15 Oct 2024, Tue

The potential energy of kundalini is also like a nuclear reaction; bombardment of the atomic nucleus with high energy particles destabilizes the atom and leads to a release of tremendous energy. The Fire of kundalini, (the inner fire of matter), is aroused as a final step in man’s spiritual development. There is much misapprehension about the raising of kundalini, but let us assure you, it is most difficult to raise. Only when it progresses geometrically up all three spinal tracts, ida, pingala, and sushumna, with simultaneous action and uniform vibration, is true kundalini fire aroused, and it can only be done by the Higher Self. Then, when all three fires merge and blend in man’s highest chakras, will he emerge as a perfected Being, and the powers latent within him will be full expressed. In this way, man is slowly changed by solar fire through the long process of earthly evolution and persistent rebirth.

The potential energy of kundalini is also like a nuclear reaction; bombardment of the atomic...

The seventh chakra is located in the pineal gland and is made up of the meeting of the six chakras. It would be a hollow space, on the edges of which there would be a thousand nerves. Sahasrara, the consciousness chakra: When this opens, you become fully aware of pure consciousness as the sole reality and underlying substance of everything in the universe. Sahasrara . Therefore , to awaken the life principle or consciousness from Muladhara and let it merge in Sahasrara has been described as ‘ liberation ‘ by Vedanta

The seventh chakra is located in the pineal gland and is made up of the...

For some, Sahasrara has been lost; for others it has always been here, all we need to do is search for it. The greatest spiritual power lies in Sahasrara and not in Ajna chakra. The Sanskrit translation of the word Sahasrara explains everything – “Thousand-Petal Lotus”. The yogi is finally free, because once the yogi’s worthy spirit has touched the subtle energy of Nirvana’s plane

For some, Sahasrara has been lost; for others it has always been here, all we...

The sword (Excalibur) indeed is the sword of spirit. Only the One who will take this sword out of the stone will be worthy to be the King. It is offered to all who would like to take up the challenge. But only the One who can take the sword out of the stone is the Anointed One. The sword is the symbol of the raised kundalini. The sword Excalibur is the threefold flame of the individual. The caliber of the sword is the x factor. According to the individual’s initiation and his attainment, so is the power of his sword. Jesus has spoken of the sword and its meaning:

The sword (Excalibur) indeed is the sword of spirit. Only the One who will take...

The hippocampus associated with memory is the ram. Our brain is a computer with ram that holds memories like other computers; this ram has a lot to do with us remembering who we really are. When Mary arrived she saw the angel sitting on the rolled stone and Amen was no longer inside. The angel in verse Matthew 26:32 where he went. Matthew 26:32 But after I am risen again. I will go before you into Galilee. Galilee comes from the word (gelila), meaning circuit, boundary or territory. The feminine noun (gulgoleth), meaning skull or head. The reason why the tomb was empty when Mary got there is symbolic that once the kundalini arrives, the Amen (Christ) that was in the tomb has now flooded the well-being of the individual. The energy in the fornix of the brain is called foramen. The impulse within has symbolically rolled away the stone allowing the crown psychological center to open as the chemicals are released from the pineal flooding the brain circuitry. Amen has risen is symbolic of the opening of the Crown chakra

The hippocampus associated with memory is the ram. Our brain is a computer with ram...

The heart operates outside of time and space because it is connected to the cosmos. As such, it functions similar to the Universe: It moves through spirals, vortices, and portals. The heart can access information through interdimensional means and provide us with answers our minds cannot imagine. The brain is limited by its programming whereas the heart has access to the infinite source of wisdom. Since the human heart generates the largest electromagnetic field of the body, it receives information in the form of electromagnetic signals before the brain. It acts as an information clearinghouse that decides what information is important. Not only is it a clearinghouse for information, it also connects us with the energy of creation, the primal spark that glows within every star or heart

The heart operates outside of time and space because it is connected to the cosmos....

The Door to Enter Into Initiation. When these two serpents touch tails, the solar and lunar atoms make contact in the coccyx, near the Triveni.  Then, the Kundalini awakens. The igneous serpent of our magical powers emerges from the membranous pocket where it was enclosed and rises through the spinal canal toward the chalice (the brain).  Certain nerve filaments that connect the seven chakras, or sympathetic plexus, with the spinal column, branch out from the medullar canal. The sacred fire activates the seven magnetic centers.

The Door to Enter Into Initiation. When these two serpents touch tails, the solar and...

AMERICANS LIVE WITH A BASIC DILEMMA. They place a high value on their personal privacy, perhaps more so than most people; this may be due to the much-advertised dissolution of the American nuclear family with its associated emphasis on the individual over the group. At the same time, they expect perfect transparency in their government. It has been the (sometimes pointless) secrecy of American government institutions that has contributed to the paranoia and cynicism of the conspiracy theorists

AMERICANS LIVE WITH A BASIC DILEMMA. They place a high value on their personal privacy,...

Baptism by Fire- The act of baptism represents that point of attainment where kundalini rises to the crown chakra, the crown chakra opens, and the blessings of Spirit pour forth for the personality and all in its vicinity. It’s the rise of Kundalini, energizing of the shells of the body. Bodhisattvas remain just in such state. The Matter within their bodies occultly “rises”, “is saved”.

Baptism by Fire- The act of baptism represents that point of attainment where kundalini rises...

These spiritual builders of our time will be called the bridge builders. They will build a bridge from our current level of awareness to kingdom consciousness. These steps will initiate a seismic shift in our worldview and rattle our bones to the core. Jesus predicted that once you discover the truth, you will be deeply disturbed, and ultimately amazed. When we begin to see the world through the eyes of God, we will be disturbed. The shackles of restraint will dissolve, leaving us free to live a life beyond what we can even begin to imagine today. The disturbance emerges from the dissolution of our current worldview as it slips into the past, allowing for the birth of our expanded and evolved existence. The amazement arises from seeing reality from an omniscient perspective. The opening of new senses coupled with an understanding of our full potential culminates into a golden key that unlocks the door to kingdom consciousness. As the key turns in the lock, the click activates within us the dormant DNA that has been waiting for this moment. Science has told us that we only use a small portion of our brains, and that we have DNA that does not appear to have a purpose

These spiritual builders of our time will be called the bridge builders. They will build...

The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold us back from achieving wonderful things. Then the heart doesn´t fear anything this world prevents people from opening their spiritual heart. The spiritual heart also represent Christ/Buddha Consciousness. The ego is fear and has no control of heart energies, so it keep humankind trapped and imprisoned within the three lower physical chakras and its materialistic-reality of matter

The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold...

The shock doctrine is a ratchet; it turns in one direction, then locks in place. It can turn again in the same direction, but can never be reversed.When shocks strike, the elites move immediately to implement a new stage of their program. The critical task is to act quickly before the shock fades. The ratchet ensures that elite gains are not soon surrendered. The process goes into remission until the next shock

The Illuminati consists of many powerful groups. The Bilderberg Group is one of those top-secret...

The alchemical key, is the key to the key. The key is the Apocalypse or crucifixion of the state of duality and the outcome is Oneness. The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions.  Current research has revealed a guide spot, a miracle mind, situated primarily in the frontal lobes of the human brain. When we consciously connect to this spot, also known as the God spot, we have access to the infinite potential, or power on hold of the universe. With the necessary understanding, skills, and tools we can tap into and utilize our universal intelligence, guidance, and wisdom

Through the connection to deeper brain regions, through new connections to unused brain parts and...

Physiologically, when this Kundalini energy becomes active, it climbs up through the spinal cord directly to one’s head with the main purpose to cause certain changes in the brain activity. It is amazing what Kundalini does to the human body. It has been proven that when it reaches the brain it brings the bioelectrical power supply to the brain cells, which are usually out of function. It actually hits the whole area of the brain but influences mostly the cells that are connected to the psychic abilities of the mind

Physiologically, when this Kundalini energy becomes active, it climbs up through the spinal cord directly...

Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored in the mini black hole of your pineal gland’s fractals, just as the head of the sphinx may have served in Egypt. You could consider that each chakra star gate is a mini black hole then. And when science announces this body genius, will there still be a need for religions, governments, banks, or taxes that control: energy creativity, information, your natural resources, or the spirit of your inner life?

Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own...

Many people talk of light as bringing in universal consciousness, which in turn brings the ability to receive and transmit love and knowledge. Materialism causes limitations on our view and causes us to see God as an amphomorphic being that is separate from its creations. Our mind creates the time and the distance and the differences . our mind divides everything and separates . This world of varieties exist because of our different minds

Many people talk of light as bringing in universal consciousness, which in turn brings the...

Within your mind lies the precious treasure: your subconscious mind. The real secret lies in the ability to connect and unleash the powers of your subconscious.  Within the center of your heart lies another precious treasure: your soul and spiritual wisdom. When you go within and connect with your heart, you discover your truth and can unleash your power, abilities, and tap into your intuition, where you find an unlimited supply of all wisdom, knowledge, love, and truth

Within your mind lies the precious treasure: your subconscious mind. The real secret lies in...

‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped, this spirit longs for freedom for it is understood to be slumbering in matter; to be asleep.” “‘Ignorance’ is:’ therefore, “the essence of mundane existence.”” It is an ignorance of one’s spirit about itself and about the transcendent God” because of this slumbering. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience.

‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped,...

Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became the cherished goal to awaken the Master Builder and “Rebuild Solomon’s Temple,” which is a metaphor for transmuting the human body into an immortal temple of God through the power of the Kundalini.  The Ark of the Covenant is between the cherubim and the pineal gland is between the cerebrums of the brain. It is often referred to as the house of the soul

Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”....

What keeps the normal human psyche from functioning at more than three to five percent of its potential capacity? The answer can be found in one word —ego. Imagine what it would be like to live only in the kitchen of a I5-room house. The life-giving connection between heaven and earth is the cross, the world-axis on either side of which two gigantic vines spiral upwards. The work has a similar sense to that behind the Indian Kundalini and the two energy-spirals that twist around it in opposite directions.

What keeps the normal human psyche from functioning at more than three to five percent...

The philosopher’s stone, as is frequently the case, is symbolized by the phoenix, which must be consumed by fire in order to renew itself. The mystery of the phoenix is that from its death (ashes), it is reborn. Images of a hero rising from the dead, or even of a Phoenix, a Rose, or a Red Lion, symbols of the Stone and of Christ, the Light of the World. This is the story cipher for the illumination of lead to gold and the enlightenment of the alchemist

The philosopher’s stone, as is frequently the case, is symbolized by the phoenix, which must...

The corrupt Old World Order of Illuminati, referred to “The Establishment:’ The Establishment Illuminati has many levels and many titles: at the highest levels the inner core refer to themselves as “The Priesthood of Amen:’ At the next level down there are those who refer to themselves as the “Lucifer Web.” Other names used are: The Black Nobility, The Moriah Conquering Wind), or The Brotherhood

The corrupt Old World Order of Illuminati, referred to “The Establishment:’ The Establishment Illuminati has...

Who are these modern day “feudal lords (Illuminati)?” In order to understand the mostly invisible monster we face, we need to understand the modus operandi of the detractors who seek to enslave the human race. As master warfare strategist Sun Tzu noted: “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles!’ The identity and origins of this elite “cabal”

Who are these modern day “feudal lords (Illuminati)?” In order to understand the mostly invisible...

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Illuminati. Who are the grandmasters. Of the Empire. The banks would rule the schools. And money would rule the truth. Materialism would rule spirituality. And disaster would rule hope. The goal is to keep humankind tuned, trapped within the five-senses reality because the five senses mind can´t comprehend the action and methods they using to mind control the masses, and this keeps humankind trapped within a world of constant programming

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Illuminati. Who...

The number 33 is symbolic of the spine. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine. The spine in the occult was sometimes called serpent because of its shape. Initiates in ancient times were known as Nagas, a word that means serpent. When one meditates it causes the energy that Carl Jung called the Libido to rise. In Indian yoga, it’s called Kundalini. In Egypt, it’s called serpent power. We have seven main psychological energy centers called chakras in Indian yoga. Libido reaches the skull at the end of the 33 vertebrae. It is here where we begin to reach full self-awareness. The Third Eye opens, meaning one has the self-awareness that brings universal love. Superman is 33 when he comes into his full power (Christ consciousness)

The number 33 is symbolic of the spine. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine....

Page after page addresses controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his key Illuminati organizations, including the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, the Round Table, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the United Lions Organisation (UNO). At their apex stands the Rothschild family

Page after page addresses controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing...

