30 Jan 2025, Thu

The descent of Consciousness from the energy center at the top of the sushumna, the sahasrara, to the energy center at the base, called the muladhara, marks the process of Consciousness going from the highest transcendent Unity Consciousness to the limitations of embodied consciousness that you and I normally experience as we live out our existence on earth. The result of the fall of man or fall of consciousness was; the world splits into two, or it creates two worlds out of one. This other world is the Matrix, and this is the “dreamworld”. This other world is the matrix and to keep humankind captivated in this matrix it is full of manipulations and illusions for the mind

The descent of Consciousness from the energy center at the top of the sushumna, the sahasrara, to the energy center at the base, called the muladhara, marks the process of Consciousness going from the highest transcendent Unity Consciousness to the limitations of embodied consciousness that you and I normally experience as we live out our existence on earth. The result of the fall of man or fall of consciousness was; the world splits into two, or it creates two worlds out of one. This other world is the Matrix, and this is the “dreamworld”. This other world is the matrix and to keep humankind captivated in this matrix it is full of manipulations and illusions for the mind.

The earthly kingdom controlled by the archons enslaved man in darkness and ignorance by the power of fate or destiny.

Computers have taken over the world and manipulated people’s brains so they believe they’re living normal lives. The computer-generated dream world keeps the human population content and incapable of fighting for their freedom.

Both subconscious and conscious ‘five-sense’ mind were subject to the manipulation of this now self-aware ‘entity’ that the Matrix had become. The reason why the Matrix projection needs the energy of fear to empower itself is because it is fear, self-aware fear. These fears keep us locked in the matrix, the morphogenetic grids of our awareness, of our active consciousness. It is also our collective consciousness that induces fears into others.

In the mass consciousness of slaves and drags down the bravest individuals to the level of cowardice of the most cowardly in … When a brave individual struggles to break free from this slave consciousness

… as the human family developed, its original unity with the cosmos began to be veiled in darkness. The process involved working through three states of consciousness, which led them from spiritual heights into the depths of the earth … It was from these depths that the individual has the possibility to find the original forces for the unfolding of freedom. Thus the human soul went through phases that could be described as ‘sleeping’, ‘dreaming’ and beginning to ‘awake’.’

You must first bring your thoughts down below, and then you can ascend on high. In your thoughts, you must descend and ascend many times. This is because you must come down before you can go up. When you descend, that is when you gain power. When you go up once again, you are then able to ascend to a still higher level.

Ascent without descent, evolution without involution is unthinkable

The whole play of Creation is a two-way journey: a descending journey or Involution and an ascending journey or Evolution.

Earthly man is not livin in the Universal Consciousness Indeed”, he does not have a conscious awareness of the Universal Consciousness.

The Universal Consciousness is the energy that bridges the linear world of man with the energy  of the Spirit Realm. The Universal Consciousness is the energy that is accessed through the use of the higher self, the intuitive mind. It is this Universal consciousness energy stream that connects the spirit of man in its physical manifestation with the Spirit of God. The thoughts of man and the activities of man are controlled by the consciousness level within the mind of man. As man has evolved, his change in consciousness has been clearly visible in the change of his life pattern. If you will go back in history and review the knowledge available regarding the primitive man, and compare that information with the man and Earth that you know today, you will be able to clearly understand the evolution that man is experiencing. For every man there is a different level of consciousness. This level of consciousness expands and grows with each life experience. Man can look at himself today and yesterday and see the dramatic changes that he has made within. These changes of consciousness are always manifested in the actions of man within the physical world.

To know the nature of mind we must understand the processes of involution and evolution. The Creative Mind, God, acting upon itself, initiates the process of involution, and the result of involution is not form but consciousness.

The soul seeking involution then knows which way to go, and is lost no longer in maya.

A ‘creative involution’ both breaks free from a linear model of evolution, as a tree, say, evolution progressing towards or culminating in an end, a telos, usually ‘man’ or humanity, and from a diminution or contraction, a degeneration, in favour of multiple reinventions and regenerations. Such an interplay or paradox between deterioration and regeneration concludes (if that is the word), or at least brings to a close the narrative process, with its copulative flow, the incessant commas of the dream sequence, the fringe of consciousness.

