30 Jan 2025, Thu

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Lucis Trust itself is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The dark cabal from this point in ancient history to this very moment in time has spent all of its waking hours and energy to harness ours. These societies practice and covet the Art of Alchemy protected by an oath of death to anyone that reveals its secrets

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Lucis Trust itself is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The dark cabal from this point in ancient history to this very moment in time has spent all of its waking hours and energy to harness ours. These societies practice and covet the Art of Alchemy protected by an oath of death to anyone that reveals its secrets.

Knowledge is power therefore whomever possess the knowledge possess the power. Today you will possess some of this knowledge and with it the power to choose to better connect to our Creator and the Universe. Alchemy as practiced by Jesus and the Essenes teaches us as children of God how to stay energetically connected. We are like a light switch when it’s off the power is still connected but you have to turn the switch on to receive the light. The dark cabal knew this so while they were practicing the power of Alchemy and coveting it, the rest of humanity were becoming.

When the critical mass is reconnecting to the natural forces, attuning to their cyclic rhythms, it creates a groundswell that is powerful enough to transform our entire soul sick culture.

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion, and with it follows creation of a one world government. The UN, along with its programs and policies, is ever more worthy of comparison to the Tower of Babel, as rampant idolatry and militant paganism thoroughly permeate the organization.

These people are obviously non-initiates who don’t know who Rene Guenon really was, and the importance of his theories in the Illuminati network to this day.

This “End of Times” scenario, or the huge step toward world domination established when the United Nations came to life on the 24th of October, 1945. It is no coincidence that this event was followed by the birth of the state of Israel on May 4th, 1948.

These events constituted two of the most important strategic moves the elite have accomplished in the last thousand years. These developments were installed to facilitate the coming of the Antichrist; which will be followed by the return of the Messiah, who will announce the end of our corrupt civilization, and will presumably establish an Empire of Perfection.

This is the reason why the elite Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt, founded in Germany in 1776, was called the elite of Perfectibilist. Their purpose was to strive for the perfection of the human being. Their emulation of a materialistic idea of Christ was gradually lost in obscurity, because of the many pacts Weishaupt’s successor’s signed with the underworld and dark forces. This initial stage of the project is to create a prison planet under the control of a World Government, and headed by the United Nations.

This is not the creation of the Kingdom of God on Earth originally planned by the Rosicrucians. Many members of the Illuminati elite believe that the evil side is necessary for the coming of the Messiah. For these shady characters, the so-called Kingdom of God is simply an ongoing project, and they feel justified in thinking that they are the supreme manipulators, and beyond the rules of good and evil.

Within this context falls The Book of the Law, where we find: “the announcement of a new era, that of Horus or the Crowned and Conqueror Son, exoterically known as the Age of Aquarius.”

This reality is represented in the Kenneth Anger film entitled, Lucifer Rising. As Professor Env) Pennetta rightly points out regarding the real purpose of this film:

The ritual is successful, the final scenes show in fact the coming of the Antichrist, adepts scan the sky waiting for his manifestation and they are in fact rewarded by the expected sign, the same seen years earlier by occult adept Marjorie Cameron in the desert, as the result of Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard’s magickal rituals: the presence of a UFO, with the characteristic shape of a disk, a flying saucer that flies through the sky above the pyramids.

Director Kenneth Anger described the film as being about the generation of love: The birthday party of the Age of Aquarius, which exposes current ceremonies used to resurrect Lucifer. For Anger, Lucifer is the god of light, not the devil. He agrees, however, that Lucifer is the rebel angel who agitates behind world events. “

Pennetta concludes that the film Lucifer Rising seems to be the message of the “extraterrestrial,” the aliens from 2001: A Space Odyssey or the UFO of Lucifer Rising, just as Madame Blavatsky prophesied and Alice Bailey helped promote with Lucifer Trust.  Wikipedia reports that the organization now called the Lucis Trust (originally Lucifer Trust; Lucifer Publishing Company), is a non-profit organization founded by the theosophist Mice Bailey, and her husband Foster Bailey in 1920; and has its headquarters in New York (at the 24th floor of 120 Wall Street), London (Lucis Press Ltd.), and Geneva (Lucis Trust Association).