How to expand your Consciousness, and Awakening your Transcendental Intelligence. Western countries thinking they should have the monopoly on power and industry, and this include the power of your own consciousness. Therefore the human ego-mind is tuned into a low vibrational frequency world, and mankind is cut off from be able to shifting their mass consciousness into a higher frequency

How to expand your Consciousness, and Awakening your Transcendental Intelligence. Western countries thinking they should...

The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis (the opposite of the thesis) is then set up, and then out of the conflict of the two comes the synthesis. Hegelian philosophy is really a fancy term for what the Illuminati were doing before the term was invented. To bring this all down to street terms, the Illuminati’s Mafia would send businessmen a letter demanding money and signed with the imprint of a black hand. (This was the thesis). If the demand wasn’t met then the business would be burned or the businessman hurt. Then the Mafia would introduce themselves as potential protectors for the businessman from the black hand extortioners (themselves). (This is the antithesis). And when the businessman begins paying the Mafia for protection that is the synthesis. The Illuminati are doing this tactic all over the world, and it certainly has almost everyone fooled

The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis...

The Illuminati want to keep us stuck in low vibrational Energy. The goals of the Global Elite are to create a new world order and a one world order where they’ll rule the world into fascism and slavery. These goals are not planned in the public’s eyes, but in secrecy within Secret Societies. The Illuminati own and control all Secret Societies and use all things to influence and manipulate the masses. They’ve set up the World’s System where anyone who goes against it will be ridiculed. Suppressed information keeps people from knowing the cause of current problems

The Illuminati want to keep us stuck in low vibrational Energy. The goals of the...

BOOK WITH SEVEN SEALS – Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals. The book represents man’s body, and the Seven Seals represent the seven major nerve centers of the body. It involves taking a cosmic wire that sits at the base of your spine (called the Kundalini) and running that wire through each aligned chakra, pushing the wire through your crown chakra, and grounding the energy that flows down into you into the earth below you

BOOK WITH SEVEN SEALS – Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals....

The Book of Apocalypse explained … H. G. Wells, one of the foremost authors of modern times, wrote a book tided “Crux Anasata,” copyright 1953. When copies of this book were sent to the U.S.A., they were confiscated by Customs Officials.  But the manuscript of the work was received in a private letter, and a limited edition of the book was published by Free-thought Press Association. This work contains a chapter tided, “The Continual Shrinkage of the Roman Catholic Church,” in which Wells said:

The Book of Apocalypse explained … H. G. Wells, one of the foremost authors of...

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Lucis Trust itself is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The dark cabal from this point in ancient history to this very moment in time has spent all of its waking hours and energy to harness ours. These societies practice and covet the Art of Alchemy protected by an oath of death to anyone that reveals its secrets

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Lucis Trust...

Metamorphosis is happening with some people today, but it happens when we choose to quiet our mind, so we do not have to make a cocoon. This process occurs in a living life form but instead of the old body destroying such as happens in physical death. A new brain and nervous system is built in the existing body, breaking down the old structure and using this released energy as fuel to make the new body based on the new genetic instructions activated when the process triggered. After this completes the person is a new species and from reproduction can produce offspring of the new species. This phenomenon happens widely to many individuals in the same species simultaneously, as all are affected by outside changing conditions in similar ways and have been evolving a similar amount of time. When the vibration level is high enough, latent DNA switches activate and a jump is made to the next species in the evolutionary track

Kundalini – The Butterfly Experience: How to Transform Your Life from the Inside Out The...

Anyway, the Kundalini Yoga is primarily for the strongest that are determined to find the purpose of their own existence. If the nature loves you, it will provide you the way to reach what you are after. You cannot “open the third eye” without the rising of the Kundalini. “Strive to enter by the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13.24) “Enter by the narrow gate

A person, who is awakened to the Self, holds the realm of the Self in...

This little gland actually functions as the portal for your inner vision. In order to activate the third eye and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland (situated at the base of the brain) must vibrate in unison. This means the joining of the functions of the Pituitary and Pineal, Glands in the brain. the creative impetus, flowing from the Cosmic Source, is transmitted to the chakras and their connections as Kundalini Power. When this power is aroused from its dormancy, it resurrects the sleeping God-Man, and he perceives the pan-natural truths. The Mind becomes illuminated and brilliant, and there appear wonderful visions of extraordinary mental powers

The third eye opens when the two merge in the sacred marriage. This third eye...

Permanent kundalini is like an electrical current that never stops. The individuals who experience it know it never stops. Kundalini Shakti always leads to goodness. There are three types of kundalini, however, which contrasts to most sources of data. In a nutshell, these three kundalinis are red/serpent, gold, and spiritual. The red kundalini primarily activates on the elemental pathway, the golden kundalini on the power, and the spiritual kundalini on the divine. However, each of these three types allows for access to each of the pathways, even the imaginal. The imaginal requires serious amounts of strength so we can shift between the many worlds

If you are serious about mastering yourself and the many hundreds of Spiritual Chakras that...

Kundalini is awaiting you to carry you to your true spiritual home. The serpentine fire (kundalini) coiled along man’s spinal cord symbolically represents the trunk of the tree, thus the kundalini is associated with the serpent. To awaken the serpentine fire and raise it through the spinal column (tree) means liberation from the sensorial world to a higher level of consciousness; this is confirmed by the fact that the Bible states that once theat of the Tree their eyes will open. Precisely the ultimate purpose of some mystical schools as well as of Indian Yoga (meaning union) is to seek the raising of the Kundalini which is located at the base of the spinal column to the Pineal Chakra, situated on the forehead and connected with the mystical Third. Eye, to obtain enlightenment.

Kundalini is awaiting you to carry you to your true spiritual home. Kundalini is wholly...

The word “tantra” is derived from “tonati” (expansion) and “trayati” (liberation). Tantra is thus an esoteric system of spiritual practice which aims at expanding the conscious-ness and liberating the mind. It is said to have originated from the secret body of knowledge. Awakening kundalini energy can be experienced as the awakening of the treasure within. It is your most creative potential waiting to be discovered by your heart. It is the source of your truth and energy, and the universal consciousness within you. The awakening of kundalini energy is the process of your own awakening and liberation

The word “tantra” is derived from “tonati” (expansion) and “trayati” (liberation). Tantra is thus an...

Awaken the World Within – The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. The world in which man lives depends on the state of his Consciousness. He changes his world as his state of Consciousness is changed; and his state of Consciousness is changed when the Serpentine Fire is raised up to the brain and illuminates the Mind by awakening millions of dormant brain cells. As the Mind was thus illuminated, it revealed to the Masters the amazing fact that the Kingdom of God is neither here nor Awaken the World Within – The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. The world in which man lives depends on the state of his Consciousness. He changes his world as his state of Consciousness is changed; and his state of Consciousness is changed when the Serpentine Fire is raised up to the brain and illuminates the Mind by awakening millions of dormant brain cells. As the Mind was thus illuminated, it revealed to the Masters the amazing fact that the Kingdom of God is neither here nor there, but within man (Lu. 17:21)

he flow of soul energy to the brain awakens new brain cells and stimulates our...

In other words the marriage of pineal and pituitary , the male and female forces , result in the birth of ‘ Christ consciousness ‘ The six water pots symbolize the six ventricles of the brain. The servants represent different faculties within us, which the heart or emotional nature (represented by Jesus’ mother) commands to obey the Christ Within. The governor of the feast symbolizes the mind. The water used is the water of life”, which is transformed from the lower use to the higher use as the “wine of life”.. This change is from the “water” of generation to the “wine” of regeneration. Wine is a mingled product and it is the mingling of the vibrations of the pineal gland and pituitary body which produces this spiritual “wine”. Therefore this wedding feast signifies the “marriage” of the mind and the heart or the alchemical “wedding” within, in which clairvoyance or spiritual sight is produced

In other words the marriage of pineal and pituitary , the male and female forces...

The Kundalini Light – The sixth sense is the kundalini light in a feeling of radiating warmth; the seventh is the sense of synthesis. Kundalini is the physical representative of the soul The soul is zero like the sky but full of consciousness as opposed to it, although by being in worldliness, it has to bear its ill effects of illusion. This causes its conscious light to disappear. When man tries to return to his primitive soul with advaita spirit, then Kundalini appears there. The moment we become able to use the kundalini light to illumine the soul, it becomes as visible as an object illumined by sunlight. Thus the whole inner body is gradually illumined for the yoga pupil. All ancient knowledge of anatomy was perceived through this inner illumination.

The Kundalini Light – The sixth sense is the kundalini light in a feeling of...

The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions.  Current research has revealed a guide spot, a miracle mind, situated primarily in the frontal lobes of the human brain. When we consciously connect to this spot, also known as the God spot, we have access to the infinite potential, or power on hold of the universe. With the necessary understanding, skills, and tools we can tap into and utilise our universal intelligence, guidance, and wisdom

The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions. ...

Crown chakra – The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.” The true battle between good and evil—between our lower and higher natures—happens within. When our higher centers are fully awakened, the energies of divine love will flow through us from the spiritual kingdom to the subhuman worlds. When the spiritual and physical worlds are united, the “new heaven and a new earth,” mentioned in Revelation, will be revealed.

Crown chakra – The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word...

The Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix world is based upon a paradigm of ever increasing enslavement and exploitation. We have been taught that the artificial reality of the Matrix is all there is; we have been taught that we have no power to change it. But the truth is that you do have power, in fact, you have the power to create worlds or be a co-creator of your own life. The Matrix uses one´s innate power to sustain a world that doesn´t benefit higher consciousness or spiritual growth. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate humankind to enslavement of the mind, humans becomes its subjects as long they remain ignorant of their own power. Once human through practice or “yoga” are fully conscious beings The Matrix has no longer any control. A new, amazing future is arriving . Humans are all facing a decision; they can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it for a life of freedom

The Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix...

Mass Consciousness is the desire consciousness of the ego and is formed through the five senses of passions (mass consciousness is desires of the ego and the five senses of passions). Mass society, mass media, mass production, mass distribution, mass consumption, mass-produced and mass-consumed, mass entertainment, mass communication, mass education, mass consciousness, mass psychology, mass hysteria, mass illusion and finally all these parts is the Matrix. Waking up from the Matrix, breaking the bondage (of) false consciousness (the dreamworld) and wakening up from the illusionary reality, is done when people are shown the true workings of the Matrix-system.

Mass Consciousness is the desire consciousness of the ego and is formed through the five...

Magic of kundalini – SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three.  SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ has ‘wired’ us to become the people we are and gives us the potential for further ‘rewiring’ — for growth and transformation, for further evolution of our human potential

Magic of kundalini – SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four...

We are shifting in sync with the Earth’s magnetic grid and are moving into a stronger magnetic configuration. The higher conscious mind demands a more powerful line of communication. Compare it to more sophisticated fiber optic cables that increase the carrying capacity for data and information to be communicated all over the world. We have that technology now within our computer and phone systems. These advanced systems require better grounding fields; and thus, as they change, so do we.

We are shifting in sync with the Earth’s magnetic grid and are moving into a...

KUNDALINI COURSE OF ACTION – This powerful formula was based on the Tantric Pranaya-ma (yogic breathing), aiming for spontaneous awakening of Kundalini, which symbolizes the Serpent Power without the lengthy meditation and the years of spiritual training. The serpent is normally asleep while man is awake to the outside world, and is coiled up around the axis of the body. According to the Tantric texts, Kundalini is a mysterious psycho-spiritual force, a conceptual and practical mainstay of Tantra, which originally served as a road map to awaken the Kundalini power. If it is uncoiled and raised to the thousand-petalled lotus at the crown of the head known as the seventh chakra, which represents spiritual unfolding, it obliterates the sense of individuation and floods the body with divine nectar, the Kula-amrita, thus allowing you to have inexplicable beatific state of experience. When Kundalini begins to ascend through the chakras, it brings increasing powers into play, until it reaches the highest point of total awareness and realization. To awaken and uncoil it is to break the ontological plane and attain the sacred center or enlightenment.

KUNDALINI COURSE OF ACTION – This powerful formula was based on the Tantric Pranaya-ma (yogic...

Rothschild’s control most of the Uranium world-wide. The revolutionary war of 1776, and the war of 1812, and the civil war were money war’s started by the international bankers of Europe, in an effort to gain control of America money systems. There is a powerful force today. They are an unseen government behind the scenes, who dictate and control our governments today. These men stay behind the scenes, and they use their financial influence in political life. These men are the international bankers. These men now control the governments of the world. The reason for their secrecy becomes clear when you consider their major goals, which is to establish a one world government, consisting of a world economy, and a world religion. You can see the beast, and the religious whore rising up to rule this world system today

Rothschild’s control most of the Uranium world-wide. The revolutionary war of 1776, and the war...

