29 Jan 2025, Wed

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives.

As long as we allow the archon-controlled governments and religions to suppress our vibration using fear tactics, we will have great difficulty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure fire way to shut down our vortex of creation and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibration is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands of the new world order desired by the archons. Of course the answer to fear is to raise our vibration by not being afraid of anything, what good will that do anyway? Once we align with our vortex of creation and see our power as infinite consciousness, all fear (and the archons promoting it) will dissipate and the world will change. Fear is an unpleasant feeling or anxiety, derived from our belief that someone or something can hurt us, is dangerous , or threatens us. This creates control.

Earthly Man, but not Spiritual Man, is like a shadow, created by the Archons But the living Soul of Man is the Spirit of the Absolute that breaths through physical Man, via Spiritual Man, animating him. Material Man and Spiritual Man are not from the same source. But Spiritual Man will suffer through physical Man, be tempted to evil, suffer and learn, and eventually rise up to recognise the true Aeons or Archangels and the Totality, finally leaving the material plane in strength and wisdom. Spiritual Man will then be beyond the power of the Archons.

Unfortunately, many of our institutions and cultural set, and ways of doing things, have become ossified and show no imperative in adjusting to the new energies. Governments, large corporations, charities, and a host of lesser bodies, governmental, NGO or private, are stuck in the old energies. Whilst apparently progressive and politically correct, they are being manipulated by Yahweh and the archons to hold back Humanity’s progress. If you are on a government council, management committee or board of directors, look to see who is projecting the contents of their shadow onto the group, putting the group into an unnecessary straightjacket, holding the group back.

So we are doomed to fail as a Race? That is up to you. Live always according to the guidance of your inner self, even if such challenges the conventions of Society.

Anxiety. This will be targeted to your specific fear. Knowing where your fears reside helps you to recognize this type of repeated attack: Money/poverty, abandonment, death, disease, being alone and unsupported, considered crazy, unlovable, locked-up, falsely accused, freedom taken away in any form. Recognize your deepest unresolved issues and know that these are getting directly targeted by Archon energy. Learn to recognize the fear when it arises and understand it to be a targeted attack. To counter the attack, reach upward. Remember your connection to God and All that Is. Develop a mantra and meditation method that instantly lifts your vibration. Use it. (If you can raise your vibration during an attack, you win, they lose.)

We need to unite and free humanity once and for all from this archon (“evil ruler”) infection. At the same time, we are also raising our consciousness and vibration which will boost us into another realm of being. We are kept separate through lower consciousness, vibration, and mind control. Although we are all connected, it isn’t a connection like a hive mind, that’s what the archons have and that’s what they are trying to convert us to, and our fear energy is a “loosh” food source for them.

Our defense is knowing we are unique aspects of a Creator, tied together with fibers of light, flowing together in the sea of creation. Just like a group of fish in the ocean or a flock of birds in the sky, when the few start heading one way, the rest of the group follows, and they continue to flow together as a group.

Always be aware that the controllers know that mind control is enhanced when the mind is traumatized by events. Memories are stored and retrieved from the brain more easily when they are accompanied by adrenaline secretions prompted by fear, anger, pain or extreme sorrow. Catharsis is the term for the traumatic transfer of a memory, that is, “memeory: collectively, from the unconscious to the conscious.

The adrenaline secretion is also a harvested commodity called adrenochrome, a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. THE THIRD FORCE T he history we’ve been taught is an accumulation of lessons, laced with lies by omis-sion. What is omitted is what is really going on underground—that is, advanced technology beyond our wildest dreams and the ongoing operations of a Fourth Reich or “Third Force” intelligence operation that has existed since the end of World War II.

The same is true in our lives. There are many people in this world who are what could be called conscious creators. These people know there is more to this life than meets the eye. ‘I hey refuse to go along with the program and are singled out as potential roadblocks for the archon agenda. The method used for dealing with these ‘mavericks” is through the hive mind. They usually are attacked and discouraged by those around them who are largely unconscious and have become archon tools.

