31 Jan 2025, Fri

The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds of the world and his return to his native realm of light. Man must finish the work which Nature has left incomplete,” said the Alchemists

The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds of the world and his return to his native realm of light. Man must finish the work which Nature has left incomplete,” said the Alchemists

Man, the main object of these vast dispositions, is composed of flesh, soul, and spirit. But reduced to ultimate principles, his origin is twofold: mundane and extra-mundane. Not only the body but also the “soul” is a product of the cosmic powers, which shaped the body in the image of the divine Primal (or Archetypal) Man and animated it with their own psychical forces: these are the appetites and passions of natural man, each of which stems from and corresponds to one of the cosmic spheres and all of which together make up the astral soul of man, his “psyche!’

Through his body and his soul man is a part of the world and subjected to the heimarmene. Enclosed in the soul is the spirit, or “pneuma” (called also the “spark”), a portion of the divine substance from beyond which has fallen into the world; and the Archons created man for the express purpose of keeping it captive there.

Thus, as in the macrocosm man is enclosed by the seven spheres, so in the human microcosm again the pneuma is enclosed by the seven soul-vestments originating from them. In its unredeemed state the pneuma thus immersed in soul and flesh is unconscious of itself, benumbed, asleep, or intoxicated by the poison of the world: in brief, it is “ignorant.” Its awakening and liberation is effected through “knowledge.”

“The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds of the world and his return to his native realm of light.”

The radical nature of the dualism determines that of the doctrine of salvation. As alien as the transcendent God is to “this world” is the pneumatic self in the midst of it. The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds of the world and his return to his native realm of light. The necessary condition for this is that he knows about the transinundane God and about himself, that is, about his divine origin as well as his present situation, and accordingly also about the nature of the world which determines this situation.

“What liberates is the knowledge of who we were, what we became; where we were, whereinto we have been thrown; whereto we speed, wherefrom we are redeemed; what birth is, and what rebirth.”

This knowledge, however, is withheld from him by his very situation, since “ignorance” is the essence of mundane existence, just as it was the principle of the world’s coming into existence. In particular, the transcendent God is unknown in the world and cannot be discovered from it; therefore revelation is needed.

The necessity for it is grounded in the nature of the cosmic situation; and its occurrence alters this situation in its decisive respect, that of “ignorance,” and is thus itself already a part of salvation. Its bearer is a messenger from the world of light who penetrates the barriers of the spheres, outwits the Archons, awakens the spirit from its earthly slumber, and imparts to it the saving knowledge “from without.”

The mission of this transcendent savior begins even before the creation of the world (since the fall of the divine element preceded the creation) and runs parallel to its history. The knowledge thus revealed, even though called simply “the knowledge of God,” comprises the whole content of the gnostic myth, with everything it has to teach about God, man, and world; that is, it contains the elements of a theoretical system.

On the practical side, however, it is more particularly “knowledge of the way,” namely, of the soul’s way out of the world, comprising the sacramental and magical preparations for its future ascent and the secret names and formulas that force the passage through each sphere. Equipped with this gnosis, the soul after death travels upwards, leaving behind at each sphere the psychical “vestment” contributed by it: thus the spirit stripped of all foreign accretions reaches the God beyond the world and becomes reunited with the divine substance.

On the scale of the total divine drama, this process is part of the restoration of the deity’s own wholeness, which in pre-cosmic times has become impaired by the loss of portions of the divine substance. It is through these alone that the deity became involved in the destiny of the world, and it is to retrieve them that its messenger intervenes in cosmic history. With the completion of this process of gathering in (according to some systems), the cosmos, deprived of its elements of light, will come to an end.

Man must finish the work which Nature has left incomplete,” said the Alchemists

The pearl of great price is the individuated consciousness of our divine self; but to realize our divine self we have to become our divine self with relentless conscious effort, which is what makes it so difficult to realize. “Man must finish the work which Nature has left incomplete,” said the Alchemists; which means that we have to live our life in such a way as to blend (the “sacred marriage” of Alchemy) the consciousness of our outer self with the consciousness of our inner self and create a consciousness of one harmonious self.