Why was numbers 369 so important for Tesla? These elite men were all members of the Masonic Order. They wanted to get rich off of new inventions and not give anything to the public that was free. Because of their selfishness, they were instrumental in breaking Tesla, both publicly and financially. He died a poor man. What Tesla was undoubtedly unaware of was that these same elite men took his technology underground and began using it for their clandestine projects. With free energy sources in the palm of their hands, these men, whose plan was to control the world, could go about their secret business without governmental or public awareness. The elite Brotherhood knew Tesla’s technology possessed the capability their Order needed to exercise power over the masses. Tesla had already proven to them the energy’s capacity to be used as a mind control tactic. He had shown these men that the powers of electricity directly affected the electromagnetic fields and, in turn, produced altered states of consciousness within humans.

Why was numbers 369 so important for Tesla? These elite men were all members of...

When the Kundalini power is awakened various supernatural faculties may be acquired, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, knowledge of past and future, ability to read other people’s thoughts, as well as many occult powers, depending upon the Chakra one is meditating on. The aspirant, however, does not stop at this, for although he posses all these occult powers, he brushes them aside, aspiring to the highest degree of knowledge : the realisation of the supreme -self, the ultimate truth. Once the aspirant has achieved the ability to direct the Kundalini by the power of concentration to the seventh Chakra, the Sahasrara (the seat of pure consciousness), and has united himself be it, he has attained the true goal of meditation; the state of superconsciousness or Samadhi. It is the stage of confluence of the supreme Lord Shiva and his source of energy : Shakti.Sahasrara means “thousandfold.” The thousand-petaled lotus above your head, it is the center of divine union, integration, and spiritual enlightenment

When the Kundalini power is awakened various supernatural faculties may be acquired, such as clairvoyance,...

To create a quantum shift in the consciousness of the masses, 51% of our creations need to be positive. To maintain peace on the planet 51% have to be in agreement and expressing vibration of peace in their own lives and consciousness. When 51% of our projections are vibrating at a higher frequency, the other 49% is instantly absorbed into the higher vibration and the electron vibrates at that higher frequency. Once our thought forms and consciousness, our trust and our vision align at 51% we reach critical mass and nothing can stop our vision materializing. In western society we are bombarded by negative media and news, however much of the earth’s population does not have access to the media of the west, so the 51% required for the leap may not be as hard as we may think. The flow of time keeps us bound to this 3rd dimensional planetary experience. We are all experiencing that time is flowing at a faster and faster rate, as more and more light is bombarding the planet. So things are speeding up

To create a quantum shift in the consciousness of the masses, 51% of our creations...

BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the head, the pituitary gland, and the attainment of enlightenment. The platinum body is available through the seventh seal and chakra, the location of the pineal gland. The platinum body is best activated from the divine pathway, but it can be awakened after the seals are set on the power pathway. In fact, the Bible says that Christians will be persecuted by the Antichrist during the great tribulation.

BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. SEALS. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the...

If you know about chakras, you may want to rethink what you think you already know. Here is where we would like to make the biggest reversal of the status quo thus far-blast the biggest misconception about the way you are living your lives. A great majority of you have been conditioned to believe that which you seek is somehow above you or outside of you. It is the reason why the mind is never satisfied and the body is never satiated. It is constantly assuming that its salvation will be from “above” in some form.  What an ironic paradox, then, when this is flipped onto its head 180 degrees–literally! Everything each of you, on a soul and spirit level, truly desires originates beneath you. It is beneath your feet, a deep and lasting connecting to a current that raises up through your body. A sense of power, vitality and well-being–all of these have their roots underground. Whether “below” to you means your root chakra, your feet, or deep below the surface of the earth, it is always in the unsuspecting of places that truth is found

If you know about chakras, you may want to rethink what you think you already...

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists. . In the USA this elite is known as the ‘Deep State’, the `Swamp’ and the ‘Cabal’. The names refer to the shadow government — government within the government — that is hiding behind a vast number of organisations, multinational corporations and think tanks, of which some of the most powerful are the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum and the highly secretive Bilderberg Group. (The American writer and historian Christopher Lasch has dealt extensively with these `Billionaires’ Clubs’ in his book ‘The Revolt of the Elites: And the Betrayal of Democracy’).

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists....

To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I” awareness that creates them. This is the work of the awakened Kundalini. She does this in two ways. First, the Kundalini moves through the sushumna nadi “erasing,” if you will, the impressions stored there and releasing the energy bound up in them. This extraordinary purification process then releases us from the patterns in our lives created by those impressions. Second, she opens up states of consciousness that give us access to unbounded awareness, awareness of the transcendent self, what some call God-consciousness, Buddha mind, or Christ-consciousness, totally free of ego-mind.

To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I”...

`Self is the creator and, `BMI’ is the creation. But like a spider gets caught in its own web the ‘Self gets caged in its own BMI. And when that happens the BMI has to work hard to set the, `Self free. This process can be compared to NASA sending space shuttles. Assume the, ‘Space shuttle’ is the, `Self and everything else within Earth’s gravitational pull is the BMI. A tremendous force has to be applied to throw the Space Shuttle out of Earth’s gravity and send it to the space. To push anything out of Earth’s gravity, force from the Earth itself has to be used. Similarly, to set the, `Self free from BMI the BMI has to utilize all its power. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi the BMI frees the, ‘Self, and then pulls back the ‘Self into the BMI exactly same as a Space shuttle is pushed out of Earth’s gravity, and pulled back into the gravity

`Self is the creator and, `BMI’ is the creation. But like a spider gets caught...

The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault. In Gnosticism, we call the spinal vertebrae canyons or pyramids. Each canyon is related with certain esoteric powers. There are 33 spinal canyons. When the Kundalini fire has already risen through the 33 canyons, then within the Astral Plane, the Staff of the Patriarchs is delivered to the Gnostic. High Initiation is received when the Staff of the Patriarchs has been received. High Initiation is the fusion of the Spiritual Soul with the Innermost

The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault....

The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a respect for the wholeness of the Self. Its goal is to move forward along the trajectory of our unfolding lives, to help us manifest the theme “from fragmentation to wholeness” so that we can actualize our full potential. It is the first psychology (because it includes the work of Carl Jung) that explains the client’s process as being a hero’s or heroine’s journey, an inner awakening or pilgrimage back to our spiritual source.  This journey has been known throughout history by many names: The Tao, The Way of the Christ, enlightenment, the shamanic journey, kundalini awakening, the middle path, the Royal Road, the path of Initiation, the hero’s journey, or simple ‘going home,’ to name only a few

The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a...

Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the seven chakras] in the attainment of the coveted Philosopher’s Stone, described in ancient alchemical texts. Halligan showed how the raising of Kundalini to the crown chakra at the top of the head essentially equates with alchemical “conjunctio”, the mystical marriage of opposites in any spiritual journey which makes union with the Divine a subjective reality, where the Self is fully formed. “A conjunctio metaphorically creates the Philosopher’s Stone, the Self, unity with the Divine. Therefore, for many Jungians the experience of Kundalini awakening is the Eastern version of individuation [coming into Self-hood]

Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the...

The Global Power Elite and Western World- The case for Goliath: How America acts as the world’s Government in the twenty-first century. A global elite? A Goliath Can Mess Up a Relationship.  Goliath Works through Debt Debt has stripped a lot of people, families, and nations naked before a teeming multitude watching and helplessly taken into captivity. Goliath also works with the spirit of ignorance; he has business associates with whom he carries out his mission, and the spirit of ignorance is one of them. This amounts to slavery in the hands of the spirit of ignorance called Goliath.

The Global Power Elite and Western World- The case for Goliath: How America acts as...

Who took the initiative to form NATO? NATO is not a military alliance, actually NATO is a military force of Rothschild and Rockefeller families. NATO was created to protect their interests and to protect their wealth and money. NATO presence is an unwanted danger to the EU project of active togetherness. To the EU states committed to genuine peacekeeping NATO is an affront. It represents the economic and hegemonic need of American regimes in Washington to continue the occupation of Europe with troops and weapons, including nuclear. Instead, the US should be disarming, and investing in the poverty of its own people, dealing with its economic collapse and adjusting to the pain of a declining empire facing its demise. To most EU members, committed to socialism-light and the use of revenue for the social wellbeing of citizens, NATO has become a redundant, extravagant and unwelcome military toy that gobbles up human and financial resources to no positive end

Who took the initiative to form NATO? NATO is not a military alliance, actually NATO...

The monetary system and the history of the privately owned central banking system known as: THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM.  The Federal Reserve System is not an agency of the Federal Government, as one may think. It is rather a venture created by the elite under the guise of international bankers whom have joined together to limit competition and increase capital formation to preserve their profits. The name Federal Reserve System is, by arrangement, a completely artificial and a deceptive name given to this private corporation, the intention of which is to have authority over and control of our nation, currency and assets. The Fed was formed by intent to put-forward an existence of feudal-like, debt based dependence for the American public; we are currently beholden to the banks, credit, and ever increasing debt.

The monetary system and the history of the privately owned central banking system known as:...

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. However, take that power away from them and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money:’  Sir Josiah (later Baron) Stamp, Director, Bank of England 1928-1941  Globalization, questionable trade agreements and the arms trade, meanwhile, increase the West’s control of the `developing world’ at the expense of the people living there, and the bankers are never far away from the machinations. The pertinent documentary The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America, includes two revealing quotes:

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth....

War is a massive generator of risk free debt. This is because the government of a country, and therefore the efforts of the population of that country guarantee their loans, and it does not matter if that country loses the war because the loans are given on the guarantee that the victor will honor the debts of the vanquished. With the United Nations, African Union and European Union in place and every central bank around the world floundering, not just ours, we are at the end of the Rothschild’s world domination plan. Once our country’s economy collapses, the Rothschild owned bankers and politicians would pass laws that usurp our country’s national sovereignty for a New World Order

War is a massive generator of risk free debt. This is because the government of...

The “ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet: but receive power as kings one hour with the beast” are ten individuals who are here now but have yet to take the role set for them from the beginning of time. These ten individuals are members of two fascist organizations known as the Trilateral Commission and The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The primary objective of these two organizations is to form a one-world government and the seat of these two groups is New York City. The Trilateral Commission and the CFR, at this moment, influences every aspect of everyone’s lives: finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass media

The “ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet: but receive power as kings...

History is as dead as God, who was killed by the United States Supreme Court! And propagation of Western Civilization is coming to a halt. Not propagation of the species homo sapiens, but propagation of civilization. Until the sheep of the world awaken, we are falling headlong toward world totalitarianism under the name democracy. U.S money democracy is like A Wolf in Cheap Clothing”. It pretends to act as world democracy (the cheap), but actually is ruled by the “Deep State or the “Shadow Government (the Wolf).

History is as dead as God, who was killed by the United States Supreme Court!...

America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah 50:12), is a daughter nation (Isaiah 47:1,5; Jeremiah 50:42, 51:33). The Council on Foreign Relations – The Rothschild and Council of foreign relations, CFR owns the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, NSA, US Federal Reserve Bank and all the power centers in USA. The Council on Foreign Relations is a  independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher based in New York, N.Y. Founded in 1921. They are behind the NWO and THE “HIDDEN” DEEP STATE, and they want to create a One World Government for YOU

America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah...

The Darker History Of The Vatican – We have alluded to a deeper connection to occult at the Vatican than meets the eye. According to various sources, including the Jewish Encyclopaedia, the House of Rothschild has been the long-standing trustee of the Vatican’s wealth. “Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcastically say ‘Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope… Order has been re-established.’ The Rothschilds in fact over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican’s wealth.” The Jewish Ency., vol. 2, p. 497 states, “It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are guardians of the papal treasure.” Researcher Eustace Mullins writes “that the Rothschilds took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823. Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschilds and the rest of the International Banking system.”

The Darker History Of The Vatican – We have alluded to a deeper connection to...

The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that results in a bounteous harvest of cravings, actions and expectations. Meditation short-circuits this loop of head-banging by cooking the seeds in the fire of Kundalini Shakti until they no longer can be germinated. It happens in this way: The deepest samadhi is a purely selfless state. This inner ambiance of selflessness is completely devoid of selfish, egotistical cravings. The empirical self no longer feels needy of appropriation to fill up its emptiness. The individual lives in the world fulfilled by the ever-flowing fountain of inner love, spontaneous joy, and serene contentment. In this way, no mind is paid to the residual impressions that will wither, die, and never again bear fruit. Purpose has been attained, destiny has played out and free will has remembered the bliss of being

The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that...

