21 Dec 2024, Sat

Man IS being INTENTIONALLY kept ignorant! . There are dimensions that transcend our time and space continuum. Our consciousness can move into other areas of awareness, outside of the physical body, throughout the universe. Most people are not aware of this as they are stuck in the everyday focus of what they can see from the vantage point of their five senses. And make no mistake, the global elite that currently runs our world has a vested interest in keeping humans enslaved through fear. Shadow Fire — Maintaining the Illusion The allegory of Plato’s Cave is now a famous one, and to which the above subtitle makes reference; it is also a highly telling metaphor of our situation in which an illusionary sense of reality is maintained.

Man IS being INTENTIONALLY kept ignorant! . There are dimensions that transcend our time and space continuum. Our consciousness can move into other areas of awareness, outside of the physical body, throughout the universe. Most people are not aware of this as they are stuck in the everyday focus of what they can see from the vantage point of their five senses. And make no mistake, the global elite that currently runs our world has a vested interest in keeping humans enslaved through fear. Shadow Fire — Maintaining the Illusion The allegory of Plato’s Cave is now a famous one, and to which the above subtitle makes reference; it is also a highly telling metaphor of our situation in which an illusionary sense of reality is maintained.

Many great men and women have left us a heritage, but much of our heritage was robbed by slave owners. Two hundred years ago our heritage was robbed by a group of elitist individuals who intentionally kept us ignorant concerning the devastating effects of mental-slavery. Today, our heritage is being robbed by elitist individuals who have intentionally kept us ignorant. They are robbing us to profit from the deaths of our sons and daughters.

Fear is the biggest reason behind why people succumb to illness of any sort. Our culture has bred a fear of death into all of us. We have been led to believe that we are a race of beings who are at the mercy of chance, living in a finite world ruled by time. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are dimensions that transcend our time and space continuum. Our consciousness can move into other areas of awareness, outside of the physical body, throughout the universe. Most people are not aware of this as they are stuck in the everyday focus of what they can see from the vantage point of their five senses. And make no mistake, the global elite that currently runs our world has a vested interest in keeping humans enslaved through fear.

While most people are not consciously aware of other dimensions, they actually visit them regularly each night in the dream state. Most people have given up questioning and contemplating the world and how they would like to see it evolve, accepting that things are just the way they are and will never change. Most have given up. They are slaves to desire, comfort, and give their power over to others who they feel better know how to run the world. Governments, institutions, corporations, and militaries have pretty much enslaved the entire planet. All are run by a few people at the top—the global elite—who have been keeping humans distracted from the awareness of their amazing abilities for many millennia.

The Roman elite offered bread and circuses to pacify and control the fickle Roman mob, and nothing has changed. Bread has been replaced by junk food and the circus has extended to all forms of entertainment that are available 24/7. Most people have boring jobs to pay the bills, and then spend the rest of their time eating junk and watching junk. That’s what now constitutes an average life, sunk in fantasy and denial.

Capitalism is about profit. Profit does not constitute a vision of the world. It’s a spiritually dead ideology. Profit is ahistorical; it’s zoological; it’s Darwinist. It’s for animals! Capitalism dehumanizes people and objectifies them. It panders to the lowest common denominator and promotes a constant race to the bottom. It’s incapable of generating any High Culture. When has capitalism ever created anything like the Sistine Chapel? All that capitalism can do is create ersatz culture, simulacra, fakes. Las Vegas sums up capitalism. It’s the fakest city on Earth. All it does is copy art and culture from elsewhere in order to make a profit from it. It never creates its own art and culture. It doesn’t know how to. It wouldn’t know where to begin. It’s no surprise that capitalism doesn’t feature in the Star Trek vision of the future. How could it? Capitalism is the dead past.

The rise of global capital, global communications and the internet that links everyone in the world has allowed, for the first time, the possibility of a single world culture. At the moment, it’s going disastrously wrong. World cities — each a melting point of “last men” from every corner of the globe — are the first face of the global paradigm and “culture”, and it’s a hideous face that offers no prospects of a HyperHuman future.