Aurobindo constantly refers to seven planes of existence.

But be believes that evolution cannot be understood unless we first grasp the process of involution.

The process of evolution or the ascending scale is preceded by involution that represents the descending scale.

Basically, Teilhard de Chardin is saying that consciousness at different levels is permeating the universe, and that when it reaches, in its involution, the human stage, it then becomes spirit and, in a way, creates its own universe.

Everything started with eating.

Our journey begins in the allegorical Garden of Eden — the ultimate expression of the ‘radiant energy of Creation’, familiar in world mythology.

According to Ramtha’s cosmology, there are seven planes of existence corresponding to seven levels of consciousness and energy. These seven levels were created through the process of involution or self-reflection of consciousness. The physical universe belongs to the first plane, Hertzian, the slowest energy frequency. The second plane corresponds to social consciousness and infrared frequency, the third plane to conscious awareness and visible light, the fourth plane to bridge consciousness and ultraviolet blue, the fifth plane to superconsciousness and x-ray, the sixth plane to hyperconsciousness and gamma ray, and the seventh plane to ultraconsciousness and Infinite Unknown frequency. For a full exposition of Ramtha’s seven levels of consciousness and energy and the process of involution and evolution

The Nothing and the Everything

The evolutionary direction is in the expansion of awareness and experience of transcendence. In this process, involution and going towards the centre of one’s own Being becomes an important intermediary stage. The experimental procedures and the stages of awareness become more subtle as one descends into the consciousness domain with an inward directed meditative technique.

The descent of Consciousness from the energy center at the top of the sushumna, the sahasrara, to the energy center at the base, called the muladhara, marks the process of Consciousness going from the highest transcendent Unity Consciousness to the limitations of embodied consciousness that you and I normally experience as we live out our existence on earth. The muladhara chakra represents the element of earth and is the final destination of Divine Consciousness, the Kundalini Shakti, through the process of descent and manifestation of the world. It is within this chakra that the Kundalini lies dormant after creating the world and embodied existence. It is here that She awaits the Great Awakening that will reverse this process, removing the limitations Consciousness has taken on, and allowing us to once again be aware of our transcendent, unbounded, divine nature; as the wave merges back into the sea. The process of involution is that of Consciousness descending from the formless transcendent Godhead, condensing to the earthly realm of human existence, “involving” itself in all of creation in the process. Evolution reverses this, with Consciousness ascending back up through the chakras, becoming ever freer of limitations, restrictions, and the illu-sion of being bound and separate from it’s source—God/dess.

true reality resides only in the synthesis

during Involution, as we have seen, the Spirit or the being of Sacciddnanda descends from its original state of … Mind, Life and Matter; and during Evolution, it ascends back from the state of Inconscience to its original state of Superconscience through Matter, Life, Mind and Supermind.

Involution is caused by a centrifugal movement, and evolution is that of a centripetal movement of Divine Consciousness. Involution is coming out of the Divine Nature to outer nature, and evolution is the journey back to Godhead and the …

We have seen that mind is a fall from Supermind, that Super-mind descends down to mind, and then mind seeks to ascend back to its supramental status. The process of Involution goes down from Mind to Psyche, Life, Matter and theoretically even to Nescience. The process of evolution is a reverse process from Nescience to Supermind.

A Supramental change takes place when the involved Supermind in Nature emerges to meet and join the Supramental light and power

Involution is the process by which the universal Consciousness-Force” puts limitations upon itself, and veils itself and this is the veil of ignorance and even “maya”.

No real and radical change is possible for man without a direct descent of the Divine Consciousness— the Divine Light.

Involution and evolution descending and ascending

The physical universe belongs to the first plane, Hertzian, the slowest energy frequency.

If there is originality in neoevolutionism, it is attributable in part to phenomena of this kind in which evolution does not go from something less differentiated to something more differentiated […] Accordingly, the term we would prefer for this form of evolution between heterogeneous terms is `involution’ on the condition that involution is in no way confused with regression. Becoming is involutionary, involution is creative.

Samadhi are a process of going inward – not evolution, but involution.