Freewill is a term often used but very little understood. Freewill sounds great, but what is it really? It is not the ability to choose between preconditions. It is not the ability to follow routine patterns or agree with the accepted normality. You see, to have freewill one must first be conscious that he has none, he must realize his predicament. To recognize the preconditioned, reactionary behavior and involuntary habitual thoughts that occupy his mind. These machinations override and distract man from conscious presence at any given moment. The constant chatter of our mind is not our true self, and it won’t “pipe down” to allow for awareness of the Now. Distraction is the greatest obstacle to achieving conscious will, and “five sense reality” is the greatest distraction. Once a man has a will, he is free to utilize that will power as he commands. Until then, as Gurdjieff would say, man can do nothing. In his present state, man is unable to take action. He just does as he is programmed to do. You see, this is a reference to the conscious and subconscious mind, another inherent duality.

Freewill is a term often used but very little understood. Freewill sounds great, but what...

Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a metaphor for cognitive cleansing. It visualizes the purging of stored anger. Baring fiery emotion and extreme passion occurs before the rebirthing. That confrontation with a base nature is the true meaning of a baptism by fire. It is the moment the real self faces reality. Burning away conceptual thoughts cannot occur if the fire of emotion is stunted. Metaphors are flashlights beamed on inner life. The methods that make us human are twisted by misinformation and misdirection. It is a trick to keep reality at a safe distance.

Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a...

Alienation from inner workings of the brain jams the interplay between nature and man. When right-hemispheric functions fall into disuse, half of reality goes missing. Multitasking is over. The spiritual center stays unlit if the animating flow of intelligent life stops. The star field shows the pattern the growth cycle takes. The moon and the night sky are stripped of power. The interchange between darkness and light is no longer intuited from observed interactions between the moon and sun. Without warning, the ego steals the spotlight to reinterpret the meaning of existence. Half of the message is deleted. Nothing is clear without it. Its theory of single-mindedness clogs the feeding tube that keeps mental activity alive. Western philosophy supports conformity to patriarchal life. It turns dragons into an evil force for powerful men to eradicate. The final blow to serpent cults takes up residence in the biblical Garden of Eden. Deceit turns knowledge of the tree (symbol of natural laws) into forbidden fruit. Truth is demonized. Moon knowledge is blocked from entering mentation

Alienation from inner workings of the brain jams the interplay between nature and man. When...

The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then it will outlaw Christianity. In short, today we are under the DICTATORSHIP of the ILLUMINATI’S “UNITED NATIONS. Page after page addresses-controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his key Illuminati organizations, including the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, the Round Table, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the United Lions Organisation (UNO). At their apex stands the Rothschild family

The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then...

In 1913, Woodrow Wilson became president and discovered the shadow government. He stated, “Our great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men…who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom. We have come to be one of the most ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world not a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men.”

In 1913, Woodrow Wilson became president and discovered the shadow government. He stated, “Our great...

The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a structure of floating, intersecting spheres. Communication courses through conferences and supercarriers who channel concepts between spheres. Content comes from public intellectuals. Their glue is like-mindedness. Their strength is patience. Their method is piecemeal social engineering. Their scalpel is the shock doctrine. Their final success is ensured by the ratchet. This is all employed in obeisance to the agenda: one money, one world, one order

The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a...

The entire human race is plunged into despair by this anti-God, anti-Christ religious system! The core system of belief that underlies western civilization’s collective knowledge is not Christianity, but science. Man’s whole civilization is suppressive. We have suppressed many things within us, and we are afraid of opening the Pandora’s box. We are really frightened; we seem to be sitting on a volcano. We are ridden with many fears; it is not just a question of dancing. The fears are deep-rooted. We have repressed ourselves tremendously, and we also know what is likely to come out of the basements of our minds

The entire human race is plunged into despair by this anti-God, anti-Christ religious system! The...

The CSF flows through the pituitary gland and becomes milky white substance. In the pineal gland it is a yellow (gold) substance, or the land of milk and honey. It became the Holy Claus or the Saint Claus bringing gifts from the North pole, aka the head. The head contains the cerebrum. The cerebrum is defined as cerebrum (n.) “the brain,” 1610s, from Latin cerebrum “the brain” (also “the understanding”), from PIE *keres-, from root *ker.

The CSF flows through the pituitary gland and becomes milky white substance. In the pineal...

That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would be resonant with the concept of the Second Adam. That Kundalini in man is typically dormant normally. Kundalini – Opening for us the dimension of the spontaneous synthesis between the Finite and the Infinite, thus completing the grand task of the previous incarnations. Indeed, the opening of the fontanel bone at the top of the brain) by the thing Kundalini is the opening of the egg’s shell: the new man, the new Adam is born. Redemption time occurs when the Kundalini pierces the fontanel bone at the top of the brain

That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would...

The German poet Holderlin has written: “Danger itself fosters the rescuing power.” And moreover, to quote Jung once more: What we observe here is a fundamental law of life—enantiodromia – the reversal into the opposite; and this it is that makes possible the reunion of the warring halves of the personality, and thereby brings the civil war to an end.” The result of this renewal of life is a second birth. For the elements of consciousness, or the human soul and its vehicle, are reassembled spontaneously upon an entirely new and higher pattern. This new consciousness is the result of the union of the several constituents of consciousness, or levels of awareness

The German poet Holderlin has written: “Danger itself fosters the rescuing power.” And moreover, to...

Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result of involvement in the world of illusions and limitations. Their consciousness is imprisoned in the lower chakras. The higher consciousness in the so-called normal person is practically asleep. Some might even say it is non-existent. Only a rare few souls take the initiative to develop beyond conditioned living in ego-consciousness, and seek to regain their freedom by awakening and raising their consciousness to a higher level

Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result...

This is where the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra is found in the etheric body. This chakra is the union and presence of the Father as the “t” Cross of Saint George) and as the Mother as the “X” (the Cross of Saint Andrew), united as One. See the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra. This is the significance of the crucifixion. The crucifixion is the raising of the androgynous energies by the Son who has redeemed and overcome the lower world, the animal instinct, raising the Mother energies, the Matter energies, up through the river (the crystal cord) to unite with the Soul in Spirit, the Alpha energies at the inner doorway of the Mind of God

Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”....

The Higher Power Within Us – We are living in a very exciting and powerful time. On the deepest level of consciousness. a radical transformation is taking place.  As the evolution of human consciousness gains greater and greater momentum, we are being challenged. on a planetary level. to let go of our present way of life and create a new one. In a sense. our “old world” is dying. and a new world is coming into being. For many of us. the old world was based on an external focus — having lost our fundamental spiritual connection, we have believed that the material world is the only reality

The Higher Power Within Us – We are living in a very exciting and powerful...

Fear has become the dominate energy projected through the mass consciousness, and fear is the primary momentum creating events on the global stage. The Golden Age will unfold naturally as the mass consciousness shifts from fear-based into love and trust-based ascendancy. When people are truly in tune with their hearts there will be a paradigm shift in mass consciousness. The collective heart will be activated and it will influence reality. At present collective fear, pulsating and active, is weaving the tapestry of reality. The personal fears of individuals on both sides of the fence, across borders, feed the collective fear

Fear has become the dominate energy projected through the mass consciousness, and fear is the...

One can´t reach Christ Consciouness without alchemy and meditation. Meditation activates transformation, and transformation is alchemy, and alchemy removes and purifies, and transmutes lead into gold. Meditation and alchemy enlightens and strenghtens the inner lamp-Christ Consciounsess. The letter is the Philosopher’s Stone which is the elixir to Immortality. It is symbolized as a substance that can turn lead to gold. The lead symbolizes man’s basic dense self. The Philosopher’s Stone is the knowledge to transform the basic self to awaken to Christhood. Gold symbolizes the Christhood of being Awake. Alchemy is the alchemical-spiritual process that activates the light within us

The Philosopher’s Stone is the Divine Name, in contact with which the soul in lead...

The symbol of the cross, which many have long misunderstood, is a symbol that promotes deeper understanding of the end of duality that approaches. The cross shows two opposite energies coming from two different directions. The center, where those energies meet, represents illumination. It is in the center, where opposites meet, that the divine spark begins, for divinity and unity are the same. (It is the clash of opposites that creates the divine spark. We will speak more of this when we speak about the Divine Couple.) The symbol of the cross illustrates how opposites meet in the center and spark illumination. The end of duality is represented by the coming together of polar opposites at the center of the cross

The symbol of the cross, which many have long misunderstood, is a symbol that promotes...

The logical brain will cancel out the intuitive information because it is illogical and inconsistent with the preconceived notion. Get out of your “Ego space” since your Ego is 100% non-intuitive. The stronger the ego, the less the intuitive information will flow from your Higher Self. The ego wants us to create divides and it will find anyway possible to do that, because if we stay divided the ego can live on as a powerful guidance of our lives; our fear becomes our inner guidance system. The intuition, with its symbols, is a gateway to the inner unconscious, source of our most powerful thoughts and urges. Earth are still locked in the embrace of the ego

The logical brain will cancel out the intuitive information because it is illogical and inconsistent...

Man’s subconscious mind, ruling the involuntary functions of his body, is the link that connects Conscious Man with Cosmic Consciousness. The intelligence of the subconscious mind is far greater than that of the conscious mind. The subconscious rind is ruled by Universal Intelligence, where-as the conscious rind is ruled by man’s five physical senses. In common civilized life, man is oppressed, suppressed, misled, miseducated, deceived, kept in darkness, lives only on the surface of himself, and is, accordingly, ignorant and even unconscious of what lies in his own depths — in the billions of solar systems of the atoms of his body and brain, on which are re-corded the events of his being from the present back to eternity

Man’s subconscious mind, ruling the involuntary functions of his body, is the link that connects...

SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS – Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness.  When Social Consciousness is deprived of Freedom, it makes its needs in public by inventing Revolutions. Social Consciousness is the ambassador of the Absurd at the gates of the Vanity.  Through his Social Consciousness, Man obtains his privileged right to stand to the right of the Absurd of this World. Social Consciousness is the open and infected wound of the Truth. Social Consciousness is the roadmap of the Illusions of this World.  Social Consciousness is the Illusion that carries in the mind of Man all other Illusions. Social Consciousness has become the luxury hotel of all the Illusions of this World.

SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS – Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness. When Social Consciousness is...

Awaken World Within – The more the Soul penetrates within itself, the nearer it approaches God, until it finally appears before the Holy Trinity, where it reaches the deeper and hidden knowledge. Intuition is involuntary urgings and promptings, received in Man’s conscience without apparent effort. It is the effect of Cosmic Consciousness flowing into the brain, and informing man that he is more than Potter’s Clay (Job 33:6). These facts must be kept hidden from the multitude. To let the masses know these things is dangerous to organized institutions, but less dangerous now than when Papal power was superior.

Awaken World Within – The more the Soul penetrates within itself, the nearer it approaches...

The rulers of this planet is only interesting in: 1,Keep your mind tuned into a 40 watt state, 2 Keep your Kundalini in a sleep state, 3 Direct your mind into a artificial global world brain (so they can control and monitor people´s thoughts and emotions), 4 Prevent mankind expanding their consciousness beyond their control, 5 Keep mankind in a suppressed state of mind, were they are able to just use 6-8% of their totally brain capacity. Every awakening empowered soul is a huge threat to their matrix of control, and they will try beat every awaken soul and push them back into a fear-state. Awaken souls don´t react to concept of fear or other fear doctrines

The rulers of this planet is only interesting in: 1,Keep your mind tuned into a...

Here is another secret; Kundalini Energy: Kundalini is actually the power of consciousness, whether it’s in our body or in the universe at large. The awakening of kundalini is the greatest enterprise and most wonderful achievement in front of man. That inner light is the kundalini. In most of us it’s only operating at 40 watts. In great saints and tantric masters, it functions at a thousand-gigawatt amperage. By keeping your mind into a state of low watts or low frequencies they can control and monitor your world of thoughts and emotions. The power to move from the three dimensional world to the fifth dimensional world lies in one´s subconscious mind.

Here is another secret; Kundalini Energy: Kundalini is actually the power of consciousness, whether it’s...