There are many levels to this control but they all work towards the same end – preventing us from alignment with the universe. This is why archons prefer hierarchical structures. because they make it easier for the few to control the many. Of course the talking points come from the highest levels of the religious, government and media hierarchy which are then filtered down into the masses. At that point we pretty much take over and control one another. This is the hive mind in action. If a conscious creator reaches a high enough level on the world stage and poses a serious threat to the agenda, they are usually dealt with in more permanent ways.

Fear is also a huge factor in the suppression of our vibrational state. Governments use fear as a tactic to keep people in line. Fear produces low vibrational frequencies and this mankind from raising their vibrational frequencies.

The old age that is passing away is not just a period of time. It is a personality. At the foundation of this age lies a malevolent mind. In its essence, the age is personal and evil (Gal. 1:4). It is the diabolical mind of Satan, and it blankets humanity like a fog. It is a philosophical stupor that is continually projected into the thinking of men. It is a mental anesthetic by which humanity blithely conforms to the will of Satan. It creates within all people the fear of death. In the matter of Job, Satan revealed the essence of his mental venom: “Skin for skin! Yes, all that a man has he will give for his life” (Job 2:4 NASU). In Hebrews 2:14-15 we are told that the devil holds men in slavery all their lives by the fear of death. This is therefore the fundamental means by which Satan has become the God of this world. Satan is the God and king of every man controlled by fear. And of course fear is also the foundation of greed and man’s quest for power. In the new age there is no need for greed or for power as God is sovereign and his blessings enable supernatural provision for every need (Phil. 4:19).

By raising our vibration, any anger or hive mind attacks that surround us will necessarily disappear since, again, a low vibrational energy cannot co-exist with high vibrational energy. This is such an important concept it is worth repeating a hundred times until we grasp it.

As long as we allow the archon-controlled governments and religions to suppress our vibration using fear tactics, we will have great difficulty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure fire way to shut down our vortex of creation and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibration is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands of the new world order desired by the archons.

Of course the answer to fear is to raise our vibration by not being afraid of anything, what good will that do anyway? Once we align with our vortex of creation and see our power as infinite consciousness, all fear (and the archons promoting it) will dissipate and the world will change.

Fear is an unpleasant feeling or anxiety, derived from our belief that someone or something can hurt us, is dangerous , or threatens us. This creates control.

We are led to regard other souls as if they were figments of our mind and their salvation unimportant, our soul alone as if it were entirely real and its salvation the one thing that matters. I come to regard my personal escape from bondage as real while other souls who are equally myself remain behind in the bondage! It is only when we put aside all irreconcilable antinomy between Self and the world that things fall Into their place by a less paradoxical logic.

We must accept the many-sidedness of the manifestation even while we assert the unity of the Manifested. And is not this after all the truth that pursues us wherever we cast our eyes, unless seeing we choose not to see? Is not this after all the perfectly natural and simple mystery of Conscious Being that It is bound neither by Its unity nor by Its multiplicity? It is “absolute” in the sense of being entirely free to include and arrange in Its own way all possible terms of Its self-expression.

There is none bound, none fired, none seeking to be free, — for always That is a perfect freedom. It is so free that It is not even bound by Its liberty. It can play at being bound without Incurring a real bondage. Its chain Is a self-imposed convention, Its limitation In the ego a transitional device that It uses In order to repeat Its transcendence and universality In the scheme of the Individual Brahman.

The Transcendent, the Supracosmic is absolute and free in Itself beyond Time and Space and beyond the conceptual opposites of finite and infinite. But in cosmos It uses Its liberty of self-formation, Its Maya, to make a scheme of Itself in the complementary terms of unity and multiplicity, and this multiple unity It establishes in the three conditions of the subconscient, the conscient and the superconscient.

For actually we see that the Many objectivised in form in our material universe start with a subconscious unity which expresses itself openly enough in cosmic action and cosmic substance, but of which they are not themselves superficially aware. In the conscient the ego becomes the superficial point at which the awareness of unity can emerge; but It applies Its perception of unity to the form and surface action and, failing to take account of all that operates behind, fails also to realise that it is not only one in itself but one with others.

This limitation of the universal “I” in the divided ego-sense constitutes our imperfect individualised personality. But when the ego transcends the personal consciousness, it begins to include and be overpowered by that which is to us superconscious; it becomes aware of the cosmic unity and enters into the Transcendent Self which here cosmos expresses by a multiple oneness.

