The Shining Ones: The World’s Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed
The Shining Ones: The World’s Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed The notion of an inner...
The Shining Ones: The World’s Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed The notion of an inner...
BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. SEALS. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the...
The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies So, what is Kundalini...
The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists....
To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I”...
The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault....
The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a...
Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the...
Kundalini is the Guardian of human evolution and the Key to the Mystery of Existence....
Why does Jesuit´s want to destoy Christians..? Keep Free Will and Choice pure and they...
Goliath´s head and The Beast. The five smooth stones chosen by David from the brook...
The Global Power Elite and Western World- The case for Goliath: How America acts as...
The monetary system and the history of the privately owned central banking system known as:...
War is a massive generator of risk free debt. This is because the government of...
The “ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet: but receive power as kings...
History is as dead as God, who was killed by the United States Supreme Court!...
America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah...
A rigged game – It is no secret that money is a very powerful force,...
The Illuminati loves; control, money, power. So their formula is two-faced: take away power from...
Talk about being in the dark, today’s people are worshiping shadows projected into a shadowbox....
Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a...
The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then...
In 1913, Woodrow Wilson became president and discovered the shadow government. He stated, “Our great...
The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a...
The entire human race is plunged into despair by this anti-God, anti-Christ religious system! The...
The CSF flows through the pituitary gland and becomes milky white substance. In the pineal...
That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would...
The German poet Holderlin has written: “Danger itself fosters the rescuing power.” And moreover, to...