Nikola Tesla already mention Kundalini in a interview from 1899. The heart chakra is the center of the great Alchemist that is why the head lives inside of the treasured “chest”. The heart chakra or “Anahata,” which translates as “unstruck” or “unhurt” even “unbeaten,” is the great and mighty morph agent, for the heart chakra has the power of zero-point technology. It is the Heart Chakra the “Wise Ones” say that we have had to reach energetically to be able to trigger the “Great Reset” and they feel that enough of humanity has been able to activate their heart chakra. It is in the heart chakra where the higher and lower worlds meet as one and whereby the vacuum or zero pointing of all parasitic energies can be eliminated once and for all, so that a new world and a new age that is governed by peace may begin

Nikola Tesla already mention Kundalini in a interview from 1899. The heart chakra is the...

One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth. Fear is created by others but instilled in you from a young age. It is created by others in forms such as religions, governments and by people in power in an attempt to control. It is not your fear but it is imprinted in and upon you. Fear and worry, as one leads to the other, is created by others and on occasion it is created by ignorance’. Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom’

One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, if...

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic supremacists. When will we wake up and start to see through the veil of deception — the woven matrix of our own creation? The chance for true change away from the ‘dark ages’ of the low, third dimensional consciousness is now, albeit the change to higher consciousness is depending on each and every one of us. In Hindu Philosophy the earth cycle, which we are in the process of leaving, is known as ‘Kali Yuga’. This is the cycle in which Humanity is experiencing life on Earth through a darkened consciousness

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic supremacists. When...

The Virginia Company comprised of two branches, the London Company and the Plymouth or New England Company…The ‘Pilgrims’ of American historical myth were, in fact, members of the second Virginia Company branch called the New England Company. The Pilgrim Society is still a major elite grouping within the Illuminati. The Virginia Company owned most of the land of what we now call the USA, and any lands up to 900 miles offshore. This included Bermuda and most of what is now known as the Caribbean Islands. The Virginia Company (the British Crown and the bloodline families) had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of the ore of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all prof-its from other ventures.

The Virginia Company comprised of two branches, the London Company and the Plymouth or New...

Once our country’s economy collapses, the Rothschild owned bankers and politicians would pass laws that usurp our country’s national sovereignty for a New World Order. The “Amero” will be this new country’s fiat currency. The “Amero,” like the “Afro” and the “Euro,” will be owned by the Rothschild Banking Cartel. The puppet politicians of the North American Union will collapse this economy as well and then the North American Union will be merged with the European Union and the African Union and future unions still yet to come, the Asian Union and the South American Union. Then, they’ll have their New World Order. If we allow it.

Once our country’s economy collapses, the Rothschild owned bankers and politicians would pass laws that...

Is Antichrist a Real Person? Some commentators have speculated that Antichrist is not a specific individual at all, but rather a symbol of some end-time world governmental system. Others think the word represents a secret “deep state” committee or even some form of futuristic artificial intelligence. There are those who prefer an even more abstract view, claiming the term Antichrist is simply a metaphor for the principle of evil itself They claim the phrase “spirit of the antichrist” (1 John 4:3) demonstrates that he is not a person but more of a metaphysical reality

Is Antichrist a Real Person? Some commentators have speculated that Antichrist is not a specific...

Yet within a few years after issuing his stem warning to the public of the Illuminati, Churchill was an active member. Why? On ‘Black Monday’ 28 October, 1929, the day prior to the ‘crash’, Churchill who just so ‘happened’ to be in America at the time, was invited to meet with a group of businessmen, and bankers JP Morgan, Rockefeller, and Rothschild, in Wall Street. On October 29, 1929, the evening of the ‘crash’, Churchill was guest of honour at a bizarre celebration attended by over 40 ‘bankers and master plungers’ of Wall Street, at the Fifth Avenue mansion of 33 Degree Freemason, Bernard Baruch.

Yet within a few years after issuing his stem warning to the public of the...

Prince of Darkness – Somewhere in Europe, a brilliant man is working behind the scenes to gain a position of absolute power over the emerging New World Order. Initially the Antichrist will succeed in establishing a totalitarian one-world government to dominate the earth. However, his evil career will be shattered at the Battle of Armageddon. Who will run this One World Government? The answer is Antichrist

Prince of Darkness – Somewhere in Europe, a brilliant man is working behind the scenes...

The concept of the ‘ deep state ‘ is used frequently to refer to a kind of security structure able to operate outside the law. Washington D.C., the City of London and Vatican City being the three City States of the world, which all operate outside of the laws of the countries in which they reside. Washington D.C., the City of London and Vatican City being the three City States of the world, which all operate outside of the laws of the countries in which they reside

The concept of the ‘ deep state ‘ is used frequently to refer to a...

You see, the Rothschild’s are the bankers of the Vatican. The Vatican is the headquarters of the Holy Roman Empire. The Rothschild’s control the Vatican; they are the primary financial agent and secular control center for the Vatican, wherein the Rothschilds make their primary bastion of banking power. the One World Government is built and controlled by the Vactican’s banks and the Vatican’s lawyers. The Monarchy of Great Britian has been pawns of the Vatican since 1213, and the Crown of the City of London was made superior to the Crown of Great Britain, when King John signed the Magna Carta

You see, the Rothschild’s are the bankers of the Vatican. The Vatican is the headquarters...

When did the City of London become a corporation? The Directorate of the Crown, whoever they are, have no loyalty to any nation. They are devoted entirely to their philosophy which seeks absolute power over an earthly realm. For more than 250 years, the servants of the Crown brought back untold wealth from the colonies to the British Isles . . . . for the Crown/City of London

When did the City of London become a corporation? The Directorate of the Crown, whoever...

The United Nations is involved with the illuminati, the cabal, and the Vatican in forming the one world government and religion. All of this information, he says, comes from his knowledge of being an “Illuminati Grand Master” himself. … who he says are “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization. The front organizations of the Committee of 300 are those such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, The United Nations, the Tavistock Institute, The Council on Foreign Relations. The Vatican became a state within a state on February 11, 1929 through the Lateran Treaty with the fascists government to make the Vatican a sovereign state within a state

The United Nations is involved with the illuminati, the cabal, and the Vatican in forming...

UN as Cover for War Profiteers. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations. UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization. The CIA, from its inception, has been set up to serve, first and foremost, this cartel, not the American people. The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. It was said that in more recent decades SMOM acted as a funding conduit, a money laundry for the CIA, and the Vatican’s intelligence agency

UN as Cover for War Profiteers. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A....

H.G. Wells, the famous author of Time Machine, War of the Worlds, and The Invisible Man, was secretly a member British Intelligence, Committee of 300, a Mason, and a Fabian. He was very familiar with the globalists’ One-World agenda and wrote many books outlining it with titles like: The Open Conspiracy, The Shape of Things to Come, World Brain, A Modern Utopia, and The New World Order

H.G. Wells, the famous author of Time Machine, War of the Worlds, and The Invisible...

The UN is the biggest fraud in all history. For decades, the Federal Reserve has been acting more like a mafia syndicate than a financial stabilizer of the US economy.  The saying goes that the love of money is the root of all evil, and that root leads directly to the Federal Reserve banksters and the global financial mafia. In the 2000 years since then, the corrupt money changers and tax collectors have only grown more powerful through their sneaky tactics, and have continued to systematically turn most people into peasants or debt slaves. “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender,” reads Proverbs 22:7

Thus we see that the 1910 plot to seize control of the money and credit...

The Bank of international settlements (BIS) was formed one year after the economic crash 1929. Same people who planned the economic crash 1929 controls BIS. BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve. The BIS was formed by the Federal Reserve banks—which sought to expand their control of financial systems to a global scale. Some writers, such as Carroll Quigley, have theorized that the BIS was part of an international plan to create a world system of financial control held in private hands to dominate the political system of each country and the world economy itself

The Bank of international settlements (BIS) was formed one year after the economic crash 1929....

The Pythagorean Illuminati hate introspection. They hate philosophy. They hate leisure. They hate life. They hate privacy. They hate that people believe whatever they want to believe. They hate the individual. They love the selfless mass.They hate dissent. They hate independent thinkers. The Illuminati loves; control, money, power. So their formula is two-faced: take away power from people, the masses and give themselves power of everything by creating a One World Government. THE PARANOID CRACKPOT GOVERNMENT AND CORPORATE MEDIA

The Pythagorean Illuminati hate introspection. They hate philosophy. They hate leisure. They hate life. They...

The Crown Corporation of London (like the Vatican) is actually a private state established over 800 years ago under the Magna Carta (1215). It is located in the heart of Greater London and has its own laws and its own Lord Mayor. The Corporation became a sovereign-state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatised the Bank of England. The Crown in London houses the Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange, and all British banks. It also houses the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, 70 US banks, as well as Fleet Street newspapers and publishing monopolies

The Crown Corporation of London (like the Vatican) is actually a private state established over...

The Money Maffia. The original draft of the Federal Reserve System began at a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in late 1910. In 1913, the bankers were up to their tricks again, and they passed the Federal Reserve Act as the result of a secret meeting at Jekyll Island. “The seven men who attended the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, where the Federal Reserve System was conceived, represented an estimated onefourth of the total wealth of the entire world.” Documents from the 1955 Bilderberg meeting discovered at the estate of a deceased member show they were planning the European Union and a central currency back in the 1950s, decades before the EU was formed and their new Euro currency introduced. The documents came from the personal files of former Labour Party leader Hugh Gaitskell which had been stored at a local University after his death. They are marked “Personal and strictly confidential,” and “Not for publication either in whole or in part,” and were made available to the BBC during an investigation in 2003.

The Money Maffia. The original draft of the Federal Reserve System began at a secret...

The Vietnam War was to consolidate and control this massive drug trade that would inundate every American city with drugs being brought in by the CIA with their ‘Air America’ and it was then distributed by the Trafficante family throughout the United States, out of Miami.  CIA soon found it necessary to own its own aircraft, and formed companies to hold and operate them with some security. One of these companies in Southeast Asia (Air America). CIA also; Southern Air Transport Incorporated (SAT) is an American air carrier, incorporated in the State of Florida on October 31, 1949. From its inception until its purchase in 1960 by the Central Intelligence Agency, it was privately owned. It was purchased by the CIA on August 5, 1960, and owned by the CIA through December 31, 1973 when the Agency sold the firm back to one of its original owners. It was later revealed by Professor Alfred McCoy in his landmark 1972 The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Drug Trade that the CIA’s very own airline Air America (founded by Paul Helliwell) was flying Hmong opium shipments to market

The Vietnam War was to consolidate and control this massive drug trade that would inundate...

The concept of the ‘ deep state ‘ is used frequently to refer to a kind of security structure able to operate outside the law. Washington D.C., the City of London and Vatican City being the three City States of the world, which all operate outside of the laws of the countries in which they reside. Just like with gravity holding you down to Earth, all of these forces are holding you down. It’s hard to rise above the oppressive, inequality being implemented. Their purpose is to consolidate all resources, establishing a one-world government and global monetary union.

The concept of the ‘ deep state ‘ is used frequently to refer to a...

In 1913, Paul Warburg re-wrote the US money rules with the help of Senator Aldridge. They called the new rules the Federal Reserve Act. With President Woodrow Wilson’s blessing, the privately owned central bank called the US Federal Reserve Bank, was created, and was free of government control. How did the Rothchilds outsmart the Congress to take control of America’s banking and money system in 1913? The majority of citizens in the United States believe that the Federal Reserve System benefits the people of the Nation as a whole. They think the Federal Reserve System protects the depositors’ money by making bank failures an impossibility. They think that profits made by the Federal Reserve Banks benefit the National Treasury

In 1913, Paul Warburg re-wrote the US money rules with the help of Senator Aldridge....

How to learn to switch from ego to the real Higher Self. The ego wallows in fear. Whenever control becomes loosened, fear surfaces. Learning to overcome the fear is the challenge. The first challenge is to understand and overcome ego illusions, the second challenge is to overcome fear, the last challenge is to overcome death. Death is the last enemy to overcome. Then we switch from ego perception to Divine perceptions, from the lens of the ego into lens of the Soul/Spirit, and switch perspective from being a body with a soul into a Soul with and body, and switch from believing in the physical dying nature of Being into the undying nature of Soul/Spirit, and then we understand that the powers is not outside humans but within them. This is the beginning to better understand the distortion of man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there

How to learn to switch from ego to the real Higher Self. The ego wallows...

The human body system and chakra system has three knots. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. This blocks the configuration of the higher soul codes for ascension. When these three knots binds energy in certain state of functionality is also binds: 1) Energy, 2) Information, 3) History, it continues; energy, information, and history then controls; 4) Visions, 5) Emotions, 6) Creativity, and visons, emotions and lack of creativity then controls; 7) Perception, 8) DNA strands, 9) Spiritual progress, 10) Learning abilities, 11) Spiritual gifts, 12) Brain waves, 13.  These components then controls the matrix and the mind-prison

The human body system and chakra system has three knots. These knots are found within...

Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken. Therefore, the brain being divided into lobes (the cerebral cortex). This division has allowed a common misconception that we think with only 10 percent of the brain. First, we have not ever located where we think. And yes, the cortex accounts for only 10 percent of the brain. That does not mean that we think with 10 percent, or that if we ever learn to use more than 10 percent, we will be superhuman. Remember, the other 90 percent is formed of fibres connecting the cells of the 10 percent to each other. The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex.

Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a...

The Illuminati describe Democracy as a tool toward their diabolical end. The text continues to describe a principle of control known as “ordo ab chao” which translates into “order from chaos.” They use discord and conflicting ideology to divide and confuse. Where there is confusion there is susceptibility. Leading up to our Civil War, it is alleged that the Rothschild family had representatives stir up tensions between the North and South. When war broke out, the Rothschild Banks loaned money to both sides. From London, Grant’s troops were funded. From Paris the Grays under General Lee found their funding

The Illuminati describe Democracy as a tool toward their diabolical end. The text continues to...

THE SECRET DOCTRINE-The Illuminati knew it would have to gain control of this technology to keep the humans in line. Thus began a program of secrecy and deceit that involved feeding a lot of propaganda to the humans. The Illuminati will be able to use a war of this magnitude as an excuse to suspend many liberties and freedoms, thereby increasing Illuminati control over Earth, and out this create their One World Government

THE SECRET DOCTRINE-The Illuminati knew it would have to gain control of this technology to...

How is it possible that of the greatest innovators and scientists existing on Earth died poor and miscredited like Nikola Tesla? The most elite of the elite group belong to the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, who control all oil, and suppress alternative energy technology, especially free energy devices. J. P. Morgan, although individually wealthy and influential, was a shill for Rothschild, and he stole Nikola Tesla’s inventions and technologies

How is it possible that of the greatest innovators and scientists existing on Earth died...

Kundalini Transformation – The kundalini lies dormant at the root center at the base of the spine. It blocks the opening of the sushumna. This is the state in an ordinary person.  As Kundalini leaps into other dimensions, the person is able to tap the source of knowledge in himself and intuitively understands the Eternal Laws, which he puts into the language of his own time for the benefit of others. After transcending the fifth chakra one becomes free of worldly desires, as one’s life has served its purpose. The energy that is no longer locked up in the pursuit of worldly desires raises a person to a higher plane which is the Gateway of Liberation. At this stage the secret of eternal youth opens up, regeneration and rejuvenation begin, and the aspirant achieves perfect health and freedom from all diseases. One can look back with a great clarity, see the present, and anticipate the future

Kundalini Transformation – The kundalini lies dormant at the root center at the base of...

When the Kundalini sleeps, its static power sustains the world consciousness. But when it is awakened the yogi loses all consciousness of the world. He enters into causal world and passes into the formless universal consciousness. Yogi loses his physical body consciousness and enters into his causal body. When the Kundalini wakes up the yogi apparently sleeps for the world and loses his body consciousness. He goes to Samadhi state, which reveals the secrets of spiritual forces and God. THE CROWN CHAKRA 

When the Kundalini sleeps, its static power sustains the world consciousness. But when it is...

The raw subject is the raw material in us, and it is this — our own hidden stone — that is the matter we need to take hold of, the ‘matter in hand’. We can think of it as the unconscious that our conscious minds need to descend to, in order to feel and experience rather than think and control. Its impurities are our ‘stuff’, as we say, the trace elements of the psyche — knots, complexes, resistances, blockages — all a result of what we have lived and suffered

The raw subject is the raw material in us, and it is this — our...

If you recall, both World War I and II were both attempts to establish a world government. After World War II, people were at their wits end so they welcomed the United Nations when it was founded. The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so as not to create another world war. But what we find here is a typical example of how the Illuminati work. They use a tactic that David Icke calls “problem-reaction-solution,” where first they create the “problem” by starting a war which in turn brings about a certain “reaction” from the population, who is now in need of a “solution.” So they create a solution to the problem they themselves created by founding the United Nations (UN) bringing us one step closer to their agenda and a One World Government.

If you recall, both World War I and II were both attempts to establish a...

Illuminati, loves war, or they love money and power and don´t care if is through wars, and therefore often initiated by them. It cannot live without war. Debt is its only value. Debt turns the illuminati into billionaires. Their tactics are diabolical. All of our most recent horrors have covertly been initiated through them. Through their propaganda and deceit, they have become so powerful so they even can by hate.

“The secret German society may have been none other than the mysterious and infamous Illuminati,”...

Vesica Piscis Known to the Egyptians as the ru, or ‘gateway’, the vesica piscis symbol is the almond-shaped figure created by the superimposition of two circles representing the two opposites. Jesus, the ‘anointed’ and christed one’ symbolized by the fish, is sometimes shown inside the ru symbol, the portal between this world and the next, revealing that the shaman is ‘the Way’ and therefore the door or gateway: `… for Ru meant “doorway” or “secret entrance” — and Christ is also “The Way”. Christ, like the Ru, is the entrance to the Spiritual world, the guide of the modern initiate.’

Vesica Piscis Known to the Egyptians as the ru, or ‘gateway’, the vesica piscis symbol...

Man IS being INTENTIONALLY kept ignorant! . There are dimensions that transcend our time and space continuum. Our consciousness can move into other areas of awareness, outside of the physical body, throughout the universe. Most people are not aware of this as they are stuck in the everyday focus of what they can see from the vantage point of their five senses. And make no mistake, the global elite that currently runs our world has a vested interest in keeping humans enslaved through fear. Shadow Fire — Maintaining the Illusion The allegory of Plato’s Cave is now a famous one, and to which the above subtitle makes reference; it is also a highly telling metaphor of our situation in which an illusionary sense of reality is maintained.

Man IS being INTENTIONALLY kept ignorant! . There are dimensions that transcend our time and...

The Soul doesn’t come and go. It is there everywhere like air in the atmosphere. We inhale and exhale air and it seems that the air comes inside us and goes outside. But air is everywhere. So is the Soul! Due to our ignorance, we don’t realize we are the Soul. This makes us live and suffer as the body. It makes us suffer as MIME – Mind, Intellect, Memory, Ego that is reborn again and again. The moment we overcome our ignorance and realize the truth that we are the Divine Soul, we are liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth, and we are united with the Divine

The Soul doesn’t come and go. It is there everywhere like air in the atmosphere....

“Become what you believe! What are you believing? Are you believing to go higher in life, to rise above your obstacles, to live in health, abundance, healing, and victory? You will become what you believe. The truth is, I am what I am today because of what I believed about myself yesterday. And I will be tomorrow what I believe about myself right now”. All things are difficult before they are easy”

“Become what you believe! What are you believing? Are you believing to go higher in...

Around the Outsider – One man, the writer Colin Wilson (1931-2013), certainly thought so, devoting an entire chapter of his entertaining 1971 bestseller The Occult to the subject of what he called `The Poet as Occultist’. Wilson’s basic premise was that there was some kind of hidden power lying latent within the human mind called ‘Faculty X’, which artistic-types possessed in more abundance than the rest of us

Around the Outsider – One man, the writer Colin Wilson (1931-2013), certainly thought so, devoting...

In 2004, physicist Brian Swimme, produced his stunning DVD, “The Ten Powers of the Universe.’ In it, Swimme explains that within the universe itself, ten essential powers or tasks reside within every life form, and he explores how these powers move within humans, how we can align with these powers, how we can recognize the powers of the universe in the world and within each other, and how to develop a deeper intimacy with the Earth. The Ten Powers are essentially: Seamlessness, centration, allurement, emergence, homeostasis, cataclysm, synergy, transformation, inter-relatedness, radiance, transmutation.

In 2004, physicist Brian Swimme, produced his stunning DVD, “The Ten Powers of the Universe.’...

New Consciousness for a New World. The awakening of Kundalini is the greatest enterprise and the most wonderful achievement in front of man. The Creator is creating cocreators. Spirit is creating “conspirator’s.” Our spiritual growth awakens our social potential, pressing us deeper inward to pick up that design and outward to express our creativity in the world through our unique vocation. We work from within ourselves toward higher consciousness, greater freedom

New Consciousness for a New World. The awakening of Kundalini is the greatest enterprise and...

You have to do your own part. He has given you freedom, you must utilize that freedom and develop your longing for God, and then He will grant His grace to you. When a person develops longing for God and seeks His vision and prays to Him with deep concentration of the mind, God removes from within all veils, and He becomes revealed. There is a passage in the Bhagavadlita that explains the realization of God through His grace. Sri Krishna, the Divine Being incarnate in human form, says: “I am the origin of all. From Me everything evolves

You have to do your own part. He has given you freedom, you must utilize...

Man also has a profound desire to transcend the triviality of everydayness. He spends most of his life bogged down in the present, attending to inconsequential concerns. ‘Faculty X’ allows man to transcend boredom – to overcome what Wilson calls the ‘robot’. The ‘robot’ comprises all those functions which we learn to perform unconsciously and automatically. It has a habit of taking over ‘our lives’ – causing ‘life failure’

Man also has a profound desire to transcend the triviality of everydayness. He spends most...

The Masonic Secret Society along with other World Power Elites with their goals for Global One World Order is no longer a secret. THE CARRIER OF THE LUCIFERIAN DOCTRINE IN GRADUATED RANK INTO THE ILLUMIANATI. The ILLUMINATI, the master of trickery and deceit, THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS, now has complete mind control over religion, and governmental control over the people in ways that don’t even know they are mentally controlled, or why they think the way they think. We have their minds, and now we have their souls, and control the way they think, even the religion they believe in

The Masonic Secret Society along with other World Power Elites with their goals for Global...

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. The method the Illuminati use to control people is to put one side against the other, a theory devised by Hegel which says, “Thesis verses antithesis equals synthesis.” They create forces, knowing that EVERY FORCE HAS AN OPPOSITE COUNTERFORCE, and with unconscious humans, conflict between the two creates the synthesis, which is the new situation. The illuminati make themselves the synthesis. They create problems to be used for their own purposes. Everything is d The Illuminati practice is to say one thing and do another, because they know the public will accept the lies through laziness. The powers that be say to each other in secret meetings, “Keep them busy, busy, busy, back on the farm with other animals?’ The system of the world keeps you too busy to see what’s really going on in the world.

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. The method the Illuminati use...

Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World. The cult that hijacked the world is the tiny nucleus of Cabalistic bankers and Masons based in London and directed by the House of Rothschild. They govern through their subtle control of large corporations (cartels – especially finance, oil, defense, pharmaceuticals, media); government, mass media, secret societies, intelligence agencies, the military, law, churches, foundations, think tanks, NGO’s and education. Chatham House in London (The Royal Institute of Internal Affairs) and Pratt House in New York (Council on Foreign Relations) are two main control mechanisms. Illuminati power is omnipresent yet the masses don’t even know it exists.

Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World. The cult that hijacked the world is the...

The Illuminati have already set in motion plans for a world war. How the world will end is known, but when the world ends is another question. Political freedom and social freedom is always an illusion. The only real freedom is in the one true God. All of the world’s governments, no matter how honest and sincere their intentions may be, work on the bases of the Antichrist system to promote chaos and anarchy and social degeneration

The Illuminati have already set in motion plans for a world war. How the world...

The word “currency.” It is derived from the word, “current.” In the study of physics, a “current” is “a flow of electrical charge carriers” . Illuminati has created a world economy system were the most of the money goes just in one direction, in same way Edison´s direct current does, and they will never change this. How did the Illuminati change the people minds and thus were allowed to create their Central Bank in 1913? The Illuminati did it through a technique called, the “Hegelian Dialectic.”

The word “currency.” It is derived from the word, “current.” In the study of physics,...

Jacob´s ladder and Kundalini. In the Christian folk hymn “Jacob’s Vision” the ladder represents the cross (or the work Jesus accomplished on the cross). “The Cross of Christ is the Jacobs ladder by which we Ascend into the Highest Heavens”. The rebirth = as your cerebral spinal fluid climbs your 33 vertebrae(Jacob’s Ladder) and meets your 12 cranial nerves(12 disciples) it connects you with your higher self(Christ). By defeating the lower carnal instinct of the Base of the Spine and Seat of the Soul Chakras, the purified oils cross (the pelvic or “X” cross bone) the Red Sea and climb Jacobs Ladder, the 33 vertebrae, through the chakras, for cleansing and balancing all chakras back up the spine (the river) to Golgotha

Jacob´s ladder and Kundalini. In the Christian folk hymn “Jacob’s Vision” the ladder represents the...

