22 Oct 2024, Tue

Read about the Hidden Blueprint of Freemasonry and Illuminati and the coming New World Order

Read about the Hidden Blueprint of Freemasonry and Illuminati and the coming New World Order.

In the book of Revelation, a prophet named John was exiled to an island called Patmos for preacahing the word of god. While on the island, he was given a vision from God pertaining to the things that would take place at the end of times just before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. John saw many things, but we will be exploring Revelation 6:4, the part of the vision that pertains to the red horse and why I believe it is coming to pass as I write. Although the Illuminati can be traced back to 1538 B.C. To the throne rooms of the Caesars in Egypt, where they always fought undercover for the Novos Ordo Seclorum, or “One World Order” and the Free Masons can be traced back to a man named Adam Weishaupt in 1776 on May 1st when he founded a sect called the Illuminati, and laid down a two hundred year plan to accomplish this evil, super One World Order, and the worship of Lucifer.

Adam Weishaupt. (Canon Law) was involved in Free Masonry, an expert in witchcraft, and a loyal apostle of Lucifer. These men of the Illuminati worship Lucifer He is called the “Great red Dragon” the one that deceives the nations of the world. The goal of Adam weishaupt is to hide the sciences of witchcraft behind philanthropy, to do away with christianity, and then create a “One World Order.

The men of the Iluminati always keep their work secret from the outer ring. This way they could use the influential power and finances to accomplish what is called the Novus Ordo seclorum, the new secular order or new world order.

Paganism is the mystical religion that first emerged in ancient Babylon thousands of years ago. But what has paganism got to do with Free Masonry? The ritual and theology of Free Masonry really originated from Egyptian paganism and the reason for this is as we find in 1717, the rituals and theology were formalized, brought together and formed the grand lodge in England and throughout Europe at that time all having slightly different tactices. These practices having originated from the origin of speculative masons which was of course Rosecrusianism. The Rosecrusianist believed in the hermetic and Egyptian traditions. Of course these are the Egyptian pagan symbols of pagan gods.

One of the rituals that were used in some of the lodges before, prior to 1717, and shortly after, in fact, was the ritual of the blood initiation rite. This was where the little finger and the blood were shed and this was the new member doing that making a blood covenant with the organization. What happens is when a mason joins the lodge, he first enters into the blue lodge and the very first thing a mason is required to do is to go through an initiation ceremony called the inter aprentice degree and in that initiation ceremony he will be stripped of much of his clothing, a blind fold will be placed over his eyes, a noose will be placed around his neck and he will be brought to the door of the Masonic lodge and there a person will greet him and usher him in and there he will come before an altar and every mason stands before the altar. There behind the altar the man called the worshipfull master of the lodge stands.

We find when a man joins the organization, he kneels, he is blindfolded, he is bare breasted, and the master of the lodge touches his left side with a sharp sword and they required with this blind fold over his eyes to take a blood oath not to reveal the secrets of Free Masonry or they loose their life. Every mason puts his thumb to his throat and swears a blood oath not to reveal these secrets or have his throat cut from ear to ear and his bowels ripped open and given to the beast of the field. These pagan blood oaths are taken to swear them to secrecy so they will not reveal the secrets they will learn as they progress through the Masonic lodge. Now most men will go into the Scottish rite and progress on through 32 degrees and in each on of those degrees they give worship to different gods, deities, Egyptian Gods, persian gods, Greek gods, and then go through a series of rituals now much of this is covered up by symbols, and allegories so that masons as they go through it don’t really understand what they’re doing. In the blue degrees an initiate is initiated into the Egyptian trinity of the ancient mysteries of Egypt, and this Egyptian trinity is hidden from the initiate. He does not know at all what he is being initiated into. It is not even mentioned but if they would read their authoritative books it would explain the symbols and allegories it becomes very obvious what they’re involved in. They are involved in pagan idolitrist worshop.

In the blue degrees an initiate is initiated into the Egyptian trinity of the ancient mysteries of Egypt, and this Egyptian trinity is hidden from the initiate. He does not know at all what he is being initiated into. It is not even mentioned but if they would read their authoritative books it would explain the symbols and allegories it becomes very obvious what they’re involved in. They are involved in pagan idolitrist worshop. Much of it is based upon the Kabola, the ancient Jewish book of occult. It is based on Egyptian paganism and the worship of nature. That is what it really is. It is based on the male regenerative power, and the female regenerative power, the product meaning the child, and any historian will readily agree that paganism is and was a nature-based religion. Its rituals were intentionally designed around the phases of the moon, and seasons, and the vernal equinox and so on Retuals were encouraged for their crops seeking blessings of the sun, the giver of warmth and the counter balance of the moon, the time for planting crops and harvesting. And female. Paganism developed fertility rights based upon the sex act and more specifically the reproductive organs themselves.

