29 Jan 2025, Wed

October 2024

The potential energy of kundalini is also like a nuclear reaction; bombardment of the atomic nucleus with high energy particles destabilizes the atom and leads to a release of tremendous energy. The Fire of kundalini, (the inner fire of matter), is aroused as a final step in man’s spiritual development. There is much misapprehension about the raising of kundalini, but let us assure you, it is most difficult to raise. Only when it progresses geometrically up all three spinal tracts, ida, pingala, and sushumna, with simultaneous action and uniform vibration, is true kundalini fire aroused, and it can only be done by the Higher Self. Then, when all three fires merge and blend in man’s highest chakras, will he emerge as a perfected Being, and the powers latent within him will be full expressed. In this way, man is slowly changed by solar fire through the long process of earthly evolution and persistent rebirth.

The potential energy of kundalini is also like a nuclear reaction; bombardment of the atomic...

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