17 Jan 2025, Fri

The new ‘fire of consciousness and Higher Human Evolution

The new ‘fire of consciousness and Higher Human Evolution

Throughout our evolutionary journey, the same fire of the soul has been capable of diverse transformations, creating new powers out of itself from the density of the mineral realm to the intelligence of human beings. It contains yet another great transformation, a secret God seed that can prepare our way to a higher state of consciousness beyond the current limitations of our species.

Latent within us is another fire that can bring about a radical change of awareness from the individual to the uni-versal. This is as monumental an evolutionary step as the one that initially developed human beings out of the ani-mal kingdom .

Our species is meant to be the matrix of this new ‘fire of consciousness’ that is at this moment only flickering dimly within us. We must prepare a new birth of the sacred fire that leads beyond the human to the Divine.

Not all human beings may be called to this task, but those who earnestly seek the spiritual life must take this mission upon themselves if they want to go far in their inner quest.

As our current human consciousness appears inadequate to guide the evo-lutionary process on our planet, or even to protect the planet today, it is imperative that at least a few of succeed in embodying this higher force in our lives. We must become mothers, as it were, of the soul fire within us; we must gestate it and deliver it forth into a higher birth.

In this process it is we ourselves who die and are reborn; much like the Phoenix bird that resurrects itself from the fire. This yogic fire alchemy can be found behind the many paths and branches of Yoga.

Kundalini to the Crown Chakra for selfrealization. A branch of yoga, Kundalini Yoga, is devoted to coaxing the Kundalini up the spine to achieve higher consciousness.

Kundalini has been associated with the Hindu symbolic equivalent of Christ consciousness. As Christ consciousness is open to all, so is kundalini energy.

Kundalini master Yogi Bhajan urged students to “use your mind to synchronize your own magnetic field with the cosmic magnetic field, which has a complete interconnection with all other humans, other existences, and realms of material existence.”

Kundalini energy lies dormant at the base of the spine until awakened, usually through conscious spiritual discipline. But for some people, the awakening is spontaneous, intense, and disruptive. It is imperative that one strengthen and develop the nervous system to be able to withstand the increased “wattage” of spiritual energy.

Jung referred to the psychological drive to individuate as “the Kundalini,” an ineffable quality within the human psyche that draws us beyond the limitations of our egoic will and onto our unique transformation path, when he wrote: You see, the Kundalini in psychological terms is that which makes you go on the greatest adventures. I say, ‘Oh, damn, why did I ever try such a thing? But if I turn back, then the whole adventure goes out of my life, and my life is nothing any longer; it has lost its flavor.’ It is this quest that makes life livable, and this is Kundalini; this is the divine urge.

To refuse the call to adventure is to return to the wasteland, a life devoid of meaning. To take the known path and resist the beckoning soul creates a senexed heart, one that is prematurely hardened, congealed, and old.

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