One of the reasons why when a masonic enters the lodge they are required to put on a lambskin apron, masons wear this lambskin apron as a covering as what they ultimately believe is the Masonic deity, what is called the generating principle of life, they wear the square and compass, in the center is the “G” some masons will tell you it means the geometry of the universe or it means God. Actually, their own books say it is the generating princile; the male organ is what brings immortality in life. You see when they talk about immortality they are talking about recreating like through the sexual act. This is what is covered with the white lambskin apron. This is why women can never be a mason. She does not have the generating principle of life, which they wear on their lapel, the square and compass and “G” Free masons used Egyptian pagan symbols. Quite often one that comes to mind is the obelisk. The obelisk is a tall pillar in stone tapered and square in sections trumedian on top and was used among the Egyptians as a resurrection symbol. The idea was that it was actually a phallic. It was tall and erect and it was used to procreate as one was resurected through ones off spring. That was the argument.

These Masonic authorities agree that the symbols of Free masonry are accultist and derived from paganism the alleged occultist ritual and symbolism are central to free masonry. Witchcraft is the religion of paganism it is the worship of the sun god and the moon goddess in various forms. There is a great deal of symbolism in witchcraft many of the immplements used, have significance in terms of natural elements such as the wand representing air the sword representing fire the chalice with water or the pentagram representing earth and these would be combined in various manners. In order to take advantage of the spirtual forces that were felt to be in operation at that time and it is heavily ritualistic the wearing of robes the drawing of magic circles the evoking of gods to aid the practitioner anything you would do would be ritual like. For instance lighting candles to bring out the elements even when casting a spell. Some of the parallels between Free Masonry and witchcraft show such a similarity that it cannot possibly be coincidental similarities in rituals wording of symbolism are so close in several instances that it suggest a clearly common origin. To examine this possibility compare their blue lodge initiations with the experience of former occultists. Freemasomy, and also witchcraft, you have to be recommended by a person in the organization.

Albert Pike was a grand commander of Scottish rite of Free Masonry in the 1800’s. His book morals and dogmas the sun and moon represent two grand principles of all generations the active and passive male and female both shed their light upon their off-spring’s the blazing star of Horace. These Masonic authorities agree that the symbols of Free masonry are accultist and derived from paganism the alleged occultist ritual and symbolism are central to free masonry. Witchcraft is the religion of paganism it is the worship of the sun god and the moon goddess in various forms.

There is a great deal of symbolism in witchcraft many of the immplements used, have significance in terms of natural elements such as the wand representing air the sword representing fire the chalice with water or the pentagram representing earth and these would be combined in various manners. In order to take advantage of the spirtual forces that were felt to be in operation at that time and it is heavily ritualistic the wearing of robes the drawing of magic circles the evoking of gods to aid the practitioner anything you would do would be ritual like. For instance lighting candles to bring out the elements even when casting a spell.

Some of the parallels between Free Masonry and witchcraft show such a similarity that it cannot possibly be coincidental similarities in rituals wording of symbolism are so close in several instances that it suggest a clearly common origin. To examine this possibility compare their blue lodge initiations with the experience of former occultists. Freemasonry, and also witchcraft, you have to be recommended by a person in the organization.

Masons blindfolded and bound by a rope, on your bare chest was thrust the point of a spear and lead by a rope, you kneel down before the worshipful master as if he were a god. You are then met by the high priest and are warned should you ever reveal any of the secrets of masonry know what expect. When your’re in the room the blindfold is taken away and this is the time you are coming from darkness into light. Imitating being born again. You are met and someone says who goes there and you say one from the world of darkness. In free masonry the prayers end with so mole it be distinctive of withchcraft ends each incantation or spell with so mote it be, this is where the powers are released, I discovered that witchcraft and freemasonry has so much in common, however, in white witchcraft the follower dismiss the concept of a pysical Lucifer. Freemasonry even goes so far as to call Lucifer God. In the words of the sovereign pontiff of universal freemasonry, Albert Pike, he says yes Lucifer is God and unfortunately Adoni the Hebrew God of the bible is also God and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer equal to Adoni, but Lucifer God of light and of good is struggling for humanity against Adoni God of Darkness and evil, Listen to the words of 33-degree mason Manly P. Hall when the mason learns the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo living power he has learned the mystery of his craft, the seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands before lie is to step onward and upward he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.

Of the literally millions of masons world wide how many of them are actually aware of the true meaning of the Masonic symbols? The answer is very few since most masons never go past the 3rd  degree of the blue lodge the rank of master mason.

The vast majority never discovers what they’re involved in and they never woll discover what freemasons is all about unless they venture into the higher levels of the Scottish rite or the York rite. In fact, they are not just ignorant they’re deliberately misled by their superiors in in the lodge in words of their own authority Albert Pike. The blue degree is the outer court or portacal of the temple. Part of the symbols is displayed there for the initiate but he is intentionally misled by false interpretation. It is not intended that he understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine that understands them Many masons go through the first 3 degrees become a master mason and quit there thinking this is just a nice fraternal organization and they do not relize that their own leaders have consciously lied to them because they do not want them to know the true teaching of masonry. Most join thinking it is a nice organization that does god works. In the lower echelon and the lower degrees you can’t realize what’s happening or the meaning of the lodge. What it was about to most was a group of people out to help people.

