16 Oct 2024, Wed

April 2024

To create a quantum shift in the consciousness of the masses, 51% of our creations need to be positive. To maintain peace on the planet 51% have to be in agreement and expressing vibration of peace in their own lives and consciousness. When 51% of our projections are vibrating at a higher frequency, the other 49% is instantly absorbed into the higher vibration and the electron vibrates at that higher frequency. Once our thought forms and consciousness, our trust and our vision align at 51% we reach critical mass and nothing can stop our vision materializing. In western society we are bombarded by negative media and news, however much of the earth’s population does not have access to the media of the west, so the 51% required for the leap may not be as hard as we may think. The flow of time keeps us bound to this 3rd dimensional planetary experience. We are all experiencing that time is flowing at a faster and faster rate, as more and more light is bombarding the planet. So things are speeding up

To create a quantum shift in the consciousness of the masses, 51% of our creations...

BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the head, the pituitary gland, and the attainment of enlightenment. The platinum body is available through the seventh seal and chakra, the location of the pineal gland. The platinum body is best activated from the divine pathway, but it can be awakened after the seals are set on the power pathway. In fact, the Bible says that Christians will be persecuted by the Antichrist during the great tribulation.

BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. SEALS. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the...

If you know about chakras, you may want to rethink what you think you already know. Here is where we would like to make the biggest reversal of the status quo thus far-blast the biggest misconception about the way you are living your lives. A great majority of you have been conditioned to believe that which you seek is somehow above you or outside of you. It is the reason why the mind is never satisfied and the body is never satiated. It is constantly assuming that its salvation will be from “above” in some form.  What an ironic paradox, then, when this is flipped onto its head 180 degrees–literally! Everything each of you, on a soul and spirit level, truly desires originates beneath you. It is beneath your feet, a deep and lasting connecting to a current that raises up through your body. A sense of power, vitality and well-being–all of these have their roots underground. Whether “below” to you means your root chakra, your feet, or deep below the surface of the earth, it is always in the unsuspecting of places that truth is found

If you know about chakras, you may want to rethink what you think you already...

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists. . In the USA this elite is known as the ‘Deep State’, the `Swamp’ and the ‘Cabal’. The names refer to the shadow government — government within the government — that is hiding behind a vast number of organisations, multinational corporations and think tanks, of which some of the most powerful are the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum and the highly secretive Bilderberg Group. (The American writer and historian Christopher Lasch has dealt extensively with these `Billionaires’ Clubs’ in his book ‘The Revolt of the Elites: And the Betrayal of Democracy’).

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists....

To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I” awareness that creates them. This is the work of the awakened Kundalini. She does this in two ways. First, the Kundalini moves through the sushumna nadi “erasing,” if you will, the impressions stored there and releasing the energy bound up in them. This extraordinary purification process then releases us from the patterns in our lives created by those impressions. Second, she opens up states of consciousness that give us access to unbounded awareness, awareness of the transcendent self, what some call God-consciousness, Buddha mind, or Christ-consciousness, totally free of ego-mind.

To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I”...

`Self is the creator and, `BMI’ is the creation. But like a spider gets caught in its own web the ‘Self gets caged in its own BMI. And when that happens the BMI has to work hard to set the, `Self free. This process can be compared to NASA sending space shuttles. Assume the, ‘Space shuttle’ is the, `Self and everything else within Earth’s gravitational pull is the BMI. A tremendous force has to be applied to throw the Space Shuttle out of Earth’s gravity and send it to the space. To push anything out of Earth’s gravity, force from the Earth itself has to be used. Similarly, to set the, `Self free from BMI the BMI has to utilize all its power. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi the BMI frees the, ‘Self, and then pulls back the ‘Self into the BMI exactly same as a Space shuttle is pushed out of Earth’s gravity, and pulled back into the gravity

`Self is the creator and, `BMI’ is the creation. But like a spider gets caught...

The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault. In Gnosticism, we call the spinal vertebrae canyons or pyramids. Each canyon is related with certain esoteric powers. There are 33 spinal canyons. When the Kundalini fire has already risen through the 33 canyons, then within the Astral Plane, the Staff of the Patriarchs is delivered to the Gnostic. High Initiation is received when the Staff of the Patriarchs has been received. High Initiation is the fusion of the Spiritual Soul with the Innermost

The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault....