Governments use fear to keep us in check—or the illusion of fear. Governments were created to set in place the agenda of the global elites—to put the plans into action but without the true leaders being seen or known. They are the puppets of the system, having their strings pulled. The Global Elite, are simply a group of people who realized what the true nature of our Universe was, eliminated everyone else who knew this information, and used the information to harness the power (chi, ability to do) of the uninformed masses. The global elites know the truth about the Universe. They know that we create and the power of thought. If transhumanism and technocracy is growing humans will be treated as machines and not humans, and as consequence; computers do not have a free will. They are meant to be manipulated and programmed. Machines cannot become like humans, but humans can become like machines. They will be manipulated and programmed in same way machines and robots is been programmed; to follow the instructions. This is lost of the free will they think is their free will

Governments use fear to keep us in check—or the illusion of fear. Governments were created...

The meaning of David and Goliath is that David applied the fear not remedy and had God, right brain, on his side and so he did not need an army because he has the powerhouse on his side. A deeper meaning is that one who applies the remedy regains a sound mind and they can slay the entire cult of civilization with their words. Deeper still is the left brain only see’s right brain as bad. Right brain is okay with left brain being at 50% but that is because at 50% right brain is the brain influence. So in one respect one can have sympathy for what left brain is doing. Cain and Able are the first offspring of Adam and eve and Cain is the left brain and it is jealous of its brother

The meaning of David and Goliath is that David applied the fear not remedy and...

Christ was not afraid of anyone.  Therefore be not afraid of anyone that stands in opposition to the Authority of Christ . No wonder Jesus so often said, “Fear Not”, or “be not afraid. Whatever He had to say he said it. He was not afraid of crucifixion or of any such so-called punishment. It is only the human beings who have these false ideas about life and want to impose them on God. God is not concept at all because concept is a thought

Christ was not afraid of anyone. Therefore be not afraid of anyone that stands in...

Scientifically it has been shown that most humans make use of less than 10 % of their potential. The vast mass of humanity is very little removed from the brute. In many instances the power of control is little higher than in beasts. The three states merged, reveal to man his untapped intelligence: the other 90% or more of his true potential. Our consciousness is only a part of the three states that constitute our nature and that project it into infinity. The Kundalini heats up the lower chakras, which burn like a cooking fire under a pot of stew, releasing healing energies into the upper chakras. Kundalini is a powerful energy that bridges the body-soul connection, many spiritual aspirants attempt to activate its power

Scientifically it has been shown that most humans make use of less than 10 %...

AWAKENING THE INNER POTENTIAL – A Templar Knight becomes a Human Holy Grail Once a Templar Knight had activated his Kundalini, he would have undergone a process of purification similar to that experienced by his Johannite and Sufi mentors. The fourth Hallows of the Grail Castle is the Holy Stone of the Fisher King. Also known as the Stone of Heaven and the Philosopher’s Stone

AWAKENING THE INNER POTENTIAL – A Templar Knight becomes a Human Holy Grail Once a...

THE “SPIRITUS UNIVERSALIS” – THE SECRET FIRE. In the  book ” The Voice of the Silence,” the secret fire of the Achemists is described as “Kundalini” the ” serpentine,” or annular working power in the body of the ascetic. ” It is an electric fiery occult or Fohatic power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter ” ; and in another place the author says

THE “SPIRITUS UNIVERSALIS” – THE SECRET FIRE. In the book ” The Voice of the...

Frontal lobes and Evolution. The human brain has evolved in four progressive stages, with the earliest stage comprising the inner core of the brain and attached directly to the brainstem. The fourth stage is comprised of the pre-frontal lobes, which grow out of the front part of the neo-cortex, and provide us with the ability to plan and predict. The frontal lobes has access to finer and subtle energies. The frontal lobes has acccess to all parts of the brains structures. The frontal lobes has access to information instantly through intuition. Beneath this pre-frontal area, or attached to it, is the pineal gland, which might be a fifth stage in the brain’s evolution.

Frontal lobes and Evolution. The human brain has evolved in four progressive stages, with the...

When man functions from the external energy of the ego, he does not relate to the consciousnesses within the inner self and the higher self. This man, in effect, does not know who he is. Therefore, man will search for his identity within the external energy forces of life. He is functioning within the external ego world so it is logical for him to create support for that ego self from that external world. External identity consciousness creates an external support system for man and his ego

When man functions from the external energy of the ego, he does not relate to...

For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. In other terms it must disconnect the vertical scale and the authentic Self that resides in the present state and vertical state. Gaining consciousness on the vertical pole expands a person’s awareness into the third or soul. With consciousness in soul, the individual is able to apprehend the ego below and the divine above. The ego fears the loss of conscious existence, and its final surrender means facing ‘the great unknown’. The last step, therefore, requires great courage, faith, and the conviction of the truth of the great teachers. The core of the ego is then relinquished by Divine Grace, and the revelation that it ensures erases the last vestige of fear because its source has been removed

For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the...

The journey continues, the eternal journey from darkness to light. This journey of the soul takes us Home, where it finally reveals that the light within us is the One Light. There is only one light—the light of the heavens and the earth is the light within our own heart. We are the light of God in the world. The light within our heart is His light. This simple truth of the unio mystica finally takes the wayfarer from the prison of the ego into the ever-expanding dimension of our divine nature and its true purpose; and into a direct experience of the oneness of life. This alchemical transformation from one conscious state to another consists of steps—concentration–contemplation—meditation. These specific layers allows the individual to move from the microcosm to the macrocosm—it moves the individual from the fragmented self to the complete self—it moves the individual from a one dimensional view point to a multidimensional view point—it moves the individual from the conscious mind to the super conscious mind

The journey continues, the eternal journey from darkness to light. This journey of the soul...

The ego fears failure. The ego does not want to give up control over the embodied soul. The master alchemist is our own heart. Listening to our heart and actively working to remember its union with Source are the only tasks we need to perfect. The process of raising consciousness beyond the limits of duality and into oneness is a lesson in alchemy. Historically, alchemy focused on the processes by which we might transform base metals into precious metals, such as lead into gold. The soul in its chaotic, unregenerate state is lead. The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness. Hermeticism could have to do with transmuting the “lead” of ordinary experience into the “gold” of consciousness

The ego fears failure. The ego does not want to give up control over the...

Then ego is the state of duality and God is Oneness, the ego can´t access higher levels of consciousness. The ego will be dissolved at higher vibrations. To experience God or the Higher Divine Self one must lose one’s ego and ego perception, and travel deep into the divine conscious within. The process of dissolving ego is the process of mental alchemy (transformation). Through meditation one change the inner vibrations and an alchemical transformation process starts.  Fear prevents mental alchemy because it keeps the ego in the state of low vibrations

Then ego is the state of duality and God is Oneness, the ego can´t access...

The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds of the world and his return to his native realm of light. “What liberates is the knowledge of who we were, what we became; where we were, whereinto we have been thrown; whereto we speed, wherefrom we are redeemed; what birth is, and what rebirth. Man must finish the work which Nature has left incomplete,” said the Alchemists; which means that we have to live our life in such a way as to blend (the “sacred marriage” of Alchemy) the consciousness of our outer self with the consciousness of our inner self and create a consciousness of one harmonious self. Many people are already engaged in this work as we work to heal the wounds in our lives and in our society. The alchemists found that the Philosopher’s Stone, the divine essence within each person, was born of the chaos of the prima materia

The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds...

The Transcendent”, The non-personal eternal and unbounded Field of Limitless Consciousness, God can also be experienced as “The Beloved”, A Supreme Presence in which one can have a personal relationship with, And God can be experienced as “The Creation”, The vast Intelligence abiding within the elegant expressions Of the natural world and the Universe

The Transcendent”, The non-personal eternal and unbounded Field of Limitless Consciousness, God can also be...

Types of Intelligence – IQ, EQ, SQ, PQ, SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three.  SQ is our compass ‘at the edge’. SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ is “thinking with your soul. SQ (SI) is used to grow our human brains. The spiritual intelligence helps an individual to become transformed for a better life. Spiritual intelligence is used when one need to be flexible, visionary or creatively spontaneous

Types of Intelligence – IQ, EQ, SQ , PQ, SQ is the central and the...

Science has proved that everything is being constantly recharged by cosmic energy. The human body is surrounded by a halo of conscious cosmic energy. medulla oblongata is the antenna of the bodily receiving station that receives the radiographed cosmic energy from Cosmic Consciousness through the bodily radio operator — will. Just as nut can use the invisible vibratory waves of radio to control fur distant ships on the sea, so God, through vibrations of Ills intelligent cosmic energy, supplies our bodies with life force without any visible connection.

A slow awakening is taking place, in all humans, when their consciousness is getting clear...

The final goal of the yogi is to dissolve the universe and abide in that state of pure consciousness. When the kundalini is ready to begin its gradual ascent through the chakras, and the process of inner alchemy begins. Alchemy ‘ s true purpose is not the chemical manipulation of gross matter, as is commonly thought, but rather the transmutation of unrefined elements of the human psyche

The final goal of the yogi is to dissolve the universe and abide in that...

Ego’ means the loss of one’s original consciousness of being eternal and individual, which is an illusion because in reality we are always parts of the Whole. Ego don´t see itself as part of a larger consciousness, but creates separation to survive. Ego is duality, duality is mass consciousness, and mass consciousness is The Matrix of the MInd. When you observe in present-time, the veil of the matrix is neutralized, allowing observation from the Higher Mind. It’s here where this partition or veil is dismantled and reconstructed into its originally intended function: to open your awareness of the multidimensional consciousness from where you have come.

Ego’ means the loss of one’s original consciousness of being eternal and individual, which is...

The dark ruler of this world is ego , the self – centered egotism which sets itself up as controller. Ego, like a beast, produces fear, so the earth shakes under its feet. Our Ego, our mind, can sometimes believe it is the master of our being and try to take control, which is precisely what should not happen. The ego has become the God of this world. Fear, stress and negativity is its alchemical formula. In transcending negative ego in its fullest extent, one has learned to transcend the world of duality. The ego that was established to serve the dualist mind. When you begin to expand your consciousness beyond duality, your energy vibrations rise to a level where those who remain governed by duality beliefs are simply not a part of your world anymore. The ego using negative alchemy to create bondage to duality, and real alchemy unite opposite energies into Oneness. Expanded in consciousness to the point they leave the belief system of the Mass Consciousness behind. When you move beyond the belief in duality you literally break free from the polarized pull of the negative/positive energy of the mass that holds this belief intact

The dark ruler of this world is ego , the self – centered egotism which...

The descent of Consciousness from the energy center at the top of the sushumna, the sahasrara, to the energy center at the base, called the muladhara, marks the process of Consciousness going from the highest transcendent Unity Consciousness to the limitations of embodied consciousness that you and I normally experience as we live out our existence on earth. The result of the fall of man or fall of consciousness was; the world splits into two, or it creates two worlds out of one. This other world is the Matrix, and this is the “dreamworld”. This other world is the matrix and to keep humankind captivated in this matrix it is full of manipulations and illusions for the mind

The descent of Consciousness from the energy center at the top of the sushumna, the...

Tomb of Lazarus – The Kundalini – A Rising Dormant Energy is written with the intention of giving Christians an understanding that the Lazarus Rising, dormant energy at the base of the spine. Lazarus means ” Assistance of God . ” No force can open that Pineal Gland or Tomb of Lazarus except Jesus . That is the ” White Stone ” and in the stone a new name written. Inside the skull is the Pineal Gland , the Third Eye · hard – white – atrophied . This is the home of Lazarus . The name Marie means ” pure sea

Tomb of Lazarus – The Kundalini – A Rising Dormant Energy is written with the...

The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault. In Gnosticism, we call the spinal vertebrae canyons or pyramids. Each canyon is related with certain esoteric powers. There are 33 spinal canyons. When the Kundalini fire has already risen through the 33 canyons, then within the Astral Plane, the Staff of the Patriarchs is delivered to the Gnostic. High Initiation is received when the Staff of the Patriarchs has been received. High Initiation is the fusion of the Spiritual Soul with the Innermost. When the Kundalini reaches the pineal gland it opens the church of Laodicea. This chakra has 1,000 splendid, sparkling petals. This is the crown that shines like an aura of light upon the head of the Saints. The atom of the Holy Spirit exists in the pineal gland.

The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault....