Pseudomorphosis concerns partially formed — malformed — Cultures. They have been unable to escape an older, embedded Culture, so their roots have grown together and the new Culture has never taken on its own unique character and strength. It has never become its true self displaying its authentic, rightful form. That’s why it’s so crucial to destroy the brainwashing systems of Abrahamism and capitalism. While these exist, new healthy new cultures cannot grow. They will always be contaminated and deformed.

The history of mankind that you read in our school books, is to a large extent, inaccurate and more importantly, they do not divulge WHO has been controlling, influencing us (in a bad way) and keeping us DOWN in more ways than one. It is all about power, control, money, slavery, ignorance and freedom. It is basically and intrinsically a war between Good (majority) and Evil (very small minority).

The upcoming years and decades will provide much opportunity for transitioning from the older ‘gross’ to the new ‘finer’ energies in both physical and psychic domains. However, as this occurs we may also see, as is evident even today, ever-increasing totalitarian/draconian control measures being put into place by the governing elite to maintain its grip on the old world. These final desperate acts of ‘old energy’ control in order to preserve the illusion, and to keep the majority of humankind in the shadows

We should be careful, therefore, to note that the illusion of liberty can be used as a powerful form of control and domination. For example, the democratic ‘right’ to free and fair elections is provided as an illusion of our liberty; yet the ‘free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves’? This is all part of maintaining the illusion; of keeping society under control as cracks rise and the facade begins to break down.

Shadow Fire — Maintaining the Illusion The allegory of Plato’s Cave is now a famous one, and to which the above subtitle makes reference; it is also a highly telling metaphor of our situation in which an illusionary sense of reality is maintained. In this allegory Plato describes a group of people who have lived all their lives chained, facing the wall of a cave. All they can see is the blank wall that lies in front of them. Upon this wall, day after day, the chained people watch shadows move across —these are the images projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them. The chained people cannot turn around and see the ‘real’ objects that pass behind them. Thus, they view these shadows as their reality and ascribe forms, reason and life to them. This is the illusion — the shadows from the fire — that is maintained as the `reality’ we should ascribe meaning to. And the illusion of distraction will gain momentum as the cracks in the material system begin to manifest in more obvious ways. People will be increasingly persuaded that everything that is happening — the collapse of financial markets and currencies; increasing political and corporate corruption; interventionist wars; terrorist fears; mounting surveillance; and the loss of civil liberties — is part of the essential and ‘natural’ growth of social infrastructure in the modern world. Information will be carefully manipulated to present inconvenient truths as convenient lies. The control over the flow and content of information will become essential to the maintenance of power within technologically dependent societies. Any culture that is moving towards increasing digitization will need to put in place ever-restrictive measures for the effective management of people’s social lives, privileges and identities. To a large degree the manufacture of social control is about the management of information. To this extent there will be an increased dependency upon ‘data-basing’ the individual, with most lifestyle choices (travel, purchases, insurance, health, etc.) being digitally collected and stored. This scenario relies upon various technologies of integrated digital databases; data mining software; biometric security; CCTV cameras; and radio frequency identity (RFID) implants to track objects and people. Already a general array of surveillance mechanisms is in place including the satellite tracking of individual cars, video auto-identification of physical features, monitoring of all electronic communications (including switched-off mobile phones) and data-referencing all credit card transactions. As Bob Dylan sang almost half a century ago, the times they are a-changing. This scenario is a far cry from the early 20th century when most people living in democratic Western countries had an ease of freedom not imaginable today, such as the ability to leave the country, to travel and return without a passport. Yet Western ‘democracies’ are seemingly moving closer to the strategies of old East Germany’s secret police, the Stasi, who operated a phenomenal system of secret spies. It is estimated that this once included one-sixth of the total population of East Germany.

