18 Oct 2024, Fri

Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored in the mini black hole of your pineal gland’s fractals, just as the head of the sphinx may have served in Egypt. You could consider that each chakra star gate is a mini black hole then. And when science announces this body genius, will there still be a need for religions, governments, banks, or taxes that control: energy creativity, information, your natural resources, or the spirit of your inner life?

Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored in the mini black hole of your pineal gland’s fractals, just as the head of the sphinx may have served in Egypt. You could consider that each chakra star gate is a mini black hole then. And when science announces this body genius, will there still be a need for religions, governments, banks, or taxes that control: energy creativity, information, your natural resources, or the spirit of your inner life?

The chakras is a toroidal vortex and that they all interlink – this universe organizes itself in octaves, whether it´s the seven colors, seven rays, seven frequencies, seven chakras, seven elements, seven phases in alchemy, seven notes of the musical octaves, there are seven molecules the heart chakra is wounded or closed down – so the whole organism is going to be limited by the block on the that particular note. The purpose and goal with open the chakras is to free up all seven chakras so that they can really all play together.

The Third Light, comes from photons via the light force and is related to chakra energies.

great universal concepts of geometry and physics — the torus. The torus is a multidimensional geometric figure that lies at the heart of all space-time. The torus demonstrates the universal laws of energy dynamics based on torque and spiraling forces. At one end of the torus is the black hole, representing the yin pole that sucks, contracts and enfolds all energy and matter into itself. At the other end of the torus is the white hole, representing the yang pole that releases, creates and expands all energy and matter outwards to create space-time itself. The tons is a magnificent figure that unites centrifugal and centripetal forces, bringing implosive and explosive dynamics into the same system. Within human DNA, the torus at the heart of all being is directly experienced through the state of enlightenment, which unites stillness (the black hole) with bliss (the white hole).

The faster a particle travels, the stronger the magnetic field that develops around it. The pinch effect of the magnetic field tends to hold the particle together. It follows that the faster the meson travels, the greater the tendency of the magnetic field to keep it from disintegrating.

Photons of light are described as packets of energy traveling at light velocity. This is the same as a mass traveling at the velocity of light, which is supposed to be impossible. Relativists get around the dilemma by claiming photons have a rest mass of zero and can only travel at light velocity. When light passes through a medium, it slows down and consequently the photons travel at less than light velocity during this period. The assumption that anything which has momentum or kinetic energy has a rest mass of zero is a crass violation of the energy conservation law.

Consider your own plasma anti-graviton vacuum field, or electrified plasma field as your traveling light cocoon, space orb, or as a nano-shell around your body, ignited by the heart’s black hole. And allow that your biology is teeming with precious metals and all manner of gemstones perfectly suited in your own cosmic chamber of macro creational growth for binding conductivity of both micro substances and information.

Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored in the mini black hole of your pineal gland’s fractals, just as the head of the sphinx may have served in Egypt. You could consider that each chakra star gate is a mini black hole then. And when science announces this body genius, will there still be a need for religions, governments, banks, or taxes that control: energy creativity, information, your natural resources, or the spirit of your inner life? Does not the universe, inside your body, grow and fluctuate in tandem with the outer universe; the plasmas of cosmic, solar, and bionic cell fusion where the strong/weak nuclear sub quanta forces work along within gravity and magnetism to constantly absorb love in/as a multi-orgasm?

Is not your body wealthy with gold, precious metals, and gems of creative information and fractal blueprints for whatever you desire? All forms of light use the legos/logos of life in your living bionic computers: proteins, amino acids, enzymes, peptides, to carve, imprint, add aggregates, or bond, into new nanostructures and new cell bodies that can withstand and utilize higher electro-magnetic radiation voltages from the cosmic light spectrum.

As your body goes beyond the speed of light in the spectrum, it will no longer use the electron in the same way. The higher vibrating light spectrum photon will serve as an absorber, reflector, and transmitter of information of light photons in magnetic resonance, limiting the electron to handle electrical chemical activity in the cell. The electron, then, takes on a different function in the many fusion cell processes that will allow you to feel less and less memory veils: that limit your connection to explore, travel, and understand your cosmic cosmology, even as you recolonize your mars and other planets in your old solar system at the same time you’re creating a new one.

Advanced organisms emanate more DNA photons than do less-evolved organisms, and it appears that the zero-point field plays a major role in originating and interacting with this internal light.

Chakras can influence all consciousness experienced within and without the body. When you feel tension and stress, the thought patterns in your brain are affected, and the stress is translated into the biological functions in the body. Stress and tension will also manifest in blockages within the chakra system. Over a period of time, such a blockage can manifest into a physical disease.

Chakra energies interact with the physical body through an intricate system of nerve endings that communicate back and forth through the biophotons of light. One biophoton can carry about four megabytes of information, including an individual’s complete DNA makeup as well as memories and soul experiences. New biophoton research shows the astounding intensity with which biophotons communicate at the cellular level within the body. It is believed that very refined tuning occurs in the molecular processes that emit the biophotons. The biophotons transfer this energy to the cell surface, so genetic receptors receive the information at an even wider level of vibrational frequency. The spinning energy of the chakras, in essence, speaks to the body in the language of energy and light.

“DNA is the central storage repository for light in our body and is twisted around itself in a double helix, which can turn right or left.

It belongs to the group of nucleic acids, of which there are two chains: The DNA and the RNA. DNA and RNA are built like a helix. Both strands form the structure and consist of sugars and phosphate groups that show a basic reaction.

“Only recently have researchers realized that cells do not simply absorb light but emit it coherently; the DNA and RNA molecules are a communicates with the resonance of the background of the entire cell metabolism, all work on an extremely rapid transfer of information that can only be achieved by the light transmission.

“Life and all particles of a system relate to each other coherently and where they communicate with each other to achieve a sensible cooperation in order to produce the  optimal condition for the entire system. Light emission is strongest whenever DNA is reproduced.”

 “Bio-photons are characterized by an extremely high degree of order and can be described as a type of biological laser light which is capable of interference and appears to be responsible for many effects which ordinary incoherent light could not achieve. Its high coherency lends the bio-photon wave the capability of creating order and transmitting information while chaotic, incoherent light simply transmits energy.

“An indication of the coherent characteristics of bio-photons is exhibited through experimentally proven knowledge that the so-called induced emission of bio-photons diminishes hyperbolically, which illustrates an exclusive characteristic of coherent emission.

There are clear experimental indications that bio-photons have an important regulating function within the single cells, but also between the various cells. It is possible that the entire living organism is pervaded by a coherent bio-photon field, which influences and regulates functions on various hierarchical levels of control and organization. Single cells seem to communicate with one another with the aid of the bio-photon field by  creating continuous waves. 

“Accordingly, the bio-photon field would be a rigidly structured field of information and regulation that combines the single parts of the organism in a holographic manner at the speed of light and coordinates their function with one another.”

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