The liberation of the individual soul is therefore the keynote of the definitive divine action; it is the primary divine necessity and the pivot on which all else turns. It is the point of Light at which the intended complete self-manifestation in the Many begins to emerge. But the liberated soul extends its perception of unity horizontally as well as vertically. Its unity with the transcendent One is incomplete without its unity with the cosmic Many. And that lateral unity translates itself by a multiplication, a reproduction of its own liberated state at other points in the Multiplicity.

The divine soul reproduces itself in similar liberated souls as the animal reproduces itself in similar bodies. Therefore, whenever even a single soul is liberated, there is a tendency to an extension and even to an outburst of the same divine self-consciousness in other individual souls of our terrestrial humanity and, — who knows? — perhaps even beyond the terrestrial consciousness. Where shall we fix the limit of that extension? Is it altogether a legend which says of the Buddha that as he stood on the threshold of Nirvana, of the Non-Being, his soul turned back and took the vow never to make the irrevocable crossing so long as there was a single being upon earth undelivered from the knot of the suffering, from the bondage of the ego?

Nothing of the kind! A man is always free in his personal choice! All fears are begotten by the Animal nature, due to its total fear of death. But any matter is mortal — it is a law. However, a human is great as he is not just a piece of matter and he is no slave. A colossal spiritual force is put into him that is able to transform him into a Real Human, in an essence much higher than this world. Freeing from deceit, a man becomes stronger and smarter. The more clever, spiritually free people are, the harder it is for the Archons to implement their plans, and the weaker their influence on people becomes. And if all people know the Truth, there will be nobody for the Archons to dictate their terms to. In reality they are empty spaces. There is only a handful of them. The decision is in people’s hands: give in to provocations of the Archons and bring the planet to the global war or throw down the Archons’ authority and create the golden age of this civilization. The future of the world is in people’s hands. Everything is very simple. You need to be the one whom the Archons fear. You need to be a Human!”

If what we call humans originate from a single source the program could easily have been implanted that would infiltrate every subsequent member of the “species” (software). Only by becoming Conscious beyond mind – body can we override the program. The “software program” is running in every human mind – body computer and it has been encoded for eons. This means opening our minds to consciousness which is not subject to the manipulation of the Matrix or the DNA program. It operates outside of “space” and “time” and beyond the vibrational walls of the Matrix. Tavistock Institute. Part 92

Ephesians 6:12 says; “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places”

Remember that bible-stuff about 1/3 of the angels in heaven being swept down by the dragon’s tail? Gnostics say that was us. We are the Fallen Angels We were trapped. We’ve been tricked.

Did you know that you were programmed to be who you are at this moment. You will learn why the structure of mass thinking keeps you imprisoned to a reality that is far from your ideal potential. Mankind is within a permanent psychological and spiritual warfare, in which the institutions that should be working for our well-being, are actually working towards the manipulation of our thoughts and decisions, in order to make us predictable and useful to the elites but stupid for ourselves at the same time. Smart enough to obey but too stupid to disobey effectively.

Did you know that you were programmed to be who you are at this moment, with all of your predicted successes and failures? “Civilizations have been born and completed and then forgotten again and again. There is nothing new under the sun. What is has been. All that we learn and discover has existed before” (Colonel James Churchward, Freemason). However, “each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it” (George Orwell, Freemason).

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives. They have kept humankind in a state slumberness and ignorance, so they just have access to 6-8% of their brain capacity. The ONLY way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. Control a man’s mind and you control his body and all his actions.

” You have to persuade them that they are insignificant and powerless so they will live their lives in accordance with that. ” This is where religion has been one of the most effective weapons of the Illuminati and the reptilian bloodlines.

And you must feed the masses with teaching based on illusions to control them; To maintain a position of superior power one must maintain an illusion that all others are inferior and subservient to oneself. It is important to create a maze of illusion in religious stories so that all others are fooled into believing that they are inferior and unworthy of being equal individuals. As it becomes in the heavens so shall it be on earth.”