Many people are already engaged in this work as we work to heal the wounds in our lives and in our society. The alchemists found that the Philosopher’s Stone, the divine essence within each person, was born of the chaos of the prima materia. This prima materia had to be distilled, and burnt to ashes, and separated and worked, until it yielded up two essences, which were symbolic of the King and the Queen, Sol and Luna, the Masculine and the Feminine, Yang and Yin. It was only after the separation and discrimination of the elements that a new union was possible. This was achieved in the hieros gamos, or sacred marriage, which produced the Philosopher’s Stone, or in Jung’s terminology, the Self.

We understand the Macrocosm to be the entire warp and woof of creation, known and unknown, visible and invisible. We understand the microcosm to be man himself—the epitome of the creation confined within a framework of individuality. Each microcosmic world is a cell in the Macrocosm, a crystal fragment of the Greater Crystal, reflecting a portion of His glory.

The key to infinity is won through the mastery of the lesser self (the microcosm) by the power of the Greater Self (the Macrocosm). Through man’s correct use of the sacred gifts of Life, including free will, his consciousness in the microcosm can identify with the fullness of God’s consciousness in the Macrocosm. But first, it is essential that he learn how to make the contact, how to establish and maintain his relationship with the Superconscious Ego. The figure-eight pattern is used to illustrate the principle of exchange between the Macrocosmic world Above and the microcosmic world below.

At the nexus, the point where the lines in the figure eight cross, the virtues of the Greater Reality of oneself, of the Superconscious Ego, flow downward into the microcosm, and the aspirations of the lesser reality of oneself, of the ego, flow upward into the Macrocosm.

This exchange is accomplished through the consciousness of the Christ, the Super Ego, who, positioned in the center of the cross, is the agent of the alchemical transformation that takes place between the energies of God and man.

The path of liberation is rooted in the genuine attitude of renunciation, while the four mind-changings are the method that engenders this attitude. The path of the Great Vehicle is rooted in the precious mind of awakening, while the four immeasurables are the method that engenders this mindset.

The power of obstruction and discovery of new potential are related to the journey from known to unknown. The known is on obstruction which should be crossed over to reach realm of unknown. This energy is also regarded as illusion to be transient position Every illusion has underlying light of consciousness darkness of ignorance prevent from seeing basic reality.

“Be still and know that I am God”. This Divine force which enables you to tap the power of stillness also divest you from all confusing transitory identification. This stillness destroys negativity. It has a power to stop the functionary of the mind. Infact, destroys false mind construction and the stillness of speech thought and prana is one of the way of transcending known. It is the power of attraction to centre of stillness. It confers mystery all inner energies to go beyond influence is to become unidentified. This is a process of observation whether we are disturbed or at peace. Mind remains as an observer. We are no longer hypnotised by externals but there is an inner spell of hypnotic influence towards core of our being.

It is a power of metamorphosis of sorrow into hidden joy. Of death into the life of failure into success, and of speech into silence. Creation dissolve back into a created absolute. The third eye and heart Chakara are primary centres of this power. The radiance of knowledge, a bright clinching energy sweeps away negative speech patterns. Stillness is the meditation posture arrest the movement of prana and one gets ability to stop the energy at will and attention and will is focused at the self from the externals. Self-awareness remains steady. One becomes rooted and still in the heart.

Meditations activate your higher Chakras and expand your light quotient. A person’s vibration or frequency level is indicative of their inner light capacity. The lower your vibration or frequency the less light capacity you can hold in your system. The higher vibration levels allow you to expand your inner circuitry to receive the higher capacity electrons, which expand your inner light quotient.

This creates awareness of you as a Spiritual being and expands your limited beliefs, releasing your stuck pain, suppressed emotions and stress, empowering your thought process, overcoming fearful issues like worry, and anxiety. By expanding your heart this new energy fills you with greater flow of Love and compassion to gain more confidence, self control, focus and direction which opens up your Spiritual body: Aura, the Chakras, and higher energy channels. You then can develop clarity of vision for your Life path with greater creativity using the creative GOD force, giving you a more open and direct relationship to your higher GOD source.