The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a respect for the wholeness of the Self. Its goal is to move forward along the trajectory of our unfolding lives, to help us manifest the theme “from fragmentation to wholeness” so that we can actualize our full potential. It is the first psychology (because it includes the work of Carl Jung) that explains the client’s process as being a hero’s or heroine’s journey, an inner awakening or pilgrimage back to our spiritual source.  This journey has been known throughout history by many names: The Tao, The Way of the Christ, enlightenment, the shamanic journey, kundalini awakening, the middle path, the Royal Road, the path of Initiation, the hero’s journey, or simple ‘going home,’ to name only a few

The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a...

Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the seven chakras] in the attainment of the coveted Philosopher’s Stone, described in ancient alchemical texts. Halligan showed how the raising of Kundalini to the crown chakra at the top of the head essentially equates with alchemical “conjunctio”, the mystical marriage of opposites in any spiritual journey which makes union with the Divine a subjective reality, where the Self is fully formed. “A conjunctio metaphorically creates the Philosopher’s Stone, the Self, unity with the Divine. Therefore, for many Jungians the experience of Kundalini awakening is the Eastern version of individuation [coming into Self-hood]

Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the...

The Global Power Elite and Western World- The case for Goliath: How America acts as the world’s Government in the twenty-first century. A global elite? A Goliath Can Mess Up a Relationship.  Goliath Works through Debt Debt has stripped a lot of people, families, and nations naked before a teeming multitude watching and helplessly taken into captivity. Goliath also works with the spirit of ignorance; he has business associates with whom he carries out his mission, and the spirit of ignorance is one of them. This amounts to slavery in the hands of the spirit of ignorance called Goliath.

The Global Power Elite and Western World- The case for Goliath: How America acts as...

Who took the initiative to form NATO? NATO is not a military alliance, actually NATO is a military force of Rothschild and Rockefeller families. NATO was created to protect their interests and to protect their wealth and money. NATO presence is an unwanted danger to the EU project of active togetherness. To the EU states committed to genuine peacekeeping NATO is an affront. It represents the economic and hegemonic need of American regimes in Washington to continue the occupation of Europe with troops and weapons, including nuclear. Instead, the US should be disarming, and investing in the poverty of its own people, dealing with its economic collapse and adjusting to the pain of a declining empire facing its demise. To most EU members, committed to socialism-light and the use of revenue for the social wellbeing of citizens, NATO has become a redundant, extravagant and unwelcome military toy that gobbles up human and financial resources to no positive end

Who took the initiative to form NATO? NATO is not a military alliance, actually NATO...

The monetary system and the history of the privately owned central banking system known as: THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM.  The Federal Reserve System is not an agency of the Federal Government, as one may think. It is rather a venture created by the elite under the guise of international bankers whom have joined together to limit competition and increase capital formation to preserve their profits. The name Federal Reserve System is, by arrangement, a completely artificial and a deceptive name given to this private corporation, the intention of which is to have authority over and control of our nation, currency and assets. The Fed was formed by intent to put-forward an existence of feudal-like, debt based dependence for the American public; we are currently beholden to the banks, credit, and ever increasing debt.

The monetary system and the history of the privately owned central banking system known as:...

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. However, take that power away from them and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money:’  Sir Josiah (later Baron) Stamp, Director, Bank of England 1928-1941  Globalization, questionable trade agreements and the arms trade, meanwhile, increase the West’s control of the `developing world’ at the expense of the people living there, and the bankers are never far away from the machinations. The pertinent documentary The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America, includes two revealing quotes:

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth....

War is a massive generator of risk free debt. This is because the government of a country, and therefore the efforts of the population of that country guarantee their loans, and it does not matter if that country loses the war because the loans are given on the guarantee that the victor will honor the debts of the vanquished. With the United Nations, African Union and European Union in place and every central bank around the world floundering, not just ours, we are at the end of the Rothschild’s world domination plan. Once our country’s economy collapses, the Rothschild owned bankers and politicians would pass laws that usurp our country’s national sovereignty for a New World Order

War is a massive generator of risk free debt. This is because the government of...