A fully awake population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. They have kept humankind in a state slumberness and ignorance, so they just have access to 6-8% of their brain capacity, and the fear a fully awaken population or if they could activate all 100% of their brain capacity.

Because of these fears they prevent humankind from become a fully awaken, so they building a system of a global world brain and this will disconnect all their decsion making to them, and the One World Government is design to protect them and prevent humankind from awakening from their programmed illusionary world and the state of ignorance. The masses ignorance is their safety valve.

So the goal is to design social and world events that´s creates a mess in the world, so they can direct humankind into accept the One World Government. The outwardly purpose why they want to create the one world government is to believe people and nation must unite to save the world, but the hidden purpose is to secure the future as the dominator of Earth and dominator above humans/humankind. In same way the protect their reptilian bloodlines, so will they protect their position as the controller and dominator of the masses.

Everything that could be good for people and humankind is turned to junk. The 10 disconnected dna strand is junk. An inactivatedd Pineal Gland would make people fully awaken, but is turned off and affected by flouride. Movies is entertainment for people minds, but for the Illuminati it is mind control, fear programming and predictable programming. The One World Government selling argument is people and nations must unite to save the world, but it will lead to total enslavement and lost of all powers, connection to their divine self, lost of all human rights.

The Reptilians behind the Illuminati naturally know better than anyone how to manipulate the reptilian brain and it is through this that humanity is largely controlled and directed.

The Illuminati practice is to say one thing and do another, because they know the public will accept the lies through laziness. The powers that be say to each other in secret meetings, “Keep them busy, busy, busy, back on the farm with other animals?’

The point is we are being programmed for the desired totalitarian future. Not one we wish, one they crave. The more blindly accustomed people are to their intended result, the more quickly and efficiently it will be adopted. The world facing a major cataclysm of some sort, a favourite theme, gives the climate change fear programme and global economic ‘solution’ tremendous impetus, for example. The world needed a saviour mentality implants the idea of some new global governance or Superman to save the day, no doubt with some enigmatic leader at the helm, the Antichrist!

“The preparation of humanity for the New Age involves psychological and physical warfare in the form of spectacular crimes and events that, filtered through the illuminised media, have a ritual occult and initiatory effect on the populace.” (Robert Livingstone)

There’s kind of a race on. They had been aware that this awakening was coming and therefore they’ve been preparing for it. What we’re seeing now is a race between them locking everything down to the point where there’s no margin. You see this is why they want microchips. In the end, these few centimeters at the back of the brain are key. That’s because the micro-chipping is about the external, but the external manipulation of the sense of reality becomes created reality and that’s manifested by the brain.

Why are they telling us what they want and what’s coming in movies?

Surely, they don’t want us to know. They do it, because the more they’re feeding that information into the subconscious mind the more that is becoming the future reality of the subconscious mind which then becomes the manifested reality of the conscious mind. It’s like putting information into a computer and then pressing enter and it comes up on the screen.

What we are dealing with is a force hidden from human sight that understands how reality operates, how we interact with it, and how we create it. It is a set up in society through its control of science — not least through funding and peer pressure and all the other stuff that goes on. Through the media and what we bravely call education, which is keeping from people this understanding of reality.

Thus, if you know how “reality” works and know how you can manipulate people to perceive the reality you want is what is played behind the scenes. All the stuff they put in movies and television programs is far ahead of what they’re seeking to create. You know the reality that we’re experiencing here every day. You stand and look into the night sky and you see all those lights, all those planets and stars – billions of light years away. What you are seeing exists in that form only or in a few cubic centimeters at the back of your brain where the brain decodes information in electrical form through an illusory physical reality which is actually holographic.

So, if you want to bring down this whole conspiracy, to its real bottom line, it is about what controls those few centimeters at the back of your brain. That’s because if they do it by programming your sense of reality, you will perceive and thus manifest your individual and collective experience of what they have programmed you to decode and manifest. They’ve proven that humans are builders, designers, creators, so they simply program us to manufacture what they want for private gains and control — it’s all happening below our radar.

In fact, it goes much deeper than that.