The Key to the Great Secret about the Freemasonry letter G actually mean something else. Another secret the Freemasonry and Illuminati keeping for themselves is: The Holy Grail is not a royal or holy bloodline. The Holy Grail is indeed a receptacle, and a receptacle for containing royal or holy blood, but the Holy Grail is not a physical object and the royal holy blood is not real blood. Royal holy blood is available to all of us; this is a royal holy blood that can flow through everyone’s spiritual veins. Royal holy blood is the same substance produced by stage three of the meditation technique.

The Key to the Great Secret about the Freemasonry letter G actually mean something else....

Kundalini Beyond the brain. Kundalini’s job is to lead us beyond the brain/mind, in its physically oriented adolescent form, but Kundalini must use the brain/mind as developed in order to get beyond it. Kundalini is a sacred power that we must approach with humility and respect, not like electricity, a power that is inanimate and can be controlled from the outside. Beyond these six Chakras at the upper termination of the spinal cord, is the thousand petalled lotus

Kundalini Beyond the brain. Kundalini’s job is to lead us beyond the brain/mind, in its...

The key to the kundalini raising is said to bring the kundalini energy up to the pineal gland. The upper brain is the Word and it furnishes all that man contains, or is. Jesus was not a Savior until he was Christed of John in the Jordan. Then he became the “Beloved Son.” Why was the baptism necessary? Because there are two fish, one was Jesus the Carpenter, the man. The other, the Christed Jesus, the Son of God. The Christ substance gave the electric or magnetic power to the seed to cross the nerves at Golgotha without disintegrating or dying.

The key to the kundalini raising is said to bring the kundalini energy up to...

Each chakra represents a higher level of human evolution of awareness. The aim of chakra awareness and meditation is initially to bring the lower chakras into balance with the upper or higher chakras, so that our lives are not conditioned and governed in a mundane existence by lower chakra consciousness. Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result of involvement in the world of illusions and limitations. Their consciousness is imprisoned in the lower chakras. The higher consciousness in the so-called normal person is practically asleep. Some might even say it is non-existent. Only a rare few souls take the initiative to develop beyond conditioned living in ego-consciousness, and seek to regain their freedom by awakening and raising their consciousness to a higher level

Each chakra represents a higher level of human evolution of awareness. The aim of chakra...

Story of David and Goliat. In Biblical terms, Goliath represents “the flesh” and self-aggrandizement. David represents submitting to and serving God ahead of self. God defines right regardless of human strength. David represents faith in the living God and not in his own powers. It was the Spirit of God that empowered David.  Goliath can be beaten with the Kundalini Fire

Story of David and Goliat. In Biblical terms, Goliath represents “the flesh” and self-aggrandizement. David...

ASCENSION Connecting With the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light. You Are the Source of Wisdom Deep within your soul is a wise sage, the source of all wisdom. This in-house counselor” is hidden deep in the recesses of your heart. Like a treasure buried at the bottom of the sea, it can only be used when brought to the surface. You have the capacity to dive deep within, re-cover this treasure, and open it. Only it takes faith in yourself and trust in a higher power

ASCENSION Connecting With the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light. You Are the Source of...

As the evolution of human consciousness gains greater and greater momentum, we are being challenged. on a planetary level. to let go of our present way of life and create a new one. In a sense. our “old world” is dying. and a new world is coming into being. The foundation for life in the new world is built on the understanding that there is a higher intelligence, a fundamental creative power or energy in the universe that is the source and substance of all existence

As the evolution of human consciousness gains greater and greater momentum, we are being challenged....

AN IMPORTANT VITAL ENERGY, Kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine. Kundalin means “coiled,” thus, Kundalini waits like a sleeping snake until awakened, when it appears like a twisting flame. Kundalini begins at the base of the kanda, meaning “bulb,” which represents the lower three chakras.  The Kundalini heats up the lower chakras, which burn like a cooking fire under a pot of stew, releasing healing energies into the upper chakras. It may be awakened through spiritual practice, and because Kundalini is a powerful energy that bridges the body-soul connection, many spiritual aspirants attempt to activate its power

AN IMPORTANT VITAL ENERGY, Kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine. Kundalin means...

There were two Adams—the First Adam created on the first day (emanation) and the Second Adam created on the sixth day. Healing comes through the Second Adam. The six important chakras are positioned horizontally within the astral spine (sushumna nadi). They are transformers for the main dynamo of energy, the seventh and highest chakra, the sahasrara chakra (1,000-petalled lotus), located in the upper brain and beyond

There were two Adams—the First Adam created on the first day (emanation) and the Second...

Enlightenment Now: Liberation Is Your True Nature. Out of Time and Into Enlightenment. THE MOST IMPORTANT MYSTERY that we encounter on our endeavor to be free in this life is that what we seek we already possess. Liberation means freedom from the suffering of uncontrollably recurring rebirth (samsara ) and its causes, while enlightenment brings the ability to help others gain similar freedom

Enlightenment Now: Liberation Is Your True Nature. Out of Time and Into Enlightenment. THE MOST...

To crucify, means to add to or increase a thousand fold. When electric wires are crossed, they set on fire all inflammable substances near them. When the Christed seed crossed the nerve at Golgotha, the veil of the temple was rent and there was an earthquake, and the dead came forth, i. e. the generative cells of the body were quickened or regenerated. The crucifixion or crossing of the life seed gives power to vibrate the pineal gland at a rate that causes the Optic Thalmus to fill the “whole body with light,” and send its vibration out along the optic nerve to the physical eye, and thus heal the blind

To crucify, means to add to or increase a thousand fold. When electric wires are...

With a Kundalini awakening the energy is always with us and is always doing something. It is a permanent spiritual process that has been started and will never stop. A Kundalini awakening is like a full volcanic eruption. Strictly speaking, the awakening of kundalini signifies a sudden or gradual change in the whole function of the brain. This involves the activation of a normally dormant area to add another channel of perception to the already existing senses with which our brain maintains contact with the outer world. The opening of this new supersensory channel, in turn, involves a transformation in the activity of the whole cerebrospinal system, culminating in a change in the very pattern of consciousness

With a Kundalini awakening the energy is always with us and is always doing something....

The Origins and History of Consciousness. John, the evangelist, at the beginning of his gospel, speaks of the word being present at the beginning, and calls a human being conscious of this word a light shining in the darkness, a light that darkness cannot overpower. The infinite can never be overcome by the finite. In the first creation story of Genesis this light of understanding is divided from the darkness

The Origins and History of Consciousness. John, the evangelist, at the beginning of his gospel,...

The Global Elite, also known as the Illuminati, or nowadays as the Bilderberg’s, are simply a group of people who realized what the true nature of our Universe was, eliminated everyone else who knew this information, and used the information to harness the power (chi, ability to do) of the uninformed masses. Their methodology is very mechanical in nature. They use sacred geometry, power points on the Earth, as well as mind control via the media and chemicals. Plus a continuing elimination of those individuals as well as native people and cultures who hold the sacred knowledge of creation.

The Global Elite, also known as the Illuminati, or nowadays as the Bilderberg’s, are simply...

The Crown Chakra isn’t the end för Kundalini. We are the philosopher’s stone. If a million people changed themselves, the world around all of us would change. We are the magnum opus, the work itself. As our vision evolves, the magnum opus evolves, and the magnum opus eventually will create a new magnum opus. There are worlds we have yet to see that we are building already through our daily actions, thoughts, and longing. The Secret of this work required to make the unconscious conscious and to make the invisible manifest

The Crown Chakra isn’t the end för Kundalini. We are the philosopher’s stone. If a...

When the mind gets relieved of mind’s functioning (ideas, thoughts and impressions), it becomes pure mind. If one can hold it and continue holding it, it reaches the highest state of consciousness. Mind becomes one pure consciousness. The pure mind and the pure self are the same. This “no-mind i.e. mind without mind’s functioning” has the capacity to unfold from within the light of Truth or Light of Pure Consciousness. It is Samadhi. It is fusion. It means culmination i.e. reaching the highest point

When the mind gets relieved of mind’s functioning (ideas, thoughts and impressions), it becomes pure...

So when this Sahasrara lotus opens, then the Kundalini pierces through your fontanel and you get your Realization. This is what has happened to you. Now the only thing is to keep this lotus open and there where we fail sometimes because still there are some lingering human feelings within us. Sahasrara is the most beautiful part of your being. It is a big lotus with one thousand petals of different colours appearing like inflated flames

Kundalini is the coiled up, dormant, cosmic power that underlies all organic and inorganic matter...

What is alchemy? The ferment (silver or gold) is not considered to be an “ingredient” of the Stone. The Stone i already developed when we apply the ferment, but it needs to be fermented in order to be used for our purposes. The Stone would be harmful if ingested without being fermented first. The Stone will break down the silver or gold into its own form, but adopt the frequency and stability of the ferment. The life-energy needs to be given an impression of a stable form

What is alchemy? The ferment (silver or gold) is not considered to be an “ingredient”...

Jung said; we have a similar modulation of themes in alchemy — in the synonyms for the lapis. As the materia prima, it is the lapis exilis et vilis (stone poor and vile. Jung takes this from an alchemical work called The Rosarium Philosophorum, a famous series of 20 woodcuts first printed in 1550). As a substance in process of transformation it is servers rubeus or fugitivus (lit. Red man/slave. Red being the rubedo); and finally, in its true apotheosis it attains the dignity of afilius sapientiae (lit. Child of wisdom. Sometimes this is equated with the philosopher’s stone, for Jung the essence of the Individuation Process) or clews terrenus (The image of the sun in the earth, the image of G-d appearing in gold), a “light above all lights,” a power which contains in itself all the power of the upper and nether regions. It becomes a corpus glorificatum (The incorruptible body of resurrection in the Christian tradition) which enjoys everlasting incorruptibility and is therefore a panacea (bringer of healing).

Jung said; we have a similar modulation of themes in alchemy — in the synonyms...

The Illuminati owned all the international banks, petroleum production, the most powerful businesses of industry and trade, they infiltrated politics and education and they owned most governments, or at the very least, they had an exacting control of them. They even had power over the entertainment industry through films, television and especially music. The Illuminati goal of world domination was to be summoned up in one individual, who would rule the world in their name wrapped up in a despotic, tyrannical dictator, whom, at first, will be the total opposite of this. Instead, he will appear to be the Messiah of mankind, with all the answers to the world’s many problems

The Illuminati owned all the international banks, petroleum production, the most powerful businesses of industry...

The shock doctrine is a ratchet; it turns in one direction, then locks in place. It can turn again in the same direction, but can never be reversed. The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators. Elites are aware that their views are not widely accepted in democratic societies. Elites realize their programs must be implemented in small stages over decades to avoid backlash. Shock doctrine is punctuation to otherwise anti-elite sentiment

The shock doctrine is a ratchet; it turns in one direction, then locks in place....

In its hidden state, the kundalini is said to be sheer potentiality. It embraces much more than that. It activates our capacity for unity with everything in life. At the same time, it creates a lot of changes on the bodily level. The vibration of our cells, brain, organs, and blood flow is activated to a new level of light. It nourishes and rejuvenates our entire organism and awakens the capacity of our body to live life fully

In its hidden state, the kundalini is said to be sheer potentiality. It embraces much...

You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind, and spirit. You could also call these the physical, the non-physical, and the metaphysical’. This is the Holy Trinity, and it has been called by many names. Some of your theologians have called this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your psychiatrists have recognized this triumvirate and called it conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. Science calls this energy, matter, and antimatter. Poets speak of mind, heart, and soul. New Age thinkers refer to body, mind, and spirit. Alchemist using terms as make lead to gold – transforming leaden consciousness into golden consciousness. These three phases—arising, enduring, decaying—can be associated with the Three Principles of Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt. Biology speaking about birth – life – death Your time is divided into past. present, and future.  Religion speaking about Hell, Earth, Heaven. Could this not be the same as subconscious, conscious, and superconscious? Space is likewise divided into three: here, there, and the space between.

You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind, and spirit. You could also...

The journey of the kundalini energy to the crown of the head is called the journey of enlightenment. This journey takes place when this serpent wakes up and starts to split and dance around the spine, ionizing the spinal fluid and changing its molecular structure. This action causes the opening of the midbrain and the door to the subconscious mind. Once Kundalini enters into the Brahmaandra . . . the whole of the cranium is illuminated and a new pattern of consciousness is born.” The journey kundalini puts you through is the journey of unification. When the webs that separate chakra from chakra are dissipated, the realization of yourself as a spirit is accomplished.

The journey of the kundalini energy to the crown of the head is called the...

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