Through our inner awakening we receive the answers and begin to teach, and help others directly opens up the processes that raises consciousness to higher levels which allows higher dimensional frequencies to assemble into their DNA.

This journey to self-awareness and the Soul awakening requires that your intentions are in line with what your life’s purpose is. You must expand you existing Spiritual beliefs with a deeper hunger to perseverance to know the Universal Truth. You must open your mind to receive teachings and healings from the heart without interference from the Ego-Mind.

As you become more aware you leant to let go of your negative ego your wealth, status, job title, these are all illusions. It’s NOT YOU. You open up and are able to bring more Love in your system. This sometimes creates humility which provides a higher perspective to life. This is understanding your Self as a being of energy existing with multiple subtle body layers, and that you create with your thought forms and feelings.

Positive thought forms create positive energies and negative thought forms create blockages in your system. Clearing all blockages from all your subtle bodies opens you up to the higher frequency energies. The higher frequency energies speed up your development. Expanding your pillar of Light.

Once you open up your sacred Spiritual heart you allow yourself to open up to the pure love GOD consciousness energy and develop your direct connection to the GOD source. As you expand your awareness you activate your higher DNA strands.

Develop your life to this 5th Dimensional Plane is the beginning process of creating Heaven on Earth. The ultimate goal of awakening your Soul is to open up to the higher dimension realities and to truly know your true self. This phenomenon of Self-transformation is a process that has been available to every living Soul on this planet through our advanced Spiritual masters, to aid us in expanding our consciousness.

As you begin to receive a deeper understanding of your Whole Self, the energies within and its relation to vibrations, frequency, and density and varies dimension you begin to align with your higher self, the part of you that is your Soul.

We Are Living in an Artificial System That Doesn’t Suit Our Consciousnesses.

You are currently living in a system on earth that does not suit your true nature – which is love. You are in a low vibrational situation in the fourth dimension, which has been hijacked by malevolent beings who control your people into thinking of themselves as far, far less than who you truly are.

A bird in a guilded cage is still a prisoner,and whether your lives on earth are to your liking or not, you are still living as far less than your birthright allows for. You are trapped.

What is an ego?

It’s the unawareness of the true nature as Spirit.

What Is Human Metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis is a biological process. bv which an animal physically develops into a new form or structure. after its birth through cell growth and differentiation. It is not widely known that human metamorphosis is possible, because it is only beginning to happen to some people today.

Human metamorphosis is a biological process that reorganizes the structure of the brain and nervous system, subsequently causing a new cell growth in the body to reflect the new organization of the brain. The process is triggered by certain DNA switches activating owing to increased vibration in the body. This increased vibration is synonymous with a high level of self-realization.

A new brain and nervous system is built in the existing body, breaking down the old structure and using this released energy as fuel to make the new body based on the new genetic instructions activated when the process triggered. After this completes the person is a new more advanced being than before.

Once the consciousness level is high enough in the form, it has enough energy to flip the latent DNA switches on to trigger the old form to morph into the new form. All instructions for this new form have always been present in our DNA; they are only not activated. It is known that the DNA of most species has the same genetic instructions, what differentiates species is which parts of the DNA are activated. All life on Earth is growing toward expression as a human being. When the trigger point is reached in a human being, the old brain reorganizes. This reorganization releases energy, which is used to metamorphosis into a new species, with a new brain organization in the same body.

Metamorphosis Happens When We Are Quiet

The process of metamorphosis accelerates when we do not use our energy to animate the personality. When we are not using our mind, we can use our energy to reorganize our mind. The mind cannot be changed if we are busy using it. When we are quiet and non-reactive, our higher-self is present and can reorganize our brain.