need to put in place ever-restrictive measures for the effective management of people’s social lives, privileges and Identities. To a large degree the manufacture of social control is about the management of information. To this extent there will be an increased dependency upon ‘data-basing’ the individual, with most lifestyle choices (travel. purchases. insurance, health. etc.) being digitally collected and stored. This scenario relies upon various technologies of integrated digital databases: data mining software: biomealc security: CCTV cameras: and radio frequency identity (REID) implants to track objects and people. Already a general array of surveillance mechanisms is in place including the satellite tracking of individual cars, video auto-identification of physical features, monitoring of all electronic communications (including switched-off mobile phones) and data-referencing all credit card transactions. As Bob Dylan sang almost half a century ago, the times they are a-changing. This scenario is a far cry from the early 20th century when most people living in democratic Western countries had an ease of freedom not imaginable today, such as the ability to leave the country. to travel and return without a passport. Yet Western ‘democracies’ are seemingly moving close to the strategies of old East Germany’s secret police, the Stasi. who operated a phenomenal system of secret spies. It is estimated that this once Included one-sixth of the total population of East Germany. Yet let us not be deceived into thinking that only a very recent ‘terrorist-prone’ world is responsible for the high degree of public surveillance. The history of eavesdropping and spying on citizens is as old as civilization itself. With modem technology this practice has only become so much more sophisticated. For example, how many of us would be familiar with the global intelligence signals network now commonly [clewed to as Echelon? This intelligence. sharing (or eavesdropping) network was originally established in 1946 and known as UKUSA. It later incorporated other Western allied powers and has divided the world into specific listening regions: Britain’s GCHQ covers Europe (including Russia west of the Ural Mountains) and Africa. Australia’s Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) covets South East Asia. the eastern Indian Ocean and the southwest Pacific zones. New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau covers the southern Pacific: the US’s National Security Agency (NSA) covers both North and South America: and Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE) acts as back-up coverage for northern Europe (including northern Russia) and North America. This network Is supported by a whole array of hundreds of sophisticated spy satellites (Intelsat) in various low-Earth and higher orbits, including the Mercury, Mentor

and Trumpet satellite series.’ These satellites capture every phone conversation and electronic communication that is sent around the world. The communications are then filtered through a vast may of sorting mechanisms, both machine and human, in order to compile a huge information database. The earthly technologies include the US intelligence base at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire that is a principal US information hub and download link station. Menwith Hill uses supercomputers (including Lockheed Corporation’s SILKWORTH), which processes advanced speech profiling software such as VOICECAST. and uses complex algorithm programs such as MAGISTRA ND and PATHFINDER to son through and arrange the hoards of information gathered. This sensitive information is then shared with the National Security Agency (NSA) in the US. When. In 1975, the late Idaho senator Frank Church Investigated the NSA he remarked that if the US ever became a dictatorship the NSA:

Long ago, Gnostic sects conceived a plan to make themselves into an undercover organization. They made sure this mystery organization would not be subject to the ups and downs and uncertainties of political and social change that would occur throughout the ages. It is separate from all governments, but it indirectly controls them all. These wicked men have allowed an alternative history to be written that keeps mankind from the Creator. By secretly controlling history, they have manipulated how people view the past. This deceptive misinformation will be what they will use to massively influence how mankind accepts the future. It is a cleverly devised trap!

We want, most of us anyway, to be happy, free and able to do what we want (to within reason and not to the harm and detriment of others and planet); have what we want and be what we want. They, on the other hand, are against us on this and THEY want us to be HOW they us, which is: ignorant, stupid, unable to think, reason, deduce, be logical and solve problems for ourselves; not free both as humans AND as Spiritual Beings; trapped and unfree mentally (with an unconscious and growing Unconscious Mind – which they use and take advantage of to get is to react the way they want and therefore be controlled); trapped and unfree FINANCIALLY, i.e. higher taxes, bills, rates, loan repayment amounts and all the rest of the rubbish our wonderful Governments, The Vested Interests, Royal and Ruling Families, Banks, Oil/Gas/Energy Companies; Drugs Companies and all the rest of the big Multi-nationals, who force us to live how they want, earn what they want, pay what they want, die how they want and all the rest of the crap. And we allow and pay them to do it!!! That’s a nice state-of-affairs, isn’t it, hmm?