The Lucis Trust is affiliated with the Windsor International Bank and Trust Company and it has long been recognized by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization, and is represented at regular briefings of the Directorate General of the U.N. The Lucis Trust itself is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

The nerve center of the New World Order is the United Nations building in New York, and it is a very important meeting place for the varied and controversial societies of the elite who, thanks to their magic and occult rituals, hold the world under their control. The Headquarters of the United Nations was built with the strong contribution of the Rockefeller family, one of the most influential elitists within the New World Order. In his 2002 autobiographical memoir, David Rockefeller, Sr. (born June 12, 1915), the current patriarch of the family, acts as the victim of ideological extremism on all sides of the political spectrum, who he says are created with the declared intention to attack the Rockefeller family because of the excessive influence they exert on the American political and economic institutions.

In his 2002 autobiographical memoir, David Rockefeller, Sr. (born June 12, 1915), the cur-rent patriarch of the family, acts as the victim of ideological extremism on all sides of the political spectrum, who he says are created with the declared intention to attack the Rockefeller family because of the excessive influence they exert on the American political and economic institutions. The actual operational center where the New World Order occult direct their Egregore is the “Room for Meditation” at the United Nations. Unknown to most people, this place is well-described by Robert Keith Spenser in his little 1960s book entitled, The Cult of the All Seeing Eye, where he writes the following:

The Meditation Room is 30 feet long, 18 wide at the entrance (which faces north north-east), and 9 wide at the other end. It is therefore wedge- shaped. Its only entrance is through two tinted glass-paned doors outside of which stands a U.N. guard. Inside the room is another guard. Once through the doors, the visitor finds himself in a darkened corridor which leads to the left. The sharp transition from a world of light to one of extreme darkness forces a feeling of abrupt withdrawal from the outside world upon the senses of the visitor who walks along the corridor, reaches the inner arched entrance, turns right, and looks into the room. The room is very dimly lit. The only source of light, at first glance, is that which is reflected squarely from the gleaming upper surface of the brooding, somber altar in the center of the room. A special lens recessed in the ceiling focuses a beam of light on the altar from a point above and just beyond its far edge. Thin lines of bluish light lap the edges of the shadow cast by the altar. The acoustical properties of the room are unique. The edges of padding material behind the paneling on the walls can be detected at the ceiling level. This absorbs sound as does the Swedish-woven blue rug which covers the floor of the corridor and the back of the room. The room is as quiet as an underground tomb. Its floor is paved with blue-gray slate slabs laid in a hap-hazard pattern. At the edge of the rug are two very low railings extending out from the east and west walls of the room.  The center space between the railings is some six feet in width. To the right of the inner entrance are ten low wicker benches arranged in two rows of three and one back row of four against the corridor wall. Attempts by visitors to pass the railings are discouraged by the guard.

The mural is a fresco which was painted originally on wet plaster, one section at a time by the artist, with the aid of an expert in this work brought from Europe. It is set into a steel framed narrow panel projected from the wall, behind which is an enclosed area some six inches deep which has its own light source. A small, square projector set close against the front base of the altar throws a diffused beam of light from a recessed aperture upon the surface of the mural. There are also ten hidden lights, five on each side of the room, behind the upper edges of a thin suspended ceiling which extends out over the room from the top of the mural. The 18 inch space between the two ceilings contains the light control apparatuses. The lower ceiling is wedge-shaped and separated from three walls of the inner room by a foot-wide space.  Thus the room appears to be much longer than it really is because of the many converging lines leading into the narrow end, the corners of which are rounded off on either side of the mural. The altar is four feet high and rests on two narrow cross pieces. It is a dark gray block of crystalline iron ore from a Swedish mine and weighs six and one-half tons. The Swedish Government presented this block of ore—the largest of its kind ever mined—to the U.N. in early 1957. The chunk rests on a concrete pillar that goes straight down to bed-rock. The area and passageway beneath the room are closed to the public. The chunk of ore has been described as a lodestone, or magnetite, which is strongly magnetic and which possesses polarity. In northern Sweden are what may be the largest magnetite deposits in the world, believed to have been formed by segregation in the magma. Magma is the term for molten material held in solution under the pressure of the earth’s crust.