The “ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet: but receive power as kings one hour with the beast” are ten individuals who are here now but have yet to take the role set for them from the beginning of time. These ten individuals are members of two fascist organizations known as the Trilateral Commission and The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The primary objective of these two organizations is to form a one-world government and the seat of these two groups is New York City. The Trilateral Commission and the CFR, at this moment, influences every aspect of everyone’s lives: finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass media

The “ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet: but receive power as kings...

History is as dead as God, who was killed by the United States Supreme Court! And propagation of Western Civilization is coming to a halt. Not propagation of the species homo sapiens, but propagation of civilization. Until the sheep of the world awaken, we are falling headlong toward world totalitarianism under the name democracy. U.S money democracy is like A Wolf in Cheap Clothing”. It pretends to act as world democracy (the cheap), but actually is ruled by the “Deep State or the “Shadow Government (the Wolf).

History is as dead as God, who was killed by the United States Supreme Court!...

America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah 50:12), is a daughter nation (Isaiah 47:1,5; Jeremiah 50:42, 51:33). The Council on Foreign Relations – The Rothschild and Council of foreign relations, CFR owns the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, NSA, US Federal Reserve Bank and all the power centers in USA. The Council on Foreign Relations is a  independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher based in New York, N.Y. Founded in 1921. They are behind the NWO and THE “HIDDEN” DEEP STATE, and they want to create a One World Government for YOU

America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah...

The Darker History Of The Vatican – We have alluded to a deeper connection to occult at the Vatican than meets the eye. According to various sources, including the Jewish Encyclopaedia, the House of Rothschild has been the long-standing trustee of the Vatican’s wealth. “Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcastically say ‘Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope… Order has been re-established.’ The Rothschilds in fact over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican’s wealth.” The Jewish Ency., vol. 2, p. 497 states, “It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are guardians of the papal treasure.” Researcher Eustace Mullins writes “that the Rothschilds took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823. Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschilds and the rest of the International Banking system.”

The Darker History Of The Vatican – We have alluded to a deeper connection to...

The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that results in a bounteous harvest of cravings, actions and expectations. Meditation short-circuits this loop of head-banging by cooking the seeds in the fire of Kundalini Shakti until they no longer can be germinated. It happens in this way: The deepest samadhi is a purely selfless state. This inner ambiance of selflessness is completely devoid of selfish, egotistical cravings. The empirical self no longer feels needy of appropriation to fill up its emptiness. The individual lives in the world fulfilled by the ever-flowing fountain of inner love, spontaneous joy, and serene contentment. In this way, no mind is paid to the residual impressions that will wither, die, and never again bear fruit. Purpose has been attained, destiny has played out and free will has remembered the bliss of being

The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that...

Freewill is a term often used but very little understood. Freewill sounds great, but what is it really? It is not the ability to choose between preconditions. It is not the ability to follow routine patterns or agree with the accepted normality. You see, to have freewill one must first be conscious that he has none, he must realize his predicament. To recognize the preconditioned, reactionary behavior and involuntary habitual thoughts that occupy his mind. These machinations override and distract man from conscious presence at any given moment. The constant chatter of our mind is not our true self, and it won’t “pipe down” to allow for awareness of the Now. Distraction is the greatest obstacle to achieving conscious will, and “five sense reality” is the greatest distraction. Once a man has a will, he is free to utilize that will power as he commands. Until then, as Gurdjieff would say, man can do nothing. In his present state, man is unable to take action. He just does as he is programmed to do. You see, this is a reference to the conscious and subconscious mind, another inherent duality.

Freewill is a term often used but very little understood. Freewill sounds great, but what...

Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a metaphor for cognitive cleansing. It visualizes the purging of stored anger. Baring fiery emotion and extreme passion occurs before the rebirthing. That confrontation with a base nature is the true meaning of a baptism by fire. It is the moment the real self faces reality. Burning away conceptual thoughts cannot occur if the fire of emotion is stunted. Metaphors are flashlights beamed on inner life. The methods that make us human are twisted by misinformation and misdirection. It is a trick to keep reality at a safe distance.

Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a...

Alienation from inner workings of the brain jams the interplay between nature and man. When right-hemispheric functions fall into disuse, half of reality goes missing. Multitasking is over. The spiritual center stays unlit if the animating flow of intelligent life stops. The star field shows the pattern the growth cycle takes. The moon and the night sky are stripped of power. The interchange between darkness and light is no longer intuited from observed interactions between the moon and sun. Without warning, the ego steals the spotlight to reinterpret the meaning of existence. Half of the message is deleted. Nothing is clear without it. Its theory of single-mindedness clogs the feeding tube that keeps mental activity alive. Western philosophy supports conformity to patriarchal life. It turns dragons into an evil force for powerful men to eradicate. The final blow to serpent cults takes up residence in the biblical Garden of Eden. Deceit turns knowledge of the tree (symbol of natural laws) into forbidden fruit. Truth is demonized. Moon knowledge is blocked from entering mentation

Alienation from inner workings of the brain jams the interplay between nature and man. When...

The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then it will outlaw Christianity. In short, today we are under the DICTATORSHIP of the ILLUMINATI’S “UNITED NATIONS. Page after page addresses-controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his key Illuminati organizations, including the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, the Round Table, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the United Lions Organisation (UNO). At their apex stands the Rothschild family

The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then...

In 1913, Woodrow Wilson became president and discovered the shadow government. He stated, “Our great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men…who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom. We have come to be one of the most ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world not a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men.”

In 1913, Woodrow Wilson became president and discovered the shadow government. He stated, “Our great...

The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a structure of floating, intersecting spheres. Communication courses through conferences and supercarriers who channel concepts between spheres. Content comes from public intellectuals. Their glue is like-mindedness. Their strength is patience. Their method is piecemeal social engineering. Their scalpel is the shock doctrine. Their final success is ensured by the ratchet. This is all employed in obeisance to the agenda: one money, one world, one order

The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a...

The entire human race is plunged into despair by this anti-God, anti-Christ religious system! The core system of belief that underlies western civilization’s collective knowledge is not Christianity, but science. Man’s whole civilization is suppressive. We have suppressed many things within us, and we are afraid of opening the Pandora’s box. We are really frightened; we seem to be sitting on a volcano. We are ridden with many fears; it is not just a question of dancing. The fears are deep-rooted. We have repressed ourselves tremendously, and we also know what is likely to come out of the basements of our minds

The entire human race is plunged into despair by this anti-God, anti-Christ religious system! The...

The CSF flows through the pituitary gland and becomes milky white substance. In the pineal gland it is a yellow (gold) substance, or the land of milk and honey. It became the Holy Claus or the Saint Claus bringing gifts from the North pole, aka the head. The head contains the cerebrum. The cerebrum is defined as cerebrum (n.) “the brain,” 1610s, from Latin cerebrum “the brain” (also “the understanding”), from PIE *keres-, from root *ker.

The CSF flows through the pituitary gland and becomes milky white substance. In the pineal...

That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would be resonant with the concept of the Second Adam. That Kundalini in man is typically dormant normally. Kundalini – Opening for us the dimension of the spontaneous synthesis between the Finite and the Infinite, thus completing the grand task of the previous incarnations. Indeed, the opening of the fontanel bone at the top of the brain) by the thing Kundalini is the opening of the egg’s shell: the new man, the new Adam is born. Redemption time occurs when the Kundalini pierces the fontanel bone at the top of the brain

That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would...

The German poet Holderlin has written: “Danger itself fosters the rescuing power.” And moreover, to quote Jung once more: What we observe here is a fundamental law of life—enantiodromia – the reversal into the opposite; and this it is that makes possible the reunion of the warring halves of the personality, and thereby brings the civil war to an end.” The result of this renewal of life is a second birth. For the elements of consciousness, or the human soul and its vehicle, are reassembled spontaneously upon an entirely new and higher pattern. This new consciousness is the result of the union of the several constituents of consciousness, or levels of awareness

The German poet Holderlin has written: “Danger itself fosters the rescuing power.” And moreover, to...

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