The Bible says that the GOD of this world is the current PRINCE and that means that the sharing of separated vain imaginations or thoughts of time, which are illusions with one another, will continue to give you a chaotic world and an unreal picture as long as you remain alienated from TRUTH. This world will never be real but it will pass away when you renew your own mind. Your so called body will never be real but it will pass away when you renew your own mind. Your true LIGHT BODY is CHRIST and it is unknown to you in an alien mind. If you think that your body of projection is real then the thoughts that made it are unreal because you are SPIRIT like Father said and He holds the THOUGHTS about you in His Mind and they cannot be lost. The human body will always go to the grave as long as you think that you are the body and so what made this body will be put off for you to realise the inner LIGHT that must pierce the darkness of your body veil of death. The thoughts that you contain about yourself as this alien image of flesh and blood genetic identity of separation will never be true because it has no TRUE CAUSE. To try to preserve the body in a false world is foolishness but in this illusion you must overcome the thought that made the falsity.

It is with this thought that I would encourage you not to abuse the body for it is your teaching and learning device, which will train your own mind about yourself and your TRUE thoughts will

The world appears unchanged until you change your mind. 209


SEE the bride in virgin pride Comes to be wed at the Christmas tide Bright and gay as dawn of day, When dewdrops shine on the flowers of May. Love sincere has brought her here, Love for the man who loves her so dear, Good and pure, strong and sure, A love that eternally will endure. Happy thou, of manly brow, Who earnest to claim thy darling now ! We rejoice in her good choice, And give to our joy a choral voice. Raise the strain, the grand refrain ! The soul-united are no more twain ; Happy they ! made one for aye, Joy to their dwelling our hearth will pray.


” Why not say with Martensen and Dorner that the final cause of crea-tion is love? The business of the theologian, as of the scientist, is not merely to give us carefully assorted facts, but conduct us to the sunlit peaks of vision.”—Critique in Dundee Advertiser.

iHE flesh and blood—the earth and sea—With skill sublimest built upon The skeleton of rocky bone That gives the frame solidity.

Yet heated strongly these will pass Into a molten liquid dense; Then make the heat still more intense And all becomes an airy gas:

A gas whose presence skill can know, Yet Sense can neither see nor touch; And wonder asks how far can such Attenuating process go t

Can Matter into Spirit merge? Or does the mystic Spirit-land Its varied continents expand Outside of Matter’s utmost verge t

Are living Thought and loving Will Mere states of Matter’s cerebrum, Mere exhalations rising from Organization’s crucible I

How foolish such a vain conceit ! These vivify the natural brain, Yet live upon a higher plane At once interior and discrete.

But sweep the veil of Time aside And see, in scientific glass, The earth-becoming sun-born gas Grow denser till solidified.

Then place before the Spirit’s eye A spiritual telescope, And see the source of Life and Hope—The-Sun of Love in heavenly sky ; And mark the spheres of life that flow From centre to circumference ; Their life Divine withdrawn, and hence The farther they the denser grow, Until the first precipitate The spiritual world appears, While denser sun-concentred spheres Give Matter as life’s ultimate.

And State, not leagues of space outspread, Divides these twain, for spirit fills The frame it animates, and thrills,—The frame that otherwise were dead.

And Thought in every class of minds Springs from the Love that warms the hearts, For life is not as barren quartz, At which the slave impatient grinds ; But gold within the matrix-rock, Though oft the rock is crushed before The eye can see the precious ore Revealed by many a piercing shock ;

While in the Orient above There glows the Sun of Righteousness, Whose beams of light and heat express The radiant truth that Life Is Love.

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