This dark gray block of crystalline iron ore was actually a gift of Dag Hammarskjold, an eleventh degree of the Swedish Rite of Freemasonry (the title of which is illuminated Brother, Commander of the Red Cross), which was received from the King of Sweden at the time Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden.”

Dag Hammarskjold (1905 -1961) was a Swedish diplomat, economist, and author particularly obsessed by Freemasonry and esotericism. During his period as Secretary General of the United Nations, a position he held from April 1953 until the day of his mysterious death by an unlikely plane crash in September 1961, he pledged to build this “Room for Meditation: at the UN.

Headquarters in New York. In his historic speech to the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 23 September 2009, Muammar Gaddafi called upon the Libyan president of UNGA, Ali Treki, to institute a UN. investigation into the assassinations of Congolese prime minister Patrice Lumumba, who was overthrown in 1960, and murdered the following year; and also that of UN.

Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold who died (murdered) in 1961.° Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s historic speech at the United Nations took place two years before being brutally murdered himself, in October, 2011, by the hit men and cowards of the New World Order.

For further reading about Dag Hammarskjold read: Who Killed Hammarskjold?: The UN, the Cold War and White Supremacy in Africa (on Google Books)

On July 29, 2005, 100 years after Hammarskjold’s birth, the Norwegian Major General, Bjorn Egge, gave an interview to the newspaper Aftenposten regarding the events surrounding Hammarskjold’s death. According to Egge, who was the first U.N. officer to see the body, Hammarskjold had a hole in his forehead. This hole was subsequently airbrushed out of photos taken of the body. It appeared to Egge that Hammarskjold had been thrown from the plane, and that grass and leaves in his hands might indicate that he survived the crash and tried to scramble away from the wreckage. Egge does not directly claim that the wound he saw was from a gunshot, and his statement does not align with information from Archbishop Tutu’s—or with the findings of the official inquiry. In an interview on March 24, 2007, on the Norwegian TV channel NRK, an anonymous retired mercenary claimed to have shared a room with an unnamed South African mercenary who claimed to have shot Hammarskjold.

The hypothesis that these two photographs were ‘doctored’ would be consistent with Major General Egge’s concern that the Secretary-General had a round hole in his forehead, which had been removed in photographs taken of the body.

The new Congolese prime minister, Cyrille Adoula, had his own theory. Hammarskjold, he said, had “fallen victim to the shameless intrigues of the great financial powers of the West” and their thirst for his country’s boundless mineral riches. “How ignoble is this assassination,” he said, “not the first of its kind perpetrated by the moneyed powers. Mr. Hammarskjold was the victim of certain financial circles for whom a human life is not equal to a gram of copper or uranium.”

During his speech, the brave Gaddafi also asked to investigate the death of John F. Kennedy, and Gaddafi said that the UN. has not provided security for the world since its establishment, but has rather provided the world with “terror and sanctions. Sixty-five wars broke out after the establishment of the U.N. and the Security Council and the victims are millions more than the victims of World War II,” he said.

“Were these wars in the interest of all of us? No, they were in the interest of one country or three countries or four countries.”

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s historic speech at the United Nations took place two years before being brutally murdered himself, in October, 2011, by the hit men and cowards of the New World Order. During his speech, the brave Gaddafi also asked to investigate the death of John F. Kennedy, and Gaddafi said that the U.N. has not provided security for the world since its establishment, but has rather provided the world with “terror and sanctions. Sixty-five wars broke out after the establishment of the U.N. and the Security Council, and the victims are millions more than the victims of World War II,” he said. “Were these wars in the interest of all of us? No, they were in the interest of one country or three countries or four countries.”

The dark cabal from this point in ancient history to this very moment in time has spent all of its waking hours and energy to harness ours. These societies practice and covet the Art of Alchemy protected by an oath of death to anyone that reveals its secrets. This is when the deception of the church was introduced and power and control of the masses became the goal.