When you expand your mind, you go beyond consciousness and gain a greater sense of awareness. You are increasing your potential every time you do that, because you have the power to control those centimeters at the back of your brain that are creating your visual reality. Therefore the programming gets harder to impose itself. Then your mind starts to truly open up to new possibilities and way of life. The globalists are programming the public, because they believe of possessing a spiritual influence to do this. Regardless of whether it’s true or not, they believe it — and they will not stop until they do it.

The globalist moving forward of their own inertia like a juggernaut.

This said, it is possible that you have been able to, somehow, challenge the orthodoxy of the system in which you were raised, by achieving results that weren’t expected in your lifetime, while complying to many others that you weren’t in favor of, and yet you surely didn’t transform anything enough, or you would lose friends, relatives, jobs and even the opportunity of a love life. “Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing” (George Orwell, Freemason).

You will learn why the structure of mass thinking keeps you imprisoned to a reality that is far from your ideal potential.

Do you remember quitting your dreams? It was supposed to happen. Any advice received from people around you, especially those who love you the most, were fabricated to make you follow the same mind programming in which you and them are included, and so that nobody gets out of it. Hollywood and the music industry certainly play an important role here, by promoting artists, art and movies, that push forward messages reinforcing the idealization and worshipping of values which eventually become the belief-system of the masses. Mankind is within a permanent psychological and spiritual warfare, in which the institutions that should be working for our well-being, are actually working towards the manipulation of our thoughts and decisions, in order to make us predictable and useful to the elites but stupid for ourselves at the same time. Smart enough to obey but too stupid to disobey effectively.

This couldn’t be more obvious than what we see with modern psychology and psychiatry, which are almost entirely based on mind control and the destruction of the identity of the individual as an independent thinking organism. The word “psy” means soul, or reason to breathe, and yet, the sciences including these three letters in their name, not only oppose the idea of soul, but do their best to destroy any soulful life purpose.

The collective always assumes the priority in any study, even when this collective is being deceived. And how can the collective deceive the individual? Through communication.

“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought” (George Orwell, Freemason), and that’s how the sentences heard since we were born — from parents, teachers, neighbors and friends — as well as the ideas strongly imposed by the media, conditioned the way we think as individuals.

This programming is so strong and deep that ends up interfering with our own emotions and affecting our personality. The soul then becomes suppressed by its own egotistical needs and desires, due to fear of scarcity and a competitive, although previously conditioned, thought pattern. When people claim not to know what their life purpose is, despite reading many books about it, they’re neglecting the need for compassion and love as a prerequisite to find such life purpose. And this compassion and love that I am talking about, starts with the self.

You can only break free from the emotional traps mentioned when you are courageous enough to confront them. But how useful it is when you read books or listen to speakers that are conditioned by the same paradigm? “If the blind lead the blind, both fall into the same pit” (The Bible, Matthew 15:14).

A truly free thought pattern cannot fear itself. For to love freedom is to love oneself and his life, and “there is no fear in love, as fear has to do with punishment” (The Bible, John 4:18).

People live within a competitive mindset. They fight against each other and achieve very little on their own.

That is exactly the state of mind that the elites want for the masses, as it makes it easier to keep them under control. For “men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds” (Franklin D. Roosevelt, Freemason).

People also don’t like change, and when you change, you will change them by default. Therefore, they don’t want your changes to be superior to their previous perceptions, otherwise their self-perception in relation to the perceptions they made of you, will change as well.

One of the purposes of this text is to show you a path beyond the paradigm that conditions us from birth. Because only then we can begin deprograming ourselves. Once the deprograming happens, the true soul of the individual is revealed.

And upon the imminence of such awareness, it is possible to develop a higher understanding in regards to the universal truth, and change life as much as we want it to be changed. The direct connection with the divine, seen by many secret societies as a true state of enlightenment, permits one to stretch his thinking capacity and become more profound in observing reality.

When this occurs, we experience the uncovering of many truths, as if a veil had fallen before our eyes. We are now living in the Age of Aquarius, and “as Aquarius is an airy, scientific and intellectual sign, the New Faith for this age must be rooted in reason” (Max Heindel, Rosicrucian Fellowship). This is why the prophecy of anyone who once described the Era of Aquarius, is rooted in the alchemical transformation of consciousness and the revolution of thought in the direction of a whole new world.