Does anyone believe they will telling mankind the real purpose why the world need a one world government, when the deceiving their own members at the higher levels…? They can´t tell mankind they worship Lucifer, when the rulers has teaching people believing in Christ, Buddha etc. Lucifer will the new religion of reason to worship. They just want people to accept a suddenly new God as their rulers of the world.

The real issue is that masonry is a pagan religion that has more in common with witchcraft than Christianity. Its means of salvation is not the cross of Christ but a system of morality and good works, to endeavor to attain to the celestial lodge. To the masons, Jesus Christ is not the sinless son of God but is degraded to the position of being just a great reformer. It is here where we take issue of freemasonry. The same Jesus who claimed to be God in human flesh also claimed to be the only way to the father. Jesus also said a man cannot serve two masters. If you are a mason you must make a decision you cannot be a Christian and remain in the Masonic lodge. Either let your sins be nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ the son of God or try to pay for them yourself in a system of morality and good works. There are verses in the bible that state that we should come out from among them, that darkness has no relationship with light and also in the book of Proverbs it states there is a way that seemeth tight unto man but it leads to death and so therefore my advice is to walk away from it.”

Both the Freemasonry and Illuminati working to bring about the culmination of this final disparaging life called the global government, which is the One World Order describe in Revelation 13:11-18. The second beast of Revelation 13:11-18 is correctly identified as the false prophet, and the false prophet will be the Antichrist.

Most of this text is from; When the Wicked Beareth Rule – the People Mourn: Blue Print for One World Order by Lorraine Cruse

Freemasons teaching themselves they will be saved by “their own good works” and the Bible teaching the opposite.

Ephesians 2:4-10 – “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Some read this passage and understand it to say that we are saved by grace alone, and that we can do nothing to find salvation (v 8). Others focus on the point that we cannot be saved through good works (v 9). Some focus on the teaching that we were saved to do good works (v 10). Still others focus on the latter part of (v 10) and conclude that God predestines us however He chooses and therefore, we have no choice in life.

Are any of these views wrong? No, at least not entirely. Are all of these views found within the passage? Yes, to some extent. This is where you must ask yourself the two questions I proposed earlier. Is there only one correct way of viewing the Bible? And why do different cultures, and, or peoples find different views and understandings of scripture? Let’s break this passage down. First and foremost, without verses four through seven we are all hopelessly lost. Without God’s never changing love for us we can never experience forgiveness or salvation. Without verse eight we have no salvation, and we see that salvation comes through faith, or through grace. In verse nine we see that we are not saved by our good works… works cannot get us into heaven. Verse ten tells us that although good works cannot save us, we were indeed saved to do good works. And lastly, although it does not imply that we have no freedom of choice, verse ten also tells us that God does in fact have plans for His children that are in effect long before our birth. How could you possibly teach this passage without mentioning the importance of faith, grace, good works, and God’s plan for us in the same lesson? Taking one of these aspects out is nothing short of writing your own gospel. The Bible needs to be understood as a whole, not by verse eight in Ephesians chapter two. Taking out any of these teachings is detrimental to our faith and to God’s plan for us. (this is what the Freemason and illuminati has done). They believe they will be saved and become immortal by artificial science.

Proverbs 29:2: When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. KJV

The prophet Hosea said, 4:6: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: KJV

“And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:19 KJV)

The New Age movement has infiltrated the evangelical church and gradually changed the Bible to conform to it’s One World Religion, which is evident in eliminating the God head, Jesus Christ, and the virgin birth in many of the Revised bible versions today. Their words and doctrines prepare the apostate church of these last days to accept the Antichrist, his mark, image, and religion—Lucifer worship. The emerging ‘new’ Christianity—with its substitution of riches for righteousness, a crown for a cross, and an imitation for a new creation—is shown to be a direct result of the wording in new revised versions, a blueprint for the Antichrist’s One World Religion and government. Christians must get involved in government. It is our civic responsibility

Icke says that despite what seems to be the monolithic entrenchment of the Illuminati in positions of power and control, the Infinite (Supreme Being) has something else in mind. A gradual dissolution of the bindings of fear that keep the Matrix in place subjugating us. Essentially, the Supreme Being has been watching the Matrix game for a while, seeing how it plays out, who falls for it and who doesn’t, but now He has decided it’s gone on long enough.

The new grid layer is free of any elemental affiliations and will structure planetary reality by new means and with more freedom and open-endedness. The Illuminati will have no traction on this new grid dispensation. The slate will be wiped clean, and if the Illuminati want to run their world control game again, they must start from scratch, on an equal footing with the rest of us. To get the new grid installed, the dark grid-overlay on the original Light grid must be dissolved. Therefore, the Illuminati hold will be dis-solved off it.

Mind Control

“This is obviously very related to religion, which is, for me, the greatest form of mass mind control yet invented. So is advertising and television. But mind control goes much deeper than that. The Illuminati-reptilian mind-control projects have produced literally millions of mind-controlled robots in endless walks of life, who are programmed to carry out the Illuminati agenda.

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