HAARP was created by the dark cabal to interfere with the torus surrounding our planet, when this magnetic field is manipulated in any way it causes static that affects our whole ionosphere. Most importantly to note here is it also affects our body’s energetic spiritual connection to our divine source. This torus generates its energy from the magnetic polarity pull of earth and the sun. This same torus of energy runs along our spine and through each of our chakras and around us at a certain speed and frequency. HAARP causes interference in this vital energy field that surrounds our body.

We have to go back now to Thoth and Ma at and the deception of the dark cabal, known today as the illuminati and Freemasons. This was one of the main suppressions of knowledge weakening our connection to Mother Earth and Father God and the unified field of consciousness.

Knowledge is power only if you possess it. This is when things got really twisted and this occult began. First, let’s look at what occult means because for most it means the practice of dark magic. All occult means is hidden, a secret, something kept in the dark. For the sake of understanding the depth of this hidden secret we need to know this so we can remove the negative energy from this simple word.

Then there were the witch hunts during the Middle Ages, when again the practice resurfaced. A strategy instigated by the Illuminati, fronted by the Catholic church and medical fraternities to stamp out the rising of kundalini which would result in the power of the people rising to challenge those who dominated the economic landscape.

However, just as all the sacred observances were hijacked by the monotheistic religious cults, practices like the hieros gamos were intentionally inverted by the shadow elite in their secret society gatherings to deliberately anchor their agenda of total domination.

When we comprehend the ramifications of this, we also understand that to reclaim this practice is an act of power, accessible to every adult woman and man, willing to play a part in restoring the balance of power on our planet, back into the hands of the people.

The more people awaken the inner serpents of light, (the channels for raising kundalini) the more they will stand in their personal power by living their truth and making choices that reflect the authenticity of their Soul. For when the serpents awaken, so do the people. You cannot oppress people who have liberated themselves from the illusion they are less than divine.

The most powerful thing in the hands of the oppressor are the minds of the oppressed.’

When we remember ourselves as divine beings and honor ourselves and all life accordingly, we will create Heaven on Earth in every choice we make, as all permanent change starts with a spark of awareness, which ripples outward into our words and deeds.

Everyone has heard of Hollywood, but have you ever wondered why the name Holly wood? Well the actual wood from a holly tree is used as the favored wood for wooden wands by witches. Wands were used to channel the energies of their witchcraft. This is to point out what the media really is for, a tool the enemy uses to channel his energy through your scrying and telepathy devices into your spirit. The spiritual eyes and ears of humanity has been trojan horsed by the enemy and we can now see it manifest even more as the overflow of people’s hearts comes out in their words and deeds, as we all wonder in great confusion as to how society has degraded so much and continues to snowball out of control. It’s not hard to see the trend of mass changes in the hearts and

As far as Kundalini rising is concerned it is the masculine and feminine aspects of every human being becoming one and ascending to enlightenment. We are changing and evolving in fact human DNA is changing that is why so many people have been experiencing body aches, blurred vision, and headaches to name a few symptoms its all part of our evolution. Chances are high that your DNA is being activated and your chakras need a tune up so to speak. In fact, you are like a car that’s been parked for so long the gas evaporated and it needs some fuel to get started not to mention the battery needs a good charge. Once you get it running then you can clean up the inside and get the radio tuned in so the static is gone and you can hear the music again.

The seven colors of the rainbow are the same colors in our chakra or chi center these energetic frequencies are another vital missing link better connecting us to our divine source that’s been broken. These rays of light enter the retina, travel through the brain center and down the spine through our chakras and out through our feet back into earth. Keeping us aligned with the grid, we are all part of the mind of God. Breathing is also vital for healthy brain function, just breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth.

You don’t have to be a yogi or some guru to breathe deeply with intention, attention and gratitude throughout your day. It just helps keep you grounded and sends oxygen to your brain releasing melatonin and that alone will lower anyone’s stress level. Once your grounded you’ll intuitively want to meditate and learn more about who you really are, it is then that the answers will come. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened. This is an amazing time to be alive my friend, so lets wake up.

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