It must be known that, although many of the most influential and powerful people in history, and in the fields of art, music, politics and religion, were linked to secret societies, and ended up promoting, as well as indirectly allowing, the formation of what today is known as the Power Elite, there isn’t necessarily a direct link between both outcomes. This, as much as in the valley of the blind the one-eyed man is king. In other words, those to whom we now call the Power Elite, the Illuminati, the Watchers, the 1%, aren’t as enlightened as you would feel if holding a torch in the middle of a dark and wild forest.

Although it may be true that the knowledge that these individuals possess is directly linked to the power, wealth, creativity and the influence that they have accumulated, it is also directly correlated with the enormous level of ignorance that the rest of the world has become accustomed to experience as a routine and to call normal.

The same occurs in the relation between those who desire power over others and the ones who neglect knowing and interfering in the life of the ones who exercise such power. Or the fact that, those at the top, can always and easily manipulate the masses.

The Illuminati have often been accused of trying to manipulate world events in order to form a New World Order.

“It is not so secret that most people who know about the Illuminati believe it is a secret society with a goal of dominating the world,”

This is typical for the globalists who want to control the world’s resources and wealth.

The Illuminati have its fingers in a lot of pies around the world.

If the Illuminati’s goals are world dominance so that all peoples become powerless on area after

One World Government (no longer need of people´s opinion) for voting)
A Global world brain (no longer people´s own thoughts)
One World Religion (Artificial God will replace the real God)
Economic control ( Without an RFID no one will be able to buy & sell)
Mind control technologies will take over human consciousness

It is obvious that pieces of a well-planned end-time agenda are falling into place, and the stage is being set for the greatest deception this world has ever known.

Templars survived because the Order of Hospitaller protected them until they escaped persecution and resurfaced under a new title.

In ancient times, the first secret society was called The Organization. The Organization served a force known as Lucifer, the angel of light, and initiated their followers into his diabolical and cursed cult of hidden knowledge and sacred sciences.

Secret societies began in Egypt, and all those that followed have been connected like a web to a top echelon ruling from the apex of a pyramid hierarchy. Satan’s secrets are identical to secret society secrets.

Members who join their ranks receive perks for their commitment. It is a game of deception carried out using handshakes, hand signals, doublespeak, blood oaths and codes. Such cloak and dagger craftiness came first from the serpent and is totally against biblical teaching.

These organizations include but are not limited to the Priory of Sion, Brotherhood, Illuminati, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian, Hospitaller, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Order of St. John, Order of the Garter, Order of the Round Table, the Council of 300, Freemasons, and many others. Brotherhood organizations are all subtly united using various levels of blood oaths to yoke their members to Lucifer’s doctrine of light and bring all illuminated men together as one universal consciousness. Lucifer in Freemasonry is called GAOTU (Grand Architect of the Universe). Many secret orders must bow to an all-seeing eye in their rituals.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta enjoys every diplomatic right offered to a head of state. Under papal decree the international grand master has a rank of prince, the same level as a cardinal in the church,
and a title of Most Eminent Highness.

Knights of Malta are an ultra-extreme authoritarian organization tied to the highest elite world controllers. This order’s unique form of worship called Luciferic consciousness comes directly from an ancient Egyptian cult filled with dragons, pyramids, sphinx, and an all-seeing eye. In fact, Amschel Mayer von Rothschild, a Knight of Malta and Illuminati member, once served as guardian of the Vatican treasury. Imagine that, an illuminated Khazar Jew with ties to Hitler overseeing
Catholic spending. A most interesting combination.

Awaken World Within – These facts must be kept hidden from the multitude, but less dangerous now than when Papal power was suprere. The best way to control mankind is to develop and create a system they never can shut off and depend on for their daily living. Some hidden knowledge by Illuminati.

Here is some facts to know by Illuminati;

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans.
The Global Elite know how the Universe actually works, but don´t you to know
The Reptilians behind the Illuminati naturally know better than anyone how to manipulate the reptilian brain and it is through this that humanity is largely controlled and directed.

The subconsciousness mind lies within the reptilian brain
A fully awake population is the last thing you need if you want to control them.

There’s kind of a race on. They had been aware that this awakening was coming and therefore they’ve been preparing for it. What we’re seeing now is a race between them locking everything down to the point where there’s no margin.

Why are they telling us what they want and what’s coming in movies? Surely, they don’t want us to know. They do it, because the more they’re feeding that information into the subconscious mind the more that is becoming the future reality of the subconscious mind which then becomes the manifested reality of the conscious mind. It’s like putting information into a computer and then pressing enter and it comes up on the screen. This is known as predictable programming. Illuminati don´t just own or control the movie industry, they created it.
Scriptures says the expert took the key of knowledge and kept it for themselves, and hindering others to get it, and the hindering others who trying to enters the higher heavens or higher levels consciousness

People will never get access to their reptilian brain programming and change it before they instead be connected to their artificial global world brain and the coming one world government.

They even know how to re-cycling the human soul, so it can´t leave the matrix system of Earth or enter a united higher state of consciousness.

The ONLY way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. Control a man’s mind and you control his body and all his actions
Breaking your soul’s connection to God is a p rime objective, because if they can do that they can control your mind and your soul.
The Masonic (Secret Society) Motto used to describe this philosophy is “Ordo Ab Chao” or “order out of chaos.”

Illuminati is using Hegel´s theory; An example of the Hegelian Philosophy would be:. First, there is thesis, then, anti-thesis – these oppo-sites are rubbed together to create a desired synthesis. In other way; if themselves create the mess (WW1 Or WW2), then create the solution (United Nations). The One World Government is using same strategy

The entire plot of how Illuminati and other secret societies and organizations plan to enslave the entire world through three facets: a One World Government, a One World Church and a One World Bank.

Breaking your soul’s connection to God is a prime objective, because if they can do that they can control your mind and your soul. It has been imperative to keep you locked into your Lower Matrix to make sure you believe in its reality and fear leaving its reality. It has been imperative that you believe that this third di mensional realm matters no matter how muc h suffering it brings to you. The belief that he ll exists somewhere else was an essential prop aganda tool to keep you all enslaved. Only th ose who can sustain the awakening of the cro wn chakra, and then connect it to the most su btle chakras `offbody; even stand a chance of receiving information from outside the Earth

llluminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives. They have kept humankind in a state slumberness and ignorance, so they just have access to 6-8% of their brain capacity. The ONLY way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. Control a man’s mind and you control his body and all his actions.

” You have to persuade them that they are insignificant and powerless so they will live their lives in accordance with that. ” This is where religion has been one of the most effective weapons of the Illuminati and the reptilian bloodlines.

And you must feed the masses with teaching based on illusions to control them; To maintain a position of superior power one must maintain an illusion that all others are inferior and subservient to oneself. It is important to create a maze of illusion in religious stories so that all others are fooled into believing that they are inferior and unworthy of being equal individuals. As it becomes in the heavens so shall it be on earth.”

A fully awake population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. They have kept humankind in a state slumberness and ignorance, so they just have access to 6-8% of their brain capacity, and the fear a fully awaken population or if they could activate all 100% of their brain capacity.

Because of these fears they prevent humankind from become a fully awaken, so they building a system of a global world brain and this will disconnect all their decsion making to them, and the One World Government is design to protect them and prevent humankind from awakening from their programmed illusionary world and the state of ignorance.

The masses ignorance is their safety valve. By keeping mankind in a state of ignorance they will never awaken to their fully potential.

So the goal is to design social and world events that´s creates a mess in the world, so they can direct humankind into accept the One World Government. The outwardly purpose why they want to create the one world government is to believe people and nation must unite to save the world, but the hidden purpose is to secure the future as the dominator of Earth and dominator above humans/humankind. In same way the protect their reptilian bloodlines, so will they protect their position as the controller and dominator of the masses.

Everything that could be good for people and humankind is turned to junk. The 10 disconnected dna strand is junk. An inactivatedd Pineal Gland would make people fully awaken, but is turned off and affected by flouride. Movies is entertainment for people minds, but for the Illuminati it is mind control, fear programming and predictable programming. The One World Government selling argument is people and nations must unite to save the world, but it will lead to total enslavement and lost of all powers, connection to their divine self, lost of all human rights.

By admin

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