This transformation happens to a lesser degree in the night while we sleep. When we fall asleep, our higher-self goes to work to change the organization of the brain in the same way. It is not coincidental that dreams occur in various sleep states. Dreams are a symptom of brain reorganization. When we willing quiet our mind, transformation happens and our energetic vibration increases. Increased energetic vibration is evidence of brain reorganization and of self-realization.

It is like slowly creating a new organization in our brain and later when new cells are replaced in the body, the body and mind reflect this new and more efficient organization. It is almost like making a change to the epigenome.

  • Reality is the metamorohosis of God in humanity.
  • Earth is where the divine metamorphosis takes place.
  • The accomplishment of the divine metamorphosis implies the evolution of humanity.

Rising Awareness Is A Biological Process

Imagine a consciousness not limited by the conditions of sense perception. Such a consciousness can rise above the plane on which we move; it can see far beyond the bounds of the circle illumined by our ordinary consciousness; it can see that not only does the line along which we move exist, but also all the other lines perpendicular to it which we cross. Rising above the plane, this consciousness will be able to see the plane, make sure that it actually is a plane and not only a line; then it will be able to see the past and the future living side by side and existing simultaneously.

Our conscious awareness is privy only to a limited and partial scope of the overall information dynamics available and operative in different dimensions of psyche, soma as well as nonhuman and even “non-live” activities. Transducive metamorphosis occurs throughout our bodies and minds, catalyzing a constant interchange and communication with the earth and cosmos of which we are integral parts.

As we acquire knowledge of this mysterious intermediate realm, we are empowered in the ways of healing and bringing new life to an old world. “

The masters of alchemy consider the mineral Adam to be the reflection of the Universe and of Man in the mirror of nature. Having mastered knowledge of the conditions governing the transformation of the Metallic Microcosm, man is able to discover and to understand analogically the rules of his proper metamorphoses. Purifying and making more perfect the Subject of Wisdom, capturing and absorbing energy which comes from other worlds, com-pressed by this mysterious Magnet (Aimant), human being has the way of sowing the Light in the depth of his body and of his consciousness.

Again, the notion of purification brings together human beings and the various realms of their activity. And again the basic reality of the metallic (under)world points towards the original unity and the universal telos of gold. As a famous mythic alchemist puts it: “All metallic seed is the seed of gold: for gold is the intention of Nature with regard to all metals. If the base metals are not gold, it is only through some accidental hindrance: they are all potentially gold.

The possibility ol metamorphosis or transmutation, of crossing the boundaries of everyday reality, is what marks the alchemical or magical view the truly poetic — view of the world.

“You will find as your metamorphosis proceeds that your energy level will increase dramatically. New circuits or spiritual gifts are presently being installed  or developed around your chakras that will allow for the safe handling of higher voltages of energy. When a soul is being aligned with the Higher Self new telecommunications circuits are also installed/developed in the brain. The telecommunications circuits allow for increased sensitivity to telepathic messages.”

Once you have completed your metamorphosis you will be able to comprehend many of the spiritual texts that talk about transformation. The study of alchemy, for example, reveals the secrets of spiritual metamorphosis. The true alchemists, such as Paracelsus (1493-1541), discovered that it was possible to transform the body and soul through special spiritual practices. Carl Jung (1875-1961) wrote about the transformation of the self in his book entitled Psychology and Alchemy. He understood that true alchemy is the process whereby the human ego is transformed by the energies of the spirit. He perceived this transformation as a series of psychological transitions that allowed the individual to become cognizant of the true self.

As a symbol, a butterfly represents the state of conscience  of change, the powerful alchemy of metamorphosis. During the course of our evolution, we go through a great number of cycles comparable to those of a butterfly. Through the multiple situations and events life exposes us to, as much on the inside as on the outside, we can experience the stage of the fragile, vulnerable, clumsy, greedy caterpillar, still far, far from the ethereal beauty of the final product. Then, during our initiatic trials and ordeals, we find ourselves in the chrysalis stage, where great transformations take place on the subtle levels of our being. And finally, once our metamorphosis has been completed, we reveal ourselves in our true splendor, just like the butterfly.

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