control over the mind.

The four upper layers correspond to our soul’s “spiritual” body and the three lower layers correspond to our ego’s “earthly” body. When we die, the soul lets go of the three lower layers of the energy field and continues to function from the four upper layers of the energy field. We don’t lose consciousness when we die; we just lose our 3-D awareness and our attachment to materiality. Each layer of the energy field operates at a different frequency of vibration that is in harmony with the other layers. The outer layers of the energy field, furthest away from the body, operate at the highest frequencies of vibration and the inner layers closest to the body operate at the lowest frequencies of vibration.

The ego dwells in the lower vibrations.

We begin with the three lower chakras, for they form the foundation layer of the human construct.

The good news is that high vibrations transmute lower ones.

The vibrational rhythm pattern of divine love would connect to and raise the lower vibrations of the limiting perception.

Then ego is the state of duality and God is Oneness, the ego can´t access higher levels of consciousness. The ego will be dissolved at higher vibrations. To experience God or the Higher Divine Self one must lose one’s ego and ego perception, and travel deep into the divine conscious within. The process of dissolving ego is the process of mental alchemy (transformation). Through meditation one change the inner vibrations and an alchemical transformation process starts.  Fear prevents mental alchemy because it keeps the ego in the state of low vibrations.

Alchemy is the process of replacing or transmuting lower, negative vibrational energies with higher, positive ones—at every level of your existence—body, mind and spirit.

One must be one with God, and to be one with God is To know God, and to know God is to find God within. To find God within, one must seek to be one with the higher self, and when one is one with the higher self, one is more connected to God and all that is . When one is One with God and God within, one becomes one with all that is divine in Nature and all living beings within it. Once one finds this oneness, one seeks to live in harmony with all beings and all that is of God. God is the essence of out higher self, God is the essence to our entire being. The essence in out entire spiritual being is our higher self, and it is the higher self who is the teacher and inspirer of our spiritual life. The essence of oneness with one’s higher self, is oneness with all the divine conscious exist. The divine conscious live all that is Nature, therefore Nature is divine. All that is divine in Nature, are divine beings that are all our kin. Without this divine kinship, there can be no spiritual oneness, no spiritual oneness within our lives, no spiritual oneness within our selves, and no spiritual oneness with our Divine God in which exist in the souls of all that is life. Without this spiritual oneness, one deplete one self of spiritual abilities in which one needs to communicate with God, existence. and all living beings that don’t speak words. If one loses their spiritual essences with all that is divine, one depletes the health of mind and body, which the energies that flow within them are linked to our spiritual essences. Once one robs self of these spiritual energies, one doom one´s life, resulting in faster aging and depleting health.

The more automatic, mechanized, monotonous and routine-oriented humans become the more they lose their ability to transform, or change or progress in self-realization. The more they lose this ability the more enslaved they become. Freedom is the ability to be able to change and transform. This world keeps human tuned into one dimensions or one low vibrational state of frequency. Then the ego can´t exist in higher state of consciousness without being dissolved the real freedom and liberation is to find beyond ego-duality-preception.

The more automatic, mechanized, monotonous and routine-oriented and predictable humans life becomes the easier they can be programmed to not change or tuned itheir life into higher levels of consciousness.

Mental alchemy is the process of transmuting your thoughts to improve your life and expand your mind, while spiritual alchemy is the never-ending process of transmuting a soul personality from a less refined one into a more refined one. As we know, everything is energy—everything vibrates. The difference between one substance and another is based on its rate of vibration. Thoughts, feelings and beliefs also vibrate. As a spiritual being, you also vibrate and exist on many levels.

Alchemy is the process of replacing or transmuting lower, negative vibrational energies with higher, positive ones—at every level of your existence—body, mind and spirit.

Every decision you make is based either on your ego or your higher self. Spiritual alchemy is therefore the process of incorporating more and more of your higher self into your life decisions. When you align with your higher self, your energy and the power of your intent increases. This is a positive, self-reinforcing cycle that leads to mastery and self-realization.

In the three dimensional world and reality humankind is disconnected from the higher state of vibrations because of the actions and dominated ego. Low vibrational environment keeps humankind disconnected from Divine knowledge and light because they don´t vibrate fast enough to be in touch with higher realms.

When you tap into your innermost self and radiate that energy, you are no longer as influenced by external energies (ego-mass consciousness). You are freer to live a life of Heaven on Earth. And, having tapped into the ultimate energy source, you can help others to connect with their own divine power. You are not only improving your life, but the world as a whole. If your goal is to lead the most joyful, empowered life possible, then your choice is simple. Employ alchemy at every level of your life for both personal and global transformation.

The lower qualities bind the ego to the lower nature, and to attain liberation these must be raised and transmuted. There is a gradual increase of capacity,—an unfoldment, as it were, of means through which liberation is to be arrived at. The qualities, however raised or transmuted, are to be regarded as the non-ego, but only as they remain qualities—distinct and separate. As the higher qualities become more and more complete and harmonious, they lose their limitations and merge gradually into the one Ideal from which they have emanated. There is greater multiplicity among the lower qualities than among the the higher, because separateness and conflict prevail among the lower and not among the higher.

Man´s  mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there, and humans have been learned that the powers is outside him and not within him. The Earthy life is controlled by the forces of maya and illusions, and this is how the ego become the veil of ignorance. By keeping humankind in the state of low vibrations they can keep humankind in the state of ignorance that follows others or how they is been programmed to do.

The Earth we are speaking of is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. Those of you in this third dimension see your Earth from a third dimensional point of view. Those of you who are in the third dimension see the third dimension as physical solid substance. Because of the vibration of the electromagnetic energy field, you are seeing it through light refraction. That light refraction, from your point of consciousness, is as real to you as anything is on this physical planet Earth in the third dimension. Change the electromagnetic energy field, you also change the light refraction. And that light refraction changes what you experience and what you see. That is why we teach that what you are truly seeing out there is an illusion, and it is an illusion based upon light refraction.

The Earthly Life Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnotized existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himself to be a physical being. The maya-hypnotized ego creates the distortions of reality or distortions of the powers within. The first distortion-error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, the second distortion-error is made through believing in the dying nature of man, and not the undying nature of the real Self/Soul. The third error-distortion of man´s  mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These mind-errors is the mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term for illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” of the mind is the maya-hypnotized mind.

By admin

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