Involution in a conscious or wakeful state is called samadhi.

The different stages of Samadhi represent this progressive release of consciousness from the limitations

Beta brain waves has its attention in outer world and theta brain waves has its attention in the inner world.

The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him

Yoga and meditation reverse this process and it is then called involution. The movement is inwards- and upwards, and it leads to freedom.

The process of involution occurs through the practice of Yoga

In this process, involution and going towards the centre of one’s own Being – the real Self

We have been referring to involution and evolution as the downward and upward streams of life but of course as we know, the movement is really not upward and downward, but outward and inward, from the centre to the periphery and back from the periphery to the centre.

It is the bridge between the unified field and the polarity of involution/evolution.


Before evolution there must of necessity be involution. Before man can unfold to his own consciousness he must have an existence. This existence is in God’s consciousness, and His purpose is to draw us up through successive stages of unfoldment into the consciousness of ourselves that He has of us. His demand for us is that we know as we are known. Involution is God’s work for man; all that man is, his body, his work, his supply of every good is in this Idea of him as God knows him.

Man has already received all that he is capable of ever desiring; so the great Teacher knew whereof he spake when he told us to believe that we had received and we should have it. All good has been placed to our credit in the Universal Bank, the consciousness of God. Evolution is man’s work for God, for man works out spiritual creation as he becomes conscious of it.

In short, the Cosmic Energy divides itself into two actions in order to enjoy the Divine Play. One force tries to move in evolution out from the centre and the other force in involution tries to draw all back to the centre.

THE highest conceptions of the Occult Doctrine imply that the fundamental urge of the individual Soul to find the Truth which is hidden within it, is an urge to find itself. Or, in other words, the seeker and the Sought are really one. This paradoxical truth suggests that evolution is a cyclic process without a beginning or end.

We may not be able to imagine or understand that cycle in its completeness but we can appreciate intellectually the logical necessity of this conclusion. We can see the downward and upward streams of involution and evolution like the movements of the escalators which are used in underground tube stations in some cities. We see the upward movement on one side and the downward movement on the other side.

But how the process is reversed at both ends is not clear to us, because the reversing mechanism is hidden from our view. In the same way we do not know where and how the two descending and ascending streams of life join. This is really an ultimate question which like many such questions is rooted in the origin of things and is thus beyond the realm of the intellect.

The reverse process of Self-realization which means the progressive removal of the limitations and illusions releases the consciousness and makes it spring back, step by step, into conditions of greater freedom, power, knowledge and bliss until the part expands into or is again united with the Whole.

In involution the Reality functioning through a Divine centre becomes progressively involved in manifestation and the free and unlimited consciousness becomes more and more constricted and limited. In evolution of the human soul the consciousness imprisoned within the personality is progressively released from these limitations and expands, step by step, into that original unfettered state from which it had descended.

It thus completes a full circle, although We are not able to see the upper part of this circle which is hidden in the darkness of the Unmanifest. Is there any limit to the expansion of consciousness and the number of vehicles through which it finds expression in the cosmos? Looking at the problem from the physical point of view we find on the basis of facts gathered by modern astronomers that the cosmos is not only unlimited but that the existence of innumerable nebulae in space shows that countless solar systems are in the process of being formed all the time.

So there will be no death of vehicles when the Monads who are evolving as human beings at present, will in the far distant future become Solar Logoi and need solar systems for their expression. As regards the expansion of consciousness, again, there seems to be no limit to such expansion. We come down from the Unmanifest, and after passing through all the stages of evolution and unfoldment again disappear into the Unmanifest, thus apparently completing a full cycle.

We can with great difficulty visualize this expansion through the human and super-human levels up to the stage of a Solar Logos, but what happens after that is utterly beyond our intellectual grasp. But though these higher stages are beyond our comprehension we can through the help of similes and scientific illustrations try to gain a glimpse into the general nature of this cycle of involution and evolution. We can see only a few arcs of this gigantic circle here and there.

How consciousness starts its downward journey going through the long cycle of involution and evolution again returns to It, can best understood by considering the formation of rivers and their relation to the ocean. The ocean is the great reservoir of water on this globe. The heat of the sun partially converts this water into vapour, which forms clouds and then falls as drops of rain or snow. These give rise to rivers which after flowing over the land for some distance again fall into the ocean. The whole cycle is repeated over and over again continuously and keeps the rivers flowing on the surface of land. The ocean, however, remains the same, unaffected by these changes.

Now, we can consider land as the manifested universe and ocean as the Unmanifest Reality. The Father provides the water or consciousness. The Mother provides the land or the field for manifestation on which the water falls and forms separate rivers. The rivers flow through different areas of land and after their long journey reach and merge in the ocean. Their water is the same as that of the ocean. They are separate as long as they are on land. They are one when they join the ocean.

We have been referring to involution and evolution as the downward and upward streams of life but of course as we know, the movement is really not upward and downward, but outward and inward, from the centre to the periphery and back from the periphery to the centre.

Consciousness emerges from the Centre of Reality into the realm of manifestation, penetrates deeper and deeper into materiality, and when it has reached the limit of materiality it begins to withdraw again to the Centre carrying with it the fruits of evolution and the knowledge and powers which have been developed or unfolded in the long journey.

Narrowing down our view and considering the expression and unfoldment of consciousness in the human stage we find that the expression is extremely limited in the beginning owing to the undeveloped condition of the material and mental mechanisms.

As these mechanisms evolve, the mental manifestations become fuller and subtler and approach more and more the nature of pure consciousness. Ultimately, the mental manifestations are gradually transformed into manifestations of consciousness and function in the realm of Reality from which they are derived.

Involution and evolution will be seen to be two opposite forces working in the realm of manifestation. The first is centrifugal in character, i.e. from the centre to the periphery. The second is centripetal, from the periphery to the centre.

Here again we have an example of separation of the One Reality into two opposite forces which tend to balance each other and to maintain the harmony and balance of the whole.

A deeper view of the two processes will show that involution is accompanied by an increasing differentiation, and evolution by an increasing integration.

When consciousness moves from the Centre to the periphery it undergoes increasing fragmentation.

The sense of separateness becomes more and more marked and reaches its maximum at the level of the physical. In the reverse movement from the periphery to the Centre the process of integration begins, the sense of separateness decreases progressively and disappears on reaching the Centre.

Only under our Involutional development, does an individual become equipped with creative vision and invincible with will power to use Nature (the world of “Not-Self”) for the development and perfection of the inner man

Metaphysical brocade or not, it does not matter, the fact of the unintelligibility for human thought of the thew)? (not the facts!) of evolution advanced by science nevertheless remains a fact. It is and always will be unintelligible in so far as it takes consideration of only half of the whole circle of evolution, and refuses to accept the other half of the circle, that of involution, or the Fall, which would make it intelligible.

The doctrine of the circle of involution and evolution is generally a platitude in occult literature, but it is not so when it is a matter of involution understood as the Fall and evolution understood as salvation.

There is a world of difference between the orientalistic doctrine concerning the semi-automatic “process” of involution and evolution, and the Hermetic, Biblical and Christian doctrine concerning the Fall and salvation.

The former sees in the circle of involution-evolution only a purely natural process, similar to the process of respiration in a living organism—animal or human.

The Hermetic, Biblical and Christian tradition, in contrast, sees here a cosmic tragedy and drama full of the supreme dangers and risks that the traditional terms “perdition” and “salvation” imply. Fall, perdition, redemption, salvation are words which, truth to tell, are devoid of meaning, both for a spiritually-orientated evolutionist and for an evolutionist who is scientifically orientated. The former sees in cosmic evolution the eternal circular movement of exteriorisation and interiorisation—the exhalation and inhalation of divine cosmic respiration.

What Fall, then? What risk, what perdition!? What redemption, and of what!? What salvation!?

The Principle of Polarity, everything in the Universe has a pole with two extremes of low and high energy at either end, and degrees of energy in-between.

Involution and alchemy

The Involuntionary stage of creation is sometimes called the “outpouring of Divine energy.” The extreme pole of the Creative process is the furthest from The All. The other extreme called the Evolutionary Stage (also known as “Indrawing”) is the idea of coming home. This Involutionary stage of Creation is sometimes called the “Outpouring” of Divine Energy, just as the Evolutionary state is called the “Indrawing” of Divine energy.

The lnvolutionary stage is the extreme pole of the Creative process. It’s considered to the furthest removed from The All, while the beginning of the Evolutionary stage is the closest. Everything in the Universe swings pendulum-like along the poles described in the Principle of Polarity.

During The All’s outpouring of Divine energy, the vibrations become subsequently lower until finally the momentum ceases. This is the beginning of the return pendulum swing to the Evolutionary end of the creative pole.

During the Outpouring stage, The All’s creative forces manifest as a compact whole. Then during the Evolutionary or Indrawing stage, the creations become individualized. As the pendulum swings upward toward the highest vibrations of The All upon the pole of creation, the individuals return to their Source.

The ancient Hermetists used the word “meditation” to describe the process of the mental creation of the Universe in the Mind of The All. They also used the phrase “Divine Attention” to describe The All’s creative process, as the word “attention” comes from a Latin word meaning “reaching out or extending.”

So, Divine Attention means an extension of The All’s mental energy. The Hermetists use the term “evolution” to refer to the ascension or spiritual growth process.

Evolution occurred first when The All meditated upon the beginning of the Creation and established the material foundations of the Universe by thinking it into existence. After this, The All gradually awakened from its meditation. Like a sleeping man slowly moving from a reclining to a standing position, the Universe responded to The All’s awakening by moving to higher energy vibrations.

Eventually, the spirit of each soul is infinitely expanded, and the Creator and the Created are merged.

Creativity; When a human being moves in an integrated and aligned way, they do not just use the creative process, they become that process. Meditation is the process of merging into “Oneness”, its through meditation one building bridges between minds, dimensions and worlds, and connects unused brain parts and through this activates dormant dna strands.

No one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above. The physical eyes and senses cannot see the beyond the physical reality, it through the “third eye” of intuition one is able to see the spiritual realms and higher levels of consciousness. Then the ego represents the state of duality, it can´t enter higher dimensions of “Oneness”. When the ego and duality is dissolved at the sixth chakra, the eye of intuition is open and one is then connected to Divine levels of Consciousness. And this is the invisible work of meditation. Its when one mastering the brain waves one is able to lowering, stilling, quitening and emptying the brain “beta” waves to the “alpha bridge” that connects one to the theta and delta state, and finally the liberation from gross state of matter.

Creation and Evolution takes eons of earthly time, with each eon consisting of millions of years. Yet the Universe’s entire cycle of Involution and Evolution happened in the blink of an eye from The All’s perspective.

The ancient Hermetists use the word “Meditation,” in describing the process of the mental creation of the Universe in the Mind of THE ALL, the word “Contemplation” also being frequently employed. But the idea intended seems to be that of the employment of the Divine Attention. “Attention” is a word derived from the Latin root, meaning “to reach out; to stretch out,” and so the act of Attention is really a mental “reaching out; extension” of mental energy, so that the underlying idea is readily understood when we examine into the real meaning of “Attention.”

Meditation is the art of synthesis and through this process its expanding and reaching to subtler and finer energies of existence. Its through meditation one is able to transform the gross energies to higher, subtler and finer energies. Meditation is the catalysts in this process. Meditation is the inner invisible spiritual work.

Meditation is a most efficient way of training the intuition. Training the intuition allows you access to that knowledge and the runes can act as catalysts in this process.

Intuition is God in man, revealing to him the Realities of Being. Just as instinct guides the animal, so would intuition guide man, if he would allow it to operate through him. The ability to know without any process of reasoning. God knows only intuitively.

Meditation is the “CATALYSTS” that facilat an alchemical reaction and in alchemical reaction, “catalyst” is used to speed up the results of the reaction of the chemicals involved. The reaction desired here is Theta transformation and uplifting of our consciousness and bodies!

These “chemicals” are beneficial ingredients in the transformation of our consciousness, in a manner of speaking, and the “catalyst” that speed this transformation are in the paragraph above. So there is an alchemical process occurring in this process of “spiritual